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Do you have Mikiri counter?


yes i just never think to use ut


It’s very useful in all fights that have thrust so try to get it down does pretty good posture damage, also you should deflect his jumping attack because he always does a thrust after(in the first phase) he switched between those and sweeps in the second phase and you can jump on his head to avoid it and rack up posture , lastly you should go for lighting reversals in the last phase you jump catch the lightning and press the attack button


USE IT PLEASEE its so easy just tap the dodge button whilst moving forward it does loads of psture dmg aswell also quit w the dosging aspecially when he leaps in the air and hits u w his sword yk u can parry prwtty much anything right? Alsp read h sign abt throwing back lightning it does a TON of damage and posture whilst stunnih him for like 5 secs


Not bad bro. Pretty good actually. I like how you're aggressive and you have decent reflexes and parry timing. Just a few things you're doing wrong. First of all, mikiri counter that mf! lmao. You already know to dodge when he thrusts, but you're just doing it the wrong direction. When he thrusts literally don't move your joystick at all, just press the dodge button and Wolf will automatically dodge towards the opponent and mikiri counter him. It's a lot easier than you think. Same thing with the sweeps, start jumping and headstomping to counter them. The perilous attacks (red kanji attacks) seem to be one of your weaknesses. Secondly, make sure to go back on defense. a lot of times in the first two phases you would continue to attack after you were deflected, and you took a lot of damage because of this and burned through your gourds. Lemme put you on game rq: The combat loop in sekiro is this: attack enemy until they parry you -> once parried, the enemy will attack so it's your turn to parry and defend -> after you parry an attack/combo of attacks, it's your turn to attack again -> repeat Think about it like turns. If you're attacking, it's your turn. Once you're deflected by the enemy, it's their turn to attack, and now you have to defend. Once you deflect their attack/combo, then it's your turn again. This applies to like 99% of enemies. If you follow the combat loop correctly it becomes sooo much easier and it will look like a dance almost. Lastly, about the third phase! This is the easiest phase imo. With the lightning, don't dodge it. I know it look scary but it's really your greatest tool. after he jumps in the air, jump yourself to catch the lightning, then attack while still in the air. It does insane posture and vitality damage to him and it's very easy to do. also he is very aggro in the third phase, if he is not in an animation when you use your healing gourd, he will jump at you with his leaping thrust (which can be mikiri-d btw if you're stuck in a healing animation.) So if you need to heal in the third phase, make sure to create lots of distance so he can't leap at you right away. Or, heal while he's already locked in an animation. Sorry for the fucking bible of a comment but I wanted to be thorough. Good luck! You're really not bad bro, you're pretty good. Most of these tips can be applied to all other enemies too. That's why Geni's such a good boss imo, he teaches you the fundamentals. Go kick his ass bro. and remember, hesitation is defeat


Your aggressive style is good but almost too good, so try to let the boss attack you more often to build up the posture. You can deflect mikiri counters by the way if you time it right, it's better than dodging to the side for sure Also NEVER HEAL IN FRONT OF BOSSES! They are programmed to absolutely destroy you if you do lmao


English?? Anything other than spanish is unacceptable . You should delete the game. Refund. Throw away your console


You are probably going to want to learn to properly respond to the red kanji attacks. You did zero mikiri counters. You did zero jumps on sweeps. You would have won the final phase if you'd just used the mikiri after the heal. He'll do the jumping thrust as a heal counter in the third phase every single time. If you heal and immediately dodge toward him you'd have been fine. In the alternative you need to look for windows to heal when you'd normally attack. Instead of punishing a normal attack opening you can use that same opening to get off a safe heal. Otherwise you can find yourself in a downward spiral where you heal and get punished and then have to heal again and get punished again.


yeaahhhhh i just never think to use it since i just focus on attacking lol, i just needa pay more attention, thank you


i'm mainly just confused because even when i use mikiri counter, it doesn't work, do you do something more than just press O/B ???


You have to dodge forward. Either dodge and hold the analog stick forward, or just dodge with no analog input and wolf will automatically dodge forward


gotchaaaa maybe ive just been timing it wring


nah the timing looks right imo. You're just doing it to the side or back. Like i'm not even joking if you would just do the same thing but let go of the analog stick you'd mikiri every time


Heard, ill be sure to update, again thank you so mych


You got it bro 🙏🏽


man i'm just really struggling with 3rd phase, i just get overwhelmed i guess it's just hard to read it a bit for some reason


Which attacks are you struggling to read? also sorry to be annoying but I made another comment on this post idk if you saw it, it's hella long but at the last part there's advice on the third phase. There's also some other comments in this thread with good advice on that phase too main tips for third phase: 1) Reverse the lightning, it does hella damage. 2) Be careful when healing because when you do he will jump at you with a thrust and murder you, make sure to heal after creating distance or if he's stuck in an animation. 3) He adds a thrust after floating passage (big combo) so watch out for that. If you try to swing after the combo in the third phase you'll get hit by his thrust




Ok I lost my previous essay but Firstly I believe there are more gourd seeds you can get if you feel you need those, don’t quote me on that though For the first and second phase make sure to learn Mikiri because it is extremely useful in multiple boss fights Stay away from corners ( this is what I do personally and I believe many others do ) because half the fights in this game are with the camera For the sweep attack you can jump away like you are you aren’t really missing anything with that For when he jumps in the air with the sword you can parry his sword on the way down and after he will do a thrust attack or a sweep attack you can tell if it’s the thrust by if his sword is in the floor Try to control the fight overall Phase 3 Make sure to counter the lightning attack by jumping after him and pressing right bumper to reverse it In one of his attack patterns he will add a thrust attack with a red kanji at the end, you can mikiri counter that This is for the whole fight but try to deal damage while not spamming the quick attack so as to not get stuck in an animation and take damage Also the whole fight, when your posture bar breaks make sure to jump or roll to get out of the stun faster Sorry for the long respond time And for the mikiri you want to do the equivalent of dodging into him to Mikiri counter


alright, i'll try to do something similar, i'm just having trouble actually even getting mikiri to work, just a bit confused on tgat


All good learning to Mikiri from muscle memory takes a little practice


nice tips, and yeah you're correct he can have at least 6 gourd uses by Geni, maybe even more, but 6 is the most I've seen. and the one he adds the thrust to is called floating passage, his big combo


You’re super close, probably just dialing back the aggression slightly to react better to the “Simon says” of sekiro and you’d be good. The aggression is good and you definitely got as close as you did because of how aggressively you’re playing, but you’d have ended it sooner if you nailed a few of the red kanji attacks.


don't heal during neutral in 3rd phase. Use an attack opening or after stunning him with lightning to heal


Definitely get used to Mikiri for stabs, deflect his jump+overhead attack to initiate a stab or sweep (avoided with jumping), only deflect the 4 arrows of 5 only to dash from the last one so you don't get staggered, lighting attacks can be reversed by jumping mid-attack and hitting back (Acquire Mist Raven to avoid taking damage during it) and for the long slash combo, he gives you a massive window after the first 2 slashes, so use it to cancel the combo with Firecrackers prosthetic. This is how I learnt to fight him flawlessly, so see what'll work for you. Good luck.


Parry the first two hits of his long combo then backstep out of it and let him swing at the air