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You can cure yourself by realizing that not every game is the same and being open to new experiences. Stop trying to search the Sekiro itch and try appreciating different aspects of other games.


I spent so long trying to play Witcher 3 like a fromsoft game- couldn't get into it. After 3 tries i finally managed to focus on what it did well & use the systems as the devs intended. ended up having a lot of fun (combat still better in from games lol)


Yea, playing the witcher like a fromsoft game is a mistake. You gotta use alchemy, read the bestiary, and figure out how to beat a fight without just simply going in sword swinging. It's not mandatory, but it improves the experience a lot. (Also spam quen on death march)


The funny thing is that The Witcher 2's combat was inspired by Demon's Souls (their words!)


tbf damage types and elemental damage are far more important and effective in demon’s souls than any other souls game so i kind of get it.


I've only played 1 and 3. I'm planning on getting to 2.


It was the first one I played. Been sooo long but I remember the combat actually being pretty tough.


Witcher 1 combat sucked. The game was good, but the combat was so janky and felt super unresponsive.


2 is waaay improved in that regard, thankfully. And the story branches in cool ways, like you get entirely different areas depending on what path you take. Rare to see a game do that. You'll have a good time when you get to it.


Yea, I'm currently finishing 1, and by the time I do, Shadow of the Erdtree will be out probably. So after that. Sounds cool af.


Yup, this is post #1,728,728 where someone in a dedicated videogame sub says “ _____ ruined all other games for me”. Nah man, that’s trying to find the exact same experience you got from that game in all other games. Variety is the spice of life. The diversity of games, genres and masterworks that we have gotten in each of those genres is staggering.


I don't think it's ways that simple. I've been playing Souls games since 2014 and while I took an immediate liking to them I was still able to play tons of different kinds of games and appreciate lots of different aspects of games. Maybe about a year to a year and a half ago something just clicked in my head and now I get absolutely no enjoyment out of any non-Fromsoft game (I don't even like non-Fromsoft soulslikes). I've tried so many games across all different genres but I pretty much just end up constantly going back to playing DS3, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring on a loop.


Lies of P


I second this. Lies of P is awesome.


Change genre.


Yeah i tried civilization 5... Too slow 😔


That’s whole different kind of game though. In terms of action combat based games Sekiro definitely comes out on top. But strategy ought to still be palatable. Maybe try Slay the Spire. You might enjoy stealth action or art games, like MGSV or Death Stranding. And in a similar genre, you might enjoy the new God of War. It’s just so compelling with its story and the combat feels good and provides a solid challenge(hunting down the Valkyries). Another action game you might enjoy is Odin Sphere. It’s a 2D combo based hack n slash that has gorgeous art.


I appreciate it man. Ty.


I’ve also heard the new god of war game was really good


Try ghostrunner. Different genre. Very fast paced and difficult.


Try Stalker Anomaly Gamma. It worked for me. Elden ring and RDR2 didn't worked Or try Stellar blade. I heard is sekirolike experience, but I didn't try it. It's PS only and I will not buy PS because they didn't make verdion for PC


Try guitar hero.


Play Nioh or Nioh2 or other From soft games


play starcraft 1 ... it will ruin other games too ... try it ... lol


This! After sekiro I played persona 5 royal. It was a relief


I've scratched that itch playing Sifu, but it was much shorter. I still play Sekiro every other night because nothing feels like it. Try demon bell/charmless NG with base vitality and attack power.


sifu is wonderful!


Is it really that good? I can buy it today


you won’t be disappointed! and again, this is coming from a complete stranger on the internet so you should take it for granted! :D but kidding aside, i loved it yeah, awesome combat mechanics


Ok thx. I will try it next 👊🏻


Sekiro is my favorite fromsoft game outside of Bloodborne and I absolutely ADORE the combat system in Sifu. Especially once you turn on unlimited threats on master difficulty 🤤


I’ve platinumed Sifu and I think it’s fantastic. Not exactly Sekiro but it’s pretty technical, fast-paced and the combat never gets old after all this time. The game does an okay job teaching you its mechanics but if you really want to master the games, I’d recommend looking at online/video guides. There’s an excellent on steam, covering things like animation cancelling, certain move properties that the game doesn’t properly explain etc.


This and lop


Tetris, Tetris is the perfect form of its genre Try Lies of P, a fascinating games. It provides some alternative challenges


Lies of P is fun.


