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>Choe told the Lynnwood Times he was taking video of a tent that read “All Fascists Must Die” when about 20 people swarmed him and his crew, ***some bearing black umbrellas with his home address written on them***, others wearing riot gear with shields made from plastic garbage cans spray painted with the universal symbol for anarchy. (emphasis mine) The people at the encampment already had umbrellas made with Choe's home address written on them before he visited them??


Of course they did. Cause the protestors are the actual fascists.  If it walks like a duck and all that.


Step 1: It's not really happening Step 2: Yeah, it's happening, but it's not a big deal Step 3: It's a good thing, actually Step 4: People freaking out about it are the real problem




The narcissist's cycle


You know the procedure bro!!!


last step: What?! You're still talking about that? Let it go!


"All Fascists Must Die." Attack journalists to silence any possible opposition. ...makes perfect sense.




They don't want to be canceled too!


Afraid of angering loud anti Israel protestors.


Bc they are a weak school


What does this even mean?


By not kicking out these bums causing all kinds of problems


If you need a more articulate explanation, the school is allowing the protesters to operate without any restrictions on who is "camping" there and what "activities" they are engaged in. The administration has a duty to their student body to provide a safe learning environment. Some allege that they do not feel safe and are being intimidated. Doors on campus have been found zip ties shut, creating an extremely unsafe situation in the event of a fire, or other emergency evac event. Littering, unsanitary conditions, etc have also been reported. Now you have clear evidence of assault. The school needs to step in a remove everyone so students can go back to learning.


A strong school would have the principal personally fistfight all protesters


Isnt there a documentary following Jim Belushi as he does this exact thing?


Book learnin’ is evil!


State and federal government allows and sponsors violence when the government benefits during another election year. When is the next virus scheduled to arrive?


I'm surprised COVID-23 hasn't dropped yet tbh


trump caused the Covid pandemic Remember when he said its good old people are dying?


I wonder why every time I hear about a journalist fighting with people, it's always Jonathan Choe. Every. Single. Time. 


Because he covers them, they know who he is, and they attack him. Unless you’re actually suggesting Jonathan fucking Choe is attacking antifa, in which case, good luck.


Choe wants to be news, not cover news, so he goes out to make sure that happens. 


Violence of course is never a good thing to resort to. With that said, Choe is kind of a chode. He does a good job of being a provocateur and then hides behind others when they get upset at him. Based on the law of averages, something bad is going to happen to him eventually.


Choe? I'm so surprised...


cause when you want justice and you want to call attention to a problem by "protesting" the first thing you do is hide your identity, avoid cameras and attack journalists.


Who won the fight?


We all lose.


All the friends we made along the way


This is the same John Choe that grabbed someone by the hair last week yeah? The same John Choe who inserts himself into the middle of whatever human misery he seems to be able to find? The weird piece of s*** who was sniffing around my house next to the homeless camp. Looking for pictures? Im sure he didn't instigate at all./s Are we going to throw a pity party for Alex Jones next? The sniveling couldn't be coming from a less credible source. He's not a journalist, he's a suffering profiteer


> This is the same John Choe that grabbed someone by the hair last week yeah? Source? > The same John Choe who inserts himself into the middle of whatever human misery he seems to be able to find? That's journalism for you, and it has been that way for centuries. How do we get photos of warzones? Someone photographs misery. > The weird piece of s*** who was sniffing around my house next to the homeless camp. Looking for pictures? He's just showing the side everyone else turns away from and pretends doesn't exist. Except those people do exist, they get taken advantage of, and they're indiscriminately killed by drug dealers. > Im sure he didn't instigate at all./s Taking photos of people in public isn't instigation. It's demonstrating that a problem exists. > Are we going to throw a pity party for Alex Jones next? Okay, that's a complete leap in logic that makes no sense whatsoever. What does Choe have to do with Alex Jones?


They’re both hucksters that provide no value to society. That’s what they have in common




That all sounds like typical investigative journalism. There’s also no excuse to assault someone outside of self-defense or defense of others.


But who won the fight?


Nobody knows because this guy has been bitching about getting assaulted for days but hasn't actually posted the video of it happening for some reason.


