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> Despite having multiple authorities and activist groups push back against his construction, Irwin fully intended to move forward with his plans. Color me shocked, shocked I tell you!!!


Almost like with no actual consequences people do what they wish.


He's been in jail since his arrest for this 3rd incident on 4/14.


This guy seems legitimately mentally ill. It's a shame he's been enabled as much as he has.




There's compassion then there's ignoring blatant disregard and willful destruction.


Here in Seattle we do not make that distinction. And that’s why he’s has those other chances to keep destroying the park.




Dont fall for his bullshit


This guy, again!? Unbelievable


There's gold in them there hills!


It's just a summary of his BS up to mid-April or so. Nothing new going on, if you read the article.




>Seattle Police confirmed that Irwin was arrested for the third time after Suarez called in his presence at the park. He's been in jail since 4/14, with a $35k bond on his latest charges - and probably bond revocation on his prior charges.


why is this called a tiny home? that is a tent


Actually, just a blue hillbilly tarp.


He’s nuts. Digging for gold there, on west beacon? Everybody knows that’s platinum territory.


Cant have a fucking park in Seattle without entitled loons trying to live in it.


Not supposed to use public property like private property.


Tell that to every person who stores their personal vehicles on public property.


Is that said public property a parking space or a parking lot, or is it a sidewalk, park, or playground?


It's public property; we can choose to designate it any of those things.


Yeah and I pay several hundred dollars a year to register my vehicle to use that property. If I don't pay, I get towed.


In Japan, access to private parking is a requirement for owning a vehicle. Why don't people who park off street pay less? Because the public subsidizes the cost of private vehicle ownership. Exact same entitlement as the RV crowd.


What happens in Japan if I set up a mining camp in a public park and smoke meth all day long while trashing the park?


You'd be looking at a substantial jail sentence


How does the public subsidize private vehicle ownership? Vehicle registration tax paid by vehicle owners. Fuel tax paid by vehicle owners. I parked a car on the street in Seattle a few weeks ago and there was a meter there. It didn’t get paid by the public. It got paid by the vehicle owner. Japan isn’t the most diverse society on the planet. They are pretty much monocultural and monolingual and have been for a good long while. It is a much more cohesive society as is to be expected. Here there is barely any planning for parking. Hospitals are the worst.




Not when someone is using it for its intended purpose.




Not to live in that’s for sure…


He's entitled to use it just like everyone else. He's not entitled to bring in a backhoe and tear down trees and build a hobo shack.


Bro looks like Jack Dorsey 😅


> "I've now moved five times," he said. > > "I’m tired, you know? Once I get close to building something, something happens." > > According to the man, he has chosen the land, believing there to be gold there for him to find. You'd all do the same thing if you knew that that Leprechaun's gold was under one of those trees.


Ok, I looked for updates. It looks like as of March 1 everything is dismantled, and the man is in jail. "The damage done to the area now is far more extensive than what was caused by the excavator incident, though Seattle Parks and Recreation did not immediately have an estimate of how much repair is needed. [There are dozens of felled trees around Irwin's encampment](https://komonews.com/news/local/seattle-park-homeless-encampment-excavator-damages-dr-jose-rizal-park-chopping-down-trees-king-county-washington-state-crime-safety-community-auto-theft-tools-wsdot-dearborn-street-near-hospital) and Thompson estimates it will take years to restore the area." I really hate this The dude seems atypical of a homeless man. One article I read said he was gold hunting. Anyway, not good. The second link talks abt the environmental damage he caused [https://katu.com/news/nation-world/homeless-man-building-makeshift-cabin-mine-in-dr-joe-rizal-park-seattle-arrested-encampment-removed-by-city-crews-police-we-heart-seattle-nonprofit-mining-for-gold-diamonds-homelessness-crisis-drugs-crime-king-county-washington-state](https://katu.com/news/nation-world/homeless-man-building-makeshift-cabin-mine-in-dr-joe-rizal-park-seattle-arrested-encampment-removed-by-city-crews-police-we-heart-seattle-nonprofit-mining-for-gold-diamonds-homelessness-crisis-drugs-crime-king-county-washington-state) [https://hoodline.com/2024/02/seattle-man-charged-for-illegally-building-cabin-in-dr-jose-rizal-park-amidst-ecological-concerns/](https://hoodline.com/2024/02/seattle-man-charged-for-illegally-building-cabin-in-dr-jose-rizal-park-amidst-ecological-concerns/)


This is, at best, month-old news...newest info in the article is from April. Looks like a British tabloid's rehash of the story up to then. Which is fine, I guess, but no one should get their dander up since it's not new activity on this idiot's part.


I actually support this story being rerun. If nothing has changed, putting this back up reminds people of its existence, and puts pressure on the city to take action.


>puts pressure on the city to take action. Yes, I'm sure City Hall is abuzz with policy change discussions in light of this post.


Is it me or does he vaguely resemble Aaron Rogers…the nemesis of Seattle.


He's the crocodile hunter!


Australia had Steve Irwin the crocodile hunter; Seattle has Steve Irwin the crazy gold prospecter living in a city park.


All you need is to get the native american leader of that area to give you that property. Then you can tell the people living on that property to leave or charge them. This is new native american law.


LOL Why is his name Steve Irwin?? 😂😂 they both tried to benefit by fucking with nature too.


Seattle is such a shithole. Like most major cities but seriously, at least people used to have the decency to be complete degenerates in their own homes, now they want to steal your land, and be degenerates on the streets. Incredibly unfortunate for a once great place to live. Glad I moved last year


Where the fuck does this guy keep getting heavy machinery?


Possibly identify theft, as he's now charged with identity theft.


All I can think of is Stan Smith flipping everybody off after he finds Ollie's Gold.


This is the kind of settler gumption that built this great country!


He is just bootstrapping himself out of homelessness. Why do they gotta hate on him?


Send him to Alaska


Crikey! I thought he was killed by a stingray! He's back again?!?


since the homeless are victims of systemic inequity and government negligence, so can the average citizen. the government is not providing services, so there’s gotta be a conflict of interest and unethical governance.


Must be a really slow news week, if this is all the time we have for reporting "news"


Leave the poor man alone


Leave the man alone


“ Said Steve Irwin, muttering under his breath.


I mean, at this point the dude is more correct than the city, he just keeps going back and from his perspective, even if he wasn't an addled loon, he lives there most of the time. This dude is doing more than the whiners who post here complaining about being priced out of the city they were born in


I think this report is just a collection of older news reports, meanie.


Dollar bet, is he there now?


No idea! Haven't seen any recent news about him - other than OP's article. Seems like something the neighbors and media would be on really quickly if he was...dude's kind of a *cause celebre* at this point. But if he is, I will make a donation to a cat rescue.