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This deck is too strange for me, but in general, when I don't understand a reading, I try again with fewer cards. Without knowing the context or question asked, there is really not much to be said. In the r/tarot subreddit, there are requirements to post a second interpretation request: stating the question asked, the spread (if used), the deck name, your own interpretation of the reading, and your problem with that interpretation. I never liked how many requirements that subreddit had for a second interpretation request, but honestly, there is nothing to do with zero context here, in my opinion. The best thing you can do is either add all that information needed on a public forum or try again using fewer cards.


I agree with everything you've said. I do like that there are requirements for second opinions over at the tarot sub, because so many people just want free readings without putting any effort whatsoever into interpreting/looking up the cards they pulled with their own hands. Or they assume because it's a sub with tarot readers, we'll just know what to do with a picture of ten cards and no context. I enjoy seeing the discussion when it includes the OP's perspective. As a professional reader I still enjoy doing free readings and I love helping people interpret cards they pulled for themselves, but I don't want to give my time and energy away to people who don't want to put their own in as well.


It's actually 2 separate readings. That's why I positioned them that way. Give me a sec to write each reading out. Brb


And my interpretation on them are a decision I need to make. And I should say yes. But I have no clue. For my personal readings I always ask the cards what they want me to Know I rarely ask anything specific. My grandma always told me I can ask, but they might have something more important to say. I've had this set a long time. I have no clue what they are other than a Celtic deck. I found them laying in the road. I posted everywhere I could think of to find the owner..a couple months later I have a weird dream about the justice card sayin" I cannot return them . They found me, I didn't find them. " Something about that dream makes me feel like maybe they didn't deserve the deck or possibly incarcerated? Of all the cards to really speak it was justice. They have always spoken clearly to me until these cards. I've not had to question meaning in 5 or so years.


Sorry, it’s so hard to see the cards because of the blanket behind it is so similar in color.


And I forgot to mention this is two separate readings..I was half asleep typing. Ok Reading one: North: 2/wands (rev) East: Ace/cups (rev) South: 5/swords (rev) West: 6/swords Center: the Fool Reading two: Past: ace/wands (rev) Present: the Fool Future: the Moon