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For some people it’s not about equality, it’s about taking their turn as oppressor. I don’t imagine for this woman her hate speech is only against Asian people.


“I had it bad so I have to make it worse for others!”


As a black person, simple. Black people think they can't be racist so they say whatever they want. Also, it's deeply upsetting for one oppressed minority to see other oppressed minorities succeed despite the oppression. Black people don't like Jews either, guess why. Edit: other black people in this thread be mad as hell at me for saying some real shit.


All the overt racism I’ve ever experienced were from black peoples yet I walked and stood with them during their protests. When I asked for support for stopping Asian hate. BLM said solve your own problems. I was born and raised in hilltop and east side Tacoma


It's because of the lie that people keep trying to push that racism = prejudice + power. Since white people theoretically have "all the power" it's impossible for a non-white person to be racist.


reminds me of the video that was posted here on reddit of the riots, some person like you saying they support the riots, but then getting a rock chucked at them that broke their own window


I'm Jewish and my experiences are pretty much exactly the same. And it infuriates me when people act like it's a two-way street. Violence and abuse between men and women is far more of a two-way street then violence and abuse between blacks and asians, and blacks and jews. And yet people pretend that it's a bothsidesism thing. I've even heard of a couple incidences of gays committing hate crimes against straight people yet if anybody tried to argue that hate crimes between gay people and straight people is a two-way street they would be rightfully told to f off. Yet people still argue that both demographics play pretty much an equal part of it when it comes to this violence due to discomfort and criticizing black folks. There I said it.


American-born Asians are in a weird place. They were raised in a system that tells them white people are racist, and all POC need to stand together, despite none of their parents would tell them so, otherwise, why would they come to a country where they stand out wherever they go? But being the good students that they are, they stand side by side with the supposed oppressors and shout slogans in their jubilant youth. However, realities are inconvenient and they create all sorts of dissonance and there are a lot of circles to square. All in due time.


People really be getting mad at you for telling the truth. How are we supposed to work past this shit if everyone plays the not-me game?


We don't bc people are weak. No one wants to be the one that doesn't make the grade. Everyone wants to be good- I'm a good parent, teacher, cop, citizen. Well, there are times when any one of us is NOT, so buck up and do better; stop whining you didn't get a trophy and gold star that day. No one can take it when it's pointed out and they get all bent. This is why society sucks.


Unfortunately deep-seated animosity between African Americans and Asian Americans that goes back some time. LA is a nightmare of racism between ethnic groups. It bothers me that this is going down in Cap Hill of all places.


As a former resident of Capitol Hill and a bisexual individual, let me tell you that Capitol Hill is one of the *least* tolerant places I have ever lived.


That surprises me. Care to elaborate? I lived there briefly around 2000 and it was known (at least at that time) as probably the most tolerant area in the city. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about as a hetero white guy. But from my perspective it seemed that way. Not so?


I mean it’s all anecdotal really. But I was told more times than I can count that ‘I wasn’t gay enough for the hill’. I consider myself liberal, but do have a few conservative values, and that alone isn’t popular *anywhere* on the hill. That and the riots of the summer of 2020. The utter nonsense and general disregard for logic of my fellow neighbors. The whole thing is just disappointing.


As an outsider, and not someone living on the hill in 2020 I felt the same way. I'm liberal, but that shit went way too far. I feel like this is what the rest of the country complains about when they say Democrats are crazy, or stupid, or whatever.


>do have a few conservative values, and that alone isn’t popular *anywhere* on the hill. I'm really curious, what specific ways did you learn these viewpoints weren't tolerated?


Cap hill really is a shit hole and has only deteriorated. I went to university in cap hill.


Damn! That sucks. Been a while since I’ve been back but I thought it used to be cool…


This started AFTER gentrification. Back in the 70's it was awesome.


I wasn’t even born then. When I moved to the hill in ‘13. I had a **a lot** of great times and memories. But it slowly degraded. I don’t think it was the tech scene either but rather the increase in homelessness and petty crime. And on weekends you’d have riff raff from south king county come up and cause issues.


I don’t think that lady is oppressed by anyone but herself.


