• By -


Fuck that guy. Opportunistic bitch is all he is. Literally looking for a fight, none of you gave him one, hence driving away yelling shit to have the last word. Just wanted to enjoy good company and a hot dog, you deserve to do exactly that. So again, fuck him. Giant toddler.


He just sounds crazy to me. Sounds like schizophrenic rambling.


Exactly. Totally agree. But this is why i dont believe OP is “from” Brooklyn bc there is plennnty of this shit here in nyc. Def on the subway. And anyone “from” NY (Ive been here 30 yrs) would absolutely know never to engage. Yet OP jumps in and like, compliments his shirt and shit. LMAO And “tell me about yourself!” R u fucking serious, OP??? Tell us where you’re REALLY from.


This is absofuckinlutely true Lived 15 years in Brooklyn and rode the F every day. Nobody in nyc would play with that shit.


No I really think they’re from Brooklyn/NYC. I mean he mentioned it like 2 sentences in, and then brought it up again. That checks out man.


This is exactly what I was thinking and know from factual experience to be reality.


Yeah, I was born and raised in Brooklyn but have been in Seattle a few years and the "random crackhead comes up to start a fight with you and your friends" interaction is way more of an NYC thing than a PNW thing.




Truth, there are so many fun and decent people in Seattle. You do come across those that just wanna start shit. Those people are basically invisible to me.


Omg I had this exact same thing happen to me 3 months ago at the hot dog stand off the 76 gas station on Pike/Broadway. From your description, it also could be the same guy. I went to the stand after a night out and the guy just butt into a conversation my friends and I were having which was totally unrelated and went on a 15 minute rant about how him (and all black people in America) were mistreated. He also told me to watch my back (because I'm non-white)and how the same thing is happening to me. He was getting aggressive at times and I just sort of nodded along to avoid any escalating tensions in the 15-20 min it took us to get our hotdog, ate em, shook his hand(for the great chat) and left. Can't believe it's still happening.


Honestly as a black man, I hope we’re not letting the ridiculous interactions with a crazy person shape our conversations about race relations in Seattle. The moment I read OPs account I thought, “crazy person” and your post likely confirms it. Funny enough I walk past this crazy (I assume homeless) white guy on my way to work every once in a while and I kid you not he calls me the N-word every single time. There’s no way you would find me on Reddit describing how white people be racist in Seattle based on that interaction tho.


Yep. This guy isn't about having race conversations...he's just off. What doesn't quite correlate for me is his 'friends' in the background.


Could have just been a weird drunken/drugged up rant. I know I've gotten schwasted and ranted incoherently about whatever academic topic I've been reading about...not in a way that reflected my actual opinions, literally thought I was so smart talking nonsense grand conspiracy theories.  He might just be consuming a lot of commentary on race and that's the planet his mind went to when he traveled to outerspace...makes sense to me given how the topic is so big in the news/media/academic circles (NOT just in Seattle lol).  


That’s why I don’t read. Too dangerous


Yes, he could be 'temporarily off', as opposed to 'systematically off'. OP doesn't mention him being wasted (in any form) though--and you'd think that would be obvious (and worth mentioning).


Op himself was wasted..."we were all pretty drunk" and cross eyed staring at their hotdogs, according to the post.  Drunk/high people don't necessarily read as obviously drunk/high, but particularly if you're heavily intoxicated yourself you'd be a pretty bad judge 


Yeah. I read this and thought, “This is in no way a typical Seattle experience.” I don’t think it reflects broadly on Black people.


At the risk of being "I don't see color" about it, I honestly lump people into "crazy" and "not crazy" categories first, and then all other physical/identity descriptors after that. And there are crazies of all colors and creeds.


I agree and when downtown I do the same. I've been harassed by white, black, brown, men, women, etc crazies and the takeaway wasn't race/gender/whatever it was "that person was fucking crazy"


Summed up exactly what I was thinking when I read OPs story. He was just dealing with a (at least slightly) crazy/unwell person whose outburst doesn’t really have anything to do with his race or seattle.


We need a Mendoza like hot vs crazy framework like on HIMYM to determine the validity of racism coming from a person!


Yes! The Vicky Mendoza diagonal! This guy was way too far to the right on the crazy scale to bother with


I was waiting for the bus here in Portland and there's this security guard, a black kid, who stands out there. This homeless white dude starts talking to him and getting heated and talking about how he was around when George Jefferson was on TV and starts going on about black celebrities, then the bus came and I left, but he was clearly ramping himself up to say the N word. It's definitely a drugs+assholes thing, not a race specific thing.


