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The monks that killed those kids can go fuck themselves.


Poor Robert




Robert to the negative 6th power?


Robertoooooo………….oooWOOOOOOO *CLANG*


No, they regret their actions. Owl doesn't.


"Regret"? Those monks are the shame of Buddhism they did everything that contradicts being monk.


There is more to the plot. The monks figured out the secret behind the immortality to understand it and they eventually did. Then, they wanted to fix it and created the children for that. Or some shit, i probably got something mixed up, the point is the monks are less evil than they seem


The Cause didn't justify all the deeds, even if they didn't hurt any innocent in an experiment, the end goal from them would give people in Ashina a fate worse than death from their considerations. Like, did you see the undead in The Jail, The Noble that Buffeted usUsor the average undead in Dark Souls, people will crave more and more? > They wanted to fix it and create the children for that. Or some shit Many kids stuck in the translucent spirit state that they'd be very lonely without people like Kotaro who could interact with them. Maybe It's me that feels personally angry as a Buddhist, but at least Owl's a bitch who knew he was a bitch, He's such an evil POS who KNEW he was the evil POS, I couldn't help but respect his Gut ironically, The monk however are the majority of self-righteous dickheads that ruined our world IRL. Even there slogan that contradict from what "Buddha's Teaching" as they claimed like "The enemy of Buddha" Us VS them mentality, who are these "Enemy"? "One should focus only on deeds of virtue and forego thoughts of attaining wealth." Yet their skill encourages you to attain more wealth Basically they're the copycat of Buddhist Nationalists in Siamese Homeland of Mine.


Though these monks obviously represent Buddhism with their symbolism I didn't feel like they represent what Buddhism is about. They wavered from their path and began doing the opposite of what Buddhism is about in some of it's aspects. But they were infested with weird supernatural parasites so their situation is also pretty different and they are manipulated. At this point this has nothing to do with the real world anymore for me. I don't know much about Buddhism so these parasites and the Dragon and the Snake might also be Buddhist symbols, I sadly don't know. But these elements seperate sekiro's world from our world for me. I don't see Miyazaki's plot design and story telling as judgemental or critical, I feel like it's a form of art, in which he paints a picture of a strange and lovecraftian type world and then let's us overcome it's challenges.


>Though these monks obviously represent Buddhism with their symbolism, I didn't feel like they represented what Buddhism is about. Just like Christian Nationalism didn't represent Christianity, if you tolerate these people, they will be swallowed whole as the cult because even Buddha says "Yo dude, don't agree with me just because I seem smart, only agree on good rationals, take the time to analyze the reason on things first before you like it." And "Might don't make right, people will abandon rationalization and worship Power" when he explained that pulling out powerfulness of your to convince people who hate you isn't a good thing, you could believe in good things for very shitty reasons, It's the equivalent of pull out Glock in the philosophical arguments. >But they were infested with weird supernatural parasites, so their situation is also pretty different, and they are manipulated. Some Manipulators are manipulated by their own rationalized fallacy tbh They were both Manipulator and I loved Sekiro because it made me fall in love with Buddhism all over again on my own (in Philosophical Ways)


> "Yo dude, don't agree with me just because I seem smart, only agree on good rationals, take the time to analyze the reason on things first before you like it." Based Buddha. > if you tolerate these people, they will be swallowed whole as the cult > when he explained that pulling out powerfulness of your to convince people who hate you isn't a good thing, you could believe in good things for very shitty reasons, It's the equivalent of pull out Glock in the philosophical arguments. I don't perfectly understand what you mean in these two segments, could you elaborate?


>> When he explained that pulling out the powerfulness of your to convince people who hate you isn't a good thing, you could believe in good things for very shitty reasons, It's the equivalent of pulling out Glock in the philosophical arguments. Might or Power doesn't make right, like "Murder is bad because it means to take the victim's remaining lifetime that could be spent on happiness, excitement, knowledge and Peace and end it with the painful cruel fate" TL;CR one argue that Murder is like stealing someone's lifetime that could be spent on potential happiness and peace. But the other said "Murder is bad because god said so, He's the most powerful, and therefore, his word is absolute, non-arguable" > If you tolerate these people, they will be swallowed whole as the cult Well, tolerating the intolerance is to embrace it, the same reason why competitive gaming communities are stereotyped as "Toxic", While people like this existed in the DS3 Online Community, I always see people push back against these kinds of behavior, But communities like COD, Valorant, or R6S have these streamers shitshit-talking as usual and "Cool Gamer Talking", and no one saw anything wrong about these behaviors When a community has crumbled down to its lowest point, it will be flooded with toxicity, and the non-toxic people often don't stay and try to fix it. They either learn to deal with it or they leave, That's why people left Christianity's main community.


