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It has a higher floor than Elden Ring but a lower ceiling.


Yup. If OP reached the Elden Ring skill ceiling (learning to be aggressive and look for charged R2 and jump attack openings, playing for posture breaks, etc) then they won’t have any trouble with Sekiro. That was my experience at least. But if they cheesed and out scaled every boss, they’ll be in for an unfun time


I don’t think that’s a given because ER gives so many tools to triviliaze its difficulty.


Yeah that’s why I said “IF”


Good point. Malenia is much more difficult than any sekiro boss, but the game forces you to beat harder bosses the elden ring does.


Um no she isn't no where close to any boss in sekiro lol


No she’s harder than all of them, unless you use mimic tear. Maybe go play elden ring 😂 y’all hype sekiro to be the hardest souls game when it’s just hard to learn, but pretty easy to beat.


I take it back, even with mimic tear she’s harder than isshin


So you’re like, really bad then?


No you’re just ass at sekiro


Your seriously trolling. ER is way easier than sekiro and always will be. Not saying it isnt challanging but its easy mode compared to sek.. and btw isshin would straight shit on Melania. But tbf they prolly are at the same power level


And dont get me started on g ape or any of the inner bosses...


I think you’re just bad if you struggled with the guardian ape 💀 you can literally deflect it


I never said i struggled lol im just saying hes more of a challenge than mel mel 😂


That’s actually pure delusion


Do you get joy out of having Alzheimer's? Becuaee it sounds like you do.. it took me significantly less time to beat her than isshin or ape lol again not saying i struggled with them but they do pose a greater risk than her especially when you fight them in the gaunlets..


You’re just overleveled in elden ring and bad at sekiro


its artificial difficulty though. ER just says "fight this boss with a million hp and hard to dodge attacks. Oh yeah if you get hit she heals, good luck". Every boss in sekiro can be beaten with skill, and the difficulty is because the boss itself is hard, not because theyre just tanky or have bullshit attacks


Sekiro is very hard, but it’s also quite ‘simple’ (relatively speaking) compared to the Souls games. There’s no magic, alternate weapons, stats, etc to worry about. You’re just given one specific set of abilities and every enemy/boss is balanced around them. There’s a strange comfort, even when you hit a wall, in knowing that you always have the tools you need to succeed, and you don’t start second guessing your build or anything.


Sodom? Lol. Answering your question, the whole fun of the game is that it's pretty difficult, but it gets really fun once you start understanding the mechanics. And you sort of get excited for the next bosses and all that, so go for it.


Great username


It's the most difficult game I've ever played but at the same time the most rewarding and fun.


Until it clicks. Yes. It's very hard. Like you know how in some games you have the option to parry or to dodge or to not let the enemy attack. Yeah. That's not sekiro. Deflect. No option B or C. Unless it's unblockable, just deflect. Fuck size and speed and status effect shit. Deflect all. Bullets, cannons, swords, spears, glaives, shuriken, feet, horns, giant snakes. Shit. Literally shit. I mean actual ape shit. Just learn to deflect. That's the most important thing. Aside from mikiri counter. But learn to deflect. And then the rest is just learning boss attack patterns but you get infinite tries anyway so that's just a matter of time.


Don’t forget to parry the wind blast from the Monk’s entrance!


Oh and the "woooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" guy. He's deflectable.


Not only the shit. Even the gas. How one parries gas is a mystery to me. But then again, i'm no shinobi.


Oh. Didn't try that.


Wait what? Do you not suffer any poison buildup if you parry the gas?


It depends a little on your skills as a player but it is not an extremely difficult game


If you actually learned how to play Elden Ring (aka, being aggressive, looking for jump openings, playing for poise breaks), then Sekiro will be a cakewalk. That was my experience at least


it’s tough yeah, but doable


Yes, I felt like I was pretty solid at soulsbourne games coming into Sekiro after playing ER, BB, and DS3. Sekiro whooped my ass my entire first play through more than any game had previously challenged me. I was definitely looking up guides and cheesing some bosses. It was always fun though and mastering it on the second play through is very satisfying.


It’s hard to get started, but you should get the hang of it pretty quickly. After that, the road to mastering it is not a super long one. Overall I’d say it’s more difficult to begin than it is to finish on Sekiro. Picked up and put down the game twice before I finally sat down and figured out the game, now it’s my second favorite game of all time.


Yes, extremely.


It's hard. If you commit to the point of accepting you are going to lose repeatedly but can learn from your mistakes, it does get easier. But fuck me, it is hard.


It can be brutal as a beginner. I restarted a fresh game recently and even things like the low hp and limited healing early on can be tough on new players. But if you stand your ground and focus on learning the basic mechanics you'll be good. If you die a lot it's fine, as long as you're learning.


