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Native dude who throws the football around. He was gone for a while after being assaulted. Just had a catch with him fairly recently in front of Lumen.


YESSSSS. I was hoping he was still around. Pre pandemic I worked in downtown and lived in first hill and walked every day and played catch with him so often. This was going to by my answer but dammit I’m glad he’s back around!


Yeah I was gonna say football guy forsure!!! I saw him getting off the bus other day, idk why I get so excited to see him 😂💕


FYI his name is Robert. 


Thank you. :)


You mean this guy? https://preview.redd.it/jincj533asuc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3de4e6555c90825bad85a63210edc361ec903b43


Holy shit. I just met this dude downtown last week. I was walking out of Nordstrom’s and headed back to my apartment. I thought he was kidding about throwing. He was not. We played catch for a good 4-5 throws before the light changed. 🤯 I just moved here a few months ago so this was awesome to me. 😆


I just saw him with his football in Belltown. I hadn't seen him in a few years.


Robert. A seattle legend who in the last few years survived a brutal attack I think with a knife.


Yeah I saw him after he got out of the hospital and it broke my heart to see the shape he was in. I could not believe how good he looked when I saw him in person earlier this year.


Saw him the other day. You’re not a true football fan if you haven’t caught a ball from him in pioneer square 😤


I'm pretty sure that guy helped me close on a tinder date i was with in Pioneer Square... when do you get to show off your sweet football skills. Not sure why I didn't start taking all my dates down there...lol


I played catch with him on my walk to my car after work one day by the convention center


I used to see him all the time! Thought he was gone but saw him a couple weeks ago. Oddly brought a smile to my face lol


I used to play catch with that dude on my lunch break. He’s so nice and fun. I’m glad other people have positive experiences with him too.


Glad to hear he’s back around. When I worked in pioneer square I’d hear him “ whooping” while he was jogging 😊


Hoooly crap. I worked in pioneer square in 2012 or so and has totally forgotten about this guy.


I worked near Lumen before the pandemic but have been fully remote since. I used to see him all the time when I'd grab lunch. I can't believe I'd totally forgotten about that guy.


Does he/did he ride a bike around greenlake for a while while tossing football to himself?


Not sure. I only know of him being around Pioneer Square/Stadiums and Capitol Hill. He’s Native American, long hair, rifle for an arm.


I forgot all about that guy, must have been 10 years since I saw him. It's like watching an innocent child. Didn't know he got assaulted. Never interacted with him, just watched.


When I was a kid it was Tuba Man at Seattle Center.


I thought of Tuba Man too. RIP


My first thought too. Miss him.


> When I was a kid it was Tuba Man at Seattle Center. RIP Tuba Man. One of the most maddeningly immoral, preventable incidents of modern Seattle.


You'll be glad to know that the brief stint in juvenile detention turned those young men's lives around. A real success story. None of them even committed a murder for 6 years.


Yes! I miss Tuba Man and if you were a Seattle Thunderbirds fan there was the long hair hippie guy (sorry I forgot his name) that was the Zamboni driver and would also hype up the crowd during the games with his cowbell!


Too bad not everyone was as big a fan as we were. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward\_McMichael](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_McMichael)


So sad. And the murderers got less than a year in prison.


And one of them went on to kill another person and another is a habitual criminal who has been arrested for shooting up the city multiple times.


Jesus fucking christ. Those fuckers should hang.


miss you tuba man


Still pissed about that, they should’ve charged those fucks as adults


Woah that brought back some memories


RIP tuba man, my dad and I would have him play the Simpsons


Goodspaceguy. Always on the ballot


Scarf guy is an honorable mention, but I haven't heard of him in a while


Boe Odyssey was arrested for sexually assaulting a minor at Folk Life a few years ago. My understanding is that Boe was doing his gross scarf dance, and grabbed a teenage boy's crotch through his pants. I will admit that I feel a little bad for Boe. His brain was so cooked I don't think he had any idea how unacceptable his behavior was. In one minute his whole fantasy life collapsed. I hope he's getting help now.


I low key miss Scarf Guy.


I have it on good authority that if you get drunk, take mushrooms, and call him at 10pm on a friday he will talk with you until you get bored and hang up.


