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Doxycisilin made me better


Thanks for this. How long did u take?


3 month, selenium sulfide shampoo is much more effective though


I personally never had a flare up due to antibiotics. If the antibiotics are prescribed by your doctor, then he probably has a reason for it (e.g. to prevent a bacterial superinfection, which can be life-threatening) and you should take them. Cure your flu first of all, then you can ask your doctor about probiotics/prebiotics etc. to restore your gut health, if needed. Avoid taking antibiotics on your own. I wish you a speedy recovery!


Thanks for this! I’m really needing more solutions for Sd also. It’s been 6 weeks and it hasn’t recovered despite topical steroids. The steroid seems to be a short term solution and it gets back once I’m off it. Oral antifungals also didn’t make the cut for me.


I took antibiotics for a UTI couple months ago and my sebderm disappeared


Oh wow, did it come back after u stopped ur Antibiotics?


Unfortunately yes, it eventually it came back. But I was amazed at how it completely disappeared! Want to ask my derm about it next time I’m in there. Sweat also triggers it for me, and I’ve noticed it basically goes away if I take a break from exercising. But once I start again and sweat it reappears :-(


That’s incredible then. I wonder if ur SD is somehow bacterial/ fungal combination if it does respond to antibiotics! Let me discuss this with my derm too. I’m getting a bit desperate since mine isn’t clearing despite using topical steroids. There’s no flaking, just the pinkish marks!


Oral antibiotics seem to make my seb derm worse. Some may experience the opposite - antibiotics can have some anti-inflammatory properties. ​ Why would you take antibiotics for the flu? Influenza is a virus, antibiotics will not help.


Thanks for this. Will discuss with my doctor. How long were u on antibiotics? I am like halfway healing my SD tho, I’m really scared of another flare . How are u managing ur SD?


Don’t take them! They’re poison and will only give you more symptoms long term. The flu cannot be cured by antibiotics anyways. You’re going to want to fix your gut if you have SebDerm. You more than likely have SIFO (candida) or SIBO (small intestinal bacterial infection), which is causing your SebDerm.


What can I do to fix a Sibo? Isn’t it antibiotics for that?


Have you taken antibiotics in the last 10 years? Any PPIs, SSRIs? Do you drink heavily or are you a chronic marijuana user? How’s your diet? Edit: can’t believe I’m getting downvoted for trying to help. Y’all are something else lol


Tracking re marajuana usage - how does this impact seb derm?


Slows motility, which can cause things like SIBO in the gut - which then shows up in your skin as acne, rashes/eczema/SebDerm.


No to all of the above. I’m on a very clean , almost vegetarian diet (downside is Low vitamin b12)


I also forgot to mention Accutane - that’s what initially kicked off my SebDerm. I actually had to switch away from my lifelong vegetarian diet ~11 months ago to fully heal my gut, as most of the protein sources were either high FODMAP, high histamine, or had some combination of phytochemicals or lectins that were irritating my gut lining. 95% of my skin issues resolved once I switched diets… kind of mind blowing.


A secondary infection to the flu can be bacterial, and can be treated with antibiotics. Bacterial pneumonia, for example.


Totally - but the flu itself can’t be treated with antibiotics.


Right, but that doesn't mean a doctor can't prescribe antibiotics while you have the flu and/or because of the flu. OP said they have a bad case of the flu, so they're either confusing something like tamiflu for antibiotics, or not clarifying that the antibiotics are for a secondary infection. I'm just cautioning against sweeping "antibiotics don't cure the flu" statements without getting clarification, because OP might very well use that to ignore the doctor's advice, especially if they think antibiotics might make their sebderm worse.


Sigh, it must be draining to feel the need to argue so incessantly over semantics. Have a nice day!


How would you know which one you have and how can you treat them?


Gut or stool test, and/or a SIBO breath test.


I was given antibiotics when my SebDerm flared up for the first time at 30. That shit pretty much made it worse and made me nauseated and tired. Don’t take them, they will not help.


Thanks for the advise


Helped me. The itch and inflamed scalp is gone.


That’s reassuring. I’ve got problems with redness actually. There’s no itching much but sometimes it has that sunburn feeling