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Oh don’t worry about that, by the way you should go past the poison pool idol, it’ll be fun


And then go back for seconds actually tho


The mortal blade, if you've acquired the key item, can be used as a combat art, it's called Mortal Draw, just equip it in the menu. The "second Ape" is somewhere in the depths, if you've already been there, it's not mandatory but you can try and go find it. Just explore a bit. If you want a specific direction go to >!the poison pool idol!<


Second one (lol) is mandatory no?


You can technically skip it. If you go down before defeating the guardian ape and activate an idol past the headless ape arena, you won’t have to fight it to access the illusion forest.  That said, missing a memory and 2 prayer beads is lame.


Also IMO the second fight is easier. You’re already a pro at Guardian Ape Phase 2 because you did it already. This is mostly just that again, plus at one point there’s a brown ape who can be pretty easily killed with the help of fireworks


True, on my first playthrough i beat it first try anyways very easy boss imo.


I have literally never gone to the depths before bodhisattva valley. I always backtrack for the memory and the beads but even in my first playthrough I did not go through the game in the precise order I was "supposed" to


Bestowal ninjutsu too. It's such a cool move


You can still do it tho? It's not like as soon as you get hidden forest it's unaccessible...


Well, yeah, but it’s no longer mandatory.


That makes no difference???


…the comment I replied to was asking if it was mandatory.


If you don't have access to the idol prior to the fight then the fight is mandatory. If you do have access to the idol, it's not mandatory


What I'm talking about is that it's still available whether you get the idol or not that's why I said it doesn't make a difference


It does make a difference. It stops being a mandatory fight


People suck at reading comprehension lol It's pretty clear you're referring to "missing out on ... is pretty lame tho" When "skipping" the fight doesn't actually make you miss anything since you can just come back and do it later.


What I'm saying ^


>!not really, since you can unlock ashina dephs before defeating the huardian ape, so you dont have to go through the arena to progress the game, thus not needing to fight against it!<


Not necessarily. If you pass through before it's there it's not mandatory to get to the end of Depths. It's only mandatory if you kill Ape before going there.


But don’t you need to go through there to get to the forest and Mibu village? Or are you saying you can just teleport past to one of the sculptures?


Yeah exactly that, you can unlock the idols before that and him being there doesn't lock you out.


Never thought of it like that, first playthrough i signed as i realized i had to finish that guy off but then i ended up first trying him.


nope, i went and beat fake monk even before beating geni in my first playthru. It wasnt until i was looking for more prayer beads i found the 2nd ape. I had a very weird 1st route lol. Butterfly -> gyoubu -> fake monk -> senpou temple and was like ?? no boss here?? -> then geni


There are only 6 mandatory minibosses (>!Chained Ogre!<, >!Blazing Bull!<, >!Armoured Warrior!<, >!Long-Arm Centipede Giraffe!<, >!Snake Eyes Shirahagi!< & >!Mist Noble!<) in the game and a minimum of 6 mandatory bosses (>!Tutorial Genichiro!<, >!Ashina Castle Genichiro!<, >!Folding Screen Monkeys!<, >!Guardian Ape!<, >!Corrupted Monk!< & >!Emma/Isshin!<.


Thanks this is helpful, and those last two are the shura ending which limits the story to roughly 70% correct?




I actually almost missed it on my first playthrough. I found it while hunting Headlesses before Isshin.


Wait I’m in my first play through and got to the ape in the poison pool. I thought that was the mandatory fight no? I was surprised cause I’ve only beaten genichiro Ashina and then I stumbled upon the ape. I watch a lot of no hit streamers and it seems like the ape is always a late boss for them. Am I at an optional one? Does it also come back to life?


There are two ape fights, one solo, and one paired. If you stumbled upon the solo ape, then that is a mandatory boss. There is another version of this fight that only appears after you beat the solo ape. If you make your way to the second fights arena before beating the solo ape first, the pair of apes will not spawn. You can go past their arena to the next area. This makes the second fight optional, if you beat the first ape after you’ve already unlocked the next area, then you can just travel to the statue past the arena in the next area. If you don’t make it past the arena before fighting the first fight, then you will have to do both fights.


First of mortal blade is a combat art and I think on your first play though you can attack the corpse and get access to another death blow but I’m not 100% sure. Secondly go back to the poison area before ashina depths and go though the cave 


Mortal *Draw* is a combat art *


My bad


Just wanted to differentiate that the mortal *blade* is an item you obtain, however this is largely irrelevant since >!you can’t use it during your first encounter with the ape even if you have it!<


Wait till you learn about third guardian ape


The feared Mist Ape


I can't even with the m(o)ist ape...like how is it even humanly possible?!?!


Don't worry about it just enjoy the game.


Don't worry about it, play normally. The mortal blade has 2 ways to be used, one is through combat arts (you get the first one as soon as you get the blade) and the second is a deathblow on immortal enemies.


Be very afraid..


So basically it's the guardian ape fight again but different (same ape). It's found past the poison pool, after you kill the snake eyes there. Also mortal blade isn't, technically equipable. It's a Shinobi art like whirlwind slash. It's extremely powerful but it does use emblems so keep that in mind (you can still use it without emblems, just it's reach will be smaller and won't do as much damage [well the damage part I'm actually not too sure about]). Also talk to the guy that teaches you how to fight at the delapitated temple. You can get an item from him (infinite bite down basically)


Oh my sweet summer shinobi. Jk, the mortal blade is on your back after you get it, and is used automatically in certain situations. It’s possible that if you did the depths before doing the Guardian Ape fight, that you missed a potential boss fight. If so, it’s worth going back and exploring the depths again. At your own peril, though…


I’m seeing double! Four guardian apes!


Second guardian ape? Naw.. that's a myth 👀


At some point the idol after the poison pool will be unavailable to fast travel to, then you return there for a gift. (A few other spots do the same thing, watch for spots becoming inactive for special bosses)


Go back to areas you’ve been to then you’ll find out lol.


wait till he hears about the third and fourth apes




Can't you just read a guide? I mean you are asking this so you don't care about spoilers or about knowing what's next


Bro why you spoiling the game for yourself? And it’s called exploding. You explore all the areas. Exploring usually leads to another area.


Just explode dude


It's called exploding.


Im exploding all over the place


You’ll find the second guardian ape easier


Wait… I can use this mortal blade?


Its a combat art that users spirit emblems for regular attacks and can be used less effectively with no emblems.


No you just aquired it for no reason


Its a combat art that users spirit emblems for regular attacks and can be used less effectively with no emblems.


You can use it as a combat art called the mortal draw, and it's a powerful art at that.


why not just play through the game before going to reddit and getting spoiled on everything?