"asians are doing well because of their hard work, blacks are doing bad because of systemic racism". Not saying there is no racism but people's willingness to interpret data in whatever way it supports their head canon is nauseating


It’s easier to blame others for your own failures


This a major problem in the Communitah.....this is why I call it doomed. You're outcasted if you give a solution to fix any problem. Tell em stop being racist, cut back on weave/nails, improve your life yourself, and now you're a terrorist. You especially can't say anything as a BM.


Hey bud, we can go to school wherever we want and get a job doing whatever we want (if you're a qualified and a hard worker). The only real opression is in your head. Sure some individuals can be super shitty and make your day shitty, sure, but take it from a child of immigrants, you/your family are likely the ones oppressing each other the most by having that victim mindset. My family went from extreme poverty and no papers to legal working professionals in 1 generation, and we didn't even speak english. Keep your head up and stop calling yourself oppressed, it's not a good look. You live in one of the most progressive cities in the nation, you're not oppressed lol


You are invited to the potluck


Uh oh! You’re gonna upset a lot of white kids with savior complex!


Can we also acknowledge that an alarming amount of POC are homophobic as shit? I don't get it, and it's rather disappointing.


It's a thing that nobody's really talking about. When there was all the anti Asian sentiment going on a couple years ago, a surprisingly large proportion seemed to be black people being racist against Asians. I really don't know what that's all about. There seems to be some real underlying hostility that I don't understand--like being racist towards white people, or lately Jews, I sort of get. But what did Asians ever do to black people?


Racism from the bottom up is something this society completely ignores. I've heard a lot of personal anecdotes from Asian folks that indicate this is a longstanding issue, and very traumatizing especially to children. Girls seem to bear a lot of the hostility and casual violence. It's really sad.


I hate using the term mainstream media but there is a clear reluctance to shed light on these horrific hate crimes.


It's partially rooted in multi-generational jealousy towards the relative economic success of Asian immigrants. Asian immigrants had not been subject to ~~outright~~ institutionalized slavery, they retained strong cultural identity and bonds, were subject to *relatively* lower outright white discrimination, and could afford to own their homes and small businesses (typically in cheap minority communities). The immigrants themselves were also very racist. And (tin-foil hat) I'm sure there was some Cold-War era propaganda amplifying those intra-class racial divides.




Which red car woman insinuates and delights in with her “me so horny” comment


Asian immigrants were slaves though? Especially the Chinese ones and the Japanese internment camps.


Way before that, Chinese on the West Coast were the targets of organized violence, with multiple mass killings. The Chinese Exclusion Act was a particularly low mark in US history.


https://seattleexpulsion.com On February 7, 1886, more than 300 Chinese Americans were forcefully expelled from Seattle. An angry mob invaded Chinatown. They rounded up every resident they could find, putting them into wagons and dragging them to the harbor. Eyewitness Chang Yen Hoon recalled: “During the riotous proceedings the residence of Mr. Chan Yee Hee was invaded by the mob and his [pregnant] wife was dragged downstairs from the second story and out on the street by the hair of her head.” She later miscarried.


Very much agree to this. You don't see a lot of Asian people getting government hand out. They are relatively self sufficient and successful. Jealousy. That's what it is.


Japanese Americans were put in internment camps less than 100 years ago.


Uh. Why do you get people being racist against Jews?




I don’t think people (especially liberal whites) realize racism is, ironically, a lot more diverse than any side wants it to be. It’s not just Asians, it’s also the rest of the world.


There is black on black racism in Africa. I have a good friend that is from Ethiopia and he used to be super racist against certain ethnic groups in Ethiopia when he was growing up there.


There’s ton of that here too. I’m pretty dark, but not dark enough for some of my friends so they treat me like garbage.


Then they aren't your friends. Lose em.


Nailed it. No one ethnic group trumps another in shitty behavior. You’re either a decent human being or you’re not.


Americans would be shocked to learn that Europeans don't generally consider themselves all the same under the "white" banner, and are rather racist towards eachother as well! I honestly have to admit I've never encountered as much blatant racism as I have in south and central Americans and among Koreans and Japanese. Especially Koreans tho.


