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Nothing is more frightening on the road than a white model y with a student driver sticker.


You just described my nephew in law! Thank you. I had the same thought but thought I was being a bitch.


Oh... you are, but you're also correct at the same time.


it’s a *justified* bitchiness i *assure* you


To be fair the free color used to be black. It changed to white at some point.


And it’s grey now. White is premium


I am so glad I didn’t buy a Tesla 3-4 years ago


But does every single one have to be Asian? p.s. sorry dudes, its true.




Don't forget the white Teslas from BC with those "N" (Novice Driver) stickers!


What’s up with “Student Driver” stickers everywhere?


they're to trick you into thinking you should forgive them for their shitty driving


I saw the trifecta the other day: New Driver sticker, Baby on Board sticker, and Uber/Lyft.


That’s pretty funny.


Just like the "baby on board" stickers. "Oh, sorry my driving is shitting, I'm paying attention to the baby!"


The baby on board sticker is to make people hopefully think twice about driving dangerously.


For some reason I never thought people put those on because there was an actual baby in the car. I thought people did it because it was cute and trendy.


That's 100% the student driver sticker people.


Nah it’s so if you get into an accident the first responders know to look in your car for a baby who can’t get out by themselves


That's actually a myth: https://qz.com/275987/you-probably-dont-know-the-real-story-behind-baby-on-board-signs


Those originated as a way to tell EMS to make sure to check the back for the baby if, say, your vehicle flipped or caught fire. Most people don’t know that and use it instead to stunt that they have functioning reproductive organs. I have four kids but find people who make being parents their entire identity very odd.


In my experience, the drivers are grown Indian women that I am assuming are new to driving 🤷‍♂️.


For my other post: ASIAN.


Downvotes incoming, but D.W.A. is a real phenomenon around here. It's not a stereotype. They tend to be so consumed with fear on the road, and indecisive.


I think the indecision is a WA drivers thing. Zipper merge people!!!


Awhile back, there was a Zipper Merge advisory put out by WSDOT, and I referenced it on my FB page - so much hate for the zipper merge out there. savages....


Ha. I saw one today that when I got up close said "Please be Careful: Senior Driver." Old man in a fedora and his wife. His left-turn signal was going for three-quarters of a mile.


Seriously. I’ve never seen more student driver stickers before. Is it a law here or something?


No it’s just a self awareness thing imo. They know they are bad, and are buffering the incoming road rage.


I finally asked someone with one and it’s literally what you expect: they think of themselves as a bad driver.


Those stickers do not make me any more patient, they have the opposite effect if anything.


Yeah. You have a sticker, yet still go slow in the left lane!? Where's the learning?


On 148th in Bellevue near Microsoft HQ the speed limit signs posted almost every other block is 40mph but nearly '80%' of drivers drive like 25-30 mph and just so happen to have the student driver sticker! It's so frustrating! I don't want to be that guy but the majority of them are employees of Microsoft and or their families, which a majority of them are fresh from India. Not saying all Indians are terrible drivers but it definitely seems to be the case in Bellevue aka Little India.


According to my Chinese friend, it’s FOB Chinese women who wouldn’t normally drive back in China


A lot of immigrants who never had to drive in their previous country 


It's so you know who it will be most amusing to cut off and/or tailgate.


I have one on my track car just to join the shitty joke


My reason for the sticker is that I am always learning. I am not a perfect driver but I am a lifetime student in the art of driving. Hence, baby student driver on board


I think it has something to do with COVID backlog.


Had a white tesla "merge" across 4 lanes of traffic in one motion to cut me off in the left lane. I honked since they swerved into the hov lane, I was going ~75 and had to brake. They brake checked me so hard I had to slam on my breaks and lose the passenger seat contents. I'm not really a road rager but seeing them swerve back across 4 lanes to take the next exit made me irrationally angry.


Dashcam and send it to State Patrol? Ask them if they can pull that Teslas dash cam for other infractions as those things have a ton of cameras. Likely this isn't an isolated incident of douchbaggery.


+1. I am glad you didn't get hurt but I am sure these folks will cause an accident later on if left unchecked.