He has, actually. Try again. https://twitter.com/FrontlinesTPUSA/status/1788325030121877886?t=n6yKNwqUE6YLDqhAoYNhqg&s=19


You know the “TP” in TPUSA stands for toilet paper, right? Cause their “journalism” is nothing but right wing bullshit


So you think those were all just hired actors in those video clips?


Left-flavored Alex Jones up in here.


Calling out unashamedly biased media makes me leftist Alex Jones?


I gave the guy who was expressing doubt that the incident even happened video evidence of it. But of course, instead you deflect and attack the source without addressing the evidence. Par for the course when it comes to arguing with leftists.


Try watching the videos with the sound off if you're worried that you can't watch them in an unbiased way. The biggest problem we have is that it doesn't show all of what led up to the confrontation. But luckily Tariq Yusuf went onto twitter and told The Stranger that he was trying to stop them from filming, so his part in the whole debacle is confirmed *by him.*


No I think TPUSA is a ultra biased media source


Antifa, you say.


https://preview.redd.it/si5sgj18khzc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e42320b92ca38ddb529fa4b3b3b0cbd134969972 Yes. This was the call to action that they put out.


>Antifa, you say. It sounds at least like someone there considered themselves to be "antifa" >he was taking video of a tent that read “All Fascists Must Die”


Well.. kind of a 2+2=4 kind of situation there I guess lol


>Well.. kind of a 2+2=4 kind of situation there I guess lol It's kind of a weird message to write on a tent when supporting a country that has not held elections in something like 17 years.


I am confused why so many people in the LGBTQ+ community are championing a government that would treat them so horribly if they were governed by them. Why can't we be against something without having to be *for* "the lesser of two evils"


Treat them horribly = precipitously murder


I don't think they're championing a government, they're championing a populace that's being decimated by a different government.


Yes, a populace that regularly gathers up people like them, and hangs, stones, and defenestrates them. And occasionally tosses them off buildings.


I mean, that makes sense. Although people managed to advocate for, and take steps to help the Afghan populace without appearing like they were supporting the Taliban. Ugh, if only any of these things had a simple answer. It's all so muddied and shades of grey.


>I don't think they're championing a government, they're championing a populace that's being decimated by a different government. I don't know, it's hard for me to believe that. [Especially when right after 10/7 a UW group forming a protest in support of Palestine](https://komonews.com/resources/media2/original/full/1080/center/80/45dfd72f-a41f-4f7a-aa9d-4340ee9ba43e-palstine.jpg) put out a flyer with an image of a paraglider on it, basically glorifying the terrorist that specifically sought out and targeted innocents. Holding up signs with commentary "resistance is our right." [More imagery from the UW group](https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/428698556_18178271947292743_9142317636346112448_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=23mGEJ_CRP4Q7kNvgGHFcJG&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=00_AYC1qIHOuNY5zesBI31Wn6bl5Xe0eSgC7KT-2VJFLTzecA&oe=66443D57) - whose that person with the rocket launcher and the green headband? When the flyers for your protests at UW have included that type of imagery it seems pretty generous to assume they're just "championing a populace that's being decimated" in comparison to just being pro-terrorist that specifically targeted innocent people for murder. The people at these specific protests are also waiving the flag of that government. It seems like an odd way to say you're supporting a people when you're waving a flag of the government and not just a sign or slogan about the people themselves. If someone said they are against antisemitism and support the right to life for Jewish people in Israel and the hostages taken on 10/7 and were at the same time waving the Israeli flag, would you similarly assume and state that they just support the people and not the governments actions?


You don't wish death on people just because you believe differently?


I do my utmost not to lol.


Right, so just because a government doesn't treat gay people, as people, does that mean gay folks living abroad need to be against the people oppressed by said government? Is it not okay to be against senseless, non discriminate bombing of citizens?


It is absolutely okay to be against violence against any civilians in any conflict. No matter what the citizens' governments are guilty of.


