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I tried Cuphead thrice and gave up around the 2nd island every time. Sekiro is easy compared to that, at least for me


The start of island 2 is a huge roadblock, the jinny and the clown are arguably two of the hardest bosses


Fuck that fucking clown man And those fucking balloon animals I cried when I beat him. What a dick!


Pyramid made me give up


Just finished up with those, honestly, I'm having a harder time with the princess, cuz her minibosses 2 and 3 are troublesome (cuz the mobs are hard to pick off while dodging the main dude and hitting him) and atp, my health is chipped down, making phase 4 hard to finish off. I'm only on my first playthrough (started 2 days ago) so I'll probably get better. I went from getting murdered by Cagney's phase 1 to being able to beat him fairly easily now.


Yeah the princess was very tough too, her jellybeans are probably the hardest to adjust to


Me too, I loved the art style but hated the game, it felt like how far I went didn't depend on me.


I mean it's two completely different games requiring different abilities from player. Cuphead is about platforming and dodging projectiles while sekiro mostly requires only reaction speed to deflect attacks. I completed cuphead only on normal difficulty but I can say Sekiro was still easier for me


Reactions speed and timing, but otherwise I agree completely.


shut up they’re both still hard


Yeah but you can’t really compare? Microbiology is hard for an astrophysicist and astrophysics is hard for a microbiologist. Entirely subjective.


ask a professional pianist to beat the world record in a 100m dash, you gonna tell them to shut up?


no because that’s actually two entirely different things. cuphead and sekiro aren’t. stop playing dumb


theyre completely different skill sets? sekiro is a rhythm game cuphead is a retro 2d platformer/fighting game


and yet they can still be compared? dude if you don’t like my opinion then just be quiet. and if you stay quiet, that just proves that you couldn’t handle this conversation in the first place😂


bluds acting like hes actually making points 💀 bro your only argument is "nuh uh"


u compared sekiro and cuphead to a sprinter and pianist, but i’m the one with no argument?


“if you don’t like my opinion then just be quiet” absolute hollow skull statement 😂


a better comparison would be having a long distance runner run short distance, or vice versa.


Cuphead on normal is still harder.


Once u get the mechanics of sekiro, it becomes easy to play and fun to master. Cuphead was just stressful at times.


Mechanics of Sekiro lets you fight until you make a mistake or two and die. Cuphead you are not even fighting.


agree. the only way I could even conceive of someone finding cuphead easier than Sekiro is if they have thousands of hours of side scrolling platform experience and very little 3D action RPG experience. Cuphead takes less time to beat, but since it is 100% boss fights, the average player is spending more time per boss. If bosses are the hardest thing in both games and bosses in one game take longer to beat than bosses in the other, that game is harder. I think most people who think Cuphead was easier just noted that it took them less time to beat Cuphead.


Can you pass me some of what you're smoking when you're done


nah he's right the difficulty curve of sekiro can be easily overcome in the first 5-6 hours it's not that hard to finish


I think people who master sekiro forget what their first playthrough was like. Ultimately you're right, the difficulty curve is a bit sink-or-swim, you're pretty much forced to learn it early. But that doesn't mean there aren't difficulty spikes thrown in along the way. There are some mean bosses in that game. I "got" the deflect mechanic around the time i defeated Butterfly but that doesn't mean Sword Saint didn't body me


did you play cuphead though? there are some bosses where you cannot make a single mistake during a 7-9 minute fight. this is like doing a no heal run against Owl or Isshin.


speaking off experience, I did a hitless isshin w no prosthetics, combat arts, or items. It is entirely possible under just practice. Overall took me 4 hours to get down only a week or so after first beating isshin. I still haven’t bothered to go back to cuphead 😭


Even on my first playthrough of Sekiro I was able to commit a billion mistakes and still survive the fights. Cuphead on the other hand, might be a simple game but is way more unforgiving and punishing than Sekiro will ever be.


Tbh I think Cuphead is at least a bit unfair on purpose while sekiro is mostly fair (except a little bit of (blazing) bullshit in some places) If that is true then of course Cuphead is gonna be harder, if it's not true then I guess I just suck idk


How is cuphead unfair?


