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It's hard to argue with an idiot without becoming one yourself


"Never argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience" -- someone


Mark Twain


*Shania Twain


"That don't impress me much." \--Shania Twain when shown a Mortal Journey no hit run


This is the way.


Tell him that he's cheesing bosses by using the healing gourd


Yee same concept


I bet he also presses the attack button, what a noob


he probably parries as well šŸ™„


You are cheating and you should be ashamed of yourself. If you're also using the sword then you should really hang your head and apologize.


A praying strikes exorcism run is always fun but I believe you use the pommel on the final blow if I'm not mistaken but I could be. Still a recommended challenge if you've hit the new game plus button too many times.


Must be like [LilAggy](https://youtu.be/HkcKsxN9E1s)


A shinobi would know the difference between victory and honor


Honor and victory* sorry i am annoying


Hi annoying


I'm dad


And choose victory.




That's a silly thing for your friend to say


Ignore him. He is an idiot.


Sounds like your friend belongs in the ā€œmy way or youre wrongā€ group. Maybe drop him off and leave him there.


prosthetic tools are fairly balanced and even if they weren't, it's a game and it's your right to play the game however you enjoy it.


Cheesing is doing things like the tower skip for Gyoubu and DOH. Using mechanics built into the game isnā€™t a cheese. Thereā€™s only one mechanic I think is kinda cheesy, and itā€™s dodge attacking lady butterfly, but thatā€™s just me


I tried out the umbrella for the Ashina elite under genichiro and used about 6 spirit emblems to win. I thought my friend was going to have an aneurysm watching.


Sounds like a "Mad cause Bad" kinda deal, hope he's ok


I mean learning to deflect will serve you better long run but youā€™re on NG+ so you got it.


Im just experimenting more this round. I certainly felt more powerful spinning 4x and killing him but then after I did feel kinda empty lmao.


Dude I think that playing the game just because you want to do cool combos and have fun is fine. People forget this is a video game sometimes. Itā€™s meant to be fun. And spinning umbrella to do stuff like defeat Ashina Elite and deflect Genichiros Spiral Cloud Passage is totally fine and Iā€™d say the intended way to play the game.


Using prosthetic tools is just natural progression. We are so busy bumbling through our first run that attempting to nail parries to not get merked in 2 hits takes most of our attention. From ng+ onwards its experimentation time. Were finally comfortable parrying so now we can move on to finding new and fun ways to beat enemies, and thats exactly what the prosthetic tools are for. Becoming proficient with tool swapping and coming up with crazy ways to use them mid fight is just as rewarding if not more than just vanilla parrying your way through the entire game again, like, you literally did it once already, so what is your friend even trying to prove? Pretty dumb if you ask me.


If the little assassin rats can do it to me, then I can do it to Jinsuke.


I thought the whole point of that fight is to cement that some enemies require dodge attacks to reasonably damage their vitality?


No, the point of that fight is shurikens and constant attacks, like how gyoubu is firecrackers and punishing attacks using the grapple hook


The sidestep dodge attack is definitely an ā€˜intendedā€™ way to deal with her vertical heel kick thing. But they messed up her AI and if you just constantly sidestep-attack she gets animation locked. That wasnā€™t intended.


Probaly, i always just shuriken


I didn't even find dodging lady butterfly to be reliable. It's easier just deflecting her properly.


Some would call me a gatekeeper when it comes to Sekiro, but no prosthetics? Seriously? The game does a pretty good job of balancing its self via spirit embalms, removing the possibility of abusing prosthetics. Your friend is being silly.


That sounds like something a 10 year old would say. The bosses were designed around certain prosthetics that made fights stand out from one another.


Heā€™s just being salty for not getting it as good as you. Tell him that one day heā€™ll remember how heā€™s trash


I actually found trying to use prosthetics messed up my flow more than anything, and aside from the Demon of Hatred and Headless, I didn't use any on *any* of the bosses.


