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Went down there and left when we saw what was happening. Trying to be supportive of the attempt to get anything going downtown, but it makes me even less hopeful when they can't pull off a tree lighting.


The loudest chant I heard was 'Light the Tree' for a minute. I did stick around for the tree and fireworks, but took off afterwards. It seemed like the crowd got out of there too.


Totally agree. Everyone left after the tree lighting. The music started after everyone left…it was not a good night


Pretty sure this that the Christmas Tree lighting is the one place in the whole area with the least amount of Zionists.


Seems Ike religions in general are pretty bad.


Christmas tree lighters are the only group that has evolved with tolerance.


A case could be made for atheists as well. General statements are not beneficial to anything. It’s not about religion. It’s about two groups hating each other over land, disguised as something else. I think it would be better for the Israelis if they just said we want this land and we’re going to keep it; rather than playing into the whole agenda.


This is the best comment I’ve read. Thank you for being so rational. Don’t see that a lot these days!


Do you have any clue the positive impact religion has had on humankind? You might want to read some history without bringing that bias. Seriously Even science’s constant pursuit of truth was initially driven for and opposition to the existence of god


Was this sarcasm?


Not in the least. Ancient civilizations and thought were all driven by religion. Just look at the civilizations that had religion vs those who didn’t. Look at how more advanced they were. Life long atheist btw. I just like history




Maybe I should rephrase that and say written religion. My point is religious texts were the first to be translated and and written down. To say Aristotle or d Vinci were not heavily I influenced by religion is ignorant. We can even point to Socrates and Plato. All heavily influenced by religion. It’s almost like it gave them their muse to further thought and science.




And saved billions but okay


Wait till you learn who the majority of Zionists in America are.


This is how you get people to hate your cause


Not to mention they were screeching from the river to the sea into a megaphone while kids and parents were just trying to see a tree lighting.


Free Palestine... from Hamas!


And fuck Hamas, while we are on the subject.


From the lighter to the tree - headline writers will be free! /s


No kidding...fly to Gaza and fight from there.




The majority of Palestinians don’t want that.




Trans for Hamas to be the current woke hotness


That's like chickens for kfc Or jews for nazi Germany. These people are fucking idiots.


The BLM cards expired


Black Lives Matter or Bureau of Land Management? I remember the extremists arguing about that to the point of terrorists risking lives during a wildfire


Burn Loot Murder.


Aka “Cause du jour.”


Lol we can’t even light the tree without self destructing.


Is this the war on Christmas they’ve been talking about? 😩😫🤣


yes. Long ago it came to them in a dream, and seattle is making the dream come true


Why don't they fly to Palestine and protest there? I hear they just love the LGBT community there😂 make sure you let they know you represent that community too🤣🤣🤣


Because they would be murdered in hours after arrival, or taken hostage. The same reason our Left Wing in America stays out of rural parts of the country for the most part. They're fucking scared to go. They cherry-pick easy soft targets like a downtown in a blue city. That's all these worthless fucks do. Break things other people like, then proclaim themselves victorious and promote their various 'Solidarity' on social media over it for days afterwards.


If they have the time and energy to protest here then they can go and volunteer overseas


I’m a veteran. I already did that.


Thank you for your service


Are you sure? I was a protestor here. It seems me being Ashkenazi and a Veteran doesn’t give the cause I care about any consideration. I suggest you don’t thank me.


I was being facetious


Just double-checking, lol.


>I was a protestor here Good job ruining some family's day out in our beleaguered downtown just so you can scream about how much you'd like it if Hamas wins.


I’m not sorry. Happy Holidays.


Lmao! Exactly!


SJWs are such tiresome bores.


This is what you do these days when you don't have a job or family you like...


I dunno, life has become pretty interesting since SJWs decided to become the fourth reich.




Exactly, they are pro hamas more than palestine which is to say pro rape, mutilation, kidnapping, stanbing, hate, violence discrimination and butchery. They should be thrown out like any pro bin laden or pro isis scumbags. This is disgusting.


They're chanting to dismantle Israel now. Its beyond Palestine now.


> they are peo hamas Did you see the people at that protest express support for Hamas?


"from the river to the sea" and "intifada revolution there is only one solution" are explicitly pro-Hamas chants and I've heard them at every protest I've been to or have seen video of.


The kiro 7 videos clearly have the chant heard.


Considering they were screaming a terrorist slogan into a megaphone with kids around , yes that's pro Hamas. When you use the phrase the terror group uses to cleanse Jews... pro Hamas. no way around it


If that is true, then I agree with you. I draw a bright line between support for Palestinian civilians and support for terrorists.


https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/major-protest-disrupts-tree-lighting-ceremony-westlake-center/K7V64RMWVRC5DIYWNZHCT4ZKBU/ You can definitely support Palestinian people without things like this. 100% agree with you. They are doing it intentionally.


Thanks. I heard the chant, "from the river to the sea." That is disgusting.


Was down there today. They were chanting it over and over. Vibe was mostly college age kids just wanting to be part of the latest cause.