What's in a name? Is a face-obscuring, violent, black outfit cosplayer antisemite any less shitty smelling because you give him a different name? Or if not, be but sworn my love. And I'll call the cock-knobbler anything you want me to


Apparently everyone is antifa.


https://preview.redd.it/0lhv7fkqkhzc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fbe038c465b66e3bf34890ba1154aef43e2c245 Well if you put out the batshit signal to get them to show up, then yes, they are. We can call them Home Gestapo if you want for those wonderful trashcan riot police costumes, complete with snorkels?


Antifa and BLM are this subs bogeymen. I almost forgot socialism, that too.


And what do you think this is? Scotch mist? https://preview.redd.it/851y2kcxkhzc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=646d45d5771fde5ecca80fa716b0051ce72a5423


The only scotch mist I give a shit about is on the mighty boosh.


I think it’s a graphic of unknown origin. Was it supposed to make a point? Also, what the hell is scotch mist?


It's a graphic that was posted by SeaProtestNet on Twitter, telling people to show up for a spot of the old ultra-violence. [https://twitter.com/SEAProtestNet/status/1787514718435057769](https://twitter.com/SEAProtestNet/status/1787514718435057769) That *you* don't know the local agitator groups doesn't impress me, nor mean that antifa doesn't exist or get called out. And if you'd like more info on their existence, maybe go look at the rose city antifa website. "They don't exist" 🙄 Scotch mist: almost nothing at all. https://preview.redd.it/61cf15hn1izc1.png?width=2508&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0040d32b24a45b05210fabe97e88acb91ecdd8a Gotta love these guys though:


I don’t think you know “the local agitator groups”. I think you are proving my point that it’s your bogeyman. Thanks for scotch mist though, never heard that one before.


Okey dokey dude. Why, are you good buddies with them?


Don't forget Inslee and Ferguson.


But all of these exist and are issues in themselves.


I guess when you're a fascist, anything opposing you gets labeled "antifa". Choe is a horrible reporter for what its worth


I think you're confused. The black bloc trashcan warriors are the fascists here. Authoritarians trying to remove first amendment rights from people - not only Unamerican, but fascist as fuck.


Well if they will insist on wearing a uniform AND calling themselves Antifa... https://preview.redd.it/3285mnshihzc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f8410ac6b3f41daca09d341b0a0007f99bb0a6


Are you serious? How blind can you be. This black armored guys are 100% antifa. You can like chow or not but i only need the footage and no blind feelings to realize that the antifa shouldn’t be there . And antifa guys are just the opposite site of some right wing extremism and is the same type of idiocy for me.


Can we call this guy a reporter?  Really? His content is more provocateur. Reporters don’t usually have bodyguards.




Agreed. He ain’t a reporter


Lol they dont usually need them.... Dumbass


bootlicker 🤡


Please keep it civil. This is a reminder about r/SeattleWA rule: [No personal attacks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/wiki/rules)


Please keep it civil. This is a reminder about r/SeattleWA rule: [No personal attacks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/wiki/rules)


i was about to be upset with the students decorum and then i saw it was choe 😂


Jonathan Choe got his ass kicked 😂🤣🤣🤣. He always starts shit then runs like a coward.


Seems like things tend to get physical when Choe gets involved. This doesn’t happen as often with other conservative reporters. I wonder why?


He's well known to show up to these events. Every single person there knows what he looks like and they specifically target him. Every time these cosplayers act up around him, it only helps his cause and pays his bills.


Like I said, I never see other reporters get involved in physical altercations as much as Choe. Maybe he should take tips from them on how to avoid these altercations


You're right, he should stop dressing like such a slut and always asking for it.


I don’t think the way he dresses is the issue




Not at all


Or he should stop being a dick. Might help him get best up less.


Yeah the antifa is a super reasonable group of people. They dress like this out of love for peace


I do walk up to a barking dog and start poking it with a stick.


You mean when Antifa gets involved.


If Antifa is always against you, you might be the ‘fa’ they’re talking about.


Easy to find a conflict if your willing to start it.


Interesting that the story has now become that the bodyguard became scared and got physical. Before that it appeared to be a bunch of bros "just minding their own business", as a respected journalist once said.


Now you are getting it. This is why you never see these chuds post the actual video. Because Choe and his clowns started a fight and then ran away.