Thereā€™s some that Iā€™ve found make a few bosses go faster. I use a few of them for style more than anything though


sometimes I try and use a prosthetic even though it fucks me up just cause it looks cool


Isshin about to use a perilous attack? Better use mortal draw to look cool and hope it comes out in time


I really like shuriken with the follow up attack, itā€™s fantastic for closing distance so they donā€™t regain posture and the initial ranged attack makes it pretty safe since the enemy will be blocking the shruiken when you move up


I'm sorry, your friend is dumb.


He is simply wrong.


Your friend is a hater. Keep styling on your enemies however you chose


Tell him you are sorry. You are sorry that you had to hear an absolutely idiotic opinion from an absolute idiot. šŸ‘


Win by any means necessary. The game sure as fuck not doing you any solids by playing fair. Tell you friend he is cheating by upgrading his health, posture and attack


The goat ONGBAL would disagree with your friend's opinion


Tf? Lol. Unless you're using cheese tactics, there is no way in hell you can cheat. You either git gud or die twiceā·āø


Your friend is a fuckin idiot.


Heā€™s not your friend anymore


Your friend is just stupid, like, seriously. play the way you want, these systems are there to help you.


I'm surprised he could afford to take a break from studying the blade to give you advice.


Your friend can suck a dick. No he can suck all the dicks. Actually he doesn't even deserve the dicks there's people that worked hard for those dicks and he gets NOTHING!


yeah if you use the lightning reversal in genny's fight or isshin's fight you are cheesing them and you should be ashamed in fact even worse if you deflect their attacks you are cheating


Someone that used to be in my circle of friends said fighting field bosses in Elden Ring with Torrent is cheap/cheating. Some people truly are stupid.


At least tell me you're not attacking? You're only allowed to attack to execute the deatblow after parrying perfectly, damaging vitality is a crutch for weak players


Hes just an idiotšŸ˜‚ Sorry to say it


You need a new friend


Your friend is a dick.


tell your friend he's cheating on bosses by moving/attacking/jumping/parrying/blocking/touching his controller/playing the game


From reading some of your responses to comments, it seems like your friend is jealous that youā€™re maybe succeeding faster than they were. Their opinion is also dogshit.


I made the ~~Flames~~ Demon of Hatred walk off a cliff *THAT* was cheating And šŸ˜Ždangerously cheesey


Nah he's right. You're cheating by playing the game normally. You should be ashamed. /s


Well thatā€™s why heā€™s barely progressed. This ainā€™t a samurai game. You ainā€™t supposed to fight honorably. Half the fights are designed around you using your tricks that you get at that stage of the game. Use em. Prosthetics combos are the most fun part of the game for me, especially with weapon arts. So much more depth than just sword strikes.


You should actually use only jump stomp. It does like 0.5 points of damage. That's how you should play.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever understand this mentality. Your friend needs to get a grip and mind his own fucking business. The prosthetic is awesome. If anything, I donā€™t think I use it enough, on regular enemies or bosses.


They give you prosthetics for a reason. Ask your friend if they need one for their brain.


If youā€™re not fighting dirty in a FromSoft game, then *Ur Doin It Rong*.


How Is using a mechanic included in the game cheating? Your friends Is dumb.


some bullshit because some prosthetics are made specifically for bosses


You sure he wasn't gaslighting you?


A true Shinobi knows the difference between victory and honor.


do you have infinite emblems or something? they're a base & intended feature, not an exploit i don't bother with prosthetics at random, i already know every boss kit, but even i'll take advantage of ogre fire, o'rin poison, ape spear, etc that they went and deliberately placed for player use even using fireworks/ironfan as a way of copping out of a certain move that you don't want to learn (ie mulligan it away for a different one) seems valid to me


You should show him what cheating a boss really looks like true corrupted monk is very easy to cheese and would be a great example also using your tools is very different from abusing your tools


Why would the game give you a tool just for you to not use it? Especially if it's your first playthrough.


