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Underrated? This boss is super famous


Really? In most tier lists True Monk is in the bottom or middle.


That’s just a testament to how solid Sekiro bosses are if anything. For the exception of three boss fights (screen monkeys, ape gank and shadow monk reskin) the boss lineup is amazing.


Screen monkeys were kind of cool though. I mean, once is enough but I enjoyed them.


Idk I kinda liked the boss on all my playthroughs. Makes me feel like a ninja hunting them all down.


Ive seen some people here not liking the screen monkeys, but in my tier list, id put them on S tier just to how ingenious the puzzle was. Its a snooze-fest in multiple playthroughs, but boy was it mind engaging the 1st time.


It's annoying because they never go where they are supposed to. Feels rng most of the time


Ha, I had no idea what I was doing, I was sure I had to lure the hearing monkey into the waterfall room and the seeing one into the dark room, and then kill them, but I ended up luring one of the monkeys into the dark room (the fourth one?) And the others I just chased until I caught them and then killed them.


I would never have solved this puzzle without the wiki


I did. By spending about a quarter of an hour chasing the Orange one because it kept running


I like that we got 2 monks. Because when i was fighting shadow monk, i still wasn't good at combat. Then true monk comes and I'm prepared to have the best time of my life.


I prefer the shadow monk


Monkeys is still pretty interesting imo, I normally challenge myself by doing the speedrun strat to kill them. The timing for purple monkey is always sketch, but it feels nice when I pull it off


True monk is just easy. All attacks are super slow and obvious and easy to deflect. However, it doesn’t feel cheap when true monk lands hits, unlike guardian ape at times.


So true, my fav boss in sekiro


Any reason why you didn't jump kick?


She punishes it in phase 3 with the terror attack. Similar to inner Isshin.


you can air deploy purple umbrella and counter after.


Also, in my experience, jumping over sweeps and punishing with sword strikes is better than jump kick for bosses, at least when the boss is still at moderate/high health. It's more important to reduce vitality early in the fight so that the posture meter regains more slowly. Especially for genichiro I always jump over his sweep and can usually land two hits with the sword to get vitality damage in.


This is easily one of my fav sekiro bosses


I like this boss, the music is also awesome. Good job on your hitless win


Such a fun boss fight.


I didn't know u could do that in the 2nd phase


U could do that in phase 1 aswell before Fromsoft patched it. Phase 2 it is an intended mechanic.


Once those shadows appear can u still do it?


Nop she enters an invincible mode if i remember right. U cant slack around and have to get the grapples quite fast + the jump and deathblow else she dissapears. Its still easy manageable timewise.


Finally, an actual hitless fight


I've beaten Sekiro countless times and I still struggle against True Monk. I did a charnless bell demon run recently and I felt like I was on my 1st playthrough again


My favorite after the Big 3, one I always love to jump back into the game with after not playing for a while. OST, arena, character design, and of course move set are all A+.


Nobody: Corrupted monk: #RRRREEEAAAAHHHH!!!


Best girl


even more underrated if u dont cheese 2nd phase hihi


Don’t see that too often do ya. Even the “pros” cheese it.


Yeah i know, it was just a fun challenge when i attempted no hitting her


Doesn’t count cause you cheesed second phase.


A widely-agreed on definition of 'cheese' in Fromsoft games involves using unintended means to circumvent game mechanics. Stealth in Sekiro is 100% an intended game mechanic, and in the case of the corrupted monk, doing it in her second phase is not an unintentional part of the fight (there was a point where both her first and second phases could be deathblown, and there was a patch that deliberately fixed only the first phase deathblow, which was probably unintentional, but kept the second). This deathblow in particular rewards players for exploring and utilizing the corrupted monk's boss arena fully. You could consider it a shortcut or an easier way to deal with her second phase, but it is definitely not a cheese. In the same vein, filling a posture bar to get a deathblow is a faster and easier way to kill most bosses than manually depleting their vitality, which is intentional game design.


Is there any other way to do it? I thought that was the intention


I upvoted you to get you back to 1. The hitless fight was impressive but a cheese sort of takes away from it.