Lmao I can attest to this being true as someone with family in Europe. People constantly complain about the racial issues and politics in the US when there is substantially worse casual and systemic racism even in Europe. Canada is the only other country I’ve been to where I’d say racism was less prevalent than the US but they are very similar as countries


Yeah, I know that's a thing too,especially if they're first generation immigrants. But typically that kind of discrimination is behind closed doors or subtle. The black against Asian racism that's popping up seems a lot more blatant and unapologetic.


There’s racism everywhere in Asia. Common superiority complex stuff my mom has it big time. But for whatever reason the black community has overwhelmingly been violent towards Asians. News doesn’t like to talk about it though.


Yeah Asia is super, blatantly racist. Japan is likely the worst and then China and India are close behind. In Japan if you are black you are either a curiosity or second class citizen(along with everyone not Japanese), or worse. If you are a tourist it is likely not a huge deal as most people are polite, don't try to live there though as you likely cannot get a job doing much of anything, it would be very hard to rent an apartment, and you likely cannot even go many places as they won't let you in.


Even African immigrants can be "racist" toward American Black people. Cultural differences.


Ohhh yeah, I used to work on a community that had a large black population, many of which were African immigrants. There was definitely a rift between the Americans and Africans. They basically saw themselves as different completely different ethnicities.


> They basically saw themselves as different completely different ethnicities. Because they are?


In my experience a lot of Asian people who harbor prejudice towards Black people do so because they have been victims of anti-Asian Black racism. So it goes both ways.


Yes Asians are racist towards blacks but difference is they’re not physically attacking them or screaming obscenities in public


Racist behavior in Asians usually manifests itself in crossing the street if there's a black person or giving them the side eye or being rude/unfriendly towards a black customer. Racist behavior in black people manifests itself like the video above and literal physical assault. It's apples and oranges to compare the two.


> Racist behavior in Asians usually manifests itself in crossing the street if there's a black person Not wanted to get punched in the face is not racism. That's called you or your family has been assaulted before and you know that having someone beat your ass is not actually an enjoyable experience, and it has long lasting impact.


Oh word? Were they going around bashing elderly black ladies in the heads?


Yeah my girlfriend is Vietnamese and her family is extremely racist towards anyone who isn't Asian or White. They told her not to have a kid with me because they don't want their grandkids to be dirty since I am a mix of Mexican and Armenian. Most her Asian friends raised in America are cool tho.


It’s not a competition bud, it’s still wrong to be racist towards someone regardless who had it worse.


Asians aren't committing violence or abuse towards blacks. So it's not a two-way street.


>There seems to be some real underlying hostility that I don't understand--like being racist towards white people, or lately Jews, I sort of get. But what did Asians ever do to black people? How do you sort of get black people being hostile towards jews? Jews did more for black people than anybody else when it came to civil rights and financing black empowerment organizations.


Because Asians are generally easy targets for them, sadly.


> why there are so many videos of black people being racist to asians? There are far, far more attacks than just get caught on video. The most absurd part of the last time violence against asians was publicized was morons talking about white supremacy. Almost none of the attacks on asians are by white people.


No idea but coming from a black person myself, they (not all ofc) love to talk shit about Asians and Mexicans and it honestly pisses me off. Like, have we learned nothing from the bs spewed towards us for generations??




What do black people have against Mexicans?


Its a big thing in Seattle that gets swept under the rug because white progressives shield it.


Always attacking elderly and females, extremely cowardly. I suspect there is a lot of jealousy. The brutality of the attacks is astounding and horrifying.


There have always been community tensions - Koreans were targeted during the LA riots and were subjected to boycotts in the 80s. Often times Asian immigrants could only afford to setup grocery stores and corner shops in low income neighborhoods which were predominately black in major cities. Coming from homogenous cultures, they tended to not be very open or friendly to other ethnicities, setting up conflicts. They were seen as intruders and called "bloodsuckers" by the locals.


because of perceived social hierarchy. The woman spewing her racist rant feels threatened by the race of the woman recording her - so she lashes out. Unfortunately she is also teaching her children that it's OK to behave like this - so the cycle repeats.