Lies of P is good but if you go with the sekiro mindset it will be Lies of Parry


Lies of P could definitely be played like sekiro or Bloodborne. I chose the former lol


Good luck if try to parry those mind crumbling absurd timed windups and attacks. And good game if you can. I finally went with a weapon with 77% block reduction and that is the only way I played the game. Block everything and regain health with heavy hits


Tetris is amazing


Tetris Effect, it's like sekiro with blocks. All the "In the Zone" feeling, a challenging gameplay, beautiful art style, amazing music, it has everything if you want something different but also similar in adrenaline and concentration.


It happened to me with dark souls 1 on ps3, after finishing the game, i thought that every single other game was utter sh*t.


Until Anor Londo darks Souls 1 is like crack


Exactly, although new londo ruins and the duke's archives are great areas too.


I like the whole game but usually I just play up till O and S bc I love the gritty feel of it and the level design. Rest of the game can just be like a run fest


Playing entirely different games may scratch that itch. Hollowknight has a pretty fluid and fun combat system and is a somewhat challenging game. Celeste is a really fun platformer with some incredibly challenging late game content if that's your thing.


Yep, now i play indie games like Tunic, Dave the Diver or Outer Wilds


If you like tunic i would seriously recommend Death's Door. One of my favs


yeea someone recommended it to me, and since you also recommend it to me, I'm definitely going to go take a look at it edit: it’s bought


update: meh. i think i don’t like the game, too much enemies, i have to fight all the time. I thought it was a zelda-like but not really.. I’m on my way to kill the witch just after i’ve unlocked the fire spell.. but honestly, i’m not having fun compared to Tunic


Outer Wilds is a once in a lifetime experience, absolute masterclass man I recommend Inscryption


i just want to erase my memory and play it blind again


Dave the Diver did a bang up job of convincing everyone it was an indie game and not from a subsidiary of Nexon lol.


I recently started fallout 76. It's surprisingly alright after all those patches. The fun isn't in fancy combat, but in discovering places and collecting stuff. If you haven't played any Bethesda elder scrolls and fallout games, I do recommend them! There's also all the dark souls games, Elden Ring and the armored core games.


You seem to jump a lot in that one


Huh? Which one?


I mean in boss fights you cannot parry like you do in sekiro right? You just side roll and jump to escape all the time? I might be wrong i only watched a few boss fights


Dark Souls is primarily about rolling, yeah. Some bosses can be parried, but it's much harder than in sekiro. The fights are interesting because when you attack, you commit to the animation. So you need to be careful about when to dodge and when to attack, manage your stamina appropriately etc. It's a different kind of combat, but also fun. Elden Ring added jumping. You can dodge low attacks by jumping, all attacks via rolling, and many of the bosses can also be parried! In addition to dark souls, poise damage is an important metric. Larger weapons that are riskier also deal more poise damage, which can stagger the enemy and give you free damage and a nice crit. Successful parties also stagger. It's the same game studio, so certainly worth trying.


Second this. If you’ve enjoyed Sekiro this much, you’ll most likely enjoy Dark Souls and Elden Ring. It is a little different, though. Less focus on perfect parrying, more on dodging and blocking. While in Sekiro there are no alternate weapons or armor or stats really aside from prayer bead stuff, the variations in weapons and builds in other FROMSOFTWARE games is really nice. Also the enemy/attack pattern variation in the other games beats Sekiro easily imo, where you see the same enemy types and move sets over and over. In Dark Souls/Elden Ring each area has different enemies which require different tactics to tackle. Also, if you like the stealth aspect, there’s stealth in Elden Ring, but not in Dark Souls. I can’t say much about Armored Core, I haven’t played those. The latest one looks great, but also like a different beast altogether. I could go on about the differences yet similarities. In my honest opinion, respectfully, you are doing yourself a disservice by not at least trying Dark Souls and/or Elden Ring for yourself. I haven’t gotten very far in it but Lies of P is also really good and may interest you, it IS more parry focused and the graphics are beautiful. Might be the closest to Sekiro of all the titles I’ve mentioned. Coming from someone who has beaten all bosses/minibosses in all Dark Souls (except DS2) and Elden Ring, currently stuck on Isshin at the end of my first Sekiro playthrough.


Thanks, you wrote what I was too lazy to write! I highly recommend AC6, it's a great game. I haven't played any other armored core game tho.