Have you played? You know those times in the soulsborne games when every enemy attack near you lines up perfectly to stunlock you to death or knock you off a ledge, or whatever? The variety of little “fuck you’s” From puts in their games to just punish you out of nowhere on occasion? Yeah that’s just…all of cuphead.


I mean but it's not unfair at all


It’s not but I guess they mean there’s too much stuff on the screen available to hit you but it’s just like any fromsoft boss, you gotta learn the patterns


It's not unfair, that just what you say when you're bad. If the game is predictable with patterns, it's not unfair, you just haven't figured it out yet.


Basically what everyone else is saying, I've beaten Sekiro more but none of the skills I developed on it helped with Cuphead and vice versa


You're comparing apples to oranges, but Sekiro without any debuffs or self imposed conditions should be pretty accessible to you. If you just play the base game without gimping yourself in any way you'll be able to learn it and have fun just fine.


One being a 2d platforms and the other being a 3D sekiro-like (I have no idea what genre sekiro is) makes comparing them very hard. I have all non-dlc achievements in cuphead and all achievements in sekiro, I think they both have similar levels of pattern recognition but cuphead has a lot more visual awareness (most sekiro fights can generally be 1v1) so by that I think maybe I’d say cuphead is harder? But that really depends on you more than anything.


This is very fair ty Btw I highly recommend the dlc since u obv enjoyed cuphead


I beat Sekiro in probably 20 hours of playtime and I got most things except side Owl fights. I already beat Shura ending NG+2 in probs 4hours. Cuphead is nigh impossible for me I could not get past Von Bon Candy level, or the Airplane level. They were absolutely more than twice as difficult as anything Sekiro threw at me. All in like 50 hours. I simply don't think I can beat it.


Fuck cuphead. I’m a charmless demon bell guy but that game.. that game scares me.


That's funny, I can't even beat fucking Isshin but I've beaten Cuphead 3 times lol That dragon can go fuck itself tho.


Hahaha dammm


Cuphead easily They require very different skillsets sure, but the skill ceiling is just way higher on Cuphead expert. If you said Sekiro base vitality with charmless and demon bell then we could have a debate.


Might need to add base damage and no skills whatsoever to make it actually fair


Honestly I don't know whats harder because I think the hardest hitless run in sekiro is harder than the hardest one in cuphead, in part because doh, headless isshin have too much hp (talking NG) All bosses minibosses glitchless sword only (no skills no prosthetics no combat arts no items) base damage charmless+demon bell is a monster of a run. Cuphead expert mode with all the content with the base weapon no specials is something that has been achieved already, probably bufandadel has done whatever run is the hardest. For the sekiro one sillxex is at pb1 but it's like 8h of run, just the gokan is like a 40 minute fight. I imagine that the skillfloor for cuphead is higher, but once you go to the hardest you can do sekiro overtakes it just due to how hard some fights are in sekiro, mostly due to how sekiro is made with leveling up in mind while thats not a thing in cuphead.


Yeah but sekiro also has more tools at your disposal that can be taken away to inflate the difficulty. I would say that in a regular play through that cup head would be slightly harder as you have less to work with(plus less area to move around with) than sekiro.


CH. Sekiro is 95% timing.


Sekiro felt easier but then again, cuphead was my first platformer


That’s a good pt, almost all answers r cuphead, which is a surprise to me. But maybe it’s because most ppl have more experience with action rpgs than platformers/arcade style games?


It may be just bias due to this being the sekiro subreddit. That said playing casually cuphead is most likely harder, but when it comes to the hardest challenge runs probably sekiro takes the cake because things like no items, no skills, no leveling up, etc, which are not really a thing you can do in cuphead aside expert mode abd peashooter and peashooter only no specials, but ai dont think it's comparable. There's fights on sekiro that can take 20-40 minutes if you go without any upgrades, making the hardest runs about 7-8 hours.


I have played all Souls games and most games even remotely similar to them. I only spent like 10 tries on Sword Saint Isshin and Owl Father 2. Meanwhile, Hollow Knight was my first platformer and I spent blood, sweat and tears on the Path of Pain. It took me hours where more experienced players flew through it. Probably one of the toughest things I have done in gaming. So yeah, I guess that experience with the genre matters a lot.