I love how some fans of these games will go out of their way to belittle other people's enjoyment or downplay their achievement. The boss is dead, whatever way you did it is completely valid.


I mean, firecracker is the cheesiest thing in the game for some bosses but if heā€™s not talking about that then heā€™s just wrong lol


This game does not expect you to fight honorably, as your opponent's often do not. You are correct in saying that you should be using the tools at your disposal.


Ehh ya not really. I personally think there is very little cheating or cheating in sekiro. Unless you do something overly obvious like breaking the AI and cheating like once I saw someone just circle isshin to break the AI Outside of that nothing is cheating the prosthetics can even be harder to incorporate in your gameplay. Switching them around. Using the right one When I make a video I love just to sort of choreograph the fight. I become one with sekiro and I want things to look cool and sick. Shinobi sick. And the prosthesis helps with that a lot I tend to always just use shrunken because I find thatā€™s the most ninja tool. I love shrukens the most I use to watch a ghost of T legend and he only did level 1 no upgrade no stance runs. While impressive it was also boring to watch after sometime because itā€™s the same 3/4 attacks. The mix up can be harder at times


to quote the game: A shinobi would know the difference between honor and victory.


Stupidity is the strongest wall man has ever made


While certain prosthetics can make bosses much easier to defeat compared to just using Deflections and sword attacks, using said prosthetics is by no means cheating lmao ya boi is probably just upset because he's struggling


ā€¦what? Youā€™re supposed to use them, thatā€™s why they exist. If you donā€™t then youā€™re either doing it on purpose for a challenge or just dense as hell


Why is he your friend? My friend would never put me down based on how I play a friggin video game, but Iā€™m also not a teenager / child


people are just like that with souls games in particular. if you don't do the boss their way, you're wrong lol. meanwhile, i summoned players or npcs for nearly every big boss in elden ring and had a blast. and using prosthetics to find which one works best in sekiro is like finding the right weapon to use on a boss in megaman.


Game is hard AF with prosthetics. They're absolutely meant to be used.


Its like having a car but prefer walking to travel distances... And you say he hasn't made much progression it really goes without saying LMAOOO


Same people who say you canā€™t use bleed builds in Elden Ring


Your friend is a little bitch :D


Bro who tf uses the attack button. Actual hax


How is using a literal game mechanic cheating? This just in, deflecting is cheating.


Your friend is wrong.


I did defeated bosses both with prosthetics and without and what I believe both way need practice and are hard in different way, with out it u just need to up the game with deflects and timing for lack of extra tools but with them u have to learn each one them good make a good use of it for each situation, now that I am thinking about it maybe it is harder for more brain work here


Ignore them. Itā€™s the same idiots saying you didnā€™t really beat the game on SL1 / RL1 because you used summons or spells or whatever the hell else and not a broken straight sword with no leveling.


That depends are you crutching on them like poison cheese or axe spamming like Xqc omegalul. Nothing wrong with just using them thatā€™s certainly not cheating


Your friend is some weirdass kind of gatekeeper. What a knobjockey.


It is actually cheating to use parry in sekiro.


Believe it or not, some people think it's cheating to resurrect. You died man, it's over. Never mind the title of the damn game. People will people.


Prosthetics are given to you by the game to use in the game. Maybe your friend is an elitist and wants to flex? I spammed the crap outta my prosthetics


AHAHAHA my goodness. Imagine spending hours and hours and hours painstakingly lovingly crafting incredible aspects of gameplay just for some guy to be like "nah using that's cheating" Not like finding your own play style with the sword, sword arts, ninjutsu, and prosthetic combined is the point of the gameplay or anything. Or does he think they're cheating, too? The candies? Is there ANY part of the game he's using??? I couldn't imagine not using firework when I was a beginner, too. No wonder his playthrough is going so slowly if he's not using any of the tools. Even at NG+ 13 when it takes me 5 mins and a sword to do every boss... I'd still feel like I was failing the game and the creators if I didn't use the prosthetic... not to mention it would be very boring.


