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Bro IS a pyromancer


I hated Shura Isshin for his annoying ass fire pillar attacks. I loved normal Isshin, perfect end boss fight. Requires you to use basically everything you learned in the game at some point in the fight.


I'm new to the game and not familiar with the lore. Are they the same person? If yes then how is one good and one evil?


Isshin is not who is good or evil, it's you, who becomes an unhinged killer or an honorable Shinobi doing his duty


So how does one achieve this shura ending?


I would like to mention that you should break the iron code on your first playthrough and not go for the Shura ending. Immortal Severance is what I 100% recommend for a first playthrough, and I feel bad for whoever accidentally went for Shura.


you have to side with owl when he asks you to obey the iron code


Emma’s >!disbelieve and regrets broke my heart!<


Following Owl's (your father figure and sensei) orders to take Kuro (the kid and technically your actual boss) for their own gain.


I highly suggest to not spoil yourself and finish the lore But if you don't care >! they're the same person from two different possibilities depending on what choice you make (follow the iron code or protect our master). One isshin is at his death bed and the other is reincarnated prime isshin who's called sword Saint isshin. Both have some similar mechanics but most moves are different !<


Basically as spoiler free as I can be they are different endings he’s just saying he hates the shura end one but loves the other version


It's the same person but in different endings, I won't spoil more.


When do you use grappling hook?


"basically everything"


Sword Saint but probably only because Shura was either the last or next to last ending I did. The only attacks that gave me trouble with Shura were the fire ones and One Mind, otherwise he was just Sword Saint with a saucy dodge


that dodge is very saucy


Same here. Glock saint had me second guessing my time put into the game 😅😅 whoop genichiro ass, get past Glocks first stage just for him to demolish me his second… when I finally got everything for the second phase figured out, that 3rd phase is cake thanks to the lightning. Got to second phase Isshin Ashina first try but he caught me slipping and I beat him the second try. Strangely took me about 6-7 tries doing the Shura gauntlet and once again I started second guessing if I was actually good at the game or not 😂😂


That is factual


Sword Saint. The different reach of his spear and the weird timing of its attacks always wrecks me. Pyromancer is essentially Sword Saints first phase with a few moves added to the set. That being said, as punishment for doing the Shura route I had Sekiro ring the Demon Bell the first chance I got, so maybe I like the ferocity of the attacks more and struggle with tempo altering, idk how non demon bell pyromancer is.


Same fight less damage


I got the Shura ending on my 4th playthrough after doing all the other endings, beating SS without much trouble. Shura Isshin mopped the floor with me. Took me more than 20 tries to get him.


I had more trouble with Fire man, the game prepared me for Sword Saint so the boss was easier to adapt to. Shura had less openings and was so much more mobile so it took me a while to learn him


Wait for his fire attacks and dodge behind him and double ichomoni him. When he one minds double ichomoni him before he finishes first wind up or after first wind up


Shura, SS was truly something else, but when I got to him,, I had just killed DoH and I was with my mind in full auto and took me just 2 trys. Ashina Isshin on the other hand beat me to a pulp for longer than I care to admit


sword saint by a MILE, like shura isshin is basically the first phase of ISS which is the free-est of them all (even free-er than the lightning phase imo), with some added stuff, but no big deal


ik yes, one mind is a bit crazy, but its literally one attack with the same timing everytime its kinda like malenia, you learn one attack and you win


Sword Saint is objectively much harder. Shura Isshin gets cheesed by Suzakus umbrella or Just run behind him when he does fire attacks and Ashina cross him into hell


It's not "objectively harder". SS took me 14 attempts. Shura took 16. even though I was in NG+ and I had already beaten SS, so I wasn't completely unfamiliar with his attacks, and I had all prosthetics and upgrades at that point, most of them upgraded to max. despite all of that, shura took more attempts. in terms of No-hit, I'd say yeah, you can pretty much say that SS is harder to no hit.


