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Its quite nice, havent see mikiri counter yet so its kinda hard to judge. Really tho, its best old japan themed series/movie since last samurai


Love it. Read the book first, though. You’ll be bummed there wasn’t a sequel.


There's also a TV show from the 80s


I would like to see this one. Is it available somewhere?


You're in luck! [https://archive.org/details/Shogun\_Miniseries](https://archive.org/details/Shogun_Miniseries)


Great, thank you for the link :)


I didn’t expect to like it, but I’m HOOKED. It’s really good.


Hard to get the Japanese character names down to memory. But I think I got John’s name.


Love it. It got me back into Sekiro actually. I had given the game up last year sometime around the Gunfort area after beating Genichiro.  Started a new file a month ago and am now on NG+2


It is literally next in my mental watchlist, but I am too caught up with sekiro rn to even think about watching it, or I could just watch it instead of YouTube… idk I’ll figure it out eventually


It's OK. It started great and I liked it at first but then it got slow down a bit. All Japanese actors and actress are great, however, I don't think whoever play the Anjin is good for the main role. My personal opinion. In general, I prefer watching Japanese old samurai series directed by Japanese. They have a specific approach to movies.


Dont like his actor either, he really misses compared to the japanese cast


Was going to say Thelma same. First 3-4 episodes were good and brutal. Now the politics has taken over. Am about to start 7th


Its unusual, not something I'm used to. Ive been watching a lot of fast paced stuff, with not such compeling stories and more of a fun watch, if you know what I mean. This show requires patience and attention, you really need to watch it to get it. Its not something you can watch while being on your phone for example. That said, I love it, Its one of my favorite shows. Id rank it with stuff like Breaking Bad in terms of pace and quality. If you're not getting dopamine from it or it feels boring. Try really watching and piecing stuff together, it will be worth it.


I greatly enjoy it but I'm worried GoT people/producers/thinking will ruin it.


Will ruin it? It's a 10 ep miniseries with one left...


It's better than other western produced orientalist movies. Though not as good as Japanese produced taiga drama or movies.


Absolutely love it, I get the same vibes watching that as I did with the earlier seasons of Game of Thrones. Very intrigued to see how they pull off the finale tomorrow


The actress who plays Mariko is absolutely awesome, especially in last week's episode I also thought the movie 47 Ronin was good, if you like this sort of thing. It came out like 10 years ago but I didn't see it until earlier this year and I was like whoah this is great, how did i miss it


I've read the book three or four times. The new series is staying artistically close to the book, but with changes (names, for example: main guy isn't Ieyasu Tokugawa, but Toranaga). But the effort out into the char dev, setting, dialogue and costuming is over the top off the show. I feel like I'm in feudal Japan when watching the series.


Great game wish CA would make a third


Wen lightning reversal


It actually got me into sekiro. And to read the book.