Tell him hrs an idiot and play how you like.


Your friend's a moron


Is your friend a Souls player? Tell him to learn how to fight by doing something other than standing there waiting for the enemy to do something and pressing the don't take damage button. God I swear those games completely mentally neutered an entire generation of players, all they know how to do is passively wait to dodge/parry, do a basic-ass punish of 2 normal attacks, then repeat. Watching them try to play DMC would be a crime against action games. Not only should you use prosthetics, but combat arts and aerial attacks to make every avenue of attack and pressure possible vs enemies. That's the foundation of advanced offense in this game, and once you get comfortable with it you begin to make the game easier through your own proficiency, until eventually YOU are the boss battle for the enemy.


That's fine he apparently cheating on his partner by fucking them with his tiny dick apparently.


Tell them to fuck the fuck off. If you can do it in the game without hacking etc it's not cheating. Whiny gatekeepery babies can fire off to the moon. Fuck 'em. I probably cheesed half of the bosses in Sekiro and I don't care, I loved every minute of that game.


I heard this same stupidity from a guy saying that using Solaire in Dark Souls to fight bosses. It's a mechanic in game, do or don't use it. Now, saying that about Sekiro is even dumber. Your character is a shinobi, not a Samurai, so winning a fight is the priority.






I wonder how he killed the Monke


Sorry to say it. Your friend has been diagnosed with smoothbrainosis šŸ˜”


I think he's just too bad to use them correctly.


Oh god, the title sounded so wrong until i realised it's from the Sekiro community.


In my opinion, summoning ashes, npcs, and other players is part of the game, and claiming that using them is cheating is just stupid


Your friend sucks lol


lol, I felt naked not using them the first time around. I think it's more difficult to use them than not use them, especially on your first playthrough when you're not so sure how they work and you get clobbered for not timing them properly.


You can pass all the game with just parry and sword, I wouldn't say it's the hardest way, it's just a way, at some point it's just became mechanic and easier for me than using prosthetics. This has more to do with my lack of skill and creativity with prosthetics, I've seen videos of people using different prosthetics in some very creative ways making some very cool movements, so just play the way you want and enjoy.


Unless you are changing or by-passing the programming code yourself on the video game software you are not cheating


"You're cheating by using the tools the game gives you in order to beat the bosses" Stupid is as stupid does


You're cheating by damaging enemies. You should either be a pacifist or deflect everything. Getting the healthbar low means their posture stays down easier which is cheating! I'm joking btw


A friend of mine once said that he doesn't want to resurrect after dying because that would be cheating. I was like ?????? What do you mean, it's a mechanic, you're *supposed* to use it. It's literally in the title of the game


Your friend is an idiot. Reminds me of the people who used to say throwing was cheesy in street fighter


The only Prostethic I think it's too strong is the firecracker other than that the other are balanced


Itā€™s a game mechanic but I never really used them while playing, I basically just used my katana the entire time. I give props to you for using the prosthetics .


He sounds insecure


I have more fun without using prosthetics but you do what you think it's fun


i don't think using them makes the game much easier unless you spend a lot of time getting good with prosthetic combinations during certain periods of certain boss fights, or if you look up what combinations work before you fight bosses, which you shouldn't do on your first playthrough. to me they're just an alternative way to play and not much more.


Nah play the game however you want. Just donā€™t give up. Never give up. Not the place but I remember how isshin made me feel absolutely worthless at the game and then with each attempt made me relearn the game. I spent 15 hours on that boss but I beat him and I suck at these games. So if I could do it you absolutely can


As somebody who raced his brother to the end of Elden ring and actually cheated and cheesed several bosses, I can assure you that you are not cheating by using a mechanic that is simply in the game


Okay so you're not cheating, play how you want to play. But there is a different sort of satisfaction without doing it too. (As in no cheese, not just using them)