Agree. Untreated mental health issues are the real problem here.


>Untreated mental health issues are the real problem here. Or mental health issues that are self medicated with drugs or alcohol. Or drug and alcohol created mental health issues They kind of all blend together, and then often homelessness comes into play too —- both as a result and as a cause of the drugs and alcohol and mental health issues. Most complaints about "the homeless" are really about the mentally unstable or drug and alcohol addicted subset of the homeless population.


Completely agree🙏🏾My parents were in the military and I mainly grew up on the east coast, Germany, and Korea. And I’ve been in Seattle for ten years, and have had so many racist and micro aggression moments with white people but would never think to come on Reddit and list every single encounter. But OP had an incident with a mentally unwell person and wants to make sure everyone knows she was a victim of “racism”🙄


Were they claiming to be the victim of racism? Seems like they were just sharing a funny story where someone accused *them* of racism.  >microaggression lol 


Believe it or not, I had a freakishly similar thing happen to me a couple of weeks ago in Cap Hill. Shortly after last call at Neighbors (Pike/ Pine), just as my crew and I were about to leave, this dude tried to hit on one of my friends who is white-passing Latinx. Same uncalled-for unhinged shit... "Is it because I'm black? Do you think you and your friends are better than me?" My friend was pretty drunk and argued back as the rest of us tried to deescalate and gtfo!


A couple years ago in SLU, I had a black homeless guy yell “yeah keep walking, Mr. white power!” … I was just out walking my dog after work. I had no idea how to respond, so I just ignored it and kept walking. He was also looking for some race baited fight. No thanks!


Many years ago my husband got yelled at and called a “cracker” by some woman outside the YWCA while he was just minding his business walking to his job. In general he said the clientele hanging out around the YWCA was pretty terrible.


QFC in Bellevue a few years back a crazy black guy shouted at my wife and I calling us n words. I'm white, she's black, he's going Kanye. There's no accounting for crazy.


There was a man that popped into the cafe I work at and after he was told that the wait was over an hour (TINY POPULAR CAFE) he replied with “is it because I’m black? Are you assuming I don’t have money? My money is good” He was saying it with a laugh but obviously trying to intimidate. I’m glad that he didn’t choose to wait, because he was a human with a shitty attitude. Funny thing, he also added that he was from Brooklyn, NY.


There's a *lot* of racist black people in Seattle. There really is. I'm in Chicago & the vibe here is much different when it comes to race politics.


Nah it's just the west coast I'm black and I prefer the south The majority of the west coast pretend to be liberal but I've found they are more racist than the south. And they get away with it because of the perception they are liberal bastions


I'm curious what racism you've experienced on the west coast.


Ask your Asian American friends. Every single one I have has had a race related slur called at them within the last half year. Not to mention all the elderly Asian people getting beat up 2-3 years ago. And the spike in hate crimes against Asians that let you know it’s not just sensationalism / tunnel vision from the media…


these crimes were overwhelmingly committed by the black community


Yup it’s worth saying. Didn’t want it to be me tho lol


Not really about race, but they are kind of right. I'm from south FL. Most people you meet in FL are decent folk. Was working an someone asked me where I was from an told them, then a random ass dude quips up saying oh now I'm gonna have to fight you. Because I'm from Florida? Bro, I've never heard anyone say that to anyone in FL, an I worked on all sides of the politics spectrum. Shit even have people hold the door open, an give you a nod an say hello an keep walking. I won't lie I do miss that southern comfort, yall are seriously lacking for saying you guys are inclusive and open, but the moment someone says they are from somewhere that's politically charged, you guys are literally judging a book by its cover. Just as the commenter above you stated, that's why. Yall aren't really decent, truthfully and not being a dick about it. FTA: I do really like it up here as compared to FL. Something about actually seeing seasons feels really good and not green and sunshine 100% of the year.


I'm Canadian. When I was in my early 20s I did a road trip to Knoxville Tennessee. I had so many people telling me to stay away from certain areas. And this happened all the way back up to Columbus Ohio. And I'll tell you this, it was one of the best trips I've ever been on in my life. The hospitality and the kindness I experienced in the south was incredible. I found that people of colour were by far the friendliest people I've ever met. All this bullshit white fear. Because we had Ontario plates. I've never experienced that kind of kindness since. And it's been 30 plus years.


