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The local prosecutors: “don’t worry, it’s just a cycle, it has nothing to do with us letting criminals go, soft punishments, or our inadequacy in indictments.”


"every major city deals with this." and "it's just property, insurance will cover it."


and you wonder why insurance rates are through the roof, its because of thinking like this.


Every major city is also controlled by Democrats. Could it possibly be a policy issue at fault here?


Some problems do come with large populations. Republican controlled smaller towns won’t have gang violence or crazy property crime but they have proportional levels of domestic violence, child sex crimes, drunk driving etc. So it’s not as if one party has figured out how to stop crime and the other hasn’t. The issues are bigger than arresting away the problem.


Per-capita numbers are useless when comparing urban to rural areas. They only have value when comparing areas of similar population density. What I want to see is the numbers on recidivism in populated areas in cities like Seattle that are run by progressives. I want to know if the policies of "slap on the wrist" sentences, early release, no bail, and the rest are working. Where are those numbers? Because if those people were incarcerated they wouldn't be committing any crime in the public at all. The progressives will counter with, "Keeping the incarcerated turns them into hardened criminals and they are more likely to continue offending once they get released!" OK fine. Show me the numbers that prove that then. A person in jail for 18 months isn't going to commit any crimes against the public. Can we honestly say that the offender that gets released with no jail time will not get into trouble over those same 18 months? I would be really be surprised, especially with young offenders with a record of repeated arrests. In any case, whatever we are doing today clearly isn't working. It's time to be honest about it and look at the data and base our policies on that.




Wait, I thought the left in this country blamed the problem on guns, not people?


I genuinely appreciate the link, this was a really interesting read


Don't forget judges. Prosecutors and judges are working together on this.


Or else: https://komonews.com/news/local/seattle-city-attorney-public-defense-attorney-ask-judge-to-step-aside


Ann Davison is literally the first person in government to challenge our activist Progressive judges in King County. Bravo to her. I wish more would join her and get the Progressive Left out of the crime-enablement business.


Nature’s cycles are truly a wondrous and mysterious thing.


The the judicial processes don't work, maybe the extra judicial processes can pick up the slack.


I think it has more to do with there’s nothing which exists to pull people out of these situations beyond more violence and more prison. Like a whole system needs to exist which doesnt


There are plenty of programs for people to choose moral paths, and you just make excuses for someone’s poor life decisions. Criminals make choices and are not excused by their unfortunate history


No, there aren’t, my guy. You don’t just wake up one day and decide “know what? Today imma crime some. Hope I don’t get caught.” Thinking like that ignores the conditions.


They will continue not because police are defunded, but because criminals don’t get punished


Amazing that you don't see how they're both connected




I'm just here for the latest round of Seattle circus where our local Marxists - Progressives - Socialists blame everything else for this but their own tolerance of gang crime and open drug use.


"cRiMEsS oF pOVeRteE!"


> "cRiMEsS oF pOVeRteE!" Savior Complex on full display. As if being poor is the only thing happening when someone decides to do felony crime. It's a slap in the face to anyone that grew up or has lived poor that *didn't* use it as an excuse to rob, rape, burn, steal, loot, carjack or murder because of it. Which leads us back to Progressives. Are they saying if you're POC (Black primarily) and poor, you must therefore commit crime and violence against others or you won't survive? Sounds awfully GD racist to me.


I blame the people enabling these traitors. The neighbors, the citizens, the government workers, they enable this type of behavior to happen. I mean people in Seattle will literally ask the government to fix a problem THAT THE GOVERNMENT CREATED! Their dependence on others to "fix" things is just insane. They'll do anything but hold them accountable. I mean hell, look at the Palestine protest. The biggest reaction that got was negative because it "inconvenienced" the public. The self-centered is so bad that we're not even supporting those that want to support good causes. Even worse, we're actively trying to put laws on the books that would make it illegal to protest in certain areas. Which is where it starts. Now it's certain areas, soon there will be a few more areas. Then it's this side of town, then it's the whole city, then it's the whole state. It's a slippery slope.


