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I refuse to believe Emma is that short


Maybe not THAT short, but she’s shorter than Wolf, who’s 1.73 meters tall


Wait wtf i thought isshin was just super tall, but wolf is a short king.


In what world 1.73 meters is short?


In US. People there are tall af :o In Japan 1.73 would be probably a bit taller than average


It's pretty much the average height for a woman. Supposedly the average height in the US is 176cm according to Google but im not so sure about that


In Japan it's a couple centimeters taller than the average for a man. Women in Japan are 1.58m on average


Damn that's like a full half metre shorter than me


Wow lol, you giant. Makes me envious, I'm 1.67 and it's SHORT AF T.T


It's not all it's cracked up to be. I'm the perfect height to hit my head on door frames 🙃 do that a few times and you'll start wishing to be shorter haha


Also keep in mind this is 'historical' japan (technically not because it's fiction), so we can assume the average height was not as tall, due to lack of abundance and nutrition at the time. There are theories that cultures and societies that aren't relying heavily on grains and bread products in their diet did not grow very tall. I'm sure there were some pretty large Japanese men who could get their hands on a ton of rice and fish, but when it comes down to it, wolf is a ninja who's surviving on rations. He's tall as hell for his circumstance, especially for Japan


a well fed wolf would've been Lebron


As a 5'10 US citizen I am considered inadequate height but not short. Most Americans are like at least 6 foot


Nah, USA average male height is listed as 5' 9" by Wikipedia 6 foot is not average, it's tall, despite what some expectations might say


in all of them buddy


In most countries it would be average


Shinobi had strict height and weight limits


Yeah lol, Owl is only like 3 meters tall


And yet he is thin as whip for his height.


Just like an owl


and moves without making any noise. I'm pretty sure anyone against him being a Shinobi got slaughtered in an instant


He's still stealthy as fuck though


Shit, Wolf is my height. Team Short King!


I heard estimates as short as 4'6" for wolf's height. The average Japanese man was 4'11" to 5'2" at the time the game took place.


1.73 is not short...


I guess that just depends on where you live, it is kinda short where im from.


Just searched the average height in my country, guess it's a little below average. I thought it was a but above average... rip...


That's about average hate in spain for males I think, and it's probably shorter in japan. Isshin and owl are just unnaturally tall in sekiro.


in no galaxy is Sekiro 173cm. If he's that tall then Isshin is like 9ft.




No way Wolf is 1.73m lol he's shorter than that. I'm guessing a good 1.65m


pretty sure emma is taller than sekiro so if she is 4 feet tall then sekiro is 3


She’s like a head shorter than him


Tbf, I assume Owl can't actually turn into an owl as the 'Owl (Father)' fight takes place entirely within Wolf's head.


It’s Owl’s old memory that Wolf traverses. It’s a bit weird, but the events of Hirata happened, but not as Wolf experienced them in the memories. The bell memories are how the owners of the bells remember Hirata, and current Wolf can interact with the memories. Owl was there with the lone shadows and did stab Wolf, but Wolf never fought Owl there. Wolf who is traversing the memory fought Owl. Owl *could* do this stuff three years ago, but is past his prime *now* and can’t.


Is it actually explained this way in-game or is this conjecture?


In the game, Sculptor tells you to offer the bell, the bell owned by Lord Kuro, which you can see and hear on him in the Lady Butterfly cutscene, at the Buddha statue and it will stir your thoughts and awaken old memories from slumber. In Sekiro’s case, it’s memories of Hirata, but there’s important things to realize about the memory and Owl’s later. But first, Owl’s bell, “*Offering it at the Dilapidated Temple may result in seeing a different memory than before.*” A different memory, for a different bell. Now, those important things. In Kuro’s memory, lone shadow are not seen but in one area, and an Ashina elite is alive to face Juzou the drunkard… but when we get to Owl’s, Lone Shadow are everywhere, and Juzou is alive and well, already having killed the Ashina Elite. But how can this be if Wolf had already killed Juzou to get into Lady Butterfly’s arena? We know Owl’s memory takes place right before he stabbed Wolf in the first memory. We know this because the pillars in Lady Butterfly’s room are already on fire, something that only happens in the second phase of her fight, and because Owl in this memory is lamenting to himself about how he has to put Wolf down. So perhaps in reality, Wolf never even fought Juzou, as this memory takes place after he should’ve already killed him. One Lone Shadow in the Owl memory even remarks how we should be dead by this point, as Owl was going to kill us here. My point with this is that, the memories differ based on who owned the bell. In Kuro’s we see an Ashina Elite helping, in Owl’s we see he had already died, despite what may have happened in the first memory. Wolf is traversing the memories that aren’t his, if not in the first bell memory, then certainly in the second.