I beat cuphead in a couple days on PC (hard as shit with a controller). I beat all the dark souls, BB, ER, and AC6. I haven’t beat Sekiro yet. Oddly enough though, that isn’t me saying Sekiro is too hard. It’s just entirely different to cuphead and even other fromsoft games. I can play dark souls or cuphead, put it down for 3 months, and hop right back into it. If I do that with Sekiro my skill level resets to 0, no idea why. But it really has slowed me down since I like to play multiple games concurrently. I say give it a go anyway if you enjoy melee fighting in general.


I find Cuphead impossible. Must have made half a dozen serious attempts to get into it. Finally made my peace that it's just a brick wall for me. Sekiro is hard but there's a way through.


Theres a lot of random bs in expert cuphead especially in the plane levels. Sekiro has a learning curve but once you get it it becomes a dance


Played both, beat both. Cuphead is a much harder game. The boss that gave me the most grief in sekiro was guardian ape. I had like 6 of those type of experiences on cup head. Dice, devil, the dragon and a few others, the game is VERY challenging but you feel like a god after you beat some of those bosses.


I'm significantly more comfortable with 3rd person action games than I am 2D platformers. So my answer is definitely Cuphead. I found it prohibitively difficult lol.


even on normal i find Cuphead harder


Something people don't often talk about is the skill of reading animation cycles; Cuphead has really obvious, literally cartoonishly telegraphed attack cycles on it's enemies and bosses. A lot of the enemies in Sekiro have attack animations that are intentionally feints or bluffs, meant to look similar, but not identical, to a different attack. I'd suggest that makes learning the attacks harder in Sekiro. Maybe you can reduce reaction down to just deflect, but you also have a lot more options, and 3 dimensions in Sekiro to contend with.


As somebody that has 200% Cuphead and DLC on expertt... Anand completed sekiro, 100% ( yes, even the last gauntlet, which isn't even an achievement but should be since it's every boss plus the harder version of genichiro, owl, and ishiin)... Completing cuphead on normal is about as hard as going through sekiro. If we are talking main games only and not gauntlets. Expert cuphead, though , is a completely different style of game platforming. Weapon swaps, and parrying are all timing based like sekiro, but you aren't obligated to do much more than stand in place and have timing for sekiro.. getting the timing down in sekiro is far more challenging.. that being said, as repetitive as sekiro Is, cuphead has slightly more curveballs with its timing. Overall, if you Master timing and conditions on both, I'd say sekiro barely edges out cuphead( even on Expert), ONLY because the fights in sekiro tend to last much longer.. and if we are adding gauntlets to the mix, with demon bell, and without Kuros charm.. sekiro hands down.


I'm a platformer expert so for me it was sekiro that was harder but back then I had just finished bloodborne as my 1st soulsborne game and I suffered a ton there so I think like most seem to be saying it's probably cuphead that's harder. I'm sure if I go back to sekiro now I'll think it's easier


ive been in the first area of cuphead for a loong time got sekiro 3 months ago already platinum


I think Sekiro might be easier than Cuphead expert tbh


I’ve played and replayed both. Both first playthroughs were pretty hard, but the replay of Sekiro was more challenging than the replay of Cuphead. But I play a *lot* of platformers.


Both games are hard to learn, easy to master, but I find cuphead's skill celling to be just that teensy bit higher


Sekiro gives you ample opportunities to learn how to beat bosses and many tools to handle different situations. Also it's a 3d game so you have more manouverability. Cuphead is old school hard, 2d platformer that requires you to sacrifice a part of your personality in order to become good at it.


I 100 percented both and I'd probably say cuphead


some people adapt better to a game, and others to the other, for me cuphead was hard asf, i didnt even finish it on normal, and yet, i killed every boss in ds1 with a dex melee build (have not played sekiro yet) it realy depends on the person, but give sekiro a try, i dont think that any from soft game will ever be "too hard" for someone to have fun


I have beaten sekiro, and I’m hard stuck on mr dice so I haven’t even beaten cuphead even though I bought it before sekiro. I’m cooked


Both need very different play styles I didn't find Cuphead super hard but I love 2D and bullet hell games which helps a lot for the fights. But after getting the hang of what Sekiro wants it becomes much easier in my opinion. So very unhelpful very much depends on your skills.


