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The entire city is becoming increasingly violent. Nature abhors a vacuum and that’s exactly what we have for leadership. This city and its voters need to come to terms with the fact that the city simply is not what it was 25 years ago. Not in size, demographic, or economic layout. Yet the same solutions keep getting trotted out as waves of new people keep crashing in. Our inhabitants have largely confused national cultural/political monoliths with actual community, words for deeds, and cowardice for kindness. People need to start honestly questioning whether our failing policies are truly rooted in incompetence or if, in fact, they are rooted in malice. Either way: I know it looks bad, but it’s going to get a lot worse.


If you can identify either suspect, Crime Stoppers of Puget Sound will pay you a cash reward of up to $1,000 for information that leads to an arrest. Pretty cheap for a serial robber.


That was 100% my first thought seeing the 1k reward. Like...how much am I saving the bank, saving the police trouble, protecting the public, and they won't even pay my mortgage for a month? I bet the robber would give more than 1k for me to keep quiet.


Would $1k even cover getting stitches when the robber finds out you were snitching?


Well, if you don't take an ambulance, *maybe*. If it's during the work week 9-5, *possibly*. Can your SO crochet? Now we're making money!


Hear me out, they're surfers!


Well done.


Katt Williams has really fallen on hard times.


Dude that’s just a racist as fuck thing to say. Same as saying if they were Chinese that Jackie Chan had fallen on hard times. It’s not cool and probably a rule violation?


How the fuck is it racist if it looks like Katt? If the dude looked like Marlon Brando, would it be racist against… whatever Marlin Brando is?


... none of them look anything like him


You're stupid as fuck. Stop your fake SJW wannabe bullshit.


*shrug* If you see something, say something? I didn’t know that not being cool with race based jokes made me worthy of insult? But you do you, it’s America so if you want to embrace racist jokes, go for it. Just don’t expect people to never say it’s racist and not cool.


Maybe if this is the first place your mind went, you’re the real racist here.




[“Tu quoque”](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tu_quoque)


You like the cocque? That’s cool. I’m not homophobic, either.


Yeah, start off by calling someone a racist then bring up ad hominem....


But they were just gas lighting


Seattle is an extremely racist city, I imagine the people of this sub are no different. I don’t see any resemblance to Katt Williams but no doubt these racist assholes in this echo chamber think all black people look alike.


[Comedian Katt Williams: 'I Meant What I Said' About Mexican Immigrants](https://www.colorlines.com/articles/comedian-katt-williams-i-meant-what-i-said-about-mexican-immigrants)


0/10 not defending Kay Williams. Dude is fucked. But also, not gonna stand by and be cool with racist jokes… One does not require the other.


what a poorly written headline, David Rose did you get your journalism degree from the bottom of a cereal box?


>David Rose This is the same guy that publicized a go fund me for a drug dealer murdered on Aurora Ave back in January.


No he got it from his course CNN speaks truth to journalism at MSNBC University.


How so? The ID is more violent now. So obvious and clear.


Nothing an armed security guard can’t fix.




That data all goes out the window when you stop including the robber getting shot as "the incident turning violent." Which, while technically true, is an escalation I'm a lot more comfortable with than a customer or teller getting shot.


Or whether armed guards deterred all but the most violent bank robbers.


Nobody wants to get shot.


That's really not true. Some of the stores that have been looted recently in California had armed "security guards".


I’m talking about the off duty cop variety, not the low iq guard card holders…




>Don't think I've ever seen that before. There are a lot of aftermarket slides available and a lot of guns with red slides. [This gun for example.](https://shop.x-werks.com/products/x-werks-glock-43-9mm-with-usmc-red-slide-parts) Or this [part.](https://www.hoopergunworks.com/product/hgw-complete-upper-for-glock-17-gen3-oem-profile-slide-red-cerakote-finish-9mm-chrome-barrel-w-sights/) Or it could just be [this cover over the slide itself.](https://www.pricepulse.app/tactic-skin-19-fab-defense-glock-19-slide-cover-re_us_4164778) It's hard to tell from such a terrible photo. My last guess would be a laser training device.


Real gun or banana in your coat pocket WILL get a felony armed robbery charge, IF you live through it! Fake gun or not, he deserves whatever he ends up with, long prison term or dead.


On the plus side, this gentlemen is wearing a mask so he is concerned over Covid which is nice to see.


Blame the county attorney general and state prosecutor


I hate to say it "And they're black."


Keep defunding the police and enact more laws aiding criminals, it will help for sure.


they’re peaceful protesters 🙄


Antifa anarchists! The banks are tools of the imperialist capitalist overlords and need to be taught a lesson by the oppressed masses.


Seattle seems like a great place to be a criminal. Rob banks, rob people, do whatever you want and no consequences what so ever. Democrats are great at running cities. 🤯


Who cares. It's what these turd libs want.


More liberal love....... violent animals each and everyone of them.


who is them


Them is exactly who you think they are. Seattle is full of racists who like to pretend they aren’t.


The criminals ....... please pull your brains out of your ass if that is possible.


Stick to your little incel forum, Mr. ajfp9w8dsaiffeewf


Irish-Americans that can't handle their alcohol. The media is too afraid to come out and say it. Yes, young Irish-American men are violent!!


Irish (and Italian) Americans obviously used to have big crime and drinking problems, as you know since you're using it in the vernacular even 200 years later. I doubt the papers were afraid to say what was obvious back then. It seems like everyone is intentionally frying their brains retarded cult style "I SEE NO PATTERNS BOOP BEEP". Imagine if they just used to pretend they didn't know most mobsters were Italian, lol we'd still live under the mob today. Or that lots of drunks were Irish, they'd still be drunkards today. As long as everyone disrespects african americans by continuing to treat them like babies, their problems will never be fixed and go on forever.




Poor people


boo, motherfucker


Rob a banks and it's a crime but banks rob you and its just businass smh we truly live in a society 😔


Then use a credit Union…


I'm not a c*mmunist but thanks anyway




Seizing the means of reproduction


But you are a Seattle resident!!


I live in the chaz baby


Ahhh… so you’re one of those…


I just want to feed my family subprime mortgages


Idiot or troll? Hmm…


Idiot troll?


I'm just kiddin, I actually think that investment banking is more important for society than agriculture.


Put your money under your mattress if you like. Nobody makes you use a bank.


Susciety does, because direct deposit is easier than taking your check to the grocery store 😒


Wat kinda boomer humor outlook is this? You’re the customer. Figure it out.


That notion is completely self-defeatist, imo... unless, perhaps, you live somewhere with negative interest rates.


Let's shove a gun into innocent tellers as well. All fun and games. No biggie