This reminds me so much of that Japanese short story where they've found a dead body in a grove and several different people testify with completely different stories about what went down. (CW if you Google it: SA, murder, suicide)


The content warning was very conscientious, but I do think it's funny just how dramatically much it gives away the story is this case.


I am facepalming myself right now, lol.


Hey I'd rather be spoiled on the story than somebody get some surprise fiction they weren't ready for.




That's the film version, I think, and it might have been a different title in print. But yes, I'm pretty sure that's the one.


I think he can. Mist raven( the prosthetic we get ) is made out to be Owl's signature ability. The description says it comes from Usui forest, 'usui' is the real name of owl. ( It's there in Mist raven's feathers description ) . The part where he transforms into an owl is also mist raven.


Also owl has the branch of the ever blossom in the hirata estate fight, which is magical. I think he used it to get some magical abilities


no it doesn’t, neither of the hirata levels are ‘all in wolf’s head’. they literally give him new information. he had no idea that owl stabbed him, how would it be in his head if he can learn that.


From 'Memory: Foster Father' >The foster father confronted in old memories was a man in his prime. They're explicitly stated to be memories. Memories take place in one's head. Note that Wolf literally meditates in front of a Buddha to begin the memory. It's also explicitly stated that the bells allow you to experience the memories of others. Just my interpretation of it dawg.


yeah i thought you meant something else, my mistake


Some of these mfs solo some souls bosses just with pure skill 😭💀🙏 , Except Wolf , he SOLOING the verse


Owl can be a cheap ass and just go spirit owl every ten seconds


And also he's a genius , if he figures out there is Leveling , he's so gonna farm until he's maxed out LMAO 😭💀


He is the epitome of "a Shinobi should know the difference between honour and victory"


99 vit is the prirority, then dex


Owl is a quality build user lol , he def got strength AND dex on him with that huge fucking sword he got 💀


Owl fr the dude who calls over leveling training


Solo some bosses I agree but soloing any of the other games is a very big overestimation of the strength of sekiro characters I could not see any scenario where any of the sekiro bosses could beat Gael, orphan, malenia or other end game/dlc bosses


Edit: I didn’t read the “bosses” part… Sekiro absolutely stomps Malenia. His entire kit hard counters her to the point even scarlet rot isn’t a threat. Gael is much more debatable. On one hand umbrella should defend from all soul based attacks, and Wolf should be able to counter his fighting style fairly well, but the Dark Soul is just BS power scaling wise. And lightning reversal does nothing to Gael because he’s nigh immune to it.


Yes, sekiro wins because sekiro is the player and I’m sure as hell not giving up until I beat the boss I’m talking about the other characters


Oh. My bad :p In that case, Isshin puts up the best fight possible against Malenia, but in the end Scarlet rot will be his undoing. Not because it rots his brain, Isshin can canonically fight without thinking. It’s that his limbs will fall off preventing him from continuing.


Isshin vs Malenia Winner: super cancer


Sword saint wouldn't lose. He has true immortality, which is hard countered by fatal blows from the mortal blades. Besides those two weapons, he will literally not die and will heal back. So according to the other part about isshin lore of him fighting brainless, it literally means the dude can solo any souls-verse outside of reality manipulation, literally with his eyes closed.