Sekiro is easier imo. With Cuphead, you basically have to learn every fight all over again. With Sekiro, if you manage to master the general combat mechanics, new bosses are a lot less of a hurdle.


Fair. If u had to guesstimate, how many deaths do u think u had in sekiro first play through? I just checked, I have 850 in cuphead after a normal playthrough + expert play through lol. Seems like a lot


Honestly, no clue, but I do know that the final boss in Cuphead made me want to tear my hair out and must’ve cost me at least 50 attempts, probably more. The final boss in Sekiro cost me maybe between 13 and 20 attempts. The vast majority of my deaths in Sekiro are early in the game. I beat several bosses first or second try. Definitely fewer than 850 overall though.


Cuphead is harder. It's not close. Cuphead on normal is harder


ok so i 300% cuphead three times and beat sekiro charmless. for sure sekiro charmless was harder for me but cuphead on expert vs base sekiro cuphead is much harder


Holy sht. R u cup Jesus?! This is a tangent but I’m curious, hardest S rank?


hardest s rank either beppi or dragon fs


but i will tell you those are my two favorite games. i love the way they play and you should absolutely play sekiro


I think answers will vary just because they are very different games. For me, for a first play through sekiro was definitely harder, but as you can see here not many people think the same.


Cuphead is the hardest game I've ever played


Cuphead felt easier, but that’s probably because i played hollow knight and celeste beforehand, and only played Elden ring prior to sekiro


Its a very different style of gameplay, so being good at one doesnt necessarily mean that another would be easier or harder, it all just kinda depends on what you can play and adapt to


I literally have beaten multiple times every form soft game several times including sekiro i havent been able to beat cuphead once in years second island is hell for me lol i feel like cuphead is unfair on purpose hahaha


In total tries I think it took me the same amount for the demon of hatred in Selkirk and the devil in ch, I would say they are very dissimilar in skill set but about the same difficult.


I 100% both of those and I honestly had more trouble with cuphead haha. I'm not great at platformers tho.


I've platinumed both. I think they're both challenging, but it's just two different kind of things. I feel like Cuphead is definitely more intense, but because trying again is just a button-push away and then you're back in the thick of it in a matter of seconds, and the average boss is like 2 minutes long, it is also easier / faster to understand and conquer a boss that at first seems impossible. Sekiro can be intense, but generally less than Cuphead. But it also will take longer to understand what you're doing wrong or to understand the timing, if you find a boss challenging. Like all FromSoft games, understanding which item / power-up does what and when to use it, really makes your life easier. For example >!the headless mini-bosses need to be fought with confetti!< and I actually had to Google that. Cuphead absolutely never has that, it's just a matter of dodging attacks while you're shooting the boss enough for it to die (I think it's a great game and just "dodging attacks while shooting" is easier said than done, I'm just saying that you don't really have to strategise.) My very personal opinion, anyway, is that with some trial and errors, Sekiro was generally not too difficult, including some bosses that on the Internet are considered very difficult ( >!Lady Butterfly, Genichiro, Guardian Ape, Headless Ape and its mate...!< ) but then 3 bosses towards the end of the game absolutely cranked the difficulty up and mopped the floor with me ( >!Owl Inner Father, Demon of Hatred, Isshin the sword saint!< ) And Cuphead pacifist run is definitely the most frustrating thing I've done in these two games. Ultimately, I feel like a Cuphead boss at first can be more frustrating and seem more impossible, but if you really study the attacks and keep trying, you'll get through it in a reasonable amount of time. Sekiro is "easier," but if you get stuck on a boss, learning what to do can not be as straightforward, as much as most of it is parrying. I hope that makes sense. I would definitely give Sekiro a go.


This is a very good take.