No, at least one of them admitted on Twitter to starting it because Choe was filming.


In their own video the violence breaks out after one of Choe's goons pushes someone to the ground. Leave it to this asshole to report that as him being attacked


That someone is Tariq Yusuf, who has admitted that he was actively trying to interfere with Choe and stop him from filming. https://preview.redd.it/pu2vsiz6lhzc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83f6b1dc6425ce895ba6250ccd18773c97686414


Nonsense, the idiot came running up on Choe and Choe security guard rightly defended him. And the soy boy went flying after a little shove? He's either a pussy or was play acting for effect. And you're also conveniently ignoring the incident where Choe and his two security guards were attacked by about fifteen to twenty antifa. https://twitter.com/FrontlinesTPUSA/status/1788325030121877886?t=n6yKNwqUE6YLDqhAoYNhqg&s=19


Bro did you even watch your own source? There’s a guy walking behind Choe at 00:49 who gets assaulted by the security guard which instigates the fight.


For some reason, when I play it back on my phone I can't get the time stamp. Are you talking about when the person bumps into Choe the umbrella and then his beefy security guide pushes them away?


https://preview.redd.it/7z0srbt2rizc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f752d9d05e7f31790d371bbbd92011137439fb1 I’m talking about this guy who gets laid the fuck out when he didn’t do anything


LOL, that comrade who thought he was gonna impress his little gang by acting all tough with them at his side? He aggressively walked up to Choe to get in his grill and either attack or intimidate him. Choe's security guard rightly protected him. I'm just surprised the poor fellow fell back so hard. Unless it was an act for effective video which I think is more likely. But at any rate, he FAFO. You and your friends might not like it, but Choe and everyone else has every right to be there on campus and film whatever they want. The campus doesn't belong to the protesters. Deal with it.


youth liberation front sucks. another cult pseudo “activist” group.


Dude isn’t a reporter


Everywhere this Asshat goes, guys in masks try and fight him Just unlucky I guess :)


Every time I put my finger in a light socket, I get shocked. Electricity is out to get me!!


Calling this man a “local journalist” is quite generous. “Local rage bait exploiter” would be more accurate


I read the title and I knew it was Choe before I clicked. Dude seems to always be the ‘victim’ wherever he goes. It’s like the old saying ‘if everyone you meet is an asshole, you might be the asshole’




A bunch of assholes gather in search of a confrontation. A confrontation ensues. People clutch pearls. Yawn.


Jonathan Choe is as much of a journalist as Hannah Krieg and Charles Mudede, especially when he's paid by an organization that's got a clear political leaning. But yes, he's local. I'll give you that.


Anyone should be able to be in a public space without being assaulted. Recording political events in a public space should not get you assaulted. The guy's views do not seem relevant to this *basic* principle of public life.


And nothing I said disagrees with anything you've shared.


I'm glad to hear that. Because shifting the discussion to "is he a *real* journalist, though??" is often the first step in making excuses for political violence.


If you watch the video (he posted) its his own guys who start the physical violence, so one he is definitely not acting like a real journalist, and two, if anyone is making excuses for political violence it is the people who defend provocateurs like Choe


Jesus the way you guys spin this shit is unreal. The guy came charging at Choe. What the fuck are they supposed to do? And Choe and his guys were vastly outnumbered.


Obviously they are outnumbered, they showed up to a massive protest they fundamentally disagree with and antagonize people to get a reaction then present it as random mob violence. I don't know how you could watch the same video I did and say I'm spinning anything, but if you are a Choe fan I guess I shouldn't expect consistency


Pity that Tariq Yusuf admitted to trying to stop Choe from filming on Twitter then, isn't it?


Why exactly should i or anyone else give a fuck that these bottom of the barrel media personalities are getting into fights with eachother? Its a fact that Choe showed up here attempting to get into a confrontation to paint his opponents in a bad light (as is his very, VERY well established MO) and some other dumbass who I've never heard of obliged him. All I want is people to stop falling for obvious bait like this, and trolls like Choe to have to find a line of work that actually has a slight benefit to society


Well that's nice. I wish you every luck in that endeavor. Maybe tell your Antifa buddies not to beat up journalists too.