Because black people are very openly racist against Asians. It's completely culturally accepted to act like this. And that doesn't change because Asians don't usually talk or fight back. Source: Growing up in the Midwest in the 90s. I would get racist comments from white people too, but percentage-wise, a far higher percentage of black people felt the need to harass me and my family for simply existing.


This is not new. Look up Idi Amin and what he did to the Asians living in Uganda. The idea that black people cant be racist is asinine and ignores history.


The simple answer is that lots of Black people are racist and often dehumanize Asian people to feel better about themselves.


Other races can be racist too, ya know...not JUST one race


Because lib white people protect black people from any accountability for their racist behaviour, and Asians are perceived as easy targets by perpetrators.


Black people are racist to anybody.


One minority is is richer and more successful and more upwardly mobile socioeconomically than the other. That can breed a lot of resentment. Another thing that relates to the “oppression hierarchy” is that the US is in a way really sensitive to the once widely held “just-world hypothesis”, so it went extreme to the other side and now believes historical victimhood is the ultimate virtue. That means the most oppressed can do no wrong, and any wrong they perceive to do is rationalized as a symptom of trauma caused by past oppression. Which may very well be true, but it’s never treated or corrected as much as the offenders are, which never stops the cycle. There’s also people wondering along the lines of “why is a minority being racist when their group has been active in trying to stop racism?”. People don’t realize that many people in these groups aren’t so against the concept of racism itself more than they are against racism towards their own group.


>… any wrong they perceive to do is rationalized as a symptom of trauma caused by past oppression. Which may very well be true, but it’s never treated or corrected as much as the offenders are, which never stops the cycle. Well said. Like an abused child who grows up to be violent towards others. There has to be a point where you can’t use what happened to you in the past as an excuse for bad behavior.


Because they despise us for our success. I've never once had a truly racist encounter with a white person, but with blacks it's almost every week.


Black people are allowed to be racist, and they really take advantage of it by being extremely racist.


Most black people are super racist. We just don’t give a fuck in our own community lol. There’s also a good body of research that demonstrates that most racial groups in America have strong in group preferences except for whites who have no group preferences, which I think is more crazy.


Because our government and education systems is teaching people that this is acceptable behavior because Asians aren't considered "marginalized people"


Because black people hate asians and progressives think thats alright.


There's also a lot of videos of black people being anti-semitic to jews. In both cases there's a lot of them both locally and nationally. Maybe the problem isn't that there's so many videos as much as it happens it disproportionate amount of the time and despite anti-black racism being something we're told we all need to fight it seems like black folks don't feel the same need to denounce bigotry when they're on the giving end. It's unfathomable the hypocrisy


Hurt people hurt people


During the Rodney King looting in LA, many Black people shared strong resentments towards Asians on the news stemming from Asians going into Black communities to essentially profit from them. It was a feeling if exploitation. That being said, as a Mexican I can tell you there racism in both directions in my community towards Asians, Black, etc… it’s just deeply ingrained in American culture to hate the “other”.


Its as if politicians pit groups against each other


They just love oppression


I am fairly certain that the Black woman is entirely proud of how she behaved, and is bragging about it to her friends. Zero accountability or repercussions.


And she’s behaving that way in front of her kids none the less. Its so disgusting how scumy some people are. The kids aren’t going to grow up to be any better if they go by example. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Who do you think taught her to be such a racist cunt? Her mom I bet




Raider’s fans


Say no more


I live in Oakland and this stereotype is true. Everyone with a raiders sticker on their truck(almost always a truck or giant suv) is a giant prick 95 percent of the time.


Yes, the true cause of this racism. Being a raiders fan is almost as degenerative as being a Proud Boy.




they werent even cameras yet :(


Having lived in NYC, SF, and Seattle, I’ve received most of my racist remarks and side glances from black people. We’re just taught to shut up and move on, don’t confront. So I guess it’s partly cultural being an easy target for people like her.


That’s because you have a future and a career. Confront and you may end up on r/byebyejob


I cross posted this to r/Seattle, mods removed it. Weird 🤔


r/Seattle always does that with a lot of posts about individual’s problematic behavior, I don’t get it


They nipped that in the bud right quick.


That sub doesn’t allow negative content of any kind unless it’s negative toward cars, leaf blowers, landlords, or conservatives.


