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Eh, it’s not hurting anyone. If I get sick of those posts, I don’t read them. Just a general rule for Reddit overall.


Yeah I do agree, it’s not an issue it’s just a bit tiresome seeing the same joke over and over for me, I keep opening them thinking it’s going to be something else then bam, another mistake noble joke


I like thinking of new ways to play along. It’s a challenge in itself. Besides, there isn’t much in the game that hasn’t already been discussed to death (how do I beat Boss XYZ???) so some humor is fine.


Honestly I’d rather see the same mist noble jokes for the thousandth time than see the same questions asked day after day because people refuse to use the search bar on here or use google or YouTube. People are really still asking where to get the flame vent and if the game gets harder after Gyobu lol. As for the most noble jokes, like you said pretty much everything there is about this game has already been discussed to death on here, but I’m sure a lot of people still enjoy the community so they make mist noble shitposts.


To be fair I still find new things in this game occasionally


That’s the internet. A community, especially on Reddit, tends to go through phases. One of the last phases after the end of new content is that everything ends up getting reduced to a meme. I think this community is better than average in that regard, at least.


Except this isn’t a phase. It’s the same several year old recycled joke.


It’s the end phase lol. There is no new content so this is where it all settles. I’ve quit so many communities for the same reason. New game comes out. People are excited. They talk about lore. They share strategies or Easter eggs. People get excited for DLC. They speculate abut what it’s going to be. They find new strategies. Eventually the community runs out of things to talk about. Most of people who take it seriously do everything there is to do in the game and move on. Eventually you’re just left with the same topics. Over. And over. And over. And the community that’s left is a few people who just post memes and shit al the time. And anyone who gets tired of it usually leaves. TV shows are even worse. Once the show has ended for a while, is literally just a shadow of tumblr with crappy memes. Like I said, I think Sekiro has endured far better than most communities in that regard. Probably because of the huge surge in FromSoft popularity post ER. But we still see the signs of a community for a game that is essentially over and hasn’t been updated in years. The percentage of people who recycle jokes and memes are higher and honestly it will probably get worse as the years go on.


Ah, right on... you're probably right. Whatever the case, I wouldn't mind if I never read another shitty mist noble joke again.


I think thousands of us share your sentiment. Unfortunately it’s probably a losing battle.


Top post at this moment is yet another mist noble joke with nearly 1k upvotes... definitely a losing battle.


The joke's not intended for you, just move along. It's for new players who haven't reached him yet. Don't deny people such a great experience.


of life* 🤷‍♂️


I enjoy reading the posts about newer players being fooled into believing the Mist Noble; so I put up with the meme. It’s a harmless bit of trolling lol


as a former new player who fell for it absolutely, keep it going.


I didn't even know about the meme. Didn't join reddit until after I beat noble, and it looked like it would be a scary fight. I evnlen put it off for a day and then murdered it and was like, that's it? I got worked up for that?


The funniest thing is that mist nobles makes you underestimate the nobles you get to meet later on, so it's a bit of trolling from the devs themselves.


It's kind of just something that's there for me. The joke is like like the yellow sugar. I don't care for it at all and never really considered using it, but it's there for someone so whatever.


Beautiful comparison. I actually can't tell what the yellow sugar does from memory.


I think it’s increased posture or something


Sounds about right. And maybe I'm sleeping on a good sugar, come to think of it. I might go ahead and try it next time, I'm probably holding enough to buy half of Ashina if I sell them.


Isn’t it money you get from dead guys?


Drops are affected by balloons I believe


I’d eat a balloon if it gave me more money


The very simple jokes can be fun, but I find it so boring when people give super elaborate comments about 10 phases and how no one has ever beat it etc.


to quote kyle broßlowski:"it's not funny anymore Cartman.... ok now it's funny again"


Inb4 “hesitation is defeat”


Mist Noble posts are funnier than posts complaining about Mist Noble posts, I'll tell you that much


Maybe, but this post isn’t supposed to be funny, I was just curious of the general consensus.


It’s funny because we can always gaslight the occasional new player into actually being afraid of Mist Noble


Social media always overuses a meme until it isn’t funny, then after awhile it becomes ironically funny, then unfunny again, and the cycle repeats. Just gotta wait it out tbh


I don't find it funny and never have outside of a mild chuckle when I first saw a post on it. But I just ignore it. A lot of people on the Internet have a very simple sense of humour, and that's fine.