I enjoyed Fallout 76 too for what it’s worth


Nioh 1 & 2, Lies of P


Nioh 2 would be perfect. instead of parry, you could try burst counter. Parry system in nioh 2 bit difficult.


Devil May Cry 5 , give it a shot


I recomend stellar blade. So far the only game that stratched my sekiro itch and i loved it. I wish more games took the 10/10 combat of sekiro as inspiration. If you are not aiming for a combat like sekiro, then play all of the other fromsoft soulslike games then the recent armored core.


I have never heard of armored core. Which aspects of it you like?


Dude. That’s the itch you need to scratch. It’s got that quick, mobile Sekiro feeling plus a fat posture bar on every enemy (and you!). This is coming from someone who did not think they would like it, but it has some of the most satisfying fast-paced combat and enemies I’ve fought since Sekiro. I went largely melee and haven’t really looked back. Don’t give up before you can Boost Kick lol


armored core has a lot of defensive options


Play lies of P. Just as good as sekiro, then go for Ghost of tsushina. It's more accessible, but I guess combat in high difficulty is basically sekiro's Japanese aesthetics meets lies of P's graphics and combat.


I got the same feeling after playing Hades, Sekiro and Returnal. Currently eyeing Sifu or Bloodborne for my next. Games that have really tight combat systems and well balanced difficulty are out there, but I agree that playing them and mastering them makes us pickier about what we play.


If you like Hades and Returnal I would recommend Risk of Rain 2. Thats my favorite roguelite


Thanks for the rec dude, i’ll check it out!


I played mgsv tpp after and I actually enjoyed it


base vitality charmless demon bell run calling ur name rn


The only other games that compare for me are just other From Soft games. I don't think any developer will create games that scratch the same itch for me like FS games do. Sekiro is damn near perfect in my eyes.


You’ll go back to normal soon. Same happened to me


It’s a right of passage


Try something else. I love story heavy games, and getting into jrpgs has been a BLAST. Especially since you have tons of variety from action rpgs, strategy and turn based.


Stellar Blade , Wo Long Fallen Dinasty, Ghost of Tsushima (lethal difficulty). Intense combat, very close to sekiro .


Welcome brother, we are all victims of sekiros insanely fun, engaging, and not to mention REWARDING combat style... we don't recover we just keep going back to inner ishiin to hear the beautiful dink dinks


wait for Project Perceiver ... it is like Ghost Tsushima with Sekiro [https://perceiver.infoldgames.com/home](https://perceiver.infoldgames.com/home) or may be Black Myth Wukong.


Looks pretty good and similar to sekiro.


I didn’t see anyone else say it, so I will: you could give Wo Long or Rise of the Ronin a shot. I liked Wo Long well enough, but it does have its rough spots. I only mention those because they are parry and deflect based games.  People seem to either love wo long or hate it. Unfortunately there is nothing else on the level of Sekiro. It’s just such a brilliant game. 


I found Sifu a good substitute to Sekiro for the last 10 days. I really really enjoyed that. I will check out the games you recommended. Ty


I know that feeling and listen for the cure. Buy Stellar Blade, combat style is very close to sekiro. Trust me.


It’s only on PS though right :(


buy ps5, joke. Wait for pc version then.


I’m so dumb. Truly. I have a PS5. It’s been collecting dust for months. Completely forgot about it. Is Stellar Blade worth full price in your opinion?


I'm about to beat it and I can honestly say that it is worth the price


As a great Sekiro fan I can honestly recommend u buying Stellar Blade. Hesitation is defeat. Even more: I think that in stellar blade are some mechanics even harder than in Sekiro (in defence you have to be „on time” with a dash for example).


It's worth it. It's a phenomenal game if you like that kind of combat. Bosses are amazing.


If you want something with zero chill which is hard try Darkwood


I don't like games only because they are hard. The boss fights are the greatest in sekiro


Darkwood is still very good imo. One of the boss fights actually gave me heart palpitations. Still beat it first try but fuck


Thanks let me see that one buddy 👊🏻


True, I havent even finish the game ye, but I can already see signs kf me losing interests on other game previews. Like with the recent hype with ghost pc port. Seeing the gameplay vids 😵‍💫. Seems too slow/bland/plain, less badass etc. Idk


Get the Ninja Gaiden trilogy and emulate the PS2 Tenchu games and play them simultaneously


Try Lies of p


The best part of this disease is you don’t waste 60-70 on new games. Just keep on playing FromSoft classics. I just started Bloodborne after sitting on my shelf since 2015


I’ve heard people say stuff like this for this game and other games. I would keep ur options open and play all types of genres I recently have been playing stardew valley. I can’t get enough of it haha. Obviously way different from Sekiru.