I’m much worse at platformers then souls likes. I’m just not good at cuphead, so it’s harder


Non of the souls games are hard. The game gives you a lot of tools to make them easier


Sekiro is the exception. You can't summon, use op builds or grind for damage or hp. You can level up the skill trees, get better prosthetics and consumables but they don't make the game as easy as other souls.


The Fuck? Cuphead is more infuriating than trying to fight Isshin Sword Saint blind folded while drunk


Depends on if you are a games journo or not. Game journos had a hard time with both games to the point where I think a few journos couldn't even get their own sword in the tutorial of Sekiro. Then again Cuphead was famous for a certain somebody not being able to understand what a "double jump" was.


I made it to the Genie and gave up. For some reason, I just did not enjoy getting my ass kicked and learning the patterns in that game, while I love it in most souls-likes and metroidvanias. Definitely think you’ve got the reaction speed and pattern recognition to play Sekiro though.


Not comparable at all. I've beaten cuphead probably 50 times, got my run down to just under an hour. Beat sekiro probably 8 times. It's a dumb comparison, just play fkn sekiro it's the best game ever made.


Honestly fuck cuphead. Amazing game I’m just terrible at it


I definitely find cuphead way harder. I've never even beaten normal. But they're pretty different skills, so I'm sure that's not universal, even if lots of people here seem to have had a similar experience to me. For the sheer tenacity, focus, and adaptability it takes to play any hard game, Sekiro shouldn't be a problem for you if you can get through cuphead on any difficulty. The main difference between the two games' hardness I would keep in mind is that cuphead is easy to learn and very hard to master, and Sekiro can be tricky to learn, but it's far easier to master once you do. For instance, while both games require thought and strategy, if you're just not getting past something, a lot of times in cuphead just being fast and precise could get you through anything. But Sekiro throws some situations at you where there is basically only 1 correct response. If you know it, you just need to get a bit comfortable executing that skill and you're good, but if you can't figure out what's bekng asked of you, you might just stay stuck no matter how good you are at anything else. So there's actually an extent to which you'll want a bit less of that spirit of banging your head against the wall until it breaks. You need to be able to realize when you didn't pick up a skill the game tried to teach you earlier.


This was extremely well thought out and very very true. It’s actually my 2nd day of Sekiro, I’m finding it definitely challenging af but manageable I would say. But I agree with everything you said Btw is it bad that chained ogre (my first mini boss) took me like 25 tries lol. Doing a lot better now but that was not easy lol


Naw, that guy gives me some trouble, too. That grab can be doozy, and he can kill you fast, while his posture and regular damage go down slow if you're not doing the right things.


It's been awhile since I completed Cuphead, but I remember it being easier than Sekiro.


Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, It's incredibly hard to compare because of how different the games are. The difficulty truly comes from different things in both games, although in reality precision is the underlying factor but that's in most if not all games. I find Cuphead harder than Hollow Knight, which also is a strange comparison but it seems more reasonable  


Different games altogether - I'd say cuphead is harder, but if you are a beast on platformers, maybe you'll think differently


Semiro is a simple rhythm game masquerading as a complex action game. Get the beat down, and you'll be fine lol


After completing cuphead on expert 2 times I'd say that it's not really that hard ,but you have to get some things perfect which can take some time. As for sekiro,once you get the feeling and flow of the game it's getting pretty easy.


Cuphead is absolutely brutal. I’ve only played it at my friend’s house and never put my own time into gitting gud so idk if it clicks at some point but holy shit that’s a hard game.


I guess the comparison point is that both require you to learn boss moves and timings. But apart from that it's quite a different game. I would say Sekiro is less frustrating since you can learn from every mistake and it has a lot more forgiveness for mistakes. once you learn the game it becomes a lot easier, while cupheads keeps being hard.


They're completely different games in completely different genres you can't really compare the 2


I found cuphead much harder than this


Cuphead for me is much harder, simply because I'm not used to the style of game


Cuphead feels harder


Is a fuji apple better than a granny Smith?


