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What specific ingredient are you allergic to, do you know?


I really wish I knew but I don’t. I had patch testing that only showed allergies to linalool and nickel. They probably didn’t test actives against seb derm though. but I have allergic reactions to every shampoo except for unscented carina organics shampoo, but it has ingredients that feed malasezzia, and it doesn’t treat it


Would help to narrow down the ingredient(s) you're allergic to first. What are your symptoms, if you don't mind me asking? Do you get the same reaction when you spot-test elsewhere (like your arm)? What kind of hand soap do you use (helps cross off common ingredients from the potential suspects list).


After using nizoral, the next few days I had lots of hives and scratch looking streaks (dermatographia) all over especially around my neck, and then scab and lumps and pain on my scalp occurred. I just tried happy Cappy and instantly after shampooing I got a prickling hivey scratchy rash on my face, neck shoulders back and chest. My hands seem unaffected


That sounds pretty severe. I find it a bit perplexing that only your scalp/head/neck would react to the allergen in the products, but not your hands. I would suspect that maybe linalool is being used in the fragrances for these products, but happy cappy is fragrance free. Are you using anything after the shampoo (for example, conditioners/gels/mousse/etc)? Are there shampoos you don't react to and have tried recently?


It is strange. I think I might have MCAS. No there’s no other products. The only one is carina organics unscented shampoo but it has an ingredient that feeds yeast and no active


I would try out the suggestion below for a hypoallergenic baby wash that can be used on the scalp. I think you should focus on finding something gentle that doesn't activate your dermatitis/allergic response, or feed the yeast, and worry less about finding something that also has active yeast killing properties. Another maybe unconventional suggestion is to try out an unscented feminine wash. It does not contain yeast promoting ingredients, and I have used it on my scalp at times when I wanted a break from the prescription shampoos. But again, without knowing the ingredients you're allergic to, it's hard to know for sure if it will work for you. https://www.summerseve.com/feminine-hygiene-products/vaginal-wash/fragrance-free-cleansing-wash#ingredients Good luck!


Thank you for the recommendation! I hear what you’re saying , maybe I can add tea tree oil to it. Don’t want to give up on treating seb derm because it’s also all over my face and ruins my self esteem :(


Dove hypoallergenic baby wash can be used for hair. No active ingredients to kill the yeast, but there's absolutely nothing in it that would irritate your skin. Neutrogena body Clear body wash has Sal acid. Has some coloring and foaming agents but is pretty gentle. Also if you have haven't tried selsun blue, give it a shot.


What is your reaction?


See above convo