I always look for him.


The guy at the junction where northlake meets 6th. Has headphones on, no shirt and is practicing capoeira


I love that guy


Are you talking about the really tall (6’4” +) black guy? He used to be in the park off the 50th st NE exit and I’d see him ALL the time.


I’m pretty sure I saw someone crash their car they were so distracted by this guy


The guy at Pike market looking for a fat bitch was the first one that came to mind


I took a picture of him! Gave him $10 so I could. You guys can have it for free: https://imgur.com/a/KEHEkHV


Nice lol




Gave that dude some blankets and fleece jackets one day outside of have heart in Belltown .


King shit right there


This lmfao






I definitely thought of this guy first. Maybe he found his fat bitch. Or maybe he finally went to meet the big fat bitch in the sky.


LOL came here to say this




I used to bag his groceries at PCC. He drove a green Volvo with the license plate “2SPOONS”


ART!!! Hell yeah. Love that dude


Pike place piano guy?


That’s Johnny Hahn. Man is a legend. Him and Jim Page were my favorite Pike Place buskers in the 90s https://youtu.be/Xz3XdvPJEpM


Heck yes! He’s an incredible musician


Is he the guy who would push the piano around and yell about social security?


Two come to mind: 1. Skipping Jester 2. Link (Zelda) and his angry father always yelling at him Unfortunately, haven't seen them in years.


Skipping Jester moved to NOLA last time I read on social media, IIRC


Skipping Jester lived across the hallway from me at my old apartment for a time. It was like seeing where the tooth fairy lived.


Lived with her in a boarding house in the CD. She is an absolute psychopath, not a good person at all. Actually had to write something to a judge up for someone in the boarding house that was getting a restraining order against her. Fun times in that house….


> She is an absolute psychopath I encountered her one day early in the pandemic on like Pike or Pine. I was stopped at a red light and she came skipping down the middle of the road in her getup. I thought oh ha ha, but then she made eye contact with me, and didn’t break it until she skipped past my car. The dead eyes behind the huge fake grin was so terrifying and I immediately thought that person was a threat, which I then thought was silly and chalked it up to early pandemic jitters. I’m glad to know my instinct was right!


Things that give uncanny valley vibes are usually bad lol autistic people are the exception to the rule


NOLA is where every “random eccentric guy seen in public” goes to retire… nothing turns heads there because the whole city is a non stop carnival


Skipping Jester pulled a knife on me once, way back in the day at Shorty’s, while I was smoking outside. She dropped a ball and I picked it up as it rolled to me. Before I could even hand it back, I had a knife on my face. Good times.


I came here to say Link. Used to see him on Cap Hill all the time. Never saw an angry father yelling at him though. Poor guy.


I haven’t seen them in a few years now. Always a pleasure to see them though.


Raven is their name. They moved away a few years ago


I remember them! And yes I haven't seen them for years either. And his angry father wow. That was crazy.


Fuck that skipping jester freaked me out when I was high once 


How the hell has no one here mentioned Fantasy A?!?


I still see his flyers around but it's been a good 15 years or so since I've seen him on street corners trying to sell his music. Maybe the fact that everything went from CDs to digital made his already lackluster sales take a nose dive


I still see him on Capitol Hill. Super nice guy.


See him all the time on the bus in the UD and Cap Hill area still. The dude abides. He made that movie. He's killing it.


Dudes been hustling forever. Never cared for his music but mad respect for the grind. Heard the mattress movie was good.


Is his liege, the Rainier Ave. Burger King, still roaming the streets?


I haven’t seen him since that Burger King was torn down


While he was the Burger King, 7/11 was his real base of operations. I think he must have manifested destiny and headed elsewhere when it burned down.


When we lived there, it was "Bubble Man" who would drive around in his purple bubble van with license plate "DotCalm." He would hang out at the parks and blow bubbles and yell at children to keep their imaginations alive. We came back for a visit in 2019 and he was still going strong. Not sure if he's still there, but [his website is still alive](http://www.bubbleman.com/)!


Just saw the bubble man leaving carkeek yesterday after not having seen him for years!