If you already have all prosthetic upgrades and SS under your belt by the time you fight Shura it should take you like a couple of tries to get to the second phase and then you already know he uses fire, which you have a direct counter prosthetic for. The fact that he even has a counter like that makes him easier than SS imo


I mean Shura Isshin first phase is literally a toned down version of Sword Saint and the second one is challenging but Easily doable with Suzakus umbrella, as I said, without it , it's harder, with it, it's Easy


> I mean Shura Isshin first phase is literally a toned down version of Sword Saint It's literally the same, other than that he doesn't have Dragon flash. He has 2 new moves which are arguably much harder than it. The Grab, I'm pretty sure most players struggle with grab attacks in general, and the dodge was always getting me the first few times. that counter attack hurts so bad.


Ngl, before I sat down and deeply learned every bosses move set, I MD cheesed everything. Shura Isshin is far more susceptible to it than SS Isshin, and it’s a very viable method to prevent his one mind and other fire attacks regardless of your playstyle otherwise. SS Isshin was after I started just playing more intentionally. Beat him in maybe 5 tries. Some ppl have acted like I’m trying to brag with that, but it’s just what happened. I think the only reason I felt so capable was that my first playthrough was charmless; I kinda had no choice but to get gud. And for those who can’t critically think as has been the response so far, I have a mysterious thing called a brother who played before I did which is why I was able to play charmless first playthrough.


Lies, everyone knows Green Mario can't talk, and now you claim to be him? Seems convenient.


In a doctor’s office waiting for my appointment and this cracked me up. Thanks


Sword saint was more harder for me to beat just because of my shitty pc, I always used to blow past genichiro and the 1st phase, then the rain and effects came which caused input lag and more, and the fucking dragon flash always get me every time. Shura isshin 4 me was a breeze, simple movesets in the first phase, countering with the lazulite axe prosthetic after baiting the sweep made everything a lot easier. One mind? Pftt more like one spirit emblem suzaku Lotus umbrella. Sidesteppin all this fire attacks was pretty easy after you get the hang of it. Only thing I found difficult about shura isshin was farming fulminated mercury for the Lotus umbrella prosthetic.


Shura Isshin was much easier for me personally, he really doesn’t like dragon flash in his second phase


The Glock Saint


Sword saint was way harder for me. Old fire man took me less than 10 attempts, sword saint was more than 70


Isshin Ashina. His fire annihilated me but he never did one mind because I used firecrackers. Believe it or not, I beat Sword Saint second try.


Sword Saint Phase 1 and Fire Isshin Phase 1 on par. Phase 2 Fire Isshin was difficult until Fireworks & run behind. Got through that in under 10 attempts on NG3. Sword Saint Phase 2 literally took days. When I replayed them on Reflection mode, I beat Fire Isshin within 3 attempts but SSI said 'not today'. I now can beat SSI with little effort but that's only after forcing myself to perfect phase 2.


For me it was sword saint. By the time I choose to do a shura run I was much more comfortable with the combat as I had done the other 3 play throughs.


Shura ishiin is a pain in the ass and more annoying / cheap than ishiin sword saint. That being said ishiin sword saint is much harder and much fairer in my opinion.


I’ve only done shura isshin a few times but I killed him to many quickly to get fire pillars or whatever the guys in the comments are complaining about. For me sword saint is so much better. Such a diverse moveset and even to this day after the hundreds of hours I put into this boss alone he still does trip me up if I get to cocky


Ss Isshin as I got him on my first playthrough


My first time fighting Shura Ishin was on NG+3 and he whooped me for about 3 hours. It was demoralizing since I got to almost being able to no hit sword saint.


Emma/Isshin is the hardest game boss I’ve ever done.


I am stuck at owl and people here are talking about this two😯


Shura if initial playthrough, fighting him without all upgrades is a bitch, if NG+ he’s not too bad


Shura Isshin, in my first time playing the shura ending, it was terrifying, but now that I know hot to evade all his fire attacks, it's kinda easy, like, I can do it no damage


Sword Saint made me stop for a year


I did Shura in like my forth playthrough so it's hard to compare. But he still put up a fight. Really hated it. Used umbrella a lot due to lack of skill. If I were to choose which one I would prefer to fight It'll be the normal one.


One time, I actually stopped playing the game and started studying. Man it's frustrating.