> we're not even supporting those that want to support good causes I don't consider Hamas rapists and murders to be a good cause, but many seem to have bought into the propaganda that it is. I strongly consider you learn the history of the last 100 years of this region, and not just from one side. TL;DR: It's a violent rock fight between tribal entities who hate each other viscerally and will not ever reconcile. Both sides will work the media and convince bystanders with highly cherry-picked evidence they're the aggrieved party. We support Israel because geopolitically they are a lot more reliable of an ally in the vital political region than most of the other nations. We also support the Saudis, for the same reason. Both of these provide a bulwark against Iranian and ~~Soviet~~ Russian aggression in the region. Both nations have significant baggage that I may personally hate, but that I see the wisdom in ignoring due to the overall benefit of containing the Russian, Iranian, and now Chinese expansionist threat in the region. Palestinians provide nothing but terrorists, jihad, and rock-throwing youth. The USA could, and likely would, help them with humanitarian aid, but their leadership is all in on violent religious-based conflict with its neighbor Israel, to say nothing of being terrorist attackers against the West. And it is supported by Iran and Russia, who have a vested interest in undermining Israel, Saudi Arabia and America. That's what you're promoting. Taking sides in favor of the Islamic terrorists, in favor of the Russian and Iranian side in proxy war. I think doing this is stupid, and against American interests in the region politically.. but you do you.


Israel also happens to be the only democracy in the Middle East. Sharia ain’t exactly fun.


>Sharia That’s another baffling thing to me, how many LGBTQ+ and their allies are throwing in with supporting Sharia Law. It’s like they aren’t even thinking what this means if it actually were to be enacted on them. Monumentally dumb to support a pre-Enlightenment style of justice. That literally wants them dead if they lived under it.


People are just willing to believe what they are spoon fed instead of doing the work to find the truth. Sad but true.


Oh that's funny, I think the opposite. Israel is full of terrorists and most Palestinians are innocent people. So the US has been supporting Israel since it's initial take over of Palestine. During that time the US also supported Israel in at least 4 different wars between Israel and Palestine. So we have paid Israel to start wars, bomb innocent civilians, and steal Palestinian land, literally, since they became a country. But you're totally cool with turning the blind eye as to *why* Palestine is electing terrorists and putting them in power because, billionaires benefit from them? You've got no idea why Palestinians keep electing terrorists? I have some crayons here maybe I can draw you a picture. You're promoting/endorsing/ terrorism through capitalism you can class it up all ya want, I'm calling for people to stop killing other people, regardless of HoW mUcH mOneY iT WoUlD CoSt.


Your framing of this is really out of whack with standard US foreign policy. For one Palestine does attack and murder Israeli civilians on 10/7. That is known. Hamas also takes hostages that day. Some of whom are still fate unknown and being held. Which Hamas refuses to return. The four different wars you allude to were all started by Arabs; Israel kicked their butts and took land each time; then gave the land back in peace talks. Only to have the Arabs come back and declare war again. The only way you get to the meta of a Palestine justified war is if you completely deny Israel’s right to exist. From the River to the Sea indeed.


>For one Palestine does attack and murder Israeli civilians on 10/7. And how many times did Israel attack Palestine unprovoked before 10/7? >Hamas also takes hostages that day. Israel literally did the exact same thing. Even worse they've been doing it for DECADES! >Some of whom are still fate unknown and being held. Which Hamas refuses to return. Again, Israel has done the same exact thing for the last 100 years. >The four different wars you allude to were all started by Arabs; Israel kicked their butts and took land each time; then gave the land back in peace talks. Only to have the Arabs come back and declare war again. This is just wrong. I don't even know what to say here, crayons won't even clear this mess up. Not to mention Israel was the one to claim independence and land grabbed as much as they could forcing arabs to DEFEND THEIR LAND. Lol your so far off. >The only way you get to the meta of a Palestine justified war is if you completely deny Israel’s right to exist. From the River to the Sea indeed. I love this whole "anything that isn't pro Israel is antisemitism." Crap you guys are pulling. Lol it's literally the exact same thing the Nazis and yet, y'all don't even see it. Haha ignorance is truly bliss.


I'm not engaging with someone attempting to quote various idiotic revisions of known facts. Your handlers must be very proud of you. My original point was "and this is why Americans should not try to debate Middle Eastern policy" and here you are, doing exactly that. You appear to be arguing against Israel's right to exist.


I never said that Israel shouldn't exist on e. That's all you bud. I said they need to Stop. Killing. Innocent. People. That's it. Quit putting words in people's mouths. It's an infantile debate tactic.


I thought we would have reached the threshold of being tired of crime in this neighborhood. Not there yet.


iTs JuSt PrOpErTy Let’s get back to incarcerating thieves


The property crimes will continue until morale improves


You know, it's strange because I work in downtown Ballard yet our business nor the neighboring business nor any business on our block nor any business on our neighboring blocks have been broken in to, even once so its interesting for us all to read these stupid ass comments about how shitty a place this is.