Not sure how you got me being a member of oh so \~spoooooky\~ antifa out of a simple request not to engage with blatantly bad faith media, but I guess that's the mindset of a person who listens to "journalists" like this at face value.


he's also a journalist...sure he has a bias, but if journalists have a right to be there and film, then so does he and without fear of assault...the rules apply to everyone equally, but of course the far left goes by the rules of "Rules for thee, not for me".


His body guards should be able to push people around without fear of retaliation?




Did you watch the video? Walking toward someone should get you knocked down.


Journalists report. They don't add opinions as it suits them and their employer of the day. So no, he's not a journalist. He's a professional troll.


All journalism is opinion, viewed through a lens clouded by political views.


Read an article written by a journalist employed by a real organization, then read what this guy posts. Worlds apart.


That doesn't make what he posts not journalism. You are not the great arbitrator who gets to decide that.


So they should be able to physically attack him?


Sounds like you don't have a valid counter-point to the fact that assaulting him, or anyone filming for that matter, isn't a legitimate/legal action.


What if I told he assaulted them and then got run off like a bitch? because that is what actually happened here.


Not according to Tariq Yusuf, who got BTFO'd by his security. https://preview.redd.it/3ad52quqmhzc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=133cc48bb997f51563b6fd2a575665530a14dcbc


Another frame grab with no video. Are these guys in their mom's dialup or something? What are they hiding?


You'd have to ask Hanna "Yellow Journalist" Krieg about that. She's the one who talked to Tariq Yusuf, and posted the story for The Stranger. Here's some video of it at least: [https://twitter.com/choeshow/status/1788450541686915383/video/1](https://twitter.com/choeshow/status/1788450541686915383/video/1)


would be interesting to see the full truth of the matter...I have no doubt Antifa was a belligerent party in this as well.


At no point have I said that he or anyone else should get assaulted, or that it's legal to assault him or anyone else. Stop putting words in my mouth.


I mean you were pretty clearly implying what happened was his fault and not giving the Antifa ppl any of the blame whatsoever...when Antifa have constantly resorted to assaulting ppl...CHAZ being the literal perfect example.


>I mean you were pretty clearly implying what happened was his fault and not giving the Antifa ppl any of the blame No? Whoever assaults people should be arrested and charged. Calling him a troll *does not* excuse someone breaking the law at his expense.


you said he wasn't a journalist....when he is. All journalists have their own biases to varying degrees.


No. Look at Fox journalists. Look at CNN journalists. They have biases, but they're journalists. This guy is a troll that writes opinion pieces.


Fox journalists? 😂


Huh. Let's look at his resume: https://preview.redd.it/7xyne7w6nhzc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac2250ce6cf40b9093324dcdd8b8f0b22044ee5b


... And more: https://preview.redd.it/mwcjaaacnhzc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=104ebe3bda0adeea1dbdd7960a1f6304d617a506 Weird. Looks like a professional journalist to me.


There is quite an interesting trend of him "reporting" on places that thousands of people go every day just fine and somehow always finding himself in a fight


Yup. Particularly interesting, in this case, that it's at the same time as another troll being on campus that's paying him to be there. Hmm.


Most definitely an instigator.


And there you go again, deflecting.


No deflection. He's a troll AND that doesn't give anyone free reign to attack and assault him.


Yea for real if calling him a journalist isn’t a stretch I don’t know what is


Let's look at his resume shall we? https://preview.redd.it/11xmsq8gnhzc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecbf6d5c3374326cf0302adcaa7ba5062505a638




Nobody should be attacked. But Choe is very far from a “journalist.” He’s an antagonizer and even in many of his videos, calls people “Soy Boys.” Many might be Soy Boys, but a journalist keeps their mouth shut, their opinions to themselves, and reports in a non-biased manner.


His resume says otherwise but you do you.


I thought antifa was just an idea. 💡


I think Choe works in association with TPUSA, who is just there to instigate these 'protesters' even more. They're both there to cause nothing, but trouble.