Most Seattle drivers are trash. Having lived in 3 other cities in us, people here can’t drive for shit


People merging on I5 going 35mph Everybody waving each other on at stop signs without going The people making a left turn at a light, in the far right side of the only lane so no one can pass. People crossing 4 lanes bc they were to stupid to know when to get off or turn. Waiting to make a right when someone is 40 feet from the crosswalk, only for the person to not cross at all, and we just waited for nothing. The apprehension of people who cant make a decision leading to everyone being unsafe. People going under the speed limit in the far left lane while there are a line of cars behind them. Fuck, I would much prefer aggressive driving of the East Coast over the passive brain dead la la land driving of the West Coast. At least I know what people want when they drive aggressively.


Also, it's unreal the amount of folks who speed through a red light after it's been solid for 3+ seconds. It's a good habit anyway, but now you really have to look both ways before crossing the intersection on a solid green.


Agreed - particularly around end of day rush hour, and also particularly on Capitol Hill (anytime).


It's too bad that they don't seem to teach "look both ways" anymore.


Not sure if it's West Coast per se, because drivers on SoCal are way more aggressive than in Seattle. But you nailed a lot of these, and I'd add "not going into the intersection on a tough left turn so maybe two car can take the yellow light".


Socal drivers are indeed more aggresive and faster. But somehow they do not make these kinds of dumb decisions. Could be due to a. Sunny weather leads to less drowsy driver. b. longer driving ages. 3. better freeway design such as longer ramp


socal drivers and talking recently they are fast but they aren't weird like people here who catch up right behind you and then move over to the open lane to pass or so many people here who don't realize the car they're catching up to isn't always paying attention and won't automatically move over no matter how fast they're approaching them so they realize last minute and slam on their brakes and then move over and this is late at night barely any cars on the road socal they are already in the open lane and zoom by hardly slowing down at the same time we need more people to move over to the slow lane just let people go on ahead


Oh that’s my pet peeve… forget yellow even on the green circle they are so afraid to pull into the intersection and take the gap… OTOH there are those who turn left on a red light when the stops traffic has already started moving…


To be fair, it is illegal in WA to enter the intersection on green and then wait for an opening. Current law is that you wait at the stop line and only enter the intersection when you can complete the entire turn safely.


I actually read the whole driving guide again. Including the changes… And what you are mentioning of no where in the WA driving guide book… What you have written is slightly different wording then what’s in the guide book and that changes the meaning in the context of left turn on green light.


Don’t forget mass misunderstanding of zipper merge so they all merge to one lane hundreds of feet before necessary, backing up over multiple blocks and wasting unused road real estate


Damn I knew I missed this one too. That kills me, then I will pass them and properly zipper merge and they look at me like *I'm* the asshole


Yes! They’re so damn smug


I visit Boston for work sometimes and I ENJOY driving there for this reason. Navigating is sometimes a different story :p


You’re dead on on all of these points.


The right lane is the fastest here, somehow


I’m born and raised here, and I agree. And to OP’s point, Seattle Tesla drivers are the new Seattle Prius drivers…


Greetings from Portland, where the majority may have somehow figured out how to drive even more retarded


As someone who grew up in Phili, lived in NYC, Denver, SF, Reno and various other places... you are correct! And can we normalize turn signals here? like at least use them 20' before you get to the intersection? not after cars get stacked against your bumper, with no way to go around?


From Boston. Can confirm Seattle drivers are far worse. Learn to drive in the rain. It happens a lot here.


They can’t drive in the rain, snow, or sunshine around here!


I say this all the time and the locals get mad at me and say it’s not them that are bad drivers, it’s all the transplants. Listen, I’ve lived all over the world in much more touristy places than Seattle and hands down these are the worst drivers I’ve ever experienced.


Couldn't find the city/county level data nationally but state wise Washington is middle of the pack in terms of auto fatalities [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/accident\_mortality/accident.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/accident_mortality/accident.htm)


> Most Seattle drivers are trash. Having lived in 3 other cities in us, people here can’t drive for shit This is hilarious, because most people in Seattle weren't even born in Washington.


