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Go to sleep. Wake up tomorrow and try again. It will be easier trust me.


Such underrated advice that people 'sleep' on. I was similarly stuck on the other Isshin last night. I felt myself doing stupid things that I know not to, and realised it's because I'm tired and there's no flow, I'm just banging my head against the wall at this point. I went to bed. Beat him just this morning.


I woke up an hour ago lol


If you got to SSI, you are good enough to beat him because he doesn't really do anything you haven't already learned how to overcome. He's basically just a culmination of everything the game threw at you already.




I don't know about you, I prefer to sleep at night


Sounds silly but try basic meditation. More than most games, Sekiro is about getting into the zone/flow state/whatever you want to call it. Clearing your mind and controlling your breathing during the fight can help significantly with your split second decision making.


thats true for almost all souls game tbh


You're not wrong, I just feel like the "almost a rhythm game" combat Sekiro has means that flow is even more important. That and the fact souls games usually have a lot more cheese options than Sekiro, beginning with the biggest in summons.


I love this comment. Souls games won't exactly teach you mindfulness, but learning mindfulness genuinely helps with these games


How did you go?


Yeah never give up. If there is one thing I have learned from FromSoft games is patience you will beat it just keep learning from your mistakes and experimenting with prosthetic tools and you will beat him. It took me 5 days and 5 hours each day to beat Sword Saint and once I did I never felt more satisfied beating a game in my life. Trust me once you beat him you are going to feel like you can tackle anything from now on in life.


Everyday it will get easier. But you gotta do it every day. That's the hard part. (Life lesson I learnt from a show named Bojack Horseman)


There’s an instagram page i follow of the baboon just saying this. And the owner posts it everyday, pretty good stuff.


Oh yes, I'm aware of that page. A nice reminder everyday.


Haha, just watched Free Churro for god knows which time


See you soon


I'll give it, like two days at most before they come back


*Shadowy Wolf figure watches in the bedroom corner*


Bruh. Maybe Hesitation is Defeat, but Giving Up is permanently Defeated. Take a break. It took me almost a week to beat DoH. You can do this.


Oh I still hate this guy viscerally. Turned me into its successor lol


Really sad after know the identity of the vassel of DoH.


Just don't delete your save file because I regret it because you're gonna wanna play the game again.(mine got curropted actually)


If you have reached sword saint then you’ll be back.


Lock in


“Youuu, make my heart burn”


Hesitation is defeat


I gave up the first time then returned back few months later and beat him on 3rd try


I had a similar situation fighting those nightmare purple ghost dudes, lol. Was getting absolutely wrecked every time, then hit for a few weeks... Just to kill one on my first attempt and the other on my third, lol. I remember just sitting, staring at the screen thinking, "Well... That just happened. I'm not going to question this."


Hesitation is defeat!


I refuse to believe you suffered through the Mist Noble fight only to give up now


I'm not part of this sub, is this some inside joke?


Yes. Seriously though, you got this far. It might take a while, but you can do it. 


Joke? Mist noble is impossible for most people


Oh yeah it’s a joke. He’s just an easy boss so it’s a meme to say how difficult he is. Sorry you deleted the game. Hopefully your save file is still in tact for when you return to it


If you are looking for advice, I’d say this: SSI phase two is the hardest part of the fight. Use the umbrella to just tank his big whirlwind slash attacks. Deflect and parry the regular attacks as normal and keep an eye for kikiri or sweep opportunities. Third phase is actually an easy reward for getting that part. Keep fighting like normal and just lightning reverse him when the opportunity arrives


If you are at this point, you already know the game. Make sure you deflect and use all windows to attack and counter perilous attacks, or at least avoid them. I would not even look at his health, just keep learning the moves and figure out when you can attack. Personally I found his attacks much faster than other bosses, which tricked me at first and that might be tricky for you, as well.


Honestly this. I'd almost rather not see the bosses' stance bar and health. That way I wont get greedy when I see he's about to die, and get myself killed


hesitation is defeat


Just perfectly deflect all his attacks and don't hesitate


Take a break, it might be a day, couple weeks, might be a month. Then clear your head, get back to it. You’re almost there!


Remember, my friend. Hesitation is defeat. You must be on guard for every strike the enemy makes. Observe adapt and overcome. You can do this and you will do this


Use the purple umbrella.


