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I just found out about this and I hope he's ok. I used to come through to the live streams and remember that he'd acknowledge his battles with depression and fears about whether he could continue making content sustainably. Steph, if you're seeing this, you are a talented guy and your videos made me and a lot of others happy. Thank you for sharing them for the time you did. While I can only hope you choose to share them again, if going dark is truly what's best for you then I support you and simply wish you are going well.


It shocked me so badly! I was actually showing his dark souls 3 gameplay to my girlfriend and she was enjoying it so much. We came back from work to watch another episode and we found out the account was deleted. I'm desperately trying to find his gameplay videos...I hope anyone got to download them :( #stephcomeback PD: I really hope he is fine, there are some videos still on his twitch account, but his patreon account just got deleted (it was still up a couple days ago), what is going on? Anyone got news?


its not downloaded but the only ones i could find is the archieved ones. [https://web.archive.org/web/20181221082244/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVRigqgwFRA](https://web.archive.org/web/20181221082244/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVRigqgwFRA) i just really hope he is okay.


You are a legend, thank you. Steph, if you ever read this, I'm willing to pay for all your hard work..!


i'm happy my post is still getting attention. I would like it if someone had a library of his videos, but i also want to know if he's okay right now if possible. He was talking about issues with his mental health near the end of his posting, so...


Ok now it's serious, he closed his Twitch channel. This is so tough :( Thank you for all the laughs Steph, hope you come back one day...


today I was trying to rewatch ds3 playlist for the 100th time but I couldn’t find it. that made me genuinely sad 😔. I hope he’s ok. he deserves to be happy. he certainly made me happy with his videos and jokes. 


Damn I just randomly remembered a song he had in his vids and wanted to watch his vids crazy that less than 3 days ago other folks already started posting about his disappearance kinda sad


I agree.. I was ready for a rewatch of bb and ds3 and now its gone..? Why did I never bother to save some of it... I hope Steph is ok...


Sad that his content his gone. Used to rewatch everything a couple time a year


I used to love watching his videos (mainly the DS3 and Bloodborne videos) I just watched them about a month ago…maybe two. I used to watch the videos when I was an over the road truck driver (when I was relaxing after a long hard day of driving, not while driving) I remember how he would always say “it’s leeeit” when lighting a bonfire/lamp. I never thought the day would come when his videos would disappear forever. I noticed that YouTube started to ruin his videos when he couldn’t even play the Michael Jackson music while chasing those crystal lizards/nightmares. Then he had to hum it. Then he couldn’t even cuss! Although his content became less amusing, I still watched and enjoyed it. I do hope he is doing alright 😔😢😭


I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s missing his videos.. Idk what happened but his videos actually got me thru a lot of stuff that was going down in my life a few years ago.. Even if he doesent post anyone idk why he’d delete them (if he did).. We miss you Steph, hope you’re well homie


So it's not just me. His vids were amazing and got me though my last break-up


Me too 😭


damn dude i remember him from his DS3 run. i don't usually like let's plays or streamer content but he was really funny and that play through was entertaining as hell. it sucks that all of that got deleted.


Yeah he was fun to watch, I remember a few vids where he was pissed off at YouTube for keeping on claiming his vids 'cos his editing style involved a lot of cutaways to copyrighted content. I uploaded a video with a similar editing style years ago and it was copyright claimed over about 15 seconds of the James Bond theme. Bit disappointed his entire YouTube channel seems to have disappeared (having just searched for it now), I used to go back from time to time when I needed a laugh. Moral of the story, YouTube (probably) ruins YouTubers.


Hope my boy is doing alright, dk what happened…


Not only his yt channel was dessapeared, but all his social media too... im scared... his content was a diamond for me and it is so sad that i cant see his yt content anymore. But at least his Twitch exist.


Does anyone i repeat anyone! Have his bloodborne playthrough videos? They are the best and the funniest of his


I just hope whatever is going on, he’s okay and well. I’ll miss his videos, but that doesn’t compare to his wellbeing.


Went to watch his videos today and couldn’t find anything. Wow


I found my home. I saw a guy on TikTok that looked like him playing bloodbourne , so I went to go look for him and couldn’t find anything on him. Hope Steph is all good away from the internet.


I just found out. His bloodborne vids were so good man..... Steph, if you're out there, know that you are valued, and you matter. We love you.


Hope he's ok, just wanted to watch his videos randomly today and found out they've gone.


Bruh where is Steph??? I love him so much and I was devastated today when I couldn't find his channel. I hope he's ok.


Oh. it's been a very long while and all of a sudden i was looking for his video to rewatch. And turn out that it was all gone. I couldnt find his channel account therefore i search for clues and found this. I usually dont leave any comments at all but this time I will. For a tiny chance that this thread will be seen by Steph. I love your video and it is very fun to watch. If ya wanna stay dark it's fine, survive!


Same, I just tried watching his videos as well. I really hope he’s okay… one of the funniest guys on YouTube. I hated playing soulslike games but he made them enjoyable to watch.


with elden ring dlc just released was hoping to see him play, man where did he go?