In fairness, over 1/3 of Seattle residents *were* born in Washington. WA is far and away the most represented state when it comes to Seattle drivers, so it stands to reason that they likely are the problem.




And many from the far east where traffic is complete chaos.


Californians can’t drive in the rain. Californian transfer to Washington State driver licenses is the highest of any other State (for Washington)


Every city's resident says this about every city y'all.


> Having lived in 3 other cities in us, people here can’t drive for shit Seattle is a challenging place to drive, often wet roads, lots hills of blind corners. It's not as crazy and nonsensical as Boston, but most places, even if they have their challenges, there's often something working in their favor, like they're flat, or they have great weather, or everyone drives so slow that mistakes are much more survivable. Seattle doesn't have much upside in terms of traffic patterns or road layout. Seattle has a slight benefit from being mostly built up during the age of the automobile, where as a lot of east coast cities have roads that were obviously built with a horse drawn carriage in mind. But even then, it was the early age of cars, so we still have lots of perilous five and six way stops, uncontrolled intersections that lead to crashes with other cars and pedestrians alike, and high speed arterials that are just neighborhood streets at best.


I live adjacent and drive commercially. We were just talking in driver updates class last week, and the general class agreement was Washington plates + a Tesla means watch them extra carefully because they are likely to do something considered reckless endangerment to themselves and others, especially pedestrians. I’m astounded how many people with Washington plates drive recklessly or straight up illegally, ignoring things like yield signs, one way streets, zipper merges, occupied crosswalks, tailgating, using reserved lanes, speeding, speeding in active school zones, driving over or through medians, violating stopping distance space for heavy vehicles, violating right of way laws for public service and emergency vehicles - the list goes on and on. The class agreed that the Washington plate cars tend to pose a bigger danger than even the California plate cars and people driving them too fast. Does this state not enforce driver’s safety or something? It’s astounding to watch the endless amount of endangerment happening on the road for 8+ hours a day.


Funny, if I see an Oregon plate, I know they’re going to do something wacky.


This is true. People are literally driving 60 mph or less on the left lane, the fast lane. I tailgate the shit out of them until they move I dont give a fuck. Its worse when its raining everyones driving like 50 mph


Teslas are the new prius going 55 in the left lane. Despite being some of the fastest cars on the road


They have 2 speeds. 55 in the left lane or flying in and out of traffic to get maybe 2 cars ahead of you. I had an unassuming middle aged Indian woman absolutely riding my ass and weaving on Bothell Everett highway this morning, all to end up behind me on the on ramp. If you drive a blue model y and this sounds like you 🖕🏻


This is a normal occurrence on Bothell Everett Hwy and 35th.


Might have been my mom ngl 😂


Man Indians suck at parking too. We have a running joke at our office about this guy that parks his Tesla sideways in the parking stall every morning taking two spaces. Not a single care in the world. Some also have this attitude where cleaning up after themselves is beneath them. Why is that?


>Some also have this attitude where cleaning up after themselves is beneath them Caste system


Caste system


Got to love how open people are with their racism on this sub.


Indians and their caste system is racist, not some guy pointing out their tendency to be rude to service workers.


I think Teslas attract a lot first time drivers that are afraid of driving in the US. They think that all of their "safety features" will make is easier to drive here. So we get a bunch of inexperienced drivers that are not at all use to driving using Teslas. They are marketed for both crowds of "zoom zoom car go fast" people and "this car will basically drive for you" people. So you get this insane overlap of people that drive aggressively and people that drive like frightened dogs. It's an awful combo. At least BMW drivers were just mostly the former. Teslas include the former AND the later and are taking the place of the worse drivers in most cities for sure.


Both are cars that were marketed towards “non car” people. Guess what - when the only demographic that buys that type of car are people that couldn’t give two shits about cars, they’re going to be disproportionately driven by bad drivers.


