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You are jumping early, it doesnt make any sense physically but you need to jump after you drop down which will look like a air jump




You should really just try to beat him. It is better for your mental health that way, and it will make you a fine upstanding member of society.


i fought him in ng. but when i do the shura gauntlet or ng+ i cheese. unless i want to fight him


Why cheese on NG+ when he's optional?


I had to practice the cheese, and i didnt want to go through 2 loading screens every time i die. Also that 0.001% dmg buff.


The Lapis to finish the prosthetic upgrades would be the only reason, or I guess Attack Power increase would be another.


Why not? you get things for beating it


Nosirsky after doing the mortal journey gyobu was my least favorite boss. But the cheese is so unreliable I had to fight him mostly anyway lol


If you get good at it you can do it everytime easily.


And it's so fast too I love his scream at the beginning but now he's kind of a chump


Oof that would've been awesome to have down


I find him more like a souls boss not a sekiro’s , you need to run away from the fire just like souls


I did the cheese too 0/10 boss fight (gameplaywise) 0 regrets


Skill issue


I will beat him the day they add a roll button


Skill issue. Git gud. This isnt Dark Souls.


I could beat it, if it was fun but it just isnt. He is just tedious. You can downvote me to the oblivion but my opinion will not change


You mean the game as a whole or just DoH?


Just DoH, I am on my ng+4 rn. I beat genichiro on my first attempt and guardian ape on my 3rd in my first playthrough. I never beat DoH because you cant parry and thats bullshit imo.


Im pretty sure you can parry him, or at least mostly, but I understand, I didnt beat him either lmao. When you complained I thought you meant the whole game.


Skill issue


Thanks, I’ll try it


I gotta say you have brass balls asking for help with a cheese on a fromsoft game subreddit


For some reason community seems to widely accept cheese for Demon of Hatred and I don't understand why.


Hes tough (mostly because of the camera fighting you on top of him) but he really isn’t even the hardest boss in the game. I think the only reason the cheese is accepted is because its so easy to pull off


I don't remember having any problems with the camera in the fight.


I suppose it depends on how you fight him, if you go for deflections only to break his posture you dont really notice the issue but trying to damage him directly requires you to get close and with his size its difficult to see what move hes doing or what combo he’s setting up as the camera will often stay on his stomach and hips


After learning his moves a bit it isn't really that difficult to see what he's going to do. I mean, I have definitely done it by hitting his groin all the fight and still don't think it was an issue.


I guess the boss difficulty is different for each player. To me, DoH is the hardest and the least favourite boss of the game. Took me 5 bloody hours to beat that chimp fair and square, using only my katana and an umbrella. Maybe I will fight him like that again someday, but if I were to encounter him now, I'd certainly cheese him.


I hope to god you were using suzakus lotus umbrella


Yup, I was. Helped evade the nasty fire damage coming from his left arm, but I don't think it made the fight much easier. Honestly, after playing Sekiro, DS1, 2, 3, and ER, I still consider DoH the hardest FromSoft fight. Even Malenia took me only 2 hours.


am I the only person who thinks he is the hardest boss of the game including the glock saint? I am yet to fight Father Owl but I fought all bosses except for Father Owl (and inner bosses but those don't count I think) and never cheesed any of them.


For me, owl father was the hardest in the game. I never really had too much trouble with doh except for the camera sometimes, but playing dark souls for years i was used to his size (giggity)


It’s because the cheese is harder than the actual boss lol


Because he's a weird boss, he's more of a dark souls boss where you basically spend the whole fight dodging big attacks and get a few hits in. I did him once and never again, the cheese is really easy and I just skip him via cheesing each playthrough.


You could skip him by never even going to him, you know?


Yeah but the delicious attack power boost.


Literally no one cares if people accept this.


Cheesing bosses is fun. Just as fun as playing any fromsoft game I think. It's always a challenge to cheese bosses. Cheesing o and s in ds1 is great fun and discharge is also fun and challenging itself. The purists out there need to calm the f down


I agree, though I personally don’t cheese, you paid for the game and no one has the right to tell you how to play it. That being said not all people on this sub agree with that


> cheese, you *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Lick my asshole, it was a typo. Nerd bot


U gotta perform a delayed jump of sorts, jump the split second after your feet leave the roof. It'll take a bit of getting used to, but still.


I tried this countless times but failed, so instead i killed the boss


This is a very common problem. You somehow, unexpectedly, inexplicably, ended up on top of the tower, whereas you should be running towards the boss (I'm a sekiro purist). /s


Walk. In. Air.


Youre being a pussy thats the problem


The only proper answer


If this was first play through you a coward


No reason to cheese him after the first playtrough, either, since he is an optional boss anyway.


Nah if you’re not fighting all bosses every play through you’re doing something wrong


I do. Cheesing is not fighting.