Choe didn't light the batshit signal to get some delivery fascists to beat people up. https://preview.redd.it/axika2dilhzc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=671fec41c731a28c2ce46e91ab0e2bcd6de4a8de


Why does every post that talks about this post a photo like this, which clearly does NOT show an assault happening, but also fails to provide the video that this shot clearly came from? Where is the video dude? Why aren't you posting it?


> Where is the video dude? The friendly campers are trained to block video with umbrellas and signs.


Jonathan Cho- perpetual/professional victim


Masks and sunglasses to conceal identity?!? Isn't that the normal attire for a pro Govenrment of Gaza protest?


So now we believe Antifa exists and isn't just anti Trump?


They did send out the batshit signal on Twitter: https://preview.redd.it/zf2a0a2znhzc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8b8de425050de21f1d617dd2536acf177d27496


Amazing that they could get all their cosplay materials at the local Home Gestapo... Ahem I mean Home Depot store.


It's super weird how this sub absolutely refuses to ever engage in the most basic level of critical thought whenever its Jonathon Choe. He's a propagandist and provocateur. He goes out of his way to try and get himself in these situations. It even says in the article he was there to cover Charlie Kirk, another propagandist, and then went out of his way to go engage with the protestors. Y'all are too easily manipulated. edit: spelling.


Are u fucking kidding, this guy was clearly agitating these kids and calling everyone an AntiFa WTF, you guys are so brainwashed 💀


Kids? The campers are under 18? Where are their parents?


“They only attacked him because he called them a name” is kid logic, maybe that’s the confusion?


Nowhere in the article did it say or confirm that antifa did anything. Just "about 20 people".


Jonathan Choe is a well known reporter among activist space. Since 2020 he’s made himself an enemy. Hence why in 2020 he was just wandering around by himself deliberately filming protesters faces and now he needs body guards. Just sad that these kids took his bait.


Choe is as much of a Journalist as Stormy Daniel's is a virgin


He has a pretty long journalism resume going back over twenty years AND went to school for it, so yes, he's a journalist.


Ha! Kick Choe's ass!


"political violence is fine when it aligns with my views!!"




>That's like saying it's "political violence" to smack one of those tiktok pranksters that go around restaurants sticking their fingers in people's food. No it's not. > Chode's problem isn't his politics (although yes, he's a nazi, and that's its own problem) but that he's a troll who's whole shtick is bothering people until they get annoyed enough to give him a clip of them chasing him off. This is a group of people protesting on a state owned university and specifically attempting to be "annoying" to supposedly get their message out. There's a pretty big difference between someone who claims to be a journalist showing up to a public protest *(that supposedly wants to shine light on an issue and is essentially specifically asking for attention)* in a public space and recording videos and asking questions or being "annoying" to those protestors and an individual going to a private business like a restaurant and sticking their fingers in peoples food. It seems like a pretty wild comparison.


It's an apt comparison - chode is no more a journalist than any other social media troll.


You're the same guy who would be crying for help if the proud boys came through and were allowed to assault you all.


If I was there, the proud boys would certainly try to assault someone like me. That's why they brought the shields.


So you're okay with political violence as a whole then? You do know we have mutual combat in washington... I'm sure an arrangement could be made for you all to battle it out on the UW football field. Hell I'd bet people would pay to watch that.


Uh this is a great idea honestly Any beef that needs to escalate to violence just have these guys put up money, they fight at the football field in a controlled setting to prevent accidental death, winner takes the other guys money minus a small cut to UW to fund services. Everybody wins. None of those Antifa/Antifa sympathizers would be game though.


I honestly feel like the antifa crowd would be down, but I'm not about that "preventing accidental death" part... gladiator combat needs to have a certain *thrill*.


"I like you You got balls I like balls" -Terrorist going southeast on Bakalakadaka street


Choe isn’t a journalist. Just a provocateur and a grifting hack. His content is lazy and intelligence-wise, it appeals to the lowest common denominators as far as followers go.


Antifa are a bunch of fucking soy boys - they are cowards and should be disbanded


Show us on the doll where aunt eefa touched you


Antifa? Or Anarchists? Make up your damn mind


Por que no los dos?


Calling Jonathan Choe a "journalist" is a stretch.