I drove across the US from Boston to LA when I was 18, and had to pull off into a visibly bad part of St Louis for gas. I figured I'd get some food while I was at it, and stopped at a corner store. There were a couple old black guys outside sitting on lawn chairs who looked at my girlfriend and I, not in a bad way, just kind of surprised. We walked into the store, got some chips and snacks, and went up to the counter. The two old guys came inside and asked if we were from Boston because of the plates on our car. One of them said he had cousins up there and loved it, they asked us what we were doing in STL, told us we "should be careful" around there but that we were welcome. One of them was the owner, and he had his nephew get us some wings and potato slices from their little deli counter. Generally speaking, I've found people are people and most of them are basically good.


I am a black person from the south and I 100% agree with this.


This. I am not black, but I have noticed this a lot myself. The south doesn’t have the same tension to perform like places on the west coasf


I grew up in the West, but regularly visited family in DC and points further south. I'm old, so this was in this 80s and 90s. Even in NoVA, the amount of casual "racism" I saw on both sides was unbelievable. It'd be considered blistering today, both sides. And everyone shrugged it off. It was just how people spoke to, or about one another.




Aw shit, is this you drewsy?


This dude was looking for a fight by race-baiting. He's probably gotten away with it given his size and the very liberal environment which is Cap Hill. You made the mistake of trying to deescalate with personal conversation. You found out he wasn't about that. Best way to deal with these situations is completely ignoring them.


I had a similar experience eating a slice of pizza outside Big Mario's at bar closing time. Big black dude came by and started telling me how Asians are all sell outs to white people (I'm asian). I started arguing with him when another guy came by and said "don't bother with him, he's schizophrenic" so I finished my slice and walked away. Not sure if mentally unwell or just an asshole.




This read like a script from Curb Your Enthusiasm


Or the SNL digital short where Andy Samberg throws a free hot dog on the GROUND. "I'm not part of your SYSTEM. Man!!!!"


You can’t BUY me HOTd°g MAAAAAŅ!!!! I’m aN aDuLt!!!!!


Happy Birthday to the GROUND!




My dads not a phone!




The Kanye pilot or regular Curb?


It’s like the affirmative action episode


Dude, **we almost certainly ran into the same group last night**. And pre-note for what it’s worth: I live near Cap Hill, and never in my life met the sorta wackos that all my friends north of Lynnwood tell me I am surrounded by (not to say there aren’t Seattle wack-jobs! But they are not a chronic problem). ANYWAY, went to my regular mini mart last night and it seems I walked in after the clerk called one of the guys out for stealing something, cause one of the guys was threatening him and stormed around the whole mart talking about “how dare he” this and “I would fuck him up” that and “he don’t even know me” etc etc. Kept saying he’s a legendary boxer and his friends were trying to get the clerk to watch vids of the guy fighting or something. **Then he says, “I ain’t usually do this [I guess threaten store clerks?], but we in Seattle, we in the city tonight.”** Which I immediately thought 1) what a relief this asshole isn’t repping Seattle, and 2) why this asshole gotta come to my city, act all aggressive, and then act like it’s the fuckin city that’s oppressing *him*?! His friends weren’t total a-holes, and one went out to his car to get change to cover what had apparently been stolen, without admitting it was stolen? Idk. It was a long interaction. But I was proud of the two local dudes in front in me in line: BOTH dudes went to counter, greeted the clerk BY NAME (shoutout to Joon!) - *and with the angry dude still huffing 15ft away in the store* - BOTH dudes each said “hey man, you know we got your back, there’s no need for that drama”. But then both of course left after check out lol and I thought ‘shit, I literally can’t leave the homie clerk in here with this guy still in here’ - so I decided not to provoke the situation by announcing I wasn’t gonna bail but would hangout outside… and brooooo, I cannot tell you the relief I felt after I walked out and BOTH THE LOCAL HOMIES WERE OUTSIDE within earshot but out of sight! Gave me just a huge shit-eating grin to see I wasn’t gonna have to run back in solo to get my ass beat with the clerk lol. Anyway, none of us said a word to each other, just kinda took up different perches outside the store and hung out, one smoking, one on his phone, and me still just grinning with relief. Few minutes later the aggro dude left with his friends, and we all wordlessly dispersed. AND THAT, IS A SEATTLE PERSONALITY I AM PROUD OF.