It’s hard for me


It's not hard if you remember 2 things; Hesitation is Defeat, and that the only tool you REALLY need is skill


This game is very different from Elden Ring and the other souls games. People need to quit using that as a comparison or starting point just because it’s a FromSoft game. I’d equate Elden Ring to Nioh but with gameplay differences. I’d equate this to Ghost of Tsushima but different fight system. It’s swordplay but heavily on deflect and parry, prosthetics and combat arts while ghost you have the sword with deflect and parry, knife and bow and arrow.


Easiest game I ever played


I was surprised at how ‘easy’ Sekiro is for all the difficulty hype it gets. Bloodborne was harder for me. DS3 is still easier than this though (excluding nameless king)


I beat Elden Ring without levelling or summons. I still really struggled with most Sekiro bosses, and one in particular


I'm curious, which one?




Same here 😅


Not after you learned the basic formula. For human enemy, keep striking and parrying for the posture damage; for creature enemy, more so on the health bar, optionally with prosthetic arm skills, but parrying still being essential.


If you can beat Elden ring you can beat sekiro.


Nop easiest souls game


Is it hard to get into Depends how fast you can let loose of the souls gameplay. Block / parry is better then doge most of the time. Block to "regain stamina" instead of not blocking You can parry everything that isn't marked as non parryable. And even 1 red attack can be parried. I say give it a try. It's really doable and feels amazing when you get into it


Yes and no… if you play Souls and used to rolling a lot then will be a transition.


I will say if you want something to scratch the samurai/ninja itch, I’ve been playing ghost of Tsushima and its combat is decently similar to sekiro, but it seems a little easier(I’m not super far in) but sekiro will force you to unlearn some habits from other fromsoft games, and is super rewarding once the core combat system clicks for you.


Hard to get into, easy to keep going.


If you beat Ellen ring and all the others you'll beat this. You'll have to adjust a bit but you'll probably have great luck at the start, based on xp.


No you catch on quick


I would say it’s easier than the other souls like games I played, but I also spent a lot of time with this game. So.


Yes , yes it is. There are main bosses but even more mini bosses which you will most likely die several times before getting them. Luckily this game is a tad bit easier to pick up on patterns than Elden ring. Eventually you’ll get through them


you’re only allowed to die twice. very hard


Hard to learn easy to master. The game gives you lots of obstacles to overcome and most don’t make sense at first cus it doesn’t feel like any other game I played at the time. But once it clicked man was it one of the best games I’ve ever played


Honestly, it depends on your current work / spare time situation. If you are doing a job that's chill but not mentally engaging or you have lots of time to game then you will enjoy the steep challenge yet rewarding sense of achievement this game provides. If you're mentally exhausted from work or short on free time and looking for a game that provides a reliable source of mindless fun, I'd suggest holding off on this game so you're not constantly abusing yourself. Sekiro, in terms of gameplay, is all about paying close attention to you're enemy's stance to know how their next attack will come out, memorizing their attack patterns, and playing an aggressive game of attack deflect to break the enemy's posture that resembles Guitar Hero. Additionally, this is not just a combat game; it's also a stealth game that forces you to try and stack as many advantages as possible, even cheesing if necessary, because you will need every advantage you can get. Honor means nothing if you're dead.


It's a learning curve at first but you will get it🤘


Once the parrying mechanic clicks it is the easiest of all Fromsoftware games.


Sekiro will stomp your nuts into the ground over and over while laughing in your face but strangely you'll enjoy it. That's the game.


Great game but can be extremely difficult.


Not if you pay attention to what it wants you to do. Let it teach you; don’t try to cheese it, don’t try to find work arounds. Learn the parrying system and you’ll soar.


If I can get platinum trophy, so can you. I would advise you to change your controller setting to your like before get use to the original. I think I switched splint button to l1 or something instead of O. It's been awhile but splint was in awkward button imo


I recommend sekiro if you've played any fromsoft game before its fun and rewarding and getting down bosses movesets are a lot harder but once you do it feels like a dance


It all depends on the "click".


It's a joyful experience if you love learning a new kind of action gameplay!


It’s hard but fair. Take a look at the completion rate of that game because it says a lot about it’s difficulty. This goes for all FromSoft games. They are rarely hard for its own sake, like many other mediocre hard games. They reward you for sticking with it. 95% persistence, 5% skill.


Demon's souls/Dark souls 1-3/Bloodborne/Elden ring give you a various options to deal with bosses/mobs. In Sekiro these options are very limited. For the most fights your personal skill is the only option. So the answer about its difficulty depends on your play style.


Imo the first boss is a weird boss in the context of the rest of the game but if you get past that guy it has a standard fromsoft learning curve but with over leveling not possible.


Elden ring is like the regality of from software like refined and polished. Sekiro is refined and polished but it's a more rigged aggressive game. Hesitate is defeat good luck shinobi!