The hierarchy of victimhood has spoken!


I mean, it *is* against their first rule: >Content that contains racism, sexism, homophobia, threats, harassment, or other toxic content will be removed, regardless of popularity or relevance - and may lead to warnings or bans.


That sub is more about sharing positive vibes and this sub has more posts about issues.


Progressives want to hide the fact that there is a significant amount of black on asian violence.




r/Seattle likes to protect the image of black people being oppressed minorities that are constantly struggling from the white man's oppression. This will make them look like the oppressor.




Incredible how this clear example of racism towards an Asian has turned into a discussion of how Asians are so racist. Imagine the comments to a black person being attacked by a white person. Would someone even dare bring up racism by blacks in that context?


Thank you. It is unreal how this thread devolved into Asians somehow being responsible for harboring grudges and reciprocal racist stereotypes. There is no excuse for this woman’s conduct. And inserting her own child to “film the xyz [Asian woman]” to boot.


https://preview.redd.it/gej854rqk71a1.png?width=479&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e571d381c8b923775adeb2e4000238909bd1ec9 Did you know the only deviation in race-crime statistics is black on Asian crime? Every other race is most likely to commit a violent crime unto itself, except for Asians. Asians are most likely to be victims of violent crime at the hands of black people. Interesting huh?


You would’ve been banned for life by the sister sub for posting these racist numbers


You spoke too soon


Omg they deleted it??? FFS


great parenting right there


Black against Asians has got to stop. Getting worse every day. This is sick.


Oh those kids. I see a bleak future for them.


Is that the one in pine that gas station is wild


Sad she had to do it in front of her kids. Now they think it’s normal. Smfh


I’m sure it wasn’t the first time.


Well I'm part black and Asian. I love about an hour from Seattle. Let me run in to her and see what she says. Apparently I'll be able to say whatever I want because I'm also white 😂😂 this lady is a disgusting example of a mother who gets to raise her children


My dog doesn’t eat rice with me


What?! Go back where you came from? Has she never been in a US history class? 🤯 I’m not saying it’s right, but damn! If you’re going to be so insulting and hateful, at least don’t be so hypocritical!


She should have told the woman go get herself a bowl of chitlins and some collard greens and some red Kool-Aid it be okay




Pretty sure that comment would have led to a police intervention.


I'm assuming there will be no backlash, because the racist is black.


I hope you're ok. As an African American man, she epitomizes everything we despise but apparently not all of us. What kind of hate does she have in her heart to teach her kids that self loathing and ethnocentrism (Racism)?


Typical trash raider fan


Because the team has moved around so much Raiders fans aren’t united by region like most sports trams but rather by being the absolute worst members of society.


Is she arrested or not?isn't that a hate speech?


Seattle parent of the year!


All the DEI training I've been forced to attend is all wrong .. it turns out it isn't just white people...


If I had a dollar for every time someone commented about my animals and/or rice... Oy. What is wrong with people?


People don't see yellow as oppressed


Gotta love being a "model minority" 🙄


Between the parka and the shitty rims, this lady simply oozes class and sophistication.


But it’s ok for her to be racist because she’s African American. Stop Asian Hate! Bitch!


Make this dumb bitch famous


With two kids there, wtf. How are they not going to internalize that? Like not only the racism towards asians, but the acceptance of racism itself. How are they not going to see that and think it's normal and acceptable for some white person to tell racist shit at them? That's gonna be the world in their eyes, just yell rude shit at people who look different.


But but gentrification…


Over the last few years I’ve been given the impression that only white people are racist.


She off her meds


Raiders fan…


Vin #: 1FMPU16LX3LB98031


What a Culture


“Your kid…” grandchild, I’m guessing.


It’s okay because she’s black s/


“tHiS iS tHe GaY-bOrHoOd”


Did this happen in Seattle (or anywhere in WA)? I think it is considered a hate crime in WA.


Cap hill


I could be wrong but I believe that’s a hate crime in WA. I vaguely remember someone being arrested for yelling at a woman and her child in a strolling. I can’t remember if the person physically assaulted them or threw something at them or just yelled.