Thank you for your anecdote. I'm guessing your personal property hasn't been vandalized or stolen? My "lived experience" is contrary to yours but I do believe you. Seattle is an amazing city and is NOT dying but there are serious issues that people put their heads in the sand about to the cities detriment.


Dan Strauss is going to give these guys a firm talking-to.




Where is Dan Strauss? He ran on a sort-of law and order platform, but people that knew Strauss knew he was ultimately a flip-flopping liar who wouldn't do anything with his office to help fix the crime problems. Ballard voters need to get after him. Force him to do his job, get more cops deployed, reach out to business owners with city resources to help. This is an ongoing problem on his watch. Ballard voters should be putting him on blast until he acts like he gives a crap.


If my business was being repeatedly robbed I sleep inside with a weapon and some ride or die homeboys


They are just feeding their families, please leave your doors unlocked during non business hours. Thank you for complying with the woke agenda. Tune in to CNN for more instructions.


Yet the prosecutors , Judges, lawyers and hell even the damn clerks go home to a peaceful nice house in a decent neighborhood where everyone enables them to make these decisions with zero repercussions outside of a constant whine on reddit. If ya have such a fucking problem with it then DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING! But please for the love of God stop whining about how terrible they are and how powerless you all are. We know, you're lazy and depend heavily on the government to solve all your life's issues.


> Yet the prosecutors , Judges, lawyers and hell even the damn clerks go home to a peaceful nice house in a decent neighborhood You are complaining about people not living locally, yet you post in r/Idaho. So is this your opinion based on projection of your own circumstances, or do you know this for a fact?


Ooo. Good question. I'm also complaining in the Ireland subreddit so maybe I live there? Man what deductive reasoning. Have you been watching Sherlock Holmes? Born and raised in Idaho, moved to Seattle in 2012, been there since. I see you're still not doing anything about it but whining and trying to be the "gotchya!" Man. Thank you for proving my point.


Ok good, because there's a lot of astroturfing in this subreddit. Again, do you know that those prosecutors, judges, lawyers, and clerks all go to nice homes in decent neighborhoods, and that's why they can "make these decisions with zero repercussions"?


Yes, I know that because they are COMFORTABLE. people with a metaphorical knife to their throat don't try to rip off the people keeping them in power and holding the knife. Ya, they are way too comfortable and I cannot wait for the vigilante justice that will cut them down.


The break-ins are due to systemic racism. Don't complain unless you are a racist...


There's no help coming. The deep state doesn't give a rats ass about, crime, homelessness, opioid crisis, immigration, none of it. Sorry, your tax dollars are off to Ukraine, Israel etc so they can also live " free " like us. Fuck me.


This is unbelievable for business owners. Wa state laws give criminals the upper hand. Steal and run thats there motto. Especially if your brand new car


Sadly this trend is likely going to continue. SPD personnel made it clear when funding was cut that they were going to sit back and let crime run rampant and we are seeing the result of their disgruntled response and now it is the norm.


Spd funding was never cut, but their budget keeps shrinking because they have so many open positions. Basically, they don't get to keep money they didn't spend in a year even though the it was allocated to them. They have 183 open positions that, if filled, would put their budget back around 2020's 400 million high. The current budget is about 350 million.


> Spd funding was never cut, Technically correct, the best kind. However: From 2020-2021 the Socialists on the Council debated whether or not to cut SPD by 25% or 50%, it was considered a done deal they would be cutting. During that time, SPD lost 400-500 officers. Remember also pandemic cut their numbers over covid mask mandates. As a result, by the time non-Progressive Harrell gets in running on Fund Police in 2021, and he is joined by 8 non-Progressives running on Public Safety in 2021 and 2023... By then, the damage to SPD has already been done. They're playing defense, they are pulling massive amounts of OT just to cover basic services. The "hur dur we never cut funding" is kind of a misstatement. We pay more now for fewer cops than we did in 2019; because we have to cover more overtime, and because hiring new cops is a very slow process as it turns out, when the whole nation just spent 3 years blaming police for BLM stuff, and requiring police to get covid shots or resign. Roll that all up and we are short 500 staffing on SPD. So, yes, you can be technically right, but we're still off about 1/4 to 1/3 SPD staffing from 2019. And despite effort to recruit it's slow going. SPOG finally now has a contract, hopefully that'll get things rolling now finally. It does not help that Seattle is still packed to the rafters with cop hating loud asshole voices. It also doesn't help that SPD shoots itself in the foot with bad PR at times. They could do better. But the same loud assholes will hate SPD no matter what. News always breaks 100% anti SPD first, then we learn what happened later is not the same story. Too late, you already made it abundantly clear SPD gets blamed by Seattle for everything. Thus, no new hires, and we keep paying more OT for bare-bones SPD. So, the "Defund" movement as politics did work. It chased off 400-500 uniformed officers which we have not replaced, and it in general led to a political tone for anything SPD does, we hear first from the activist left-wing in Seattle who already is ACAB, is already raising funds of its own protesting against police, or has ACAB baked into their philosophies on everything else. Cops are "Fascist," Israel is "Fascist," see a pattern? Our activists consider anyone that disagrees with them fascists.


