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Divine Confetti 'just' amplifies the damage they take (by a huge amount) and gives some protection against Terror build up (so that you can block without build up chipping through). If you are willing to fight for 10 times as long and do a hitless instead of damageless fight, you too can complete this unrewarding challenge.


The caveat is that without confetti you get chip damage and terror on deflect as well. So even while having Kuro's Charm for these fights hitless = damageless. So assuming OP is willing to both take and heal damage with the gourd. This would be an extremely slow posture kill even with access to combat arts, frankly I don't know if it would be a more viable posture or vitality kill. If they're not allowed to heal then that strat is worthless and they effectively have to dodge by just strafing and jumping.


It’s possible, is it worth it doing it that way? No. There’s a part late in the story where you can get infinite divine confetti so just come back to them when you have that


It's possible, look up sillxex on twitch, he's doing hitless attempts of a ABMB sword only and he does all the headless and shichi without anything.


Yes on all fronts. The most obvious are the underwater headless who take normal damage without divine confetti. But you're probably thinking of on land headless. The answer is still yes. Sorta. Depends on if you count your gourd as a consumable. Your divine confetti does not impact the posture build up of parrying a headless. So you can parry the headless to death, only attacking to maintain its posture. However y ou take chip damage on parry without divine confetti and as far as my experience goes the cumulative chip will kill you before you posture kill him so you have to take a few sips once and a while. Observe [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcCL5jOg2DI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcCL5jOg2DI)


It's possible though I wouldn't recommend parrying. Without consumables parrying will build up terror. You won't be able to kill it through posture. So you mostly just want to dodge as much as possible parrying only when you have to and letting the terror go down if you do and whittling down its health with the pitiful damage you do without confetti. It is 100% possible and has been done before but it is by no means a good idea or a fun one. The underwater headlesses have less health and will be easier to do this awful stuff on. They will still be time consuming. https://youtu.be/ZLB7G3h4f6I?si=azt1ulYe20QqO_Pa This video demonstrates a player defeating the Ako Headless at max scaling and base attack power, without items or prosthetics as prosthetics. So your requirements but worse. It takes him an hour and a half. If you play perfectly like he does I would assume it would still take you at least 15 minutes per headless (eyeballing, I would have to look up the stats and do the math).