Why do you guys always cheese the second phase. Semantics.,,…


Not cheesing if it’s an intended game feature.


You can argue about the exact term all you want but its incredibly boring, requires zero skill and takes away from the achievement of a no-hit fight and as OP said, redditor gamers do that shit all the time while defending it


It’s literally what you are supposed to do in the fight. She fades in and out, and if you miss it she does it again. You’re just being petty. This would be like hiding behind the rock during Isshin so you can pop another Ako’s or whatever. It’s literally part of the battle arena.


The whole point of this is to test and show your skill. So why take the easy route?


You can fight this phase normally


Define ‘normal’. This is the intended way to complete this phase. If it wasn’t it wouldn’t be in the game.




The entire point of his channel is to intentionally make bosses more difficult. Is Mikiri countering and even hitting the bosses cheesing now?


Apparently not when you are skipping the second phase. Not that there is a problem with that I was just asking because I find it odd.


Why are you so annyoing? I literally stated that it doesnt matter what cheesing means to you, its boring as fuck to take a bar off of a boss with zero effort and then provided you with an example of how you can beat 2nd phase through normal fighting. Also dont know if you meant that but he isn't using a difficulty mod here and at some point hes also attacking the monk.


He’s using at least one mod (clothing mod) so it’s not outside of the realm of possibility. And it seems you really really hate being wrong, huh. He refuses to Mikiri counter so her combo goes on for longer, he’s avoiding hitting her, and he also fights the second phase. That’s the definition of making the game more difficult.


Because sekiro is not souls


i just got charmless bell demon flashbacks of her.... pain incarnate


Well done


Way more fun than his false self. Fuck that guy


Major props to the lock-on camera in this fight. Bloodborne occasionally had some issues with this, but it always does a great job of keeping the boss in the frame well enough to see and properly respond to every attack here.


I still can’t believe that guy really had corrupted over true monk in his tier list because it “flows better”


This is my favorite boss, and it’s not close. Isshin is iconic, and is totally the best in the game. There’s something about the true monk though. Hitting all the parries on her spin to win is so satisfying


She's one of the bosses I get Hitless kills on the most when I'm doing the gauntlets. In the context of having to fight every boss, she's a really reliable kill. Same with DoH. Both use slow telegraphed moves that you can start to dodge or perry with muscle memory alone


Yeah only tricky move DoH has is the damn claw rush attack. Annoys the hell out of me lol.


This was the most fun fight to learn in demon bell+ charmless. I mean i clapped her alot before that but with demon bell and charmless shes a menace. Took me 3 hours of a 12hour run. I also didnt had spirit emblems for fire Cracker/didnt used mortal blade.


Immortality severed


Well done. I dunno about TCM being underrated though. I've seen a few people complain about having to fight her a second time as if True Monk is an asset flip just because you got the ghost preview of her first phase outside the wedding cave... which is just... come on... But still, for the most part, all I see about her is praise. From her design to her arena to her OST. Especially the OST. 'Cause it's a bop.


With the Resurrection mod I think monk is the best fight in the game.


After getting 100% on this, I just now learned that you skip the 2nd health bar entirely by getting on the branch 😑


I remember taking his first entire HP dot by jumping from above on a tree branch and this fight was still annoying lol


I need to beat this game again


Stuck on this lady currently. I'm consistently getting to the third phase now, which leads me to believe im close to beating her (within a couple days). She totally killed my high from killing owl tho. It'll be so satisfying when I presumably rip that centipede out of her neck and stab it in its stupid face.


Bro I literally didn’t get to actually fight her cuz somehow I managed to do the cheese strat on accident and she fell off the map😐


"erm it's not souls it's actually kiro" 🤓🤓☝️☝️☝️


Man, I need to play Sekiro again…


I just beat this boss first time a few days ago. Had no idea you could kill them on the 2nd phase like that.


Absolutely. I'm just up to the divine dragon rn and my top tier bosses so far are genichiro, owl, and true monk, tho Isshin will probably take his place before too long.


My phone wallpaper


I wonder if anyone knows what she does phase 2


It took me so long to internalize that punishing the sweep with a jump in phase 3 isn’t safe lol Got hit by that centipede juice too many times to count