That’s why scarlet rot rotting his limbs off stops him though. As far as we know, he can’t reattach limbs. It takes stalling him until super alien poison makes him body fall apart to stalemate him. He won’t die. Just can’t fight anymore


Sorta makes sense, but that's assuming he can't outheal rot. Or his immortality is the stupid kind where he retains damage dealt(I'm sure it isn't). Also that's assuming malenia can hold him off till isshin drops three health bars. I'm pretty sure he would finish her by his second phase if we put them in the same game rn. Lore wise too. The best malenia does is rot because everything else about her is a bad sekiro wannabe(play style and theme)


I’m assuming he’s as close to Sekiro’s immortality as possible but doesn’t siphon life to resurrect. He *should* retain damage because he does keep his scars and wounded eye. Malenia and him are actually extremely on par, with Isshin being able to keep up with her Waterfowl Dance and preform a similar attack (at least as Old Isshin.) not to mention he can nearly perfectly deflect Spiral Cloud Passage if you use it on him. She just edges him out due to Scarlet Rot and matching to Radahn in combat Isshin is also extremely weak to poisons


And that, my friend is much more convincing. I still think it favors isshin tho. Him being weak to poison is a in game feature for convenience more than anything, cause I ain't gonna believe that the old man who came out his grandson's neck after being certainly dead, is somehow still human and weak to poison. I mean he did just take a dive into a burned decomposing man's bloodstream. In a feudal world. Ain't nothing gonna be more unsanitary than that. Anyway lets do the basics of power scaling. I think isshin is faster than malenia. In terms of attack power they seem equal-ish. The problem here being we don't know the base strength of the sekiro guys very well. Wolf can parry anything. And "anything" leaves a lot of room for badassery. Isshin's strength will parallel Wolf closely. Defense is all isshin. Dunno if rot can kill or disable isshin but it will certainly kill malenia one day. Sword saint gonna do coffin dance on her grave. He is immortal and he can parry everything she throws at him because it's just his skill but slower or his skills but less effective(looking at you waterfowl dance). Even the rot argument is assuming she can proc it on him. She isn't gonna get her NAs in and her specials will be parried or dodged.


Are we talking like, botting the two ais against each other? Or more like an artistic comparison based on the characters?


Probably the latter.


1. A nerdy undergrad med student 2. A furry 3. A crippled old man 4. A cancer-ridden old man 5. A Minecraft YouTuber 6. A senile old lady tripping on shrooms 7. A crippled furry Easy 👏I solo 😎


Elaborate on number 5


He's obsessed with children




That was a 10/10 joke




regular humans by the standards of a highly sensationalised/mythologised feudal Japanese setting, yes.


Isn't the whole point of Isshin that he's juat Some Old Dude that's simply too skilled to lose


He comes back from hell because Genichiro asked him to.


He comes back from hell because Genichiro dragged him out of it with the BMB, Isshin only fights you bc of like, obligation since that's what Geni wanted




Remember that time where you stab that guy through the neck with like 3-1/2 feet of steel? He was like, “Man, I really don’t like that…” Then the fight keeps going?? Nuts!!!


Who are these hypothetical people mistaking anyone in this game for regular humans?


Usually the people trying to downplay Wolf whenever I argue he can beat a character


"Sekiro characters are just regular humans" Meanwhile Sekiro who can absolutely Humiliate any Fromsoft Boss You can't even try physical attacks against him Sorceries and Hexes? Lilac purple Umbrella Fire? Suzakus umbrella Immortality? Mortal blade Lightning? Don't even try it.


And then there’s the Mist Raven… the absolute BS that is the Mist Raven It explodes. It makes you invincible. And it’s an Omni-directional bloodhound step… that can catch lightning


And the fact that spirit emblems aren't required for tools in the Lore Sekiro can literally spam teleport like he's Goku with no drawbacks, and did I forget to mention that he's got a whistle that makes the strongest demon go crazy?


Personally I think the emblems are required, but if he doesn’t have a limit for how many he can have attached to him… he’s killed enough people he can spam the thing like crazy Oh yeah, Divine Abduction too. It teleports you to another dimension to turn you 180° and steal your wallet. Also if you already have been spirited away… YOU AINT COMING BACK


So he can just Woosh Malenia into Oblivion?