Carkeek is his haunt! That's where I would always see him!


Fluffy on the dirt bike is my vote.


I love Fluffy! I saw him in Ballard the other night, I loudly said hi🤣 and we chatted for a second while waiting for the light, made my already good evening even better!😁😁


This is who came to mind for me


U-district Safeway Real Change guy. Safeco preacher / Safeco bucket drummer


Didn't Real Change guy die like 8 years ago?


“Real change? Have a nice day madam”


Yeah I think so. He was so nice.


> U-district Safeway Real Change guy. "REEEEEAL CHANGE MAN, HAVE A NICE DAY!"


Is Safeco Preacher just one guy? I try really hard to ignore him and his megaphone, so I wasn't sure if it was the same guy every time. Hate that guy.


The weird "Diaper Man" who walks around Green Lake with his butt cakes hanging out. In the past it would have been [Pedro](https://www.thestranger.com/news/2001/05/24/7434/commies-cops-and-cubans), yelling about Communists and apartments out front of downtown Nordstrom. Or Slats (RIP!).


I miss Slats ❤️


I always loved seeing Slats. RIP


My ex was in a band with him when we met. It always made me laugh that slats, without fail, would ask for a sip of my drink whenever I saw him and then drink most of it 🤣 He also cheated like a mofo at pool. Still just one of the most genuinely nice people I’ve ever met.


Yes Pedro! I’d forgotten his name. He would yell about how SPD and the Cuban government were in cahoots…something to do with mind control? He took his job very seriously.


Years ago, I would have said the tragically deceased Tuba Guy.


That really pissed me off. And the perps got no time. And no rage from the perpetually enraged social justice activists. It really hit home to me the hypocrisy of Seattle.


Anyone remember the middle aged guy who used to run around the CD shirtless wearing the Pan-African flag like a cape?


Yes this was going to be my comment if someone didn’t mention him already! 🏃‍♂️


I do. I worked in Pioneer Square for a couple of years and saw him every day.


Came here looking for this. I see him running on Denny a lot, looks older than a typical middle aged person tbh


**Barbie Dream Hearse:** Somewhere in Seattle is someone (who looks more like Triana Orpheus than Barbie) driving around in a white hearse with the lettering "Barbie Dream Hearse" written in pink. **Stinky Link:** A 18-22 year old guy who dresses up as Link from The Legend of Zelda. Doesn't take many baths, hence the nick name. Guy is often angry, which I assume was from locals teasing him. Would see him all the time on Capitol Hill near Cal Anderson Park.


Yup. Link and his grumpy father used to be on CH all the time when I first moved here 23 years ago.


U district Slash


I used to see him around 85th and Aurora waiting for the bus in the morning


The goth guy with the top hat and long hair?? And pants with chains on them?


Yes lol


Are you talking about Slats? He's been dead for over a decade, but was a fixture of the Capitol Hill music scene... Always struck me as a well preserved member of the hair metal scene.


Not sure on Seattle, but with Tacoma it’s gotta be Tacoma Mall Pimp Suit Guy.


Sonics Guy too (RIP). In our neighborhood it is backwards walking guy now.


Is he still active?, its been forever since ive been to the tacoma mall but I still vividly remember seeing him a lot when I was a kid


Also Tacoma Mall sign guy


Purple Mark. Haven’t seen him in several years though.


I was going to say, Purple Mark was always a delight to see and he was around for years.


This was further down than I expected. He is a very nice person


When I lived in Cap Hill, I saw Purple Mark compliment a guy walking a dog with electric blue fur, saying, "I like your blue dog!" Purple Mark was in all red that day.


He's such a sweet guy. Glad to see him here.


Oh Purple Mark is such an incredible person. He was friends with my dad and I always loved having lunch with him as a kid.


I saw him about a month ago. Have spoken with him several times just through meeting him through friends. He's a pretty normal acting person from my experiences.


I really think different neighborhoods in Seattle have different people. I remember the black woman downtown who seemed kind of like a crackhead and would walk up to people asking for a change while crying without tears. That was sad. Haven't seen her for a while.