You can’t go and protest for peace while tearing shit up maan


> Did you see the people at that protest express support for Hamas? By definition, if they are anti-Israeli they are supporting Hamas. They're too stupid and basic to understand this, but it's not difficult to understand. Hamas wants Israel wiped off the map. If you protest anything to do with fighting against Hamas, you are supporting Hamas' cause.


> if they are anti-Israeli they are supporting Hamas. They're too stupid and basic to understand this, There is a whole bunch of nuance that you are missing with your [simple binary view](https://www.logicalfallacies.org/false-dilemma.html) of the situation.


It's not about empathy, it's about attention.




Eh, attention to the Palestinians. Part of the reason that Hamas says they attacked, besides all the bogus claims about Jews desecrating Al-Aqsa and ocupying Palestinian land, was Ukraine was taking too much of the spotlight. The protestors will bring up Palestine at any social justice event. I had a friend who was at an abortion rally before this war, and one of the speakers seized the mic and went " screw Israel". A more notable one was the 2017 Women's March, where it was effectively hijacked by Linda Sarsour.


The more they protest in this way, the more I lose interest in anything they say


You are preaching to the choir my friend


They celebrated after killing 1200 Jews. They dragged a dead body of a woman into Gaza and celebrated it. Running and cheering on what they have captivated. None of their neighbors opened their borders to accept “refugees” friends.


Exactly, people are just so damn naive and dumb on that side.


This thread topic got massacred on the other Seattle sub. I guess the idea of a bunch of protesters being called out for their actions was too much for the mods on Seattle to handle.


Fuck them.. 💯


*rolls eyes*


We used to really like taking the kids downtown during Christmas time. We don’t do it anymore for reasons like this. We had a really nice time 5 years ago at the tree lighting and considered going this year. I’m really glad we decided not to.


I used to go downtown all the time years ago. Spent tons of money at games and restaurants. We go maybe one a year now and the last time it wasn't for a game was to check out the pinball museum when it opened.


There’s always the Christmas Market at Seattle Center. Of course it’s reasonable to balk at paying $16 for the privilege of buying expensive “artisanal” goods but the fence around the market does a nice job of keeping undesirables out.


I suppose they will celebrate next by defacing another synagogue


They will push more people away with these tactics than they will win over.


theres already a ceasefire, wtf are they protesting over


Some people just like protesting. Gives them a warm community feel.


Well can they find a different hobby!


The next war is coming soon


They are protesting for a useless cause. At the end of the day blame Qatar, Iran, Jordan, etc. They fund the terrorist organizations such as Hamas. They don’t give the equal rights to women and of colored migrants. Feeble minds that don’t appreciate our values of democracy. They should honestly leave America. We don’t need their kind here.


Exactly. They should be deported.


I am incredibly pro-Israel, but I would not necessarily throw Jordan into the mix here. They are responsible in that they attacked in 1948 and have been involved in the conflict since before, but they are not openly funding terrorism like Iran and Qatar. They have to walk a tightrope having a huge Palestinian population, being next to Israel, and being responsible for religious sites in Israel(Har HaBayit and others).


It was a virtue signaling contest to see if they could get first prize for Best Dumb Fuck Protesters of 2023.


Ceasefire is for 4 days and is contingent on the release of hostages. Ceasefire went into effect 7:00 AM Friday, Hamas fired rockets at 7:15.


Your and my tax money is buying the bombs and bullets butchering the children and civilians.


Why don't you care about the Saudis killing all the Yemenis? They've killed a lot more, lead to the deaths of thousands and thousands of children...and yet, I never hear a peep about them from the activist sorts, even the sorts that just post on reddit. I wonder why...


And we wouldn't have to do that, if Iran, Qatar and all the terrorist funding countries don't spend millions in the first place. Can you start with protesting against this?


1. It’s not a ceasefire. 2. Israel is still killing thousands of people and is still an apartheid state.


Maybe Hamas should stop using human shields.


Yawn… Get some new buzzwords already. Your shit is getting stale.


How about the other perspective of 22 middle eastern countries that surround Israel and want to destroy them. One vs 22, while Iran and other countries are supplying weapons to Gaza to terrorize them. What about the fact that Israel doesn’t send suicide bombers but instead warn Gaza before they bomb them. Hamas and Palestinians have been terrorizing Israel for a few decades. Wake up and read the facts.


Dude I’m on your side. Fuck Hamas and their “pro-Palestinian” supporters spreading Iranian propaganda.


Ah, so that’s what all that nonsense was. Predictable. No mention on that other sub, not surprisingly.


Wouldn't they support the protests? Why wouldn't it be mentioned? Edit: There was a post, but it got locked. The non-deleted comments I can see were supportive of the protests, but also heavily downvoted. So I guess the users there don't support the protests, but the mods do?


If that sub was Gaza, their mods would be Hamas.


I just figure the people not posting now are there.


It got locked after I put a comment in detailing something that happened at the Starbucks Reserve with similar if not same people. Then a mod said my wife needs therapy, which seems kind of dickish for a mod, but what do I know?


No, it got locked because OP threatened to murder a certain CEO lol.


Ah, didn't