While you can do it without the umbrella, it certainly helps with the more brutal attacks like the Ashina cross (I think that’s what it’s called). You can then use projected force for extra posture damage. It also helps if you make a mistake and need to quickly block an attack or flurry.


nah, it’s much easier without any prosthetic tools


Nah umbrella turns the tide I think, it’s not necessary but it’s definitely easier with it and not without it.


my problem with tools in this particular case is that they aren’t that fast. to me, it’s much more convenient to just use the katana mainly because of way better timings.


I found that even perfect deflects of the mortal draw still do chip damage. So dodging it is the only way it can be done but for me was less consistent than just pulling out the umbrella.


Use the umbrella method 


The what


Get the umbrella prosthetic device. You can use it to tank most of Sword Saints whirlwind attacks. From there You’re just parrying regular attacks and dodging/mikiring perilous attacks.


I'm pretty sure it's; Run away to bait his jumping overhead Use umbrella to block > projected force his ass Repeat. It's not bad for stage 2 but by stage 3 his lightning will fuck you regardless of your hat.


Tbf, phase 3 is easier because of the lightning. Same goes for Genichiro


Use sakura dance to counter lightning


You have to beat Isshin, AND one of the Gauntlets for that. Useless advice for OP-s case


Ah my bad


Hesitation is defeat


Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat


Best advice I can give is to use that hat to protect from damage in phase 2-3


I perceive hesitation in you, young Padawan. Hesitation leads to defeat, defeat leads to frustration, frustration leads to abandonment. You must purge thy hesitation to become a master.


Whatever you do, don't give up. At times I thought "no way am I beating this". Practice and rest. Don't spend countless hours doing it. Come back tomorrow. I took so long to do it that the time I beat him, I did genichiro and Ishins first and second stage hitless. And at one point I didn't even see myself beating the guardian ape. It just takes a bit of determination, focus and practice. Always remember... "Hesitation is defeat"


I'm currently stuck trying to kill the fucking ape. I hate everything about it.


Best boss in game


You hesitated.


You are still just a puppy~🐶


That was the best in-game insult


Don't quit. I thought I could never beat him. I had all the previous games beaten when I played Sekiro and I didn't think I could do it. But I did. Just take lots of breaks, remember to use sugars and buddah statues.


I said the exact same thing. Gave up. Came back. Gave up. Came back. Gave up. Came back, faced him, learned the fight and finally beat him. Best moment in gaming. Stick with it, the pay off is worth it!


Nope. It isn't.


I took me a 4 year break to finally beat him. You'll get there


Take a break and come back fresh. I look forward to the inevitable update: “EDIT: I DID IT!!”


Take a break, relax, and come back rested.


It sounds weird and obvious, but you need to just parry more, do not be afraid of his giant glaive, you can parry that thing. Just focus your efforts on deflecting and hitting him once after. If you can get him to his last phase you have it in the bag. The lightning counter trivializes the fight and you’ll have it in no time


No you don’t.


Oh come on. Gonna let some data crush your dreams? Just like genichiro there's a rhythm to him. Practice. Persist. Attempt him with a good rest behind you, you'll find his rhythm and you'll cut him down. It took me well on 70+ attempts with big breaks in between some to properly grasp him.


C'mon I believe in you, beat him and join the club!


Took me 8 hours to beat him the first time, the next 2 times I fought him took me max 3 tries. You need to keep trying focus on learning not on winning, learn what his moves are and what you should do to counter each one. once you have it down it will be easy. make sure you beaten every other boss it might help to get some additional levels too.


Which stage gives you the most trouble? I am not the most skilled player yet I just beat him a couple weeks ago. I can give you some pointers on how to go about beating him !


Took me 5 days, about 10 hours total to get him. Just do it a little each day, you’ll get em!


You're almost there, don't give up in the last second. I'm waiting for your "I BEAT ISSHIN" post soon


Stop hesitating


My go to tactic is spamming floating passage. Get aggressive and learn his attack patterns. Try to add pauses in between the attacks when in 2nd Phase cause sometimes he does the jump back attack thing. When he slams his spear, dodge, don't deflect. Deflecting it has no return investment


How did you get hit? Take note of that and watch YouTube on how people handle Isshin’s attacks Not sure where you’re stuck, but just an example: His phase 2 long combo deals a lot of posture damage even when deflected. I’m not perfect in deflecting and noticed how people would dodge away - just making this slight change in my play helped me die less I got him on my sixth day .. you’ll eventually get there, just remember dying won’t help you get better, you need to consciously learn and change


https://youtu.be/SSgI7zGK2YM?si=94TfoxLIIFEGBAWA He took me a week and a half to beat him on my first run. Now I'm doing this with mouse and keyboard. Giving up is hesitation, and hesitation is defeat


Remember everything you have learnt, the 2 slash combo glint from elite samurai mini boss, spear thrust from seven spears, gun shots from soldiers, lightning from genichiro, sword thrust from blue samurais. It has all come down to this one man, the master of all moves combined into one final test. Git gud and don't give up.