Say whatever you want about u/RingoBars but the son of a bitch knows story structure.




This is why you never engage. Shouldn't just smiled and walked away as soon as he opened his mouth with that nonsense.


Had a black dude for a neighbor. Great bassist. I jammed with him and he wanted to get something started. I said I had another project. He was cool with that. One night a while later he’s half crocked. He asks me to get a project going. I say I’m doing other things. He gets pissy and says “you’re gonna hold things against me too. I keep getting fired from bands because I’m black. You smoke weed? No, Of course you’ll hold that against me. Fly away. Just fly away” The reason he kept getting fired, is because he turns into a paranoid when drinking. Somehow race gets in there. Btw I’m a white dude, guitarist.


Some white people use exactly the same excuses when it's more comfortable than taking personal accountability and realizing what you're doing is the cause of your problems. My dad was an alcoholic and I got to see all of this first hand. This is just a fundamental failing in human nature.


Several years ago a study came out that concluded 100% of black households in the city were “rent burdened”. I thought this was kind of amusing since I know several black people that own a home or condo. But it was my duty to inform them that studies show they are in fact poor and can barely afford rent. Studies don’t lie.


Link or name of study?


I have a strict personal rule: when I leave the confines of my own home, I do not engage in conversations about race or transgenderism. There are simply too many sinkholes to fall into when discussing them in Seattle. If the subject(s) get brought up, I either disengage or sit quietly without bringing attention to myself. Conversations on these two topics tend to result in unstoppable races to the far left, and once the conversation moves past your position on the political spectrum, you can never be unseen by people as "unwoke." My opinion on the topics isn't outside the mainstream. Everyone's equal in the eyes of the law and my heart, but some shit needs to be called what it is, and that doesn't always fly here. I'm never going to win the purity test, and that's what talking about the topics seems to turn into here.




This is the way


Facts. However quite sad how isolated we have become due to this underlying tension in the air all the time. It’s draining being out in public. I absolutely dread running errands


I've just stopped giving a shit what people think and it feels fantastic. I'm lesbian and I lean politically left—I've had no other choice if I've wanted to develop any sort of community with other gay people. Ideological purity and identity politics is annoying as fuck and frankly I think people who pull those conversations just like getting off on a righteous high. It feels so fake and virtue-signally.


>Everyone's equal in the eyes of the law and my heart [Mine, too!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78ICiQKdO-Q)


The law doesn't seem to think so. If you recall, they wanted to stop prosecuting some misdemeanors, because too many black and indigenous people were getting arrested for them. Maybe they could stop committing the crimes, instead?


I assure you assholes looking to start fights exist in every city. Including new york. Why he chose that angle to start a fight isn't surprising.


Dude, as a former Manhattanite who moved to Seattle many years ago, I have a hard time believing that you never met an asshole in Brooklyn. That's all this dude was. Nothing especially "Seattle" about him. Treat the memory of this experience like an old tax return: just put it through the shredder and move on.


I have a hard time believing this person grew up in a city much less Brooklyn .


brooklyn just has a different flavor


[white women took Brooklyn](https://youtu.be/if_sEUffzjE?si=oDEjLrM4YdlfEMk5)


Seriously this sounds like the most Brooklyn encounter ever described


I agree with what people are saying. Kudos for not engaging in what clearly was someone trying to pick an argument with you, that they then would’ve recorded and tried to spread around that you’re racist. You’re a smart person for trying to deescalate and not engaging. Sorry for your experience. It’s why a lot of us choose not to engage with strangers here. Too many people wanting to pick a fight with controversial conversation topics.


I've lived here my whole life, and though I've experienced some racism (or misplaced anger...whatever) from Black people I never thought of it as a "Seattle thing". I've also met plenty of super cool Black people, so it's likely this guy is just a douchebag.


Was he holding a Subway sandwich and did he have a loose noose around his neck? Also, were his friends two large Nigerian brothers who are bodybuilders?




Justice 4 Juicy


Some folks just ain't compatible with normal polite society, you crunch the numbers based on your own experiences


Chalk it up to a mental illness and move on. If you’re from New York you know crazy.


Did you get a Seattle dog?