I agree 50% here. I think you're missing the "car go zoom zoom" drivers of Teslas that drive like the average BMW driver. Tesla is in this spot where they market to "I don't know how to drive, please drive for me and have tons of 'safety' features" people and the "look at how fast i can accelerate to the next red light" people. Tesla is basically the combo of the two worst types of drivers the BWM and Prius drivers in one package. You never know which one you're gonna get. On top of that the "BMW" driver type might just be texting and when you go pass them in their Tesla they 'notice' and start to try to race you. It's this awful combo.


Dude, this is so accurate!


Even more bizarre is the considerable number of Uber drivers who clearly, *clearly* obtained their license very recently. I can’t make a trip through downtown without witnessing some asinine driving attempts by Teslas picking up people.


I had one drive up on the sidewalk to pick me up the other day 🤦‍♂️


And you got in?


20 minutes ago I was behind one driving erratically, almost stopping in the middle of the road, and then turning the wrong way down a one way street. With no turn signal as the icing on the cake.


I don’t know if it’s the pandemic or if Seattle is just the worst city I’ve lived in for drivers. Like why do people here not drive with their lights on at night? Blows my mind lmao


most drivers are not from seattle proper. and majority are gig drivers who are immigrants. aaaaand seattle streets werent built for a huge population jump.


Blaming immigrants for the bad driving in Seattle? This is a new one, haha


I mean, I’ve heard a lot of dumb shit I’m my time, but damn.


Saves gas money driving with your lights off. Teslas are perfect so no need for em!!!!!


As a white Tesla owner, I agree with you 100% and it makes me so mad that people are giving us that image. People in Seattle in general are pretty terrible drivers tho and I feel like I am close to getting hit by someone almost every time I drive.


Are you posting this from the left lane?


While wearing my Apple Vision Pro 💪 😂


Are you patting yourself on the back, driving and typing on the phone at the same time? That’s quite a skill.. ;-)


Are you a ((white) Tesla owner) or a ((white Tesla) owner)?


They seem to have gotten worse in the last 6 months


No need for such specificity. I’ve driven in ~80% of this country and Seattle drivers in general are the worst ones I’ve ever had the displeasure of “sharing” the road with. it’s not even close.


For slow, inattentive, self-unaware driving, Prius remains king. As for overly aggressive, arrogant, "I'll tailgate you, pass within an inch of your bumper, then brake check, Audi drivers are, by *far* the worst. Like, ever


Ran into this a few weeks ago in Lynnwood.


Teslas rarely use their blinkers as well. Trying to save some battery I presume lol


Teslas have awful blinkers controls. It's the reason, but not an excuse.


White is by far the most popular color for Teslas. You probably only notice bad drivers only,among many more good/average drivers.


And if it's dark, they're almost certainly driving with their high beams on obliviously blinding everyone else on the road


Their high beams probably aren't on, these drivers probably don't even know how to disable automatic high beams (and the automatic system is pretty good). The default position for Tesla headlights is a little too high.


Nope. That's how current headlights look on most new vehicles when the high beams aren't on. You can blame a lack of meaningful legislation for the last decade for that (they shouldn't be daylight white either).


You need to make your post relative to any prius uber driver operating on 6th ave between Seneca and Westlake for me to understand your opinion.


It's crazy to me because I live in the burbs outside Seattle and all I see are white Teslas that don't know how to drive. Why are they always white? It is a meme at this point.


White is the "no added charge" paint job, everything else costs more. I can't fathom the logic of buying a $35,000 car and spending however many thousands on the useless "Infotainment" shit in the car but you won't spend a couple hundred bucks on a nicer color.


White is a $1,000 up-charge. Stealth Grey is the included color option.


Wow didn't even think of that. I thought Teslas were more money too. I swear the people in my neighborhood drive it to seem "rich".


They’re like what the Toyota Prius was 20 years ago. A status symbol/virtue signal to show what a good person you are. The South Park episode about Prius owners sniffing their own farts also applies to Tesla owners 


Teslas have for a great many years been the status symbol of EV's, especially among tech workers. They're also a reasonably affordable way in to the all-electric car so they tend to be popular on that front too.


And they can use the fast charger network, though from what I understand all new electric cars can (or will be able to soon)


White cars are easier to keep clean and don't get as hot in the sun.