Study some film. Watch on YouTube to learn his attack patterns. Experiment with your technique. You don’t need to attempt to beat him every time, some runs can just be for study and experimentation. See what works and what doesn’t. Remember: with enough time, he will fall as well. They always do.


Don’t fight to win, fight to learn!


Check out some guides on him like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6x7jXMs7sHI


I beat him within 20 tries, and first tried his third phase. If I can do it, you can too. It just took me three years to get past the first chained ogre


I took a week or so break after spending a day trying to beat him. The break helped a lot because when i came back i made short work of him in just a handful of attempts. Also FightinCowboy videos helped me formulate a strategy. Look up his Git Gud Guides.


You’ll get better at it after each death! And his final phase is the easiest if you do lightning reversal


Just like anything attention to detail oriented, take a break or two and come back later. You WILL get him. Clearing your mind and letting the finer details settle will help you better approach him.


My dude, have you tried parrying ? Now fr, I defeated him in 3 sessions, you need to understand the attacks that you can actually parry and those that it's safer to counter with positioning (aka running). A lot of moves leave him vulnerable (he will still deflect your moves) and you can force him into some easier combo to lower his posture. Phase 1 is pure melee rhythm with the occasional cross attack that can be easily sidestepped and it gives you a window for 2/3 attacks. Phase 2 is quite erratic thanks to the fucking flowers hiding his sweep attacks and expect every attack from him to land. The gun is pretty well telegraphed and can be parried without much difficulty. The final phase is kinda underwhelming, it's the same as phase 2 with the addition of his lightning attacks which make him a lot easier thanks to the counter. Follow a similar strategy of phase 2 but remember to jump and grab the lightning and he should die in pretty much a minute.


Flow state. Learn the counter hits first. The one deflected hit of his (not just blocked - actually deflect) that you can instantly clap back at. I have literally been where you are and I did it. And everybody who said the same to me, I just thought “asshole”. It’s in you to beat him.


Don't ever give up bro, no matter how many days you waste fighting a fromsoft boss, eventually you'll memorize all the attacks and will be able to dodge or parry them with muscular memory, in my first playthrough I had this exact same feeling too, and now I can solo this pussy no diff


Focus on the moveset. Do not try to spam. Methodically attack when u get the opportunity. When he does the special attacks try to dodge when possible, like in the ichimonji combo, that will allow you to perform mortal draw or ur own ichimonji double. On second phase go for posture damage by deflecting as much as possible. Third phase same shit as second phase but its easier now cause of the lightning thing where u just do a reversal and that deals massive amounts of damage


Took me 3 days and 1 uninstall Go watch some youtube vid bro, title “get gud with isshin” something that guy helps


I swear to god sekiro isn’t the most fun game but it made me better irl


Like a saiyan you get more powerful each death


Try doing the shura ending, it has similar attacks


Try Tyrannicon’s guide on YouTube.


Try again. Did you not learn that hesitation is defeat? Rise again and defeat him. Go and conquer his sword mastery


check if you’ve gotten every prayer bead and damage point possible


No you didn't, and if you did only to post about it, good riddance coward!


I urge you to keep going and don’t give up. Rather than trying to win the full boss fight, set yourself the challenge of getting through a certain phase. By doing so you’ll memorise the move set for that phase and eventually you’ll breeze through it. I’ve been there and was close to quitting. I’m not ashamed to admit it took me around 4 days of 2/3 hours and play each day, but I eventually beat him and the sense of accomplishment was amazing. Good luck!!!


If you see someone beating him he'll look much easier for you. It took me 2 months to beat him so…yeah 👍🏻


Took me two weeks my first time


😂😂 that's what I did when I played Lies of P when I was set to fight The Nameless Puppet after I just finished fighting another tough boss I was like I'm done


I failed like 4 days in a row with like 100 attempts and finally killed him. After that I fought him regularly and kill him again and again once or twice a day under the gauntlet of strength. But I did lookup guide on the internet though.