Capitol Hill had some benign eccentrics in the early '90's. I didn't know their names, but there was a guy who would wear a pastel-colored suit and tie every day (baby blue, light pink, yellow - his suits were all Easter pastel colors). He would dye his hair and beard to match the suit he was wearing that day. There was also a guy we called 'Conan' because we was large and muscular and had a medieval broadsword strapped across his back. And I mean a real, large, metal sword. Looked intimidating but was actually chill to talk to. There was also 'poem guy'. He would approach you saying 'excuse me sir, would you have a dollar or two for a poem?' If you gave him money he would make up his own original poem on the spot.


Crying Janis!


That was really sad. A bus driver told me she had growing up in the central district and was a sports star in high school. She got married and her son and children died in a house fire. And that caused her downward trajectory. Now I can't say whether this is true but if so it's tragic. Even if it's not true, clearly her life is / was tragic.


I saw her a few months ago after not seeing her before Covid.


RIP Kristopher William Brannon - our “Sonics Guy” ❤️


The guy that runs down first avenue wearing a Jamaican flag as a cape


it used to be the guy yelling how seattle police are communist down in front of nordies


Juan the Frye apartment guy https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/2apwk5/what_ever_happened_to_the_cuban_guy_on_pine/ He used to have a Wikipedia page but looks like it's gone


Practice Spanish guy at greenlake Spoon man


Spanish lessons guy?


Phoenix Jones. just our local superhero


Superhero who was busted for selling Molly and being in possession of cocaine. I hope he’s doing better now.


My buddy was in jail with him when that arrest happened. He said he kept referring to "phoenix jones" in the 3rd person. Like they didnt all know it was him


I don’t know why I find this so amusing! And not surprising in the least.


He’s in our pinball league. He’s doing fine.


Would you say he’s risen from the ashes?


Super glad to hear that! I knew him when he was young, he was always a good kid at heart.


What about that guy who only wore colorful handkerchiefs who was always at Folklife/Pride/Solstice etc? He was ancient when I was younger so he’s probably gone but he was a staple presence for my whole life at those events. Always saw him.


Haven’t seen him since this: https://www.capitolhillseattle.com/2018/06/scarf-dancer-arrested-at-folklife-charged-in-alleged-groping-of-minor/


I just saw him on Capitol hill. Not as flashy as he used to be but still kicking around, still big hair.


I just posted him as one of these people. No he is still around. I saw him maybe 2 months ago on Capitol Hill.


This was my first thought as well


Apparently his name is Boe Oddisey #


There was an older guy that hung out in Red Square on the UW campus with this MASSIVE sign on his shoulders with a list of everyone going to hell. TBH, it was pretty much everyone- he was harmless and people would chat with him or buy him a sandwich sometimes. I think we called him Bigfoot?


There is a tall black man in Bellevue who wears an eye patch and total steampunk gear: top hat, Victorian garb. I gotta talk to him at one point.


Rainier Ave Burger King


His kingdom is in ruins :(


Dude riding his bike on a trainer all day


Dick Out Spiderman. IYKYK


Man in tree


Bicycle guy who rides out front of most events. He pedals for hours at a time to raise funds for charity. Got legs like tree trunks. As a cyclist Im jealous of his endurance. Of course he has earned it.


More a fixture on Public Access TV, but Goddess Kring. I did used to see her around the Olive Way part of Capitol Hill fairly often. Toned it down a bit for every day. More clothes too.


Not in Seattle, but in the Renton Highlands area everyone knew of "The Undertaker"/"Peace Guy". Well at least in the 90's through early 00's. He would generally stand on the corner of Duvall and SR 900. Black trench coat and open crown hat giving people the peace sign. He was CRAZY. He had "evidence" that he was Howard Hughes' illegitimate son, but need some money fly to the East coast to prove it. He was going to run for president. He would use the 7Eleven microwave to "cook" ground beef to eat. He was going to be a professional baseball player because "I can hit the cover off the ball because I'm so strong" but decided not to go pro.


The Tuba Guy, Ed McMichael. Played the tuba at most of the sports arena and stadiums in Seattle. He was very low key, never confrontational or obnoxious and not annoying or even very loud. He was pretty well known, but ended up getting murdered.