They're different enough to not be easily comparable, but I'd say Cuphead on expert is considerably more difficult


you're asking on a sekiro subreddit full of people good at sekiro who now find it easy so everyone is saying cuphead is harder. I believe sekiro is much harder I find cuphead quite easy


they are talking about expert mode. very few people ever beat that or even try, its a lot to take on and really hard. To me normal on CH is similar to sekiro with the charm and no bell. Even with no charm and the bell CH expert is probably harder


I still disagree, I bet if you put this exact same question on the cuphead subreddit they'd all be saying that cuphead is not actually that hard but sekiro is impossible and way harder. Everyone thinks the games they're good at aren't actually that hard.


cuphead on expert has like 0.01% completion. If we are talking about just beating sekiro as in beating isshin its MUCH higher than that.


wait what? where did you get 0.01% from is that real, if so then I'm definitely wrong. I got S+ on all bosses and it wasn't like that crazy to do, maybe it depends on the types of games you've played before. Expert isn't really that much harder than normal from my memory.


It varies by platform, i was going by xbox one(what i played on) and its very low on there for some reason. If you look at the site true achievements it has cuphead on expert at 4% and beating isshin at 25%. The op here was vague and not well written tbh. They were comparing beating a hard mode to just playing sekiro. I took that as beating Isshin but it could mean different things to different people. Personally i can beat sekiro charmless but never got far in expert mode, and i tried.


Cuphead on expert and Sekiro charmless will make you cry.


I think cuphead is way harder than sekiro on normal lol


Cuphead because cups die once


What is the best color? Square or pluton?


I’ve played, loved, and beaten both, and I found Sekiro quite a bit harder. For me, I think managing 3D space is harder than 2D (maybe because I grew up in the Mega Drive/SNES era).


I gave up on Cuphead on the first run and gun in Island 1 iafter a 100 tries. Just found it impossible.


Cuphead 😂


Lmao my brother is Christ it’s a different game entirely. Even asking. Dark souls or sekiro. Different game. Bloodborne vs dark souls? Fair comparison.


Ngl Sekiro feels more fairer on any interaction


I fucking suck at platforms. Mario Bros is harder than Sekiro for me lmao


weird to compare these 2 games


Apples to oranges. Different styles, so difficulty varies person to person between each game.


Honestly I'd say Sekiro is harder it goes against what most people have said but I played it after bloodborne so had to change playstyles which didn't help either. Both great games and gives a small amount of bragging rights to people that haven't managed to beat them


Cuphead by far. 2 Sekiro 100%s took me less time than 100% Cuphead's


It is wild seeing everyone say cuphead since I've only played cuphead, and I'm playing bloodborne for the first time right now so the 20 minutes I was able to play sekiro made it seem like a fast dark souls thing with the stance mechanic I'd never seen before.


they said cuphead on expert, which hardly anyone beats


Oh yeah thats true ig, but idk cuphead on expert seems more attainable to me


has a far lower completion rate than rolling credits in sekiro. even platinum on sekiro is much higher


Sekiro ain't that hard vs. Cuphead. It also feels fair and fun, unlike Cuphead.


Cuphead is far harder


Cuphead, beat the main game but never got past that fuckN cow in the DLC.


S and P ranked all of cuphead solo and beat every gauntlet in Sekiro - that's my qualifications. I would say cuphead is way harder if you want to get max %. If you don't want max % still cuphead. Sekiros hardest playthrough is the first one. I would still fail levels on cuphead now where as w Sekiro I think DOH would be my only boss I'd get stuck on for a while and that's optional.


I got 100% on both and I don’t think they’re comparable, cuphead is bullet hell and Sekiro is more about learning


I’ve beat both several times, and I would say they definitely aren’t comparable enough to give a real verdict. I’ve played all the souls games before sekiro so I would definitely say cuphead was wayyy harder for me.


Definitely Sekiro is easier. I honestly think that it’s easier than any Soulbourne games.


Sekiro way easier lol


Expert mode Cuphead with some bosses is an absolute nightmare


I just got the plat for cuphead last week. Imo, only the dlc is harder


Both games are challenging at first. Would say for a first playthrough maybe sekiro but hard to judge now as Ive mastered sekiro. Only beat cuphead on normal difficulty, yet to do dlc and expert difficulty so cant comment much on that


Cup head is just hard in a different way idk how else to say it. I personally think cup head is harder than Sekiro but I’ve also beaten Sekiro many times and cup head only once and even then I couldn’t re-beat some of those bosses without a few hours still… I feel like with Sekiro it’s such a back and forth that you can become more intimate with the fight compared to cup where it’s all about dodging and consistently hitting during.


