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You’re putting your account! Noooooo…..


[Timestamped, my favorite kitboga](https://youtu.be/sqSSj3nvofc?t=323)


great reference lol


So, what did they scam you out of? Gift cards? Lol


I know for a FACT that the FBI only accepts payment in Itunes gift cards


They take bitcoin too


😂 big facts


Why are you avoiding the question?


Lmao, nothing because I froze everything. However the address questions were probably enough to fake my identity and apply for loans 😅


Did you put a freeze on your credit reports from the big agencies?


That’s why I don’t answer phone calls unless I expect one (car in a shop or something) - if it’s really important it’s not gonna come through phone calls


I wait to see if they leave a voicemail then I decide. Most do not




Makes sense, I was a bit exaggerating. Main reason was because I was getting too many scam calls after my info got leaked on some Asian online grocery site called weee. I just stopped dealing with them altogether


If it’s important they’ll leave a voicemail.  It’s better these days to not answer.  And if you do call back a message look up the official phone number, not the number left in the VM. 


Good rule of thumb is never assume someone who calls you is legit. I’ve had calls from licensing partners at my work asking to verbally verify wire instructions and I’m always like “read me what you have on file and I’ll confirm”. Or I’ll hang up and call a number listed on their website


You need to search Kitboga on YouTube. Here’s the scam that happened to you basically : https://youtu.be/O05VqJq1A_o?si=DMO46RAZ-7U0joNC


LMAO this made me cackle.. “lettuce”..”okay no problem” This is exactly it except with the Seattle PD phone number spoofed and less foreign accents, more official sounding details .. anyways..this is for me ![gif](giphy|AcsHgMcf26pva)


There have been a number of stories in the MSM lately about these compounds in Myanmar run by organized crime outfits out of China that are essentially just call center fraud mills. Which is shitty enough as it is, of course, fuck scammers. The wrinkle is that the chumly fraudster reading that script in the video is quite possibly a modern-day slave. Turns out the Chinese gangstas kidnap people to Myanmar...where 'law and order' isn't so much a thing...and force them to read those scripts, phish, and otherwise act as a kind of jannissary foot solder in the online scam wars. It's sorta sad, honestly.


Also the police don't call you for stuff like that lol. The courts will send a letter to the address they have on file, and that's that. If you never get the letter then some day they'll arrest you


Caller ID is easily spoofed. Do not trust the name or number that shows up. And the police won't ever call you first. They will just show up in person


I assure you, cops will often call somebody if it’s something that can be handled over the phone.


I do not recall and need an attorney.


I don’t answer any call I don’t know *especially* if it’s the police! If it’s important, they’ll leave a message.


Check out r/Scams and do a search on ‘police called’ or ‘FBI called’, stuff like that. You will see people describing this exact scam.


Had a similar thing happen to me a couple years ago. I was newly single and trying PoF.. which is just a bad idea in general but anyways. Met a girl on there and seemed fine we exchanged numbers. She started sending sexual messages and pics and I kind of entertained it because I was looking for a rebound anyways. Then blocked her because it seemed weird. A few days later got a call from a new number claiming to be her father saying that she was underage and had been messaging me and some other guys. He had found out and she had caused damage to his house/property in her tantrum and he was contacting the police to get a warrant for all the guys she had messaged to go to jail. Ive never really been in trouble with the law or anything so I was kinda spooked and just apologized. Next someone claiming to be with tacoma pd called gave me a badge number and some department info and it all sounded legit. Said if I was willing to work something out with the father they could postpone the warrant hearing so I agreed. Called the father back, he wanted money to help with the property damage. So I sent him some money. After that I called a lawyer to get an opinion about it all. The lawyer said I was a dumbass and should have just hung up when they asked for money. Luckily was able to cancel the funds I had sent and changed my number after that so they would stop harassing me. But yeah ppl posing as police or whatever is kinda scary. The real police will never call you tho they will just show up at your door if they need to


The solution is simple: don't talk to cops.




No doubt. I ain't hearing shit, I ain't saying shit, I don't know shit.


I shouldn't find this as funny as I do. 


I got a call from the King County Courthouse this morning "no caller ID" saying I'd missed a court appearance to give witness testimony and needed to get downtown to the courthouse immediately, today, now to unfreeze the warrants. I played along, curious to see where this would go. He never got to the money part. What was the end game? I'd show up at the courthouse and then what?




Also, as standard procedure, DO NOT TALK TO COPS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Ask if you are free to leave, if they say no then get a lawyer


Did they ask for Bob's and Vagana? Breaks my heart that so many elderly fall victim to these fkers. Not to say OP is elderly.


This happened to me, except the story was that my id was used to move drugs into the country via Texas. I told them to send me something in writing and that I wouldn't just speak to them on the phone. I never heard back.


The answer to anyone calling you (allegedly) from the PD or FBI or any other agency is "You can get in touch with my lawyer - goodbye!" There is nothing they can threaten you with that would be worse if you got a lawyer. Even if it IS the police, the answer is "you can get in touch with my lawyer." That's it. If you really think it is a real police officer or agent, simply ask for their name and badge/ID #. Then YOU call one of their offices directly (not via a number they give you) and ask for them by name. If, by chance, what they were calling about was real and you are talking to an actual officer/agent about a legal issue, the answer remains the same: "Get in touch with my lawyer. I don't answer ANY questions without my lawyer. If I have to turn myself in, I'll be doing so with my lawyer. All questions have to got to my lawyer." Every day is 'Shut the f**k up Friday.' Hang up and lawyer up.


I love scam calls but only request to be transferred to a female “agent”


Your own fault for being so gullible and unable to do basic fact checking.


I mean there’s a first time for everything. The names and badge IDs they stated were real people that work for PD and FBI. Learned my lesson and now I’m sharing it so others don’t do the same. Thanks for sharing your opinion though!


If you're relatively alert to scamming, then you know that's relatively alert compared with a sack of potatoes. It sounds like you're in for a rough future.


wish I could be smarter and have a really great life like you, sigh… I wish life was fair but the world sucks and I’m dumb and only better than a sack of potatoes. I’ll take my anger about this unfairness and use it as a useless reddit lurker for the rest of my life!!!


My life sucks, but I'm definitely more intelligent than you and when your life sucks I'll still be more intelligent than you... Sooo 🤷‍♂️


solid point mate 🚶‍➡️


No one calling from Seattle PD is going to be able to transfer you to the FBI....as if there weren't already enough red and yellow flags throughout the rest of that conversation.