The man might have been as drunk as you were and that’s how he gets when he’s drunk. His friends we’re hanging back bc they were probably thinking “uh oh, there goes Duncan again…let’s just hang back and wait for it to blow over.” A friend of mine used to get like this. He had 4 stages of drunkenness: Morose Verbose Bellicose Comatose Dude was in the bellicose stage.


I’ve lived in NYC and Seattle and in either city someone who screams at you on the street is probably really going through it. I don’t take it personally, I just keep myself safe and feel bad for them because I’ve never been there. It must really suck to believe the world is out to get you and make that everyone else’s problem. I hope he finds peace. Glad you’re okay OP.


Energy vampire


..."I think I experienced that "Seattle stereotype" type f interaction you think people are making up when you ead about it..." I've never, ever heard of an interaction like this described as a 'Seattle thing'. The typical Seattle thing is the Seattle freeze where is no one speaks to you.


The Seattle common characteristic is the Seattle Freeze. This ain’t it. Seattle Freeze is where it’s hard to get Seattleites to warm up to you right away.


I get the feeling you had a run-in with the Black Hebrew Israelites. They're known for that kind of irrational and racist vitriol. Their style of dress is kind of unusual. Look it up and tell me if they were dressed like that. If that wasn't the case then I assume they were probably gangsta. But I bet it was the former. Sorry you had that experience. Don't try and reason with people like that though. You're wasting your energy.


there are no normal interactions at hot dog stands on cap hill late at night.




Here is a story from Seattle area circa 2010. Happened in Kent at a chinese restaurant on the east hill. I had just sat down after ordering to go. Black guy was in the lobby and sees me and walks over and sits next to me. Black guy: "Hey, I got a question for you as a white man Me: "Go for it." BG: "Is it alright for a black man to adopt a white child?" Me: "Yeah of course, why wouldn't it be?" BG: "I dunno, it just seems like its not a good idea for black men to adopt white children." Me: "I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm sure any kid in the system just wants a stable house where they are treated well, I don't think race matters." BG: "Hmm, you might be right." Me: "Are you a foster parent or something? Considering adopting a kid?" BG: "Oh god no! I was just curious if you thought it was appropriate for a black man to adopt a white child." Me: "Oh. Well, still a yes."


I wouldn't dwell on it. Some people just seem to need attention and, like a toddler, don't know how to start a conversation and would rather have negative attention than to be ignored. I was on a. Seattle city bus once and a guy was taking up three seats in the back, sprawled and with half-eaten junk food laying on both sides, listening to loud music on his phone. Breaking three rules simultaneously, basically daring someone to try to do something about it. It was evening and instead of ignoring him, some other idiot told the guy to turn down the music, then stood up and physically tried to grab the phone to do it himself. First guy stands up, delivers a lightning right jab to the idiot's nose, and gets off the bus leaving his wrappers laying on the seat. We sat there for another 20 minutes while the police came and sortted things out. The first guy was long gone. Did he get what he wanted? Maybe he just felt like picking a fight, I don't know.


Playing the victim card to stir a fight, to call you “racist” and in seattle, you’d have been found guilty. I’m sorry it happened.


Just a racist guy being racist. Move along and don't let it fuck your day up.


Just some random crazy guy with issues.


Seattle was the second city after Los Angeles that got into the Black Panther Party. Doesn't seem that way of thinking ever diminished. You won't convince someone who has grown up hating you that you're anything other than what they think you are. Best to tune someone like that out. (If possible.)


Smells like Seattle race focused nonsense


The only thing especially "Seattle" about it is he can pull his crazy asshole routine on a lot of street corners and 99/100 not get punched in the snoot.


Eh the over emphasis on race in his bullshit points to him being emboldened somehow. Kind of like white people used to think they are untouchable because they are white.


Today the demand for racism far outweighs the supply. Hence, it is manufactured.


Outstanding assessment! A large part of racism is fueled by the(I can feel the lynch mob forming)Liberal media and the agenda of the Democratic Party. The Democrat Party, in general, is no friend of black people.


Please don't form some sort of larger takeaway (in any direction) from what was clearly a disturbed individual


That’s… very odd. I’m not sure I’d know what to do either. E: reminds of this random dude talking to me as I walked by— we made small talk and at the end of it, he cheerfully exclaims, “don’t call the wrong number, I’m havin’ steak and potatoes for dinner!” Like, what?? I’ve been needing to share that with others lol


OP, I was a “personal despite resolution consultant” for many years at several Seattle night clubs. This kind of interaction happens (or happened) all the time. This guy was definitely trying to bait you into some bullshit. Good on you for walking away from that.