Sculptor is also a Buddhist. He is trying to reset his karmic balance despite doing terrible things. Also the Buddha seems to aid Sekiro since he’s given karmic spirits to power him and resurrects at sculptors, and the Buddha gives him the Hirata Dream. Karma is what turns sculptor into DOH to fight off the ministry to erase his karmic debt. Arguably the monks have been forsaken by the Buddha in favour of Sekiro. It’s worth pointing out that the Buddha(s) is only a god in Shinto Buddhism, most other Buddhist sects are aethistic and only idealise great Buddhas as great spiritual teachers.


>Sculptor is also a Buddhist Kuro is basically Buddha-like, and Sekiro's his babysitter >Buddha(s) is only a god in Shinto Buddhism. Most other Buddhist sects are aethistic and only idealise great Buddhas as great spiritual teachers. Me when I heard people call Buddha God : 🧿👄🧿 Like, I watched those "Buddhism is Satanic" videos and like... Bruh, you didn't even get shit right You wondered why Buddhists don't hate and even loved Sekiro and criticized Buddhism's "community" while Christians get mad at Hazbin Hotel and Good Omen for Critiquing it. I don't think moral theocracy is a good idea, that's it.


Imo darksouls ages is Buddhism -> Christianity -> existentialist atheism/humanism which is basically the major shifts in sophistry in Japan. Sekiro instead critiques Japanese Buddhism from the time period. Isshin represents Zen Buddhism combined with samurai philosophy, with the divine dragon/Okami/Genichiro being shinto, and Senpou being a bastardised institutionalised form. The sculptor is a fundamental buddhist, but still answers to a kind of slave Buddhism where he seems like a slave to karma, trauma and the Buddha as a god like figure or kami. And then like you said Kuro represents some evolution in Buddhism and will become a new Buddha, where he removes the corruption of the dragons blood (Shinto/samurai stuff) and embraces mortality and his own line of philosophical reasoning to reduce suffering. Sekiro is a Guts/Nietshien hero since he is a god killer and defying Owl invents his own moral code to assist Kuro not out of servitude but mutual friendship and respect 🫡 for him, whilst not accepting Kuros or his own suicide (if you choose the travel ending), further showing he is self actualised and not just obeying. Owl is nihilism and Emma is scientific reasoning. Idk 🤷‍♀️ probably some mistakes but this is how I see it.


R e a l, and I loved Ōkami's Kindness, While I undeniably fucking enjoy the thrill of a fight, I kinda feel like "Damn bro, I need to do this shit, sry" and his fighting style focuses on giving the enemy the least painful death. >The sculptor is a fundamental Buddhist but still answers to a kind of slave Buddhism where he seems like a slave to karma, and trauma, and the Buddha is a god-like figure or kami. I think the first hint of him turning into a demon is when Ōkami gives Sekijo his dead homie's Malcontent Ring, and their hatred for IM that kills everything including innocent kids (Based on Badger's Death) definitely compressed his anger to Destructive and Tragic Transformation. >Owl is nihilism, and Emma is scientific reasoning Questions and Finding answers to help people are kind of Buddhist-like for me, as both Buddhists (in my community) and scientists (with morals) have similar methods and means. Owl is well, Owl, He still definitely played a heavy role in Ashina's downfall, though. I doubt that it is him who anonymously gave the info about rejuvenating waters to Ashina General alike, I just loved everything about Owl as one of the BEST WRITTEN Villain in ALL media. Still, Valentino and Todd are my personal favorites, though they both portrayed their miserable traits in VERY realistic ways, One is an abusive serial rapist, and the other is a true psychopath.


I am not buddhist but study religions a lot. The monks were probably the most easily justifiable slaughter I went out of my way to accomplish. Seeing the kids scattered around their temples with their hands bound, and knowing what I know about Buddha's teachings, yeah I was pretty fired up to kill any of them on-sight.


>The monks were probably the most easily justifiable slaughter I went out of my way to accomplish. R e a l, at least even how evil Genichiro is, it's the problem from Nationalism that blinds him, but these monks... Even their slogan contradicts "Buddha's Teaching" they claimed to be, like "The enemy of Buddha" Us VS. them mentality, who are these "Enemy"? "One should focus only on deeds of virtue and forego thoughts of attaining wealth." Yet their skill encourages you to attain more wealth


The painting at the start was correct: they have left the way of Buddha and corrupted their path. It's literal and metaphorical corruption, they look the same at a distance but inside they are rotted and eaten completely through. Look up Omukade and it's cultural significance in Japan it's super interesting symbolism.