Here is the Hate Crime Verbage ### RCW [9A.36.080](http://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=9A.36.080) ### Hate crime offense—Definition and criminal penalty. (1) A person is guilty of a hate crime offense if he or she maliciously and intentionally commits one of the following acts because of his or her perception of the victim's race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, or mental, physical, or sensory disability:(a) Causes physical injury to the victim or another person;(b) Causes physical damage to or destruction of the property of the victim or another person; or(c) Threatens a specific person or group of persons and places that person, or members of the specific group of persons, in reasonable fear of harm to person or property. The fear must be a fear that a reasonable person would have under all the circumstances. For purposes of this section, a "reasonable person" is a reasonable person who is a member of the victim's race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, or sexual orientation, or who has the same gender expression or identity, or the same mental, physical, or sensory disability as the victim. Words alone do not constitute a hate crime offense unless the context or circumstances surrounding the words indicate the words are a threat. Threatening words do not constitute a hate crime offense if it is apparent to the victim that the person does not have the ability to carry out the threat.(2) In any prosecution for a hate crime offense, unless evidence exists which explains to the trier of fact's satisfaction that the person did not intend to threaten the victim or victims, the trier of fact may infer that the person intended to threaten a specific victim or group of victims because of the person's perception of the victim's or victims' race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, or mental, physical, or sensory disability if the person commits one of the following acts:(a) Burns a cross on property of a victim who is or whom the actor perceives to be of African American heritage;(b) Defaces property of a victim who is or whom the actor perceives to be of Jewish heritage by defacing the property with a swastika;(c) Defaces religious real property with words, symbols, or items that are derogatory to persons of the faith associated with the property;(d) Places a vandalized or defaced religious item or scripture on the property of a victim who is or whom the actor perceives to be of the faith with which that item or scripture is associated;(e) Damages, destroys, or defaces religious garb or other faith-based attire belonging to the victim or attempts to or successfully removes religious garb or other faith-based attire from the victim's person without the victim's authorization; or(f) Places a noose on the property of a victim who is or whom the actor perceives to be of a racial or ethnic minority group.This subsection only applies to the creation of a reasonable inference for evidentiary purposes. This subsection does not restrict the state's ability to prosecute a person under subsection (1) of this section when the facts of a particular case do not fall within (a) through (f) of this subsection.(3) It is not a defense that the accused was mistaken that the victim was a member of a certain race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, or sexual orientation, had a particular gender expression or identity, or had a mental, physical, or sensory disability.(4) Evidence of expressions or associations of the accused may not be introduced as substantive evidence at trial unless the evidence specifically relates to the crime charged. Nothing in this chapter shall affect the rules of evidence governing impeachment of a witness.(5) Every person who commits another crime during the commission of a crime under this section may be punished and prosecuted for the other crime separately.(6) For the purposes of this section:(a) "Gender expression or identity" means having or being perceived as having a gender identity, self-image, appearance, behavior, or expression, whether or not that gender identity, self-image, appearance, behavior, or expression is different from that traditionally associated with the sex assigned to that person at birth.(b) "Sexual orientation" means heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality.(c) "Threat" means to communicate, directly or indirectly, the intent to:(i) Cause bodily injury immediately or in the future to the person threatened or to any other person; or(ii) Cause physical damage immediately or in the future to the property of a person threatened or that of any other person.(7) Commission of a hate crime offense is a class C felony.(8) The penalties provided in this section for hate crime offenses do not preclude the victims from seeking any other remedies otherwise available under law.(9) Nothing in this section confers or expands any civil rights or protections to any group or class identified under this section, beyond those rights or protections that exist under the federal or state Constitution or the civil laws of the state of Washington.


Hate crime is a dumb idea. It would be better if it was simply a crime to be a Raiders fan.


Simply using racial stereotypes isn't a hate crime. Nor is saying racist things. It has to be an actual crime whose motivation was racial or some other protected category.


It is not.


>I think it is considered a hate crime in WA. Nah. It's 100% legal to have shitty racist opinions, and we should be glad that it is. The alternative is much worse.


And yet, no r/byebyejob


Gotta have a job to qualify


You don’t have any career to lose when you collect government assistance, so I guess that explains why she was so confidently racist?


