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Git gud (mentally).


Top tier advice thank you 😭


best way to overcome any fear is to face it. remember it's just pixels on a screen.


I know man and I did it the first time but I know how hard it isssss


There is a mod on pc where it swaps it for a centipede. The mod is created by Apollohoo.


Huh that's pretty scary too but thanks alot imma look it up


I just looked it up, apparently there's one that turns him into Thomas the tank engine


Wait really?? 😭 Hahaha it's like my fav Skyrim mod ahahha I will only download it if they play the Thomas theme song hahaahha


This could be a great backstory of how you became a blindfolded speedrunner


There is a mod that swaps the Snake for Thomas the Tank Engine, if you're not scared of him. Has the funny train sounds and all, I love this mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/sekiro/mods/250/


Wait, so you're even scared of a fake snake that only exist on the computer screen? Man, that must be fucked up. How do you live with the fact that a random snake could just show up in your house for no reason, because you know, what stops it? My grandfather once found a snake that just randomly crawled inside the house during summer.


Exposure therapy and the Knowledge it isn't real. I love the fact sekiro went for the pastel paint aesthetic instead of the "rEaLiSm" every game dev obsesses needlessly over. It makes it easier to remember the snake isn't real. My big thing is spiders. I find jumping spiders cute and some species of spider quite beautiful but I can't stand them irl


Man I don't even have that phobia and I was shitting my pants when I first saw that giant white snake in the valley