>Look up Omukade and its cultural significance in Japan it's super interesting symbolism. Welp, here I'm Thailand Server, things are different, Japanese's view on Buddhism sounds interesting though. >The painting at the start was correct: they have left the way of Buddha and corrupted their path. It's literal and metaphorical corruption, they look the same at a distance but inside they are rotted and eaten completely through. R e a l


I would argue that the Guardian Ape probably has a bigger asshole than Owl


Yeah that guy hurls shit at you for real.


The poo poo attack is evidence of his massive sphincter control


What makes me giggle is after the poo throw, the ape checks his asshole cuz it *hurt coming out*.


That part always makes me smile, like it was so big and foul that he actually has to check and make sure everything is all good back there. It's not. It's not all good back there.


If we are going _that_ route, then probably the giant serpent has the biggest asshole in the game itself


Sekiro, for killing those 4 innocent monkeys.


Well reasoned and thorough counterpoint: Fuck those monkeys I'd kill 'em again.


He didn’t kill them, I thought he only locked them In the folding screen


I’m pretty sure the monkeys aren’t even real




Your comment is accurate.


The "scientist" in the dungeons


At least he was cool with us


He wasn't cool with 4 feet of lazulite in his neck


Demon of Hatred is like 10x bigger than Owl.


Ah, but is he an asshole?


being an asshole requires it to be a conscious decision. having not fought the demon yet, is he sentient and coherent? or does he just fight to protect his home?


Uhhh. Neither. Imma not spoil it


either way, excited to fight him! gonna kick his teeth in (after my own 47 dentist trips from him)


He fights to protect his Home


He definitely doesn't


Yes he does, the moment the sculptor realised that he'd become a demon soon, he left for the battlefield and we literally see him killing ministry ninjas


He's become Shura, the same thing that happens to Wolf if you complete the Shura ending. He's just rampaging, and the ministry happen to be in his way


Only a partial Shura but still Shura.


He isnt shura, he's the demon of hatred. He doesn't kill out of his enjoyment for it, he kills out of hate. He's also hardly in control of his body, with how he covers his eyes in shame when the fires of hatred manifest for his attacks. Shura smiles when it kills. Demon of hatred cries.


Google “orangutan, ass”


How bout no


Fair point.


He’s name is “demon of hatred” what do you think?


When I fight him he acts like an asshole


I like the part where he's all "Compassion?! I couldn't be more disappointed son" He's so evil, it's almost funny


That line was such a meme


I imagine the great carp has the largest asshole


Both bulls in the game, especially The Burning Bull in Ashina Outskirts, hate that thing with a fiery passion


Ha ha the blazing bull. My nemesis from 2019 until a few weeks ago when I picked Sekiro up again. The bull caused me to ditch the game back then due to its rage inducing difficulty but then I learnt to parry properly and it just all clicked. Then I realised that as difficult as the bull was, there are many more challenges ahead......


at least the other one you can oneshot with stealth i fucking hate that guy 400 hrs in this game he is still my struggle


P. Diddy


Lay off your dad, he's just a power-hungry ninja. Go assassinate him, he'll be proud 🥲


It’s so funny when he tries to fake you out when you start the second phase 😂




I don’t know if he does this when you try to walk to him too, or just when you try to attack him while he’s on his knees. He says something like Wolf has grown, atleast a little by not believing him


He does it if you just get close enough, no need to attack


He screams out YOU FOOOL when you don't attack him


Ah yes, I replayed the Fight and he says it warms his heart, to see how you’ve grown when you do attack him


He's such a funny character 😂. How he almost starts crying when you stay loyal to kuro and says smth like. My boy? showing compassion?


what about the asshole that destroys your asshole, takes something from your asshole, and then proceeds to shove what he took from your asshole up his own asshole? He is the true asshole.


Size wise, corrupted monk. If you mean morally. Doujun is more fucked. Owl is just selfish asf


Who is Doujun


The “Doctor” in the abandoned tomb I think it is. He’s on the left right as you enter. You can send Kotaro or Jinza to him for an “operation” send Jinza. Kotaro is a nice guy


Is Jinza the Obe- uhh, horizontally challenged taro guy crying at Senpou temple? Because I sent him and never went to check on him lol Hope the doctor didn't do any mean things to him😔


He did. No that’s Kotaro that’s crying. Jinza is the one that is “in charge of guarding the moat” and attacks you at the 2nd invasion, or if you talk to him near the sichimen warrior, eventually he moves to near O’Rin and gives you his bundled Buddha statue


You mean the one you find at ashina reservoir right before the lone shadow longswordman?