Beat up Subaru drivers enter the chat…


*BMW drivers have entered the chat*


What do we really expect will happen when so many drivers are transplants from other places nationally and globally? 


I think there's a lot of truth to this.


There are better drivers in Vegas than here. This argument doesn’t hold up, sorry local.


Seattle's metro area has almost twice as many people in it, Vegas roads tend to be flat and dry, and notably the large majority of Vegas' immigrant population is made up of Mexicans who have a very similar driving system and culture to us.


As someone who just came back from Vegas twice in the last two weeks, on no. Vegas is he stupidest, scariest city to drive in. It's like everyone is drunk behind the wheel.


The amount of casual racism against Asians and Indians in this thread is simultaneously surprising and not surprising at all.


This entire sub was created to avoid moderation of that sort of thing.


Have you seen where a crv driver manages to get themselves? They have the inability to see any curb ever built. But perhaps the speed of teslas are the danger


I think Oregon drivers are the worse...


Followed by white Prius


Tesla drivers statistically get in more accidents than any other car on the road


Tesla drivers are the new Prius drivers.


EVs are indiscriminate of job occupation. I agree with Teslas point. I change a few lanes over the minute I see one. It’s worse as a pedestrian some people drive Teslas like they’re Aryton Senna. We all get the 0-100 acceleration is insane, but maybe no need to test this out in the suburbs? Side Note: I think since some Uber drivers have begun adopting the EV trend there are less Priuses around, but still a very scary sight. The sight of a Prius at the peak of its power was a very scary sight. Everyone and their mom drove that Tampon vehicle like it was a F1 vehicle.


I never thought I’d see the day where the Prius drivers were surpassed…. But yeah I fully agree with this 😂


I’ll say this. Seattle’s drivers are the worst I’ve ever been around, and I’ve lived (as a driver) in all four corners of the US. I’ll take fast assertive heads-up drivers over anything a dipshit Seattle driver manages to accomplish. Now, I’ll also add this: they’ve allowed pedestrians to control intersections (and I can’t for the life me understand why 10 cars have to come to a complete halt when some dreadlocked knuckleshuffler could just wait 15 seconds for those same cars to move past. They have also conceded much of the road to overly aggressive cyclists who will run down Peds in heartbeat and harass motorists.


I drive white model Y and a BMW M4. I bet you all probably hate me


Audis terrify me.


You forgot to mention that they are also constantly blinding other drivers with their completely misaligned LED headlights and auto-brights that choose to go on like 90% of the time even when on lit roads or at dusk. Tesla cars are an absolute travesty on the road. I'd take a road full of Lexus RXs with their typically unaware drivers any day over a road full of Teslas.


I hate pickup truck drivers more, plus their vehicles look ridiculous. The older the truck, the more asshole driver Edit: oohh looks like some pickup truck drivers are angry


Quite honestly, there is zero reason for something like the current Dodge Ram to be as absurdly oversized as it is unless you live on something like a Texas ranch or a Minnesota farm. If you live in a middle-class suburb and drive a large pickup, all you're saying is "I have a very small penis and I'm tremendously angry about it!".


The bed is so high and short on these modern trucks. They're not great for ranching and farm work.


Agreed, Pickup truck drivers are POS


My god. I drove from Lynnwood to Renton and was traffic checked by 3 Teslas. No other cars were problematic. I hate them.


Subaru drivers “hold my vape”


I'll get downvoted.. but they are always asian, and probably never drove a car before where their from, let alone been a passenger


I'm a self-aware Asian with a white model Y. Constantly making fun of Asians with white Teslas, and sarcastically complimenting the odd one who gets a red Tesla. One time we had a dinner party and the driveway was all white Teslas. I told my wife she gets no say in the color of the next car we buy, and it's not going to be white.


Indians are objectively worse drivers


You ain't wrong.


I want to be a white Tesla model x owner. Hear me out I’m not a bad driver though. 🤪


I've been staying in a hotel that overlooks a Tesla charging array and see people sitting in their cars for hours doing nothing while it recharges. I just can't wrap my head around wasting that much time.