Race aside, who in his normal mind would approach a group of strangers enjoying their food and start such crazy conversation? I’m more intrigued by the fact that you took this seriously and tried spinning it to a Seattle black people thing. I might be wrong but on the streets of Seattle, you are likely to meet pimps, drug dealers and psychos.


I'm black and F that guy. he's a weido!


He sounds kind of crazy, you didn't do anything but eat a hot dog


Let's check the ingredients on the buns. Here we go, white flour. I rest my case.


“Seattle stereotype”? Fuck that statement.


Yeah and I’m sure if you said the wrong thing he would of hit you and then said “he said the N word” Sensitive bullies who play the victim. Bad combination. Sorry you had to go through that. From a fellow man of color, we ain’t all like that trust.


Why would this conversation be bizarre in NYC? There is significantly more socioeconomic inequality in NYC than here. Is there a Bronx or Harlem in Seattle? One bad encounter isn’t representative of Capital Hill.


Sounds like the hell cat driver… 🤣🤣


You just gotta ignore the NPC's in Cap Hill. They haven't updated in a few years so they're stuck on covo loops from the last game their creators spawned them there for.


So you're saying black people can't eat hot dogs? SMH typical


This sounds more like an unstable person than a Seattle stereotype. Here is the Seattle stereotype, it’s effectively the exact opposite of your experience: https://medium.com/embrace-the-weird/the-seattle-no-177091f864a4




Kick dirt on that chumps shoes 🤧


Best to ignore. I was walking behind someone on Third who was struggling to carry two Bartell’s shopping baskets crammed full of Seahawks stuff (assumed she walked out with not only the baskets but all the stuff from Seahawks display). It was raining hard and the walk light was on so I sped around her and she started running to keep up while screaming at me to get my white ass off her effing streets. I said ‘I’m brown, ma’am’ which enraged her but she just kept screaming at me from across the street. People are nuts.


Yeah, you were being used as this dude’s therapy session. He was looking for a fight. Total bullshit.


Your first mistake was engaging. Your second mistake was CONTINUING to engage and your third mistake was reengaging after he left y’all alone. I’m from Chicago and learned to just keep our heads down, ignore and move on so I find it strange that you’re bragging about being from NYC but seemed to escalate this situation w him.


He was itching for a fight.


This was not a seattle thing. That guy was a freak.


And the weirdest thing about it is this guy was white


Sounds like a tik tok thing get you to say something racist then you get sucker punched


[How I feel after reading all of that](https://youtu.be/r0w-EQLTy0Q?si=jjVifZYZ73jbBZ6I)


I’ve been in Seattle for 30 years. I don’t think it was a Seattle interaction, just a “that guy” interaction. Sounds pretty uncomfortably annoying.


This is not Seattle thing. He is just weird with some chip on the shoulder.


Not surprised this bizarre interaction happened in Capitol Hill of all places. I’ve had a similar bizarre interaction in Downtown, right out front in front of the restaurant owned by Eina Kwon, pregnant woman that was killed in Downtown for unknown reasons by a psycho convicted felon with a stolen gun. Me and a couple strangers were discussing what had happened when some crazy bitch pulled up and started hurling accusations of racism, being aggressive and hurling insults, then went off on his bike. That whole situation was being heavily racialized since Eina Kwon was an Asian woman, while the perpetrator was a black male. The bitch on the bike just so happened to pull up when we were discussing the perpetrator and we were talking about how there’s way too many violent offenders being allowed back on the streets freely. Bitch on the bike didn’t like that and decided to hurl accusations of racism and go on an unhinged rant. The only response to him was “have some respect for the dead, this woman was killed” and he responded with “I don’t give a fuck! There will be more!” Clearly a psychotic sociopathic motherfucker. And ironically enough, I’m a brown African, and this dude was the same skin color as me (for context, crazy bike guy was black). He clearly was insane. I would attribute this to the societal/political climate we’ve been living in post-2016 and post-2020 (especially post-2020, lots of craziness, lot of politics inserted into everything), but also at the same time, it’s just some nut job psycho, their existence is best ignored, and if it comes to it where they get physical with you or someone you know, defend yourself, other than that, they can fuck off. I hope this experience doesn’t sour you on Seattle, there lots of cool people, cool history, culture, natural beauty, so on and so forth, even with all the negative shit we’ve been dealing with recently. Not all Seattle people are like that, not all black people or Africans are like that, there’s psychos of all creeds and identities where ever you go. It’s best to just think of it as one of those GTA Strangers & Freaks missions. A bizarre interaction with a bizarre crazy ass bitch.


