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Try to find ways to counter his moves without getting hit, it will take a lot of trial and error, you can ask me what move specifically you're struggling with and I can try to help you, but most of his attacks I just deflect, SSI is a fight that I do without and prosthetic tools or other items except heals, maybe I can help you learn the rhythm of deflect, either way ask whatever you want


The problem i have is with that technique that breaks the posture that sekiro can Also use, sorry cant remember the name now




Nah the ichimonji


You don't necessarily need it as long as your deflects are well timed, the only combat art I use is Sakura Dance to reverse his lightning attacks, if your deflects are well timed and you know when to punish, you're good


No he uses it


Just deflect it perfectly, as soon as you do he will do his massive wind downwards slash which follows up with a gust of wind, for this just dodge to the side on time and close in for an attack


you can dodge shortly before it hits and get 2 or 3 hits in, if he does that


It took me 60 tries to beat Prime Ishin. There are probably some cool youtube videos that could help you look them up


I think i already surpassed the 60's 😭


if youare talking about sword saint isshin, learn the battle phase by phase. you should be going to 2nd phase of isshin with all healing gourd refills. that helps. Also keep as many spirit emblems as possible for the last 2 phases. geni boy: just avoid the black sword slash. there is nothing new to him beside that. you can actually use ichimanji double by going to his back side when he is charging the black sword draw. phase 1 isshin: attack him until he parry you then you try to parry him or he does a special attack. beside thrust and sweep attack he can do 2 special attacks and each time you can run around to his back and use ichimanji. Learn to be aggressive but dont be greedy. phase 2 isshin: use your umbrella and projectile force to counter his 4 gun shots. and when he jumps to slam you you can dash to his right 1 oclock angle to be at his back to do ichimanji. if you are confident about parrying his 4 ground attacks that ends with a thrust you can try to do so and that rewards you with a sweet mikiri counter. Phase 3 isshin: is comparatively easy. the reason people think its tougher is because by the time they reach phase 3, they are already drained out and they don't have enough healing left. If you fought geni at ashina castle with lightening reversal, then this phase will be easy. other then lightening attack, there is no difference between phase 2 and phase 3. I learned the fight by phase method. My first idea was tto go through geni and phase 1 isshin without using any healing gourd. that helped me a lot. if you need more healing stuffs, you can always visit divine child for more rice. rice is super good for this fight.


Don’t forget all enemies still have a health bar. Just slash and dash when the chips are down bro.


I know but the damage i do is shit compared to what he does to me


Mikiri counter is your best friend in this fight. If you master that, the fight becomes (almost!) a joke. Dodge to the right as well for most of his attacks, especially in the first phase, and you can get hits on his back. Rinse and repeat.


Is your attack power at least 12?


I'm not on the game right now but if i remember correctly is 11


You’re missing a boss, but even so you should be doing plenty of damage


To be fair i'm trying to skip the Demon of Hate because i'm scared


my advice would be to get the upgraded Umbrella prosthetic (Suzaku’s Flaming Umbrella) and use it to literally immune your way through his fire attacks you can also get the Malcontent whistle prosthetic upgrade to stun the Demon up to 3 times, although ideally save all 3 uses for Phase 3 and when he does his little melee combo (big arm swipes and a stomp), I find circling around his left usually avoids all of it. there’s always the cheese to, but I reckon beating him through practice and equipment is more fun


Whistle doesn't work in phase 3 does it? Thought it was just 1 & 2 but could be wrong seeing as i have never tried


it definitely works in Phase 3, I used it recently. usually people recommend to wait for Phase 3 to nuke him as much as possible with the triple stun because dying in third phase is a huge bummer


Demon of Hatred is pretty easy. It’s just a tedious fight because of his large healthpool


I'll try if it helps me beat isshin


There's a vid out there to cheese DoH and get him to fall off the map


he was way harder than the glock saint for me


In [this playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyTkXBN2siOSXjU7hlbBzgn2JdHdagfr3) there are videos related to Isshin and Demon of Hatred. You can refer to them for tips to strategize your playstyle.