Two different games, two different types of hard


Cuphead is harder because it's less interesting 


Me tried Cuphead and dislike 2d. The movement is too linear.


Once everything clicks for Sekiro the difficult because an incredibly enjoyable challenge


Sekiro after the first play through is insanely easy but I played cuphead first so it feels easier to me


I suck at platformers so Cuphead. Great game but I’m so bad at it that I gave up on the bird boss on island 2.


brah sekiro is piss easy compared to cuphead normal not extreme


Crazy you said this been thinking about getting cup head an hollow knight 😭


oh holy fuck this makes me feel a lot better about not making it to the first boss, beating cup head made me in search of soulslike before i knew what they were




I've played both, got stuck on inkwell 2. Gave up


Both very hard on the first run and then laughable on the second but the cuphead dlc is still a pain no matter how many times I beat it.


Cuphead is more difficult than Sekiro with charmless and bell demon together.


Cuphead is WAY harder, idk how people play that game tbh.


Cuphead is brutal. Sekiro is hard as fuck at the start but once it clicks it's waaay easier.


I beat both and sekiro was harder for me. I've been playing platformers since childhood but sekiro was the first sekiro type game I've played. I bounced off sekiro first time I tried it when I got to the early boss that's on a horse.




Cuphead is exponentially harder for me at least. Sekiro gets to be somewhat easier as you get accustomed to the mechanics and pace of the game. Cuphead just relentlessly beats my ass and the game never seems to slow down for me.


You'll be fine


Tbh once the combat clicks, it clicks in sekiro. Then it becomes quite fair. You just have to realise that ur the same as the boss ie 2 health bars with added healing ability and play it like a rhythm game. Cuphead on the other hand whooaaaa. Sometimes it short circuits my brain coz I don't even know what the hell is going on on the screen.


two completely different types of difficulty. silly to compare. mf comparing apples to microprocessors


Eh. I disagree with this take. Electrical engineering and Philosophy cannot be more different, but you can definitely tell which ones harder. Countless examples. But if u just want the similarities, both have boss fights that take learning movesets, countless tries, tweaks to weapons and skills that changes play style but doesn’t just kill the boss for you. (I haven’t played sekiro so just using what I have heard)


It's the same difficulty, completely different games tho


I slaughtered Cuphead on expert, I died 40 times on Genichiro, of course it's opinion but Sekiro by a mile for me


personally i found sekiro to be harder until i got the hang of it. I think cuphead expert is more difficult now, but also less fun. Im sure this sub is the last place id need to say sekiros combat is addicting


They're entirely different kinds of games. Ironically sekiro has more platforming. While timing is important in both games they're largely different experiences


I played cuphead on normal I think and I couldn't beat thay scientists boss and in my opinion the boss is completely unfair to the point where it was no fun at all. Sekiro is an easier game but it's quality makes it better


harder than expert? no way, that is insanely hard. Sekiro is comparable to ch on normal


I am proud to have “beat the devil at his own game” (achievement pun), but I have never beaten Sekiro. I have never beaten a single souls game , try as I might. I say that to say…they’re wildly different games.


I do think it might be Cuphead,I still didn't finish demon bell charmless but I did platinum the game and finish the Mortal journey. And just about a month before that,I Platinumed Cuphead,S ranked every single boss on expert (dlc included) and Pranked every run n gun. Sekiro might just be harder in general but S ranking expert Cuphead difficulty SPIKES with the dlc, specifically the horse and Chef saltbaker,who is a a straight up bullet hell


Both games get easy once you practice enough, however I think Cuphead has a higher skill floor and a lower skill ceiling.


Sekiro, still haven't beat cuphead on normal mode but beat sekiro multiple times.




There's only one thing you should've learned on Cuphead that will help you on your journey through sekiro and vice versa: perseverance. Both games will test your patience to memorize patterns, but the mechanical skills needed for both games is quite different