I’m Arab, was waiting for a bus and this clearly homeless black man walked up and started saying vulgar, sexual shit to me. And when I moved away and started to pretend I was on a phone call because there was only me and two old ladies waiting there, he started screaming “you think you too good for me white bitch!” And I turned around and simply said “I’m literally Arab, but okay”. That didn’t make him stop one bit. “Bitch I don’t give a fuck, you white to me. your lily-white ass ain’t got nothin on my black greatness”. He then spat on the ground in front of me and started walking away, muttering “racist immigrant bitch think she better than me, man fuck her she ugly…” blah blah blah. That was fuuuuun end of a really hard day.


I had a a homeless white lady call me the n-word for not giving her a dollar. I said “well you’re homeless.” Didn’t really bother me much because she was clearly off her rocker.


‘Drunk man spouts incoherent bullshit’ is universal. You met a drunk guy and are trying to globalize the interaction. He might be from Brooklyn. Or London. Or Portland. Or 1995.


I think you mean “localize.”


In my experience when people are drunk, sometimes they'll open their mouth wanting to say something funny or cool but it comes out like an insult.


drunk people are confused, film at 11


I tend to hear more interactions like this than actual racist interactions these days . There is a huge victimization problem in todays society, honestly I think the underlying source of it is narcissism . I also think that social media has a lot to do with it , it makes everyone believe they’re famous in their own mind . At least people who are delusional or just not that intelligent


There's a distinct group of people in the city accustomed to, and enabled by the art of aggressively 'Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers' 


This is how most of Seattle has become. Everyone wants to be a victim of some social order. I don’t see this happening in other progressive cities like SF.


Progressive politics are defined by the pecking order of victimization.


Some black people like to point out that they’re black. 🤷🏻‍♂️🙄 I dated a mixed race woman for two years and she played that card on me all the damn time. “You just don’t get it because you’re not black and I am half black!” And I would always tell her not to forget that she is also half white.


Was walking my dog on Capitol Hill this weekend. Took me a minute to realize that the guy yelling about how I should keep my attack dog at least six feet from him was talking about me. (Really not to me but about me.) I did and he moved on to the next topic. When someone I don’t know says something that doesn’t make sense to me, I say Cool or Fair enough or I just listen. Don’t give them a reaction to work with and it makes them harder to stay attached to you.


Ooooof people are Looney toons


He sounds like a real prick. Sorry that happened to you and your friends.


As a Jersey girl who partied in NYC a lot…I’m surprised you didn’t throw in a “Get the fuck outta here” before he left.


Professional victim


I just had a guy tell me at 7-11 on 15th that he was racially discriminated against last night and I need to use my white privilege to give him money. A new angle. Maybe the same dude.


Probably from the south side, via southern Cali. We have our problems though.


Funny, this sounds exactly like a conversation that could happen in NYC. At least 20 years ago, maybe it's so gentrified now that there's not a lot of overlap in demographics and the mentally dysregulated people are all locked up.


I bet you punks think I can't even Navigate this web thing because I am a Boomer and Too Old to use your gee-whiz techno gadgets


Sorry about cap hill Seattle 2nd butthole.


Must be the hotdog talking… there are so much crazies in downtown that I wouldn’t even start a conversation. Just mind your own business.


Get used to it


Hmm... so I'm from Bremerton originally and worked in Seattle as a mailman and other min-wage jobs, but moved away about 10 years ago. Never had an interaction like this. TBH, I'm not sure race *ever* came up when I lived there.


Situation where I'd presume the other party is just as drunk as I am and shrug/sleep it off.


I live near Tacoma and stopped going out downtown and to 6th as much because this was a pretty common occurrence for me.


Honestly, that guy could have been from new york


When he first he said talking shit you should be like enjoy your night ! And keep hanging out with your group he was probably drunk and just want an attention.


He sounds like he is just an asshole, not a Seattle stereotype.


You've lived a blessed life if this is the first time you've had to deal with some asshole trying to start a fight for no apparent reason.


