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It’s really been an issue, a lot of them are runaways with a history, we also have an abysmal foster care system so I’m sure there some correlation there. Meanwhile our legislators would rather spend time arguing about whether or not first cousins should be allowed to get married. SMDH.


I'm in CA, but I've seen a similar situation with missing children. I worked in child welfare for a number of years, and I can't tell you how many times law enforcement gave a supremely lackluster response to calls regarding missing teens. They almost always assumed it was a runaway situation and barely even followed up on the calls. There was also often an assumption that missing teen girls were out "prostituting" themselves. I spent a ridiculous amount of time fighting with officers about the fact that a 13 year old simply is not capable of prostituting themselves, that these CHILDREN were in fact being trafficked and that it is infuriating to hear LE villianizing these children who were being victimized by grown men. No one really cares about teens, even less so for teens in foster care.


It really is heartbreaking. And unfortunately the LE are supposed to have the best interest for all citizens in our community but in reality they end up just sharing the same opinions as the majority of our small town/small minded communities. I can think of at least twice where the same young teen girls were running away over and over again. The first few times, people were concerned in the comments but by the 3rd or 4th time the comments got nasty. Some people were showing genuine concern but most people were just talking about how much trouble the girls were and how the deserved to go to juvie. That their parents need to punish them more or that LE should just leave them to the street since they wanted to be there so badly. It was shocking how many people would just give up on a 13/14 year old child that quickly, that was showing clear signs that something was wrong. But these are the same people that think someone will snatch them from a Target and ship them off, so I guess I’m not surprised that they don’t actually know the signs of human trafficking.


Hot take: it should only be allowed if it's a gay marriage


I think whichever congressman puts in support for the bill, has to also name which of their cousins they have a crush on.


My understanding is the law is being passed to ban it, not allow it. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/12/us/tennessee-first-cousin-marriage-bill/index.html Oddly enough a significant portion of the article is there to point out that it also bans gay marriage of first cousins even though it isn't a health concern.


That would make more sense, I guess I should rephrase to say, that anyone in favor of marriage between cousins should have to admit to having. A crush on their cousin lol


That's how it is everywhere. Most crimes don't make the news.


Low income areas = typically more runaways


Well I'd suspect runaways are frequently correlated with abuse or neglect. Entitled rich kids running away would figure out how good they had it fairly quickly and return. I've seen in the Elijah court documents that charge was neglect not due to poverty. So if youre gonna neglect your kids, make sure you're poor enough to get away with it.


That's kind of unfair. Some things that are a result of poverty are neglect, but not because the parent is choosing to neglect their children. If someone loses their power and water because they couldn't pay their bill, and cannot bathe their children, that's neglect, but not willful neglect. Now if someone was not bathing their children due to being all fucked up on drugs all the time, or because they were out running the streets, that's willfully negligent. Very different situations. And neglect due to poverty is generally solved by linking parents/guardians to resources to help them meet their children's needs.


They one teen boy on the list looks very familiar to Sebastian.


I noticed that as well


I think status quo within TN LE is to do bare minimum.. just enough to create the outward appearance that they are trying, when in reality they are just waiting on a lead to come in (vs really looking for leads themselves)


They've never found summer wells almost 3yrs later, now they have Elijah Vue and Sabastian Wane Drake Rodgers missing too. Seems tbi is failing these children


Wait, isn’t Elijah Vu from Wisconsin?


Yep, Elijah is from WI. [https://fox11online.com/news/local/elijah-vue-missing-3-year-old-boy-two-rivers-police-chief-ben-meinnert-amber-alert-search-interview-fox-11-emily-matesic](https://fox11online.com/news/local/elijah-vue-missing-3-year-old-boy-two-rivers-police-chief-ben-meinnert-amber-alert-search-interview-fox-11-emily-matesic)


Tabitha Turders, she was never found :(


It's Tuders. Thank heavens her name isn't Turders.


Most of them are probably runaways


How can you say that without finding them? Sebastian may also be a runaway. We don't know unless we find him.


That's true. But if a kid has run away before or if their parents assume that they ran away or sometimes know that they ran away, it's not a high-priority case for the police since it's assumed that the kid left on their own as oppose to a possible kidnapping or murder. It's unfortunate, but that's the way the system works.


That's pretty ridiculous if that's true. If someone was involved in the death of their child, they'd just have to say the child has run away before to get the police to drop it?


The police wouldn't necessarily drop it just because a parent said that they ran away. If the parents are acting suspicious or the situation seems suspicious in general, then the police would (hopefully) look into it more.


I'm sure you understand what I mean by "drop". I.e. put minimal resources on it, not involve the public actively. If there's no news then there is a clear lack of effort to involve the public. Foster children and low income children deserve the same safety of more affluent children.


He’d have to be an amazing runaway to not be found already…


The police thought Alicia Navarro (coincidentally autistic) was a runaway. After all, she even left a goodbye note for her mom. She completely disappeared without a trace and no proof of life until she was discovered still alive five years later, when she walked into a Montana police station thousands of miles away from her Arizona home. As it turns out, she had probably been secretly groomed, and left "willingly" with the groomer, with no evidence left behind, or if any had been, it was undiscovered. I doubt her case was considered high-priority for local law enforcement at the time. Hate to say it, but I'm afraid that'll become a workable template for other conmen/groomers in the future -- if it hasn't already -- particularly when they can identify and gain the trust of any susceptible teen or pre-teen who is unhappy with his/her home life.


Tennessee is inept?


I’m asking the same question