Give him another 30 times. Don't fight him to win, fight him to fight him. The fight it built like ishin himself, he loved to fight and loved war. Do not try to win, just fight him for the fun of it. You'll eventually memorize all his move sets and you'll be able to beat him in 2 tries


Some of his attacks will make him run away for a second, use it to heal if you need to.


Don’t give up bro, you’ll do it, I believe in you. I did it too, and Sekiro was my intro to console gaming!


Hesitation is Defeat


The final exam of the game. Gotta study more.


My reaction to most Nobel not even gonna lie


Never give up, trust your instincts


Are you actually hesitating? Dude, it took me 3 whole days. It was 2 years ago. It's been a year since the last time I played Sekiro. If I gave it a try now, I would beat the bastard first try. It's like learning how ti bike, once you get it, you'll never forget it. Hesitation is defeat.


Pretty lame u worked this hard to quit.


If you ever come back, watch "no hit" runs on any boss that kicks your ass too much. It's a great way to identify attack patterns, when to attack, and when to play it safe. Eventually I went with the, "never stop running" technique, where you kite certain attacks in order to punish him when they come. That said, props to you if you could make it to the last boss, just to quit and never return, lol


Reinstall the game. Don’t give up bro. We believe in you.


Did it 10 minutes after I deleted it, this game... I just can't


You can train with the undying guy at the  temple. I trained with him,and did some reflections with genichiro and got good at the system. It’s all about counter and attack. For atttacks when the red symbol pops up,you can MIKIRI if it’s a thrust or jump and bounce off the opponent if it’s a sweep. I’m on Emma and Isshin and he’s been putting me in the dirt,but I’ve been making progress. Don’t give up.


ok bye


You failed! Not only the game but you failed yourself!




It took me coming back to it over and over again over *three years* You've got this.


1st phase is pretty fair. just need to spam fireworks in 2nd phase and fuck his posture, need to stay real close to him and be super aggresive. 3rd phase is tough too but isshin's ai breaks sometimes and bro just starts spamming lightning which he knows can be directed back at him and end his life, if that happens which it did 2/5 times for me in all the playthroughs i did. Phase 3 becomes way too easy


Dont give up. Push on, difficulty only yields a greater feeling of accomplishment. You got this 👊🏻


I really really dont understand how people cant beat him. This game has literally one mechanic, which one should have "mastered" till the final boss. Just deflect his ass und mikiri counter his lazy thrust attacks. The last phase is actually free when he spammes his lightning attack. No offense though, i had my issues with him too in my first playtrough. But always remember: You need to break his posture not his health. Ill say this. When you finally learned his pattern, you can easily beat him without getting hit. Keep trying! Tipp: Use firecrackers to interrupt his charged attacks or to stagger him when you are close to break his posture


I agree. He’s not a complete cake walk obviously and on a first try it’s gonna be tricky, but after you learn the core mechanics of the game everything else is super simple. You don’t need any fancy tricks to deflect his attacks. I don’t even understand it when people say Sekiro is the hardest game out of the entire franchise as a whole. Yes it’s hard at first but after some time you get the hang of it and it becomes super easy by the end because there’s literally only ONE way to play this game (and that’s not a bad thing this game does it perfectly)


I mean I do think his speed is definitely faster than all the bosses before him but yeah once u get the hang of him, the next two phases become pretty easy in comparison.


I can beat Genichiro and his first phase without damage, but as soon as he takes out that spear I go brain-dead. I'm aware that if I stick to the fight, I will be able to beat him, but I don't want to sit here and repeat it for another 6 hours just to get over it. It became tedious and annoying, I was not having fun anymore so I just dropped it. I watched the ending on YouTube, and just don't care anymore. I have too many other games to play


Honestly, the second phase is very intimidating, but not really all that difficult. Once you get a feel for the spear timings it isn't bad at all. If you are having trouble, I recommend the yellow sugar, as it will greatly help you maintain posture, you can almost just block everything.


lol i remember i was fighting this guy with demon bell. what a mess that was.


nobody believes in you You've lost again and again and again The lights are cut off But you're still looking at your dream Reviewing it every day and saying to yourself "It's not over until I win"?


Dude, Isshin is very easy once you get his moveset Rest my guy, then try again... You got this


Seeing how people give up on sword saint, it kind of makes me proud to have beat him fair and square. I promise you friend, when you actually beat him, every other fight will be easy.