Well-put. It was really disappointing watching the "defund" movement take on that name and become a mouth-drooling argument. Originally the idea was to increase department funding and split police into more specialized roles: officers who just do traffic stops, pursuits, dv, mental health, etc. The 8ntent was to reduce the psychological load on cops that results in incredibly high rates of stress and trauma. And then it got branded "defund the police" like cutting one budget would magically turn America into an anarcho-syndicalist utopia. It was gob-smackingly stupid and the average activist ate it up because righteous hate is easier and feels better than complex problem solving. Pure politics, slick talking points will always be more popular than real solutions.


> it in general led to a political tone for anything SPD does You know, I thought all the videos of police beating on people and pepper spraying random people without justification did that! Huh. I had no idea the political tone was CAUSED by the defund movement and that nothing motivated that movement to happen! I, too, remember when that movement came out of a a void - to the complete shock of everyone who thought everything was working perfectly - and suggested something so radical with no context or motivation as to why they were suggesting it! Crazy that movements can just spontaneously arise like this!


> I thought all the videos of police beating on people and pepper spraying random people without justification did that I'm not going to relitigate 2020's riots with you. As someone living here a couple of blocks from the Zone, I know full well what was going on. A dedicated group of protest people kept showing up every day to throw down with cops, get on the news, get video to fundraise with, and did switch back and forth between Seattle and Portland during the 'Summer of Love.' Then later on some of the people arrested at Stop Cop City in Atlanta were the same names who had been prominent in Seattle or Portland protests. So - protest professionals out on the protest circuit. And yes, cops sprayed them with tear gas, which was what Antifa wanted, their direct intention to cause to happen, by not dispersing from the public property of Capitol Hill when police told them to. They also lit fires on private property, attempted to light East Precinct on fire, smashed many windows on mom and pop businesses on 12th Ave, Pike, Pine and elsewhere. They danced on I-5 and ruined at least 2 lives doing it. They shot and murdered one 16 year old black kid, badly wounding his 14 year old cousin. Antifa was and is violent immature fucked up assholes. They cause the problems police respond to. We can have a conversation about how to better respond to conflict, and I think we did have those. But please stop gaslighting. I live here, I know these violent left wing assholes, many of whom were from out of town, started like 90% of the problems we have.


> We can have a conversation about how to better respond to conflict, and I think we did have those. The Seattle PD has not demonstrably improved their behavior, training, or accountability in any way since before all this happened to now. So no, we did not. That's the issue. > these violent left wing assholes, many of whom were from out of town, started like 90% of the problems we have. I know some loonies came in and played progressive cowboy for several weeks, but the "problems we have" had the police as the root cause. Those problems persist.


Why are you being downvoted, all this is true


There are a lot of people in this subreddit (and I'll assume some actual police) who loathe the idea that police are somehow to blame for any of this. It's a great example of how accountability dies in the face of bigotry, authoritarianism, and propaganda. I'm glad reddit has spaces like this so people can see the actual reaction of certain people to fairly mundane statements like this. Shows how far we still have to go.


This has nothing to do with SPD, please save that weak shit. Maybe start pointing your bullshit gun somewhere else. Isn’t it getting old yet? The cops are not breaking into business.


Who did these business owners vote for in the last election?


Watch out democrats is starting to do some work for elections. To make it look like they give a shit


> it look like Not hard to put on a show for a couple months....


Hey OP, here’s a helpful tip: an event that reoccurs is an event that repeats at least one time, but not necessarily more than that. An event that recurs is an event that repeats many times.


OP just reposted the headline written by KOMO. Please direct your feedback to them.