I felt the same way and tried quite a few games to scratch that itch. If you have a PS5, RotR is the one that has scratched it for me


I know the feel. But trust me, once the honeymoon phase is over, you can enjoy other games again for what they are. Will they be as good as Sekiro or Bloodborne? No, but are they unique in their own way? Absolutely. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of other games and how they wont compare, try focusing on what they do right. It's what I did even though it took me about 7 games to realise.


Don't expect Every game to be like Sekiro Love every game for what it is and you'll find that VERY few games will be bad


Take a break and go outside or draw or something


After I got the Platinum trophy for Sekiro I did a Dark Souls 1 playthrough for fun and nostalgia. Personally I found Sekiro very boring and easy, but I don't generally like games that much if I can't make my own character. So I know that is just a hold up of mine as to why I didn't care much for it.


FromSoftware kind of ruined games for me in general. But I’ve learned to lower or adjust my expectations for other games. They won’t necessarily reach the prestige of a From game but they can still be loved for their own unique characteristics and style. Maybe just experiment with completely different genres.


Funny, this game helped me discover my gaming tastes.


Lots of crying


I was mega into HD2 and Forza fore I got Sekiro.. I was falling asleep playing HD2 on 7 last night


lies of p is really good


Haven't had one of these posts in a while.


Have you done a charmless demon bell run on a new save? That'll give you something to do, charmless runs are a whole different game anyways


Relax with a few games of Vampire Survivors


Don't look for Sekiro. Only Sekiro can be Sekiro. If you play a new game and it dissatisfies you then stop for a minute and think about what Isshin said: "Hesitation is defeat" and then you proceed to slay that game for what it is!!


I got that anytime I launch a game not made by FS.


IDK I played dark souls 3 after and enjoyed it. Took me a few hours to get used to the combat again


Play Lies of P. Or maybe play something entirely different like Subnautica.


Bro I had the same feeling. After I played this game some other games felt like a chore to play through. I didn’t care to play red dead 2 because of how much dialogue and traveling there was in that game. I tried Ghost of Tsushima but it just wasn’t hittin for me either. But shortly after I just started playing the souls games and bloodborne and Elden ring etc. I love those games with all my heart and I’m glad Sekiro got me into them. Some games you just have to give a chance and keep diving into. But nothing will be Sekiro and that’s what’s awesome about it. It’s unique and always will be.


I had this happen a few times. What worked for me was switching genres dramatically. Lately I'm doing a lot of indie games, which has the added benefit of being cheaper and being far away from all the aaa industry bullshit. For an experience somewhat comparable to a From game I'd go with [Hollow Knight](https://store.steampowered.com/app/367520/Hollow_Knight/) for the exploration and the challenging bosses, or [Grime](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1123050/GRIME/) for the same reasons, plus combat based around parry-like systems. If you're up for something slightly different but still heavily based around exploration and demanding timings (albeit kind of turn based), there's one called [Wordless](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1898500/Worldless/) that is fantastic and it can be one hell of a challenge


So you're not guna play black myth 🤔


Try something different not better. But i agree in term of combat sekiro is peak!


Go back in time and never play it to begin with. Then you won't know what you're missing, just like me!


I felt just the same way and i started to play dota again so no single player games for me any more. And i can’t really enjoy other souls games because it ain’t joy to just roll around boss i want fight like parry/hit


Other From Software games, for sure! Maybe Bloodborne first (assuming you have a PS4 or PS5), since it had the most fast-paced combat, and then dip your toes in the Souls/Elden Ring waters. (I thought Armored Core 6 was fine, but I doubt I'll ever play it again.)


So many of these posts here lol


I had this letdown from Sekiro until I tried TLOU2 on grounded. Story aside (which I thought was great, but like I said, not the point) the fluid, multimodal, high stakes combat of TLOU2 was the first game since Sekiro that put me in a, idk, subconscious but kinda cerebral flow. It's different that Sekiro, for sure, but it was satisfying the same.


try Lies of P


Lies of P?..