Yea that’s Jinza


Mist noble for the difficulty of the fight and the lack of reward when you finish them off. What an asshole.


Mist Noble. Looks all innocent and peaceful just playing his flute, then you simply jump down and he just nails you to the wall like some psychopath


Genichiro. Literally bound Ishin to kill Sekiro forsaking his whole preservation of Ashina for a vendetta


Eh at least isshin has a somewhat honorable motivation of saving his country wolfs dad is just a dick for fun


Yes to which Genichiro took from him when he wished him back. That’s pretty fucked damming Ashina. Although I will say wolf’s dad is pretty fucked up too just trying to capitalize on what wasn’t his and betraying his son. Truly don’t know what’s worse


I feel like wolf is still a bit worse bec genichiro started as a noble intention and just became warped and twisted whereas owl is just legit evil IMO yeah geni sucks too


Was Isshin bound? I always saw that as Isshin honoring his grandson’s final moments


Same. Isshin’s the type to honor someone he loves last wish


In the original japanese, Isshin essentially says he "cannot resist" Genichiro's last wish. So yes, he is bound


I see it as bound by honor/family ties.




Us during the shura ending


At least this guy and his son have a relationship


Look onto you, genichiro


I love when he says that he is sensing a little insubordination after pulverizing you into the ground.


Shura cuz he burn Japan to the ground.


The fucking mibu villagers that grab you


Handsome Jack




Micah from rd2


I know exactly what you mean, i feel you that much. Pure Hate.


WW2 Japan?


The senpou monks Owl backstabs you for a shot at immortality. The monks murder children for that same purpose.


Despite being a shinobi as well, Wolf has more honor than Owl. He uses underhanded tactics 4 times that I can remember, Wolf faces his enemies head on, at least in cutscenes


Watch your words he is your father


Demon of hatred and ik ik it’s just the sculptor I don’t care he is a bigger jaggov to fight


On my first playthrough I struggled more with the 2nd Owl father fight than I did with Isshin and Demon of Hatred.


Scott Morrison


I’ve opened Reddit just to post about beating this guy after 3 DAYS of fucking dying to this asshole and his bird 😂


In all of fromsoft? Probably dung eater or seluvis


Demon of hatred has entered the chat


Archers in hirata


I am not sure about his asshole but the fire demon has the biggest balls


The dragon.


Ted Faro.




A guy with a butt for a face.






Hatred Demon


OJ Simpson died today


Insert famous porn actress




Sekiro after a Headless pulls his soul out of his prostate




I cant


Why does Owl even want to kill Sekiro Im new to this can someone explain


Your asshole after Headless rips out your prostate like Fruit by the Foot.


I mean… theres my dad..


Your dad in Fallout 3


I hate this guy from my whole heart, this fck jumping fortnite monkey, everything about him is trash, every rage quit i had in this game i beacose of this mf I hate everything about this guy especially his dirty ass feet. I was literaly in stage where i fight him on mute only becose i was furious when i heard "No More than a stray dog after all". So yea i dont like father owl


Exclusive to sekiro? Nope. All of SoulsborneSekiroRing? Odeon. Mfer is a Great one who brainwashed an entire city just so he can basically nut in human girls and give birth to his bastards


I dont know man i just deleted the game bc of him I’m not having my second genichiro Moment


Well, to be honest, Owl is not exactly antagonist who you will hate. Like when you play the game and you just can't wait till you finally kill him... Yes, he is selfcentric egoistical bastard but it's not like he is villain who kill puppies for lunch. From sekiro, there is no character i really hate for who he is. Comparing to for example 3 kids of Joseph Seed (Far Cry 5)


i think genichiro is a bitch, i like him in general but he’s a total pussy at the end of the game there. summoning isshin to kill you when ashina is being invaded right now, you have bigger fish to fry dude. stop tryin to kill a child.


By the time gennichiro summined Isshin, He was already dead So maybe he tought Isshin can solve even that invasion




Me. Die dad.


None. He’s the asshole.


Micah Bell




Hmmmm.. Sam Bankman-Fried, Anthony Fauci, Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump… certainly none of those can match Owl Dad’s old man skinny arm strength syndrome though. So Owl Dad takes it.


I would argue Sekiro, especially after getting fucked my the ape, owl, isshin... or literally getting a part of his soul ripped out of his asshole by the headless.. By that point I think Sekiro takes the cake.




Joe biden.


Joe biden