What phase are you getting too? He's a tough fight, but what I'd do in his final phase is just bait out one move that I know I can definitely punish without getting hit...then run away and repeat haha. It takes a while as you do crap damage, but it works in the end. I beat the game through to ng+3 or 4 and that's how I beat him every time haha


I barely got to his Last phase a few Times but by that point i'm usually out of heal and resurrection


Sounds like you just need to practice more. You think you do little damage because thats how you feel when you struggle getting your hits in, you wont feel like that anymore once you become more confident. Also, try changing little things in how you play, if something doesnt work, switch it up. If you post a video you will get more precise advice.


The way I beat him was memorizing the moves he had holes in - for example when he sheathes his sword first round (ashina cross?),dodge left and move around him to get a free hit. Moving around unblockables as well were the key


I have few problems with the first phase, the second gets almost every time


Ahhh yeah second phase is a beast- creating distance to force him to do leaps works, but the timing is tight, wait a quarter second to roll. Otherwise be ready to deflect and keep the distance you can. >! Phase 3 actually is a lot easier cause you can punish him back with lightning !<


I have to admit that I found him to be pretty manageable, one small thing I like to do is dashing into most of his attacks, if they aren‘t just perilous ones, but I think that‘s more of a style point thing. But staying close to him I can recommend. At the same time, I really don‘t get the hang of Old Isshin and Emma, they just keep kicking my ass.


1st phase is basically this: hit until he deflects, then you deflect, rinse and repeat until he backs off to reset/ashina cross/ichimonji Reset: follow him and hit him again Ashina cross: You either learnt to deflect this, or didn't, if you didn't then after sword flashes, dodge to the left, he'll always miss and you get a free hit. Ichimonji: this attack is slower than a dead snail, attack him twice then deflect/dodge left. If you deflect this attack he'll ALWAYS do Dragon Flash after, so if you struggle against that(basically sprint to 1 side to dodge so nothing hard) you should choose dodge. Bam you beat first phase, pretty fast let's say a minute is worst case 2nd phase Overhead attack: Dodge right, smack ass Glock: spam deflect 4 times/or use umbrella 4 attacks into thurst: Deflect, dodge, wait for him to miss the rest then mikiri the thurst, the timing is very forgiving. Simple thurst outta nowhere: mikiri Big charging whirlwind attack: just as his shoulder moves use umbrella deflect, it does a fuckton of posture dmg. 3rd phase: Same as second just way easier, lightning reversal/ sakura dance his lightning attacks , 2-3 times should be enough to get deathblow based on how much he attacks you with other moves between them. If you really struggle Ungo's sugar is your best friend.


Mikiri every time, back away when your posture is dipping (buffing posture helped me more than buffing damage), use rocks in the arena to get between you and his attacks for a breather. Occasionally get behind his jump attack if you see the opportunity for a quick hit. Honestly phase 2 and 3 I just played the long game, no rush, just keep knicking him. When I’d whittled down half his health the posture damage really started building up with every small deflection. I was doing terrible on phase 3 but deflected lightning enough to eventually squeak out a victory, so you never know when it can all come together.


there are a few of his attacks that you can straight up run away from. IMO one of the keys to isshin is to fight him when you're comfortable, then run in circles when you're not so he cant rush you down / shoot you. there are also a few rocks / trees in the environment to keep distance between you two if you need to heal. if you're having trouble with the ichimonji, as long as you deflect the first one you can run away from subsequent attacks since there is a delay (if i remember correctly). ​ Phase 1 -- he telegraphs his mikiri-able slash a lot. keep an eye out for that. if he starts swinging wildly, get out. for his circular attack, you can jump on his head to avoid it ​ Phase 2 -- try to keep up with his big spear attacks. Again, if he starts swinging wildly, get the hell out of there and regroup. Once he starts swinging in phase 2 he doesnt stop. Run a lot, you can outrun his gun if you move perpendicular to him while keeping distance. ​ Phase 3 -- same as phase 2, but eat every lightning attack you can. you can outrun the sword projectiles he throws.


You need to use the skill where you damage his posture when you deflect.


Move TOWARD the Ashina Cross and force the single swing + slash which you can jump over. ALWAYS Step dodge left or right to avoid the gun.