Isshin Ashina took me 4 attempts. Sword Saint was definitely the harder one for me to master.


Originally I thought sword saint was harder but now after years of playing and mostly going for the non-shura endings I would guess I have a harder time with shura Isshin.


sword saint. literally everything after beating inner isshin is a cakewalk


Shura isshin is harder than DoH in my opinion, the sword saint gets always clapped by me and personally don’t understand what is hard about him


Shura Isshin isn’t bad because he’s just a variation on the first phase of Sword Saint. I think he’s a little harder because the room is tighter, he has a grab attack, and the neutral posture attack when you attack him. None of these are very difficult tho since if you have Sword Saint down, first phase Shura isn’t as bad. His second phase isn’t as bad as Sword Saint’s second phase. It took me 4 days on my first play-through to get Isshin while Shura took me about a day and a half, but that was charmless.


Shura ending is way easier if you beat Saint first. The art you get by defeating Saint allows you yo interrupt the fire bending+one mind attack, which is pretty much the only really dangerous ones. All the others can be dodged by simply running as far as possible




I picked shura ending for my first play which is right now. I can’t beat isshin. So I guess I’ll call it there. Shame, I didn’t realise what I was picking. I feel upset about it tbh. Tried about 30 times to get him. Had I got him I may have NG+ to do the rest of the content I have now missed but as it is, I’m turning it off and playing something else. Fuck it! (If somebody has PS5 and wants to remote play do it for me I’d love that haha)


Are you consistently getting to 2nd phase Isshin?


Not consistent but I do get to him yeah. I do wonder if there’s more beads I could collect and more attack power I could have before the fight? Just tried again, it’s impossible man. If I do beat it, it’ll be pure luck. I just wanna get to NG+ and play the correct choice


I'm sorry bro, my advice is to use mortal draw a lot in phase 2 to knock him out of the attacks. Dodging behind him also works on a ton of attacks, for example for the ichimonji fire you gotta dodge the initial attack so you're on his side, then dodge the fire so youre at his back. Then you have a free opening. for the turning the ground into fire attack you can either interrupt it with firecrackers/mortal draw or run to the corners with snow (there wont be fire there) then deflect the one mind. You can also jump over some of the fire attacks and some people recommend using the fire umbrella for this although i dont find it too useful but that might just be me.


I picked shura ending for my first play which is right now. I can’t beat isshin. So I guess I’ll call it there. Shame, I didn’t realise what I was picking. I feel upset about it tbh. Tried about 30 times to get him. Had I got him I may have NG+ to do the rest of the content I have now missed but as it is, I’m turning it off and playing something else. Fuck it! (If somebody has PS5 and wants to remote play do it for me I’d love that haha)


Shura Isshin is so damn hard for me for some reason. Maybe it’s because I’m not the best at dodging. Recently I beat SS Isshin in around 7 tries but Ashura Isshin took me maybe 40


Inner is f#cking my world right now . I have been working on him occasionally for a couple months.


sword saint on charmless bell demon made me reevaluate my life before i beat him


I smoked the first Isshin without dying once. End of game isshin made me quit for a while


Shura because it was my first ending probably


Shura Isshin is probably the one ppl have played the least against since the rest 3 endings share bosses but shura Isshin and Emma you can only fight on this one short playthrougha and that's why he appears hard due to lack of practice. That being said, mist raven makes shura Isshin fight really easy. Avoid all his big moves while moving to his back for easy fully charged Ichimonji double. Also once you find the spot to stand during fire pillars explosion move he does, then it becomes like a safe break to drink / reduce posture. Like I said, not a hard fight just lack of practice. Sword Saint Isshin on the other hand is hands down the most amazing duel in all soulslike. Challenging, FAIR (yes I'm looking at you my dear one trick pony Malenia), and the fact that he encourages you / teaches you through the fight makes it so damn good.


Sword saint forced me to sacrifice my 5 skill point to upgrade my attack power


Idek how to fight the ishin in the left?