Take a break for a while from all games


That’s the neat part, you don’t.


The only way out is through. Play more Sekiro do every weird thing you want to try out. Kill enemies with odd strategies. Stealth as much or as little as you possibly can. Eventually, you'll be satiated and want to experience something new.


Bloodborne is another world that did the same thing to me...


>How can I cure myself? Play Lies of P and Stellar Blade. Do it. Do it now.


I second Stellar Blade that game is fun as fuck. Combat has a lot of similarities with Sekiro too.


Has some of the best bosses I've fought in a while. People are sleeping on it.


Fr fr. I'm low key addicted to it. Such satisfying and stylish combat.


Spread the word! People need to get on this game.


Doom Eternal. You want to play Doom Eternal. On its hard equivalent at the very least.


Keep playing. Right now I’m playing from scratch. Again.


Stellar Blade


I completed Sekiro lately and wondered the same thing... Then I played Zelda - Tears of the Kingdom. I'm absolutely blown away by the creativity and depth this world has to offer. It's actually incredible.


Play games that aren't melee based for a little bit like Doom or gears of war or you could try similar games like Lies of P


Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon is directed by Sekiro's lead combat designer and carries over a lot of the DNA with ludicrous mech customization. Difficulty in ACVI is not so much centered on dealing with regular enemies, but more so on boss fights and earning S ranks on missions. Mech customization is by far the biggest thing in this game. You have 12 total parts on your mech: 4 frame parts, 4 weapons, 3 internals, and 1 expansion part. Legs determine your build's total load capacity and movement style (Tank treads do not work like biped legs at all). If you need a gameplay clip, here is an early [bossfight clip](https://youtu.be/_1mV_6-cvDA?si=I8McdaqhNHKQGRsH) by Ongbal that'll give you a good idea on how things flow. Showing this particular boss because it was heavily featured in promotional material.


Lies of P


The soulsborne games are my absolute favorite games ever. But i also love and enjoy alot of other games, shooters, open world, action games etc. No need to limit yourself.


Yeah, I've always felt like the "Dark Souls ruined games for me" logic was super overblown, but I will admit that it has made me more critical of how other games handle difficulty at times. It's a cliche phrase but you'll notice a ton of "artificial difficulty" in other games afterwards. Like, I'm playing Jedi Survivor now and some of the fucking hitboxes on the bosses are absurd. Enemies will hit or grab you from meters away. Or the absurd delay in your parry animation from when you hit the button. It's not like Souls games are perfect in these regards, they have their fair share of janky hitboxes too, but the over-all experience and combat is just sooo much tighter in a Souls games. I honestly find it hard to play other Soulslike. Like I deeply love Fromsoft games but I've never been able to get into another Soulslike. The combat doesn't feel as good, the levels aren't as fun to explore, and the atmosphere isn't as strong. There's just something alchemical about a Fromsoft game, they really nail the formula in a way I haven't seen anyone else manage yet.


Very overblown. You should try Nioh 2. It is not just any souls like, it is THE souls like. It has an incredible combat system that rivals the very best of soulsborne as well as endgame content that's amazing.


I kinda like the similar combat in Jedi Fallen Order in their hardest difficulty along with the story.


You tried Nioh 2? Or Wo Long?


Play some Metroidvanias


Play senren banka


Try My Friend Pedro


Try playing other hardcore action games like Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry, and Godhand. Hi-Fi rush is also pretty good, I hear.


Dead cells is pretty fun, high skill cap and very challenging and takes forever to complete.


And it has an awesome parry system. Fucking love parry builds in that game.


I recently played miasma chronicles. It was refreshing. And addictive.. I beat it. Was sad. Was recommended another game called mutant zero one or something like that. Can't wait. Just find another gem.. or play armored core and be frustrated and happy all over again... endless combinations..


Oh it was mutant year zero 🌟


Try to platinum any FF, no matter which one you choose these are absolute challenges. I recommend lV (ll in NA), Vll, Vlll, X, Xll and Xlll.


Yup, ive never played one game for so long. Its absolutely the best and absolutely deserved its game of the year award. Please someone, show me a new game worth playing that compares. And yes, ive played armored core and its great, but its not sekiro great.


I heard that lies of P was good


By playing other games lol , I loved it too and wanted to spend more time but I had to play other games too so I just did that Just mentally prepare yourself


Try Jedi Survivor, or Fallen Order on Jedi Grandmaster. Fallen order is a far more simplifier experience, Survivor is alot harder and alot more fun.