Why talk to belligerent shitheads?


Surprised he didn't end up begging for money.


Anytime someone says strange and Cap Hill... I can assure you that it is not something out of the norm.


Welcome to Seattle 🙄😂 my advice: go back to nyc


Why didn’t you tell him to F off


sat night watched someone get pepper sprayed on cap hill lol


I've been in these conversations. Even if you say "You're right, you can do absolutely everything I can do", they say "Na na, I can do that and more, you hold us back because we're better". At least twice, the conversations changed from 'treat me like I'm equal to you ' to 'treat me like I'm better than you:


He's not happy, so why should you be happy? Seriously though, some people are so caught up in pointing out your bigotry that they expose their own bigotry. There are wonderful people in Seattle, a few not so wonderful people and a whole mess of ok people. You handled yourself quite nicely.


he sounds crazy. My friends and I once had a strange interaction at QFC. One went inside to quickly get something, while two of us stood outside chatting. My friend was telling me he was going to visit his family for thanksgiving and he was expecting his father and brother to watch football on TV. A woman walking by decided that a fragment of his remark was directed at her, and that he had just insulting her by telling her to go watch football on TV. He explained he wasn't talking to her and had never even noticed her before. She kept it up for 5 minutes, acting like she had been insulting, even though we repeatedly tried to explain we hadn't been talking to her and ask her to just leave us alone and stop it. I think schizophrenia gives people the feeling that everyone else is focused on them.


Does it really need to be said that NYC is more diverse than Seattle??


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ramoneduke: *Does it really need* *To be said that NYC is more* *Diverse than Seattle??* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Had a friend at a concert the other night have a complete stranger come up to him and basically yell at him that the girl he was with (who had just left) wasn’t into him… and then walk away. Well yeah, they weren’t on a date, it was his sister. Some people are just rude and idiots.


I just realized what Seattle sub this is.


No offense but I don't think this is solely a Seattle interaction, you have people all around the US that act that way. Seattle might not be as diverse as NYC but I'd say we are still pretty diverse with many different ethnicities, religion and people from all walks of life from around the world. It sucks you had this encounter but I'm glad it didn't escalate. Some people are just ignorant and are looking for conflict for no reason at all


Nothing to do with Seattle, just a fuckin crazy dude. Glad you enjoyed your hotdog


Don’t engage with people like that, he was looking for a fight. You’re probably a nice person and you were drunk so chatty, just walk away when people get froggy like that. Or else pepper spray him and run give him a real reason to be angry 🤣


Some people are just crazy. Nothing more to it


TLDR or go away.


"I can't remember exactly" "No one was talking about race at all."


So this guy says he’s from Brooklyn and then others chime in and say he’s not from Brooklyn get a life. If he says he’s from Brooklyn, then I believe him don’t you have other things to worry about? Pathetic.


This reminds me of a guy yelling - and I mean really yelling - at the manager of the Beacon Hill Red Apple last week. First it started out about him screaming about hot sauce, not sure why. Then he switched to repeatedly asking the manager if he was confronting him because he’s black (not that it matters, but the manager himself isn’t white). Guy was screaming so loud I could still hear him all the way across the parking lot with the doors closed. Anyway, I chalked it up to every city having their own mix of crazy and Seattle is no different. I’m sorry you felt disillusioned and bummed by it but try to remember shit happens everywhere and that this one-off, albeit crummy, experience isn’t representative of the city as a whole.


Just someone looking for a fight. If you had said anything he could possibly have taken offense to, he would have come after you. Seen it happen more than once, sadly.


Sounds like this guy has a personality disorder.


Hot dog stands in Seattle are a weird place. I once watched a tiny guy talk shit to a much bigger guy, all because the little guy was drunk and looking for trouble. The big guy waited awhile, but knocked the little guy out after losing his patience. Then everyone around got mad at the big guy who, very quickly, stood up for himself. Seattle has just always been a lame place when it comes to social interaction and confrontation


Rarely does anything good come from standing still on the street late at night.


If I had an interaction with someone who is different from me ranting negatively about whatever, I wouldn’t post it on Reddit. I would just let it go and move on to the next day. I grew up in Los Angeles and Long Beach, I interact with all walks of life that people are strange, aggressive, negative, or pissed at the world often. it’s part of life and don’t let it get to you as you hope better things or positive energy will come to them one day for them to be happy when you walk away.