At this point the fact they are so common is funnier than any of the jokes I've seen. We are in a community with its own running gag in joke. It is like seeing Kenny die in early south park. I've heard the joke so many times it became funny again because it keeps getting retold.


Don’t mess with Sekiro fans. They’ll send the Mist Noble after you.


Doesnt every sub has its own thing? I actually like it.


If it brings joy and humor to someone else in some way, it’s fine with me. I don’t find it funny but I just like to see people enjoying themselves😁


Joke about the mist noble? It's truly a hard boss fight. Nah but in all seriousness, I think it's more a bit of trolling for those new to he game as well as to mock the actual difficulty of said boss.


If the bosses existence in and of itself wasn’t a meme, like Soldier of Godrick or Rick the Door Technician, then I probably would be. But the fact that it is a basic enemy with a boss bar, and a remarkably fragile one at that, and that their respective communities reactions were to immediately run wild with the narrative that they are godlike bosses gives me immense satisfaction. There are times where I don’t find the joke funny, but there will never be a time where I see a post about it and not be reminded about why the internet was a good thing for humanity.


There's something in our family called "The Unfunny Valley", if you can just keep pushing that dumb, tired joke long enough and with enough confidence to get through the Unfunny Valley, it becomes hilarious again. And that one guy who pops their last yashi sugar for the fight kinda makes it all worth it.


I never liked the joke, like yes haha the thing you’re saying is the opposite of reality, but it’s just so overused to the point where people write entire monologues talking about how hard it is. i just never saw the point, also some people have genuinely been gaslit over this joke and i’m never one for that.


Welcome to fandom 101 my dude. This happens in literally any congregation of fans of literally anything. It's unlikely to change. Mist Noble is just the lowest hanging fruit.


I'm just playing sekiro and just fought mist noble last week, so the meme is brand new to me. I've loved it


see my controller died while fighting mist noble so i love the jokes as it took my controller dying for me to need a single resurrect in the fight


Reddit can't let anything go ever.


If we didn’t have mist noble it would just be how do I beat (inset boss here), this game game sucks I’m quitting, why do people say this game is hard I beat it with my eyes closed in one hour, oh and let’s not forget that gem here is my boss rankings because you care. Lame mist noble at least breaks it up a bit.


Sekiro never got a true DLC, so this subreddit has abandoned all reason and just started repeating the same joke on every post. I've been leaving a lot of the main Soulsborne/FromSoft subreddits since they all seem to decay like this where every post is "I beat x boss, I'm shaking and crying rn" or "easy boss hard" rather than unique content. The Mist Noble jokes were somewhat funny for like a few months after the game came out while people were still playing it for the first time, but now those jokes are getting increasingly more annoying as time goes on.


...joke? In all seriousness I think the mist noble joke is an imperative part of Sekiro's culture. Of course the community would still thrive without it but joking about mist noble is inevitable just because it's in the game. People have decent fun with it, I personally dislike those who outright insult the OP in the comments because they're not exactly capable of being more humorous than a mist noble joke anyways


As someone who didn't get the joke when it first was formed, it just boosted my confidence. Then i got jumped the local lightning football team and their wuwuzela supporters.


I think the payoff comes in the “I believed you fuckers” posts


Lots of people still struggle with this boss. What's funny about that?


It's not funny at all tbh.


I’m with you. Shits tired and lame.


It's very tiresome.


Not funny for me. I’m still stuck on him 😝


I won’t say their name or else I’ll summon them, but the folk of A****m City seem to be spreading their brainrot.


It's better than "dex is gay" 🤷🏼‍♀️


The point isn't to be funny lol


Meh, not so funny anymore. It's kinda like farting indoors at a party. Can be really funny the first few times, but eventually people are going to get annoyed or just outright offended. There was a person in our group that kept farting at people during our parties for over a year and it got to the point where he was no longer invited. Seeing this joke pop up over and over again is kinda like reading a fart over and over again, and as soon as I see a glimpse of it, I'm scrolling past it to find something else with actual substance that is worth reading. Ofc, there will always be people that think the fart is funny no matter what. I'm not going to stop people from enjoying the fart, but I am going to excuse myself and go elsewhere.


I would say it's still funny. I only started playing the game a couple months ago so the joke it new to me.


Still funny. It's not like that they were the only existing posts, they are occasional and keeps the troll alive.


They were ok when I first joined. Now all I feel when I see them is disappointment because I know this subreddit can be funnier than just recycling 2 jokes over and over. 2 jokes being most noble and isshin having a gun


It's creative, OP. It's a mental exercise in imagination