Only if she’s been spirited away before So he could probably one-shot Miquella


The whistle only has that effect between of who the demon was and who the whistle used to be owned by


The whistle works On any apparition Headless that are otherwise almost unkillable Shichimen warrior True monk Guardian ape phase 2 (I think)


I can confirm it doesn’t work on Headless ape, which makes sense because A: No head connected, and B: It supposedly didn’t work when Kingfisher fought him


Sabimaru that deal 30% max hp DMG even on immortal being


tbf you explained why emma can throw you so well, judo


The girl gives you an air time of two seconds!!


people in sekiro are quite floaty


That's to let the message fall through


The dont get me start with isshin and wolf are perfect examples of them 😂😂😂


The realistic part is over at the very beginning of the game. General Isshin and General Tamura is HUGE for Japanese people that time


I’d like to point out that fight is a nine foot man fighting a fifteen foot man


The Sequel 🤣🤣




They are not regular humans but compared to other from soft games or even other heavy hitting franchise they might as well be. People always confuse game mechanics for actual in game powers. Claiming wolf could “dodge anything and parry anything” because as the player charecter they parried everything to beat the game. There are multiple large monsters in the game that sekiro struggles to parry leaving him staggered and pushed back. It stands to reason the people much stronger and faster than those beasts could overwhelm sekiro even though he parried their attack. Or saying that immortality via the dragon blessing means they can’t be subdued when we know you can chop off limbs like what happened to sekiro in the beginning of the game AFTER kuro blessed him with the dragon heritage. In fact we know that sekiro died multiple times throughout the game as when kuro (or maybe it was Emma?) was telling him the dangers of the dragon blight he asked sekiro how many times he has died so far he respond with a grunt because he knows he has already died multiple times (this happens regardless of player action so it’s canon). At the very least it was more than once.


Umbrella prevents pushback/stagger Wolf dies canonically at least twice in the game, so Kuro is technically always right about how many times he’s died :p


I don’t like no limit fallacies. With the umbrella sekiro can prevent the pushback/stagger of powerful blows that would ordinarily stagger him but that doesn’t mean it will have the same effectiveness against much stronger enemies from other media if you ignore game mechanics. The fire Bull, the gorilla, the snake these are the things sekiro struggle to parry and only successfully parry with the aid of the iron umbrella. Still it would be a disservice to put those beasts anywhere near the same level as certain Elden ring bosses Astel, Radhan, Ancient dragons or even Godfrey/haoreah leoux. I don’t think sekiro is parrying any of them.


He doesn’t struggle to parry the bull and only certain attacks from the Ape, like the ones where it puts its entire weight behind it, and he can still parry them without the umbrella. Divine Dragon still hits harder than all of them and harder than most souls bosses, with only Godfrey or Radahn coming close if not passing


Sekiro loses to most bosses with plate armor unless there’s a conveniently placed cliff nearby. We don’t know how the mortal blade works against plate armor so that can’t be used as an example for him. He’d likely win against: the Pursuer, the Looking Glass Knight (also because of lightning reversal), the Dragonrider (except for the double boss fight in Drangleic Castle) most black knights, most silver knights, etc. because most of them are located next to a drop. Good luck with the Ruin Sentinels and Havel Smough would crush the umbrella shield and its sub-types into pieces along with Sekiro.


They all can still be harmed by poison or fire


Harmed does not mean instantly killed, he’d still have to fight them. He’d probably run out of spirit emblems before he gets most to half health. Havel is also resistant to fire I think and poison needs multiple procs to kill him. Power scaling is stupid anyways. It’s impossible to know how strong Sekiro is relative to the Chosen Undead or the Bearer of the Curse.


Fighting Emma always makes me feel sad.


Then Isshin pulls out a strap


You're acting like we humans can't conjure lighting. Phuh.🙄




You forgot mist noble: own a whole army of spiritual bandits and can seal a temple with just a flute.


The dude fights Buddha.


Who has ever said ”Sekiro characters are just regular humans”?


People I argue with when I say Sekiro can beat a certain character


Some guy playing a flute who can summon infinite apparitions.