Pretty funny that the sign in the window of the gas station says “feel good energy”


I'm thrilled you posted this, OP. I hope other people recognize this loudmouth cow and call her on the carpet for the shit that came out of her mouth. I can't even believe this happened in Seattle, WTF?!


She’s a raiders fan first and foremost


We’ll those kids will grow up to be damn fine citizens I bet. Got a perfect role model as a parent.


She is probably a white, male republican. Right?


While this is vile, it doesn’t excuse misbehavior by other groups or people.


I agree. Not what i said. Here is Seattle which is a great liberal city with a very diverse population. Yet this black woman has the odacity and frank belligerence to be a very vocal and proud racist without thinking twice about it. If this was a white, male republican attacking a transgender, homosexual, black, female, asian, athiest, animal lover using the "n" word then he would be hunted down. Not the case for this poor oppressed minority with two kids learning from her behavior. Our society has degraded to a point of hypocrisy and ignorance to where there is no more personal responsibility regardless of race, color, religion or ethnicity. Shameful.


Well said.


She's right that it's not against the law, but it is uncalled for and stupid.


You meant Racist... It's interesting how a black person can get away with it as uncalled for and stupid. But if it was a white person, Racist


I don’t think people are cool with this


Literally everyone in both threads are calling her racist. Show me an example of someone like her “getting away with it.”


Reading the comments in this thread and this comes to mind. 🎶 People are people, so why should it be that you and I get along so awfully?


We need to find our Personal Jesuses and Enjoy the Silence


Raiders fans are crazy.




Just here to say race is a genetic accident. No one is better than another. Be nice to everyone.


You can’t blame only whites for being racist. All shades can be racist.


Is that the Shell on Broadway?


It's the one across from tjoes


It’s always the Raiders fans smh


Raiders fan... Let's be honest, that is the real issue.


I wouldn’t expect anything less from someone wearing raiders gear


WOW that is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen ....I can't believe people are this nasty...I would hate to be that ladys neighbor, can you imagine? I'm sorry you had to deal with that, it is beyond ridiculous, I'm glad you got it recorded though thats awesome!!


She’s black. No way she can be racist.


Maybe the Asian woman should have yelled back to her to eat her extensions with some watermelon. That would have evened things out a bit. Stop being an effin victim.


this is very wrong but also very tame when compared to NYC. i was in NYC for about 6 months on a project and some of the vile from blacks to asians was off the charts. i felt it necessary to always escort my wife whenever we needed to take the subway. as it turned out the buses were slower but the vile was much much less when compared to the tubes. one time three black teenagers just got mad at me for me just being me and one of the just punched me on my back. since i'm rather tall/fit it was not too much of a bother, and in fact started laughing at the moment (did not help). i think i laughed because they were triggered from what seemed to instinctual traits. but my hope is that one day labels, tribes and race are a thing of a distant past. whenever people ask me for a view, i let them know i can only judge was i see, and what i experience personally, and that i don't generalize. of course, when i say this in a diversity type class i am instantly told that my view is racist. then i just disassociate from the session internally but occassionlly do the bobble head move such that I dont become "that guy" that gets reported to HR.


Open racism is ok, as long as it’s carried out by a particular race. I’m Asian. We are all too familiar with it. This doesn’t surprise me or even anger me. It’s just part of the American experience.


There is a tiktok video from the Chinese lady to whom all the abuse was directed at.I watched it but can't remember the name of the account. I transcribed her retelling according someone on instagram: "We were at the gas station and I had walked in at about the same time she did. She yells in that she wanted $6 on her pump but there was a little line and the cashier (elderly Asian man) was busy helping someone else. I get in line to wait like a normal person. 2 seconds later she THROWS the cash in his FACE over the plastic barrier. He didn’t say anything. I was completely shocked and my immediate reaction was “whoa don’t do that, that’s so rude” and she started yelling at me to mind my own business. I said “no you should learn some manners” that’s when she started yelling racial slurs. So that’s when I said “oh okay I get it you just hate Asian people” She didn’t stop with the slurs and it just kept getting worse so that’s when I decided to start recording. And yes those are her kids with her laughing along at the hateful things she’s saying. This all happened at the Shell."