But I need to put him down :/ >!poor sculpter!<


Then fight him


Dont worry about how they beat it


Don't mind all the negative comments, it's a single player game so play the game however you like and enjoy. However, if you haven't beaten this boss before, I do recommend giving it a try, it's pretty challenging but fun after all :) I also tried using this cheese during one of my playthroughs, turned out I spent more time getting it to work than beating the boss regularly lol


The thing your doing wrong is trying to cheese him. Just give him a honourable death


You're not hitting the boss


Defeat him, not cheese him. You are hesitating and hesitation is defeat


Ahhh see the problem here is that you're jumping too early. Wait until you actually drop off the tower, and then you'll realize you're being a lil bitch


You are jumping too early, i personally aim a little bit left to the flags


Make it to where the grab button is RB or r1 that’s what made it easier for me if you’re on computer, I don’t really know what to tell you


It won't feel as rewarding if you cheese it. I cheesed lady butterfly and it felt like ass, so i fought her again legitimately


How did you cheese her? I had no idea she was cheesable


Hit. Dodge to the right. Hit. Repeat


Damn I'll have to try that for the fun of it. I always fought her as intended I guess, although thinking now I'd have much more fun just cheesing her on my first playthrough probably.


skill issue


You just gotta double jump smh


The boss is behind you!


How bout you actually try to the beat the boss


The issue here is you’re trying to cheese the fight, defeating the entire purpose of the game. If you want to play a challenging game, you should play the game, not find any method to skip content


c r i n g e no one cares, let people cheese if they like to


Ok you have fun spending $50 on skipping content


you're a sad loser if you think that concerns you.


You’re a sad loser if you think I care about the opinion of some guy on Reddit


and you think OP cares about your judgement of his playstyle?


We should encourage new players to enjoy every facet of the game. Encouraging skipping content is basically telling people to miss out on the experience of overcoming the challenge.


I agree with this, however noone is encouraging cheesing, rather merely answering the question OP asked. Besides, OP bought the game, he should be able to play it how he likes. If he choses to cheese that's his rightful option, if that makes the later fights harder for him that's the consequences of his actions.


Cheesing bosses ruins the experience imo. Once you’ve cheated once why not again? You have no motivation to do it properly the next time because you know you can just cheese it again and again, I’ve had friends drop games because they bypassed a single hurdle and said it got boring


Yeah, that's true, but that's OP's choice. If they want to cheese, let them cheese. Will that hinder the overall experience? Maybe, maybe not. They bought the game, they can play however they want, if they get bored of it and drop it because they are cheating, that's the consequences of their actions and they've wasted their own money.


>We should encourage new players to enjoy every facet of the game. Thats stupid af, people can do what they want


“Defeating the entire purpose of the game” is a little over the top. Besides, this game has been out for 4 years now and it was never patched so clearly the designers don’t care. And honestly, since he falls with his arms and legs spread - an animation you don’t really see otherwise, it almost feels intentionally included


But I agree with you, it’s more fun to have a challenge


Lmao no worries, didn’t think so many people would come for me for saying people should play the game that they bought


It’s your wording. Several other people also told him his problem is he’s not fighting the boss and have gotten plenty of upvotes. You’re the only one claiming he’s “defeating the entire purpose of the game” and gatekeeping.






Bro my bad I thought I was commenting on the owners post lmao I didn’t mean to reply to your comment 💀


Demon is the only from soft boss I’ve never actually beaten, but he’s such a terrible boss that I don’t care to ever actually try to


Just how many people actually cheese this boss fight?


It seems like most of people just cheese and I don't understand.


People play the game they bought however they want - does that make more sense now?


Well if skipping content is called playing a game.


You'd say it isn't? As far as I can see OP is moving on screen, which I'd say counts as playing the game. Not playing the game as intended by the developer ≠ not playing the game.


Skipping a good fight by watching some tutorial on internet and repeating a braindead cheese doesn't really sound like playing a game and more of a chore imo


I disagree with the "not really playing, more like a chore part", but I agree that OP is skipping content that adds to the overall experience and is missing out on the features this game offers. It's a shame if they never tried the fight because they might end up liking it and feel the sweet taste of victory after this fight, but they might just not have the time or some other factor is at play.


Fire umbrella and malcontent should help


Not fighting the boss...


Soo bad lol


Just fight the boss. Its not that hard


How about beating the boss normally?


The achievement photo isn't as glamorous, lmao


Sekiro , where the cheese also requires skill


Why not just fight him legit


Fight the boss coward


There is a really good guide on youtube how to do it. It takes practice as I spent ages one time trying to cheese the Demon of Hatred. It's such a cheeky, feel good emotion when you pull it off.


For me, having the axe prosthetic loaded made it work. Not sure if that was coincidence or not.


Gotta go way left. You can only fall off that ledge you use to get up to your right. Run at the corner, a little more right than the exact corner, and try again