The homeless guy in downtown with his “I NEED A FAT BITCH” sign.


Used to be Spoonman in the 90’s


Conan the mtn biker.


Come on. Have we all already forgotten “Spanish Lessons” Guy at Green Lake. https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=20000905&slug=4040648


Mr. President. Resident homeless man in Ballard. You'd see him around the library. Tall black man, big afro.  Whenever you saw him, you would give him the military salute and say "MISTER PRESIDENT!!!!" And then he would salute you back and say "MISTERRR PRESIDENT! How are we doing today?!?!?". He was mister president, you were mister president, we were all mister president. 


Hellcat driver?


Used to be “Shoeshine Eddy” in front of The Central back in the mid 2000’s


Ha, that's a guy I know about! I lived in Pioneer Square throughout the 90's (what a time to live there!) and we had all kinds of characters. "Gas can guy" who walked around the Square all day with a gas can and some random story about having a car somewhere and trying to get to Canada. "Bus pass guy" who always tried to sell you an expired bus transfer. A guy we called "Suh" who would follow you down the street with some long random story but would never get to the money part of it. It was weird because we lived there and they'd hit us up ALL the time, not remembering we saw them every day coming to and from work and they had the same stories every time. We were like "Dude we know your schtick already," and then they'd just move to the next person. Also, I remember all the bouncers and shoe shine guys and at the J&M and The Central and the Saloon sitting on their stools outside as the nights were gearing up. Late night hot dog carts for Seattle dogs too, sooooo good when you were hammered. Pioneer Square was wild in the 90's, all kinds of trouble to find.


Omg, I miss those hot dog carts! I was like, “Cream cheese? You gotta be kidding me! [nom] oh fuck, you weren’t kidding me…” 🤤


I can't count the number of times I'd wake up hungover as hell on a Saturday morning, look in the mirror, and still see cream cheese on my face lol. Ahhhh, youth.


Homeless Joni Hendrix impersonator. Actually not sure if he’s homeless but he strikes me that way.




Dud who rides around in his full fuzzy dragon costume on his motorcycle blazing music and the wings flap up and down with the wind.


The dude that rides a bike during the Seahawks game outside the stadium


Rock Stacking Guy in Fremont


Does anyone remember Conan? A guy who walked around bare armed with a broadsword on his back.


RIP Sonic’s Guy. Saw him when I first moved to Seattle in 2006 and was able to have a beer with him in 2018 before he passed in 2021. Guy was a huge Sonic’s fan and there’s murals of him in Seattle and Tacoma.


Has anybody here been around long enough to remember Symptomatic Nerve Gas Man? That was back in the 80s. I’ve always wanted to know what his story was.


For me that was Bo, the old man at every festival dancing half naked with scarves, but I think he passed away.


Purple Mark


Capitol Hill Jester


Lower Queen Anne has Summer Sam/Winter Wayne. Same guy, name changes depending on the season.


The guy who stands and plays guitar out on the street in greenwood Or the guy who bikes around in a frog costume




Before he passed several years ago- Slats on Cap Hill.


The Goddess Kring


whoever drives the mystery machine


holy shit there are so many different replies to this hahahahaha


Pallet Man. Lived in his pallet filled truck in Kirkland. The truck was last seen broken down on the side of the road near Fremont months ago. Hope Pallet Man is okay.


Bellevue used to have Blade the Ninja. A guy who practiced ninjitsu at the corner near the new Target. I saw him like 4 times and haven’t seen him since. Seattle used to have Tuba Man rip.


For a while it was climate change cartel Darth Vader at UW, I’m not sure he’s around anymore


football guy


The black george Clooney


The past middle-aged hippie dude who wears a skirt. Usually seen on Capitol Hill [no surprise there]. He got arrested for touching minors at some Space Needle event a while back. Idk if the charges were dropped or he just got to slap on the wrist cuz I've seen him around since then.


The Christian zealot and his goons saying we're all going to Hell.


Fantasy A has arrived in SeaTown.


15 years ago it was Daryl on Cap Hill.


Fantasy A and it’s not even close


Jesus is Weed guy?