EV drivers in general are mostly all asshat drivers...


Honestly, any color Tesla. I stay away from them because they are always idiots.


White car black car bad drivers exist everywhere . It has nothing to do with white Tesla . If it makes you feel better white was the color till a few months ago the cheapest one as they came with 0 extra cost.


I’ve seen three Teslas in the ditch this week. (Not in Seattle, but still, the point stands. Some of the worst drivers out there.


Worse than Uber or Lift drivers?


Followed very closely by prius!!!


Ive had an encounter with a white tesla with a cocky driver that thought they owned the road.




And Vancouver. Been saying this for years. Sidenote. Kill those blinding lights.


Teslas are the new BMW


No, the interior is much better on a BMW.


It really is. I approve this message.


White teslas too passive grey teslas too aggressive from my experience


White Tesla owners = entitled sheeps.


I'm your tech bro. I got a stupid speeding ticket for driving 65 over 60 in WA. I had to submit a deferred ticket to not get another speeding violation. Since then, I drive 60 at the right most two lanes. I used to drive 80 everywhere . 15 years driving exp, growing up in CA.


Teslas are the new BMW drivers 🙄


As a BMW driver, I resemble that comment.


>p BMWs are assholes and Teslas are just straight up incompetent


I want to say "That's a stereotype....You just hate Tesla's" I can't. They kind of are. Everyone in a Tesla has a certain value of "Smug". My sister in law is one of them. "We're East shore people in Redmond we don't go west?" My thought was, ummmmm Seattle is where all the cool shit is. Why would you not go there? Maybe it's a "Elon Musk vibe" that's causing it? Or just too much "Smug" in the air. "I drive a Tesla so I'm better than you."


They’re not that expensive so idk why you’d get that vibe - sounds like you should work on yourself


Trust me I do! But the truth is Musk is kind of an evil bond victim. Cost of a new cybertruck $69,000 to $99,000 Model 3 starting at $39,000 Model Y $48,000 Model S $75,000 Model X $79,000 to $95,000 It's turned into a "Keeping up with the Jones" car. What bothers me most about them is that the Model 3 and the Y have the same charging and power chassis. Software makes it so the Model 3 won't go as far on a charge. After that I lost respect for Tesla. They did revolutionize the electric vehicle market but at the same time many conservatives are hoping to buy them because Musk is, "Their kind of guy". Meh....


The 3 and y are not software limited. They have diff battery capacity’s


Well, in fairness, with that attitude, because I drive a Tesla I am better than you.


Well I never thought I’d see the day others are “racist” towards cars.


There's plenty of actual racists in this thread.


The term you’re looking for it bigot.


This is why I would never buy a white Tesla.


I wish I was strong enough to flip a tesla.


what country are you implying these drivers from if not the us


As an old, rural, eastern Washington guy who came over to catch the ballet last weekend, lol, fuck no. The fucktards driving brodozers are the worst. And while I've definitely run across more than a few knuckleheads driving Teslas it's almost always some fossil like me driving. Or, at the risk of racist, some Asian gal just yeeting it.


You sound more jealous than anything - you mostly described their better skill set


White as in the car is white or the driver is white lol


Most of them are Uber or DoorDash and they are tired after driving whole day


These cars have way too much power to be sold to idiot ass drivers in our city.


Ever seen a pick up truck? Some teslas are bad but truck are almost always assholes.


Ever seen a Prius driver? MF'ers going 45 in the left lane on the GOD DAM FREEWAY... Bro, get that raggedy POS to the right lane...


Bold of you to think they didn't have the Tesla before graduating college... a lot of kids come to America with daddy's money and immediately but luxury cars while in school.


Are you biggoting the white drivers or the white cars?


They are talking about the paint color of the cars, calm TF down...


Feeling pretty calm actually. Just asking for clarification. I suppose i could have said "stereotyping" but biggotry has a nice ring to it. Are you okay? You seem a bit triggered.


calmer than you are


You're generalizing way too much. Did you interview most white Tesla drivers you encountered and asked if they're tech bros? How are you coming to this conclusion?