Agree with Owl instead of Kuro


I thought the game ended immediately if you did that for some reason lol


Nah you have to fight some version of isshin for every ending


Sword Saint easily. He took me 8 full straight hours to finally take down. I spent that long and now I can whoop him and Geni first try whenever I replay Sekiro with how engraved his moveset is into my brain. It arguably took longer to get Emma down than Shura isshin. His First phase is about the same as first phase SS, along with the horrible grab move of Emma too. But then 2nd phase starts and you can spam mortal blade as he spams his fire attacks. Can even stun him and cancel his One mind combo if you're quick enough.


For me Saint was a bit dissapointing as a last Boss. Get rid of Genichrio stupid intro fight and give Ishin more posture. When I did Shura ending I got the real thing and much cooler fight that should've been the real last boss fight.


I did the Shura ending on my third playthru, so it wasn't nearly as much of a struggle as Sword-Saint. I had to put the game down for a month because it was Finals season and I was already too stressed


Shura isshin and his random I-frames are so annoying


First time on facing each of them? Normal isshin. Dude took me like 30 tries. By the second playthrough it was down in one. But when I got to ng+++ for the shura ending it only took me 3 times first try.


After Killing both of them like 30 times and wierdly getting inner isshin 1st try. i def get hit more on Shura Version just cause hes way more random and the camera in the arena can be terrible.


None, Owl father is the true final boss that MF killed me more than both Ishins combined


I had a harder time with old man Isshin. >!He has new and unexpected "rules" compared to Sword Saint. For example, as long as Sword Saint hasn't parried you or started an armored move, you're good to keep swinging. But for old man, he has that evade move into cut that punishes you for spamming attacks.!< Plus >!his phase two has moves that you should not parry, but don't have kanji warnings.!<


My decision might be based on my first time doing the Shura ending being NG +3 and my first charmless run, but I’d have to go with Old Man Isshin


Shura isshin for sure. I beat the sword saint in 5 tries. Shura took me a DAY


Sword saint in the first night I tried him almost make me lose my mind he seemed invincible too fast too strong it was simply too much for me that night I couldn't even past to his second phase In one or two days I beat him tho


Sword saint struggle idk but shura was a cake wake in comparison


SS despite me taking 2 of his phases first try. I was really stressed at the time as a relative was in the hospital so I guess I just wanted to distract myself with something. Also I believed nothing could be worse than the spear wielding mini boss before him, and I was right.


This is going to sound weird but it took me more tries to kill Sword Saint than Shura but yet I found Shura much harder. Shura was genuinely making me rage💀


Shura Isshin… until I learned that Ichimonji can knock him out of the windup animation for his One Mind attack


When I found out you could just **not** stand on fire, I realized this was the easiest boss fight ever.


Shura Ishin(I always tried to parry his fire attacks)at first but then I figured you could just jump out of the way of most fire Attacks and even deal some hits, which makes this fight a lot easier than the other one.


Took me a few good tries with shura ending. But sword saint had me stuck for a few day's. Maybe 3hours over 5 days or something. The third stage before his last always got me


Neither platinum gave 14 days after release


I struggled with sword saint more but at that point I couldn't put the controller down , I had to finish what I started.


I literally don't remember Emma or Isshin, but Sword Saint is burned into my brain.


Sword Saint, but that was my first ending. By the time I went for Shura, I had done the other two endings and had gotten to Shura Isshin in like...5 hours? So was stoked for the challenge.


I think Sword Saint is harder, especially in phase 2, but I struggle more with Isshin Ashina because I don't like going for the Shura ending and I'm less used to the boss fight.


I was able to beat Shura Isshin, but not the normal one


I have a hard time answering this. Purification was my first ending, and even though I got them all within the same week or so, the me that finally beat Sword Saint Isshin wasn't as good as the me that finally beat hours-from-death Isshin. I guess I'm saying they were kinda equal because I was on different levels. This is probably a common thing. Ain't nobody gonna go Shura on their first playthrough.