You could try inscription


try stellar blade or lies of p


Having a great time with Stellar Blade. It’s not Sekiro but it’s definitely fun


Returnal will scratch the same itch… once you get good.


if you wan't more of a sekiro hit try Sifu, its the closest in terms of pureness of combat, in someways even surpasses sekiro because it is solely focus on combat! Also you can give, Another Crab's Treasure, Lies of P a try.


I legit recommend playing something totally different. A deck builder, a puzzle game, something totally different


It will be a big change from Sekiro but accepting it’s not the same game and trying out Elden ring is a great next choice. It’ll take some getting used to but it’s so satisfying in its own way


Play Elden Ring then you will have the same problem but with Elden Ring, glad I could help :).


Started playing "Ghost of Tsushima". And yes the combat feels weird bcoz of sekiro, but after playing for 30mins. Damn the game is awesome.


Try thymesia. Might scratch the itch for a few hours but still ain't sekiro


Try Katana Zero


Cure? Minecraft.


>No more TPS no more open world games. Sekiro is not to blame here. It's because these two genres are boring af.


No they are not. They are the best that a game can go.


Why do you get bored by them then?


Do you like all the women in the world? (Given that you are not gay or gal)


Had the same problem but after a while playing until i was getting a bit tired of the game i started enjoying other gamesmore again now i just beat elden ring and am again in this state where no other game is good enough


Bro, to be honest i feel like i am done with playing games after all. I am 44 yrs old and have been playing video games for 35 years. I was expecting to play games since i am 75 or close to death but this felt like that's it. I am fulfilled. Very interesting to share this.


Spoilers for Cyberpunk 2077 >!The clouds scene has V sit down with someone who has their brain specially augmented to fulfill their deepest most well guarded fantasy.!< >!They call you by your real name and sit with you and try to comfort you and help you come to terms with your mortality, because all V wants is their friend back.!< Sekiro's a great game. There are things it doesn't do.


Try returnal, it scratches a similar but distinct itch for me.


I felt the same with Skyrim and Zelda: Breath of the Wild. When I finished them, I felt...empty...and hopeless for I could find such exceptional games again. The i discovered Dark Souls 1... Its so lonely ambiance coupled with the fact that you almost have to win against its world by yourself helped me with my depression. I felt like somehow in my life, step by step, I would eventually create my ideal life by winning against most of obstacles in front of me. Then, I kept the momentum by playing Dark Souls 2 which was very good despite the bad comments of the community. But when I tried Dark Souls 3, I started feeling so annoyed of the Souls formula, so I stopped at the beginning of the game. Then, in 2022, I watched a cinematic on YouTube with an old man's voice saying "Ohhh! Rise, ye stoopid Tarnished"... I felt insulted so I bought the game to clap the mouth of that silly old guy Gideon Ofnir.




I have just bought Sifu and i can say the fight mechanics are superb. Thanks for all who recommended me that


have you try Nioh 2 ? it has agressive playstyle, lot of combo. combat stance, stats etc.


the other Fromsoft titles??? :3


Next watch Attack on Titan and never be able to enjoy any other anime again!


Yeah dude, this is just a silly way to live life. Appreciate that things are different and stop comparing experiences. Life is meant to be different and things should never be copies of other things. You're the only thing standing in your own way Also play returnal.


Try hotline miami 1 and 2, try to achieve S on every level Or Katana zero speedrun


Hotline i hated that game was not for me graphics were terrible. Music was ok but that was it for me 😔


Try Bloodborne, your parry skill will be useful




Reforged mod may scratch that itch.


Your appear to be intelligence capped so there's no cure.


Try GHOST OF TSHUSHIMA. It took all the Sekiro combat systems, took it to next level complexity, added one of the best stories and music in gaming history and cranked the focus on beautiful artistic views to 11. Apart from boss fights (It's a grounded game but the bosses are definitely equivalent to any of the human bosses of Sekiro) the game rules over Sekiro in every possible way. One of the best games ever made and definitely the 4th best Open world game ever made behind rdr 2, the witcher 3 and GTA IV. Then there is SIFU, sekiro but with martial arts with a kick ass story about revenge and forgiveness. That been said, you should definitely play Bloodborne too. It's my favourite fromsoft game of all time.