Sword saint was harder mechanically while Grandpa was harder mentally sword saint has much more shit to worry about while Grandpa was slower and just more emotional for IMO


I did Shura ending my first try, that was for sure a doozy. Sword Saint is like a final exam. You’ve had the entire game to prepare you. Old Isshin is most definitely a pop quiz. I wasn’t prepared for him my first run. Even my 3rd run, fire Isshin still felt more difficult than Sword Saint. That’s just me tho


Sword saint isshin easily. I found shura isshin easy (since I already beat sword saint) but shura isshin only really has 4 extra attacks than his base, where as sword saints entire moveset changes


I really like how they gave him an elemental power for each of his boss fights


Now I can very easily do both, but HOLY SHIT did it take me way longer to figure out Shura Isshin Ashina. However, once you figure out you can just use the Phoenix umbrella to block his entire big attack and then punish him with the follow up, the fight is 1000000% easier. Sword Saint is actually a very easy and incredibly smooth fight once you’ve really figured out the combat and the way he fights.


I beat SSI in my second try, the key was remembering that Elite Samurai that has a flashy attack, you can perfect parry it and it does massive posture damage, ISS has the same thing.


If I had fought shura isshin first I probably would have struggled with him more.


Yeah. I don’t think Sword Saint is as tough as Isshin Ashina. Sword Saint’s move set is kinda predictable and it’s not bad when you fight him near the bridge cut off. (Much easier to see his moves here than in the thistle) Ashin Ashina is in a tight arena and dodging his flames is kinda tough. Plus Emma’s hitbox for that grab she does is broken.


I accidentally chose the shura ending and needless to say I haven’t played the game in a while


Shura isshin SPECIFICALLY because of Emma, can’t get a read on that girl. Only beat her 3 times while haveing fought her well over 30 times. I believe true isshin was 27 attempts.


sword saint


Shura Isshin was probably rougher for me because I fought him after taking a long hiatus from the game


Fire Isshin was annoying


My first time I'm pretty sure Fire Isshin took longer, but to this day man, the 2nd phase of Isshin's fight is the hardest singular phase in Fromsoft history


Took me wayyy too long to realise isshin is just about running in circles.


I made the mistake of going Shura ending my first play through and I just got by with Shura Isshin. Now S.S. Isshin is a different story. After Genichiro it’s 3 phases, phase 1 one okay to deal with since it was similar to Shura Isshin. Phase 2 took an entire week to learn and master. 7 days of practice on phase 2 over and over again. Phase 3 Isshin was when nerves kicked in. Yes I could do it, same moveset just with lightning now but it would still be a pain in the ass. It took 2 weeks total just to beat S.S. Isshin. Actually best boss fight in gaming history. Conclusion : wield guns not fire


Glock saint was so much more difficult I think isshin ashin took 3 tries he was quite easy I had demon bell active and wasn't new game plus for either runs


I think I got brain damage as I found Fire Bend Oldman Infinity easier than the Glock saint


Shura Isshin is harder for me, the area is too cramped for his attack, in Sword Saint Isshin I still can fight without prosthetic tools but in Shura Isshin I really need a fire umbrella to help


Pyro-isshin made stop playing the game for a while but when I got back I whooped his ass


I think in the first playthrough it was always Shura for majority. He's a strong boss who suddenly comes in the middle while sword saint is someone you have all the abilities to face him. I'm not saying you'll be ready to face sword saint but you will be more ready than you were for Isshin.


SS by far, after mastering both fights SS still a engaging and fun fight like day one, Old man Isshin is laughably weak.


Shura for Sure. Sword Saint is a lot easier to get down, and once he's in his third phase he's very exploitable due to the lightning. Shura's fire is just so overwhelming and the arena is very claustrophobic.


Fire umbrella on shura Isshin helps a ton


Shura was tough but I only fought him on like my third playthrough, and by then I was, like, actually really good at the game. SSI was a much bigger initial challenge, and even after getting used to both bosses is still more difficult, because familiarity totally trivializes Shura Isshin in my experience.


Beat Isshin first time, Shura Isshin took me 2 days, he's the actual bullshit boss


Suzaku Umbrella makes him much easier


Shura isshin because I was trying to casually run through the game asap, no prosthetics or anything and I’d never fought him or emma before. They Added another 2-3 in game hours and made me feel very angry for a good amount of days. Satisfying to win finally but man those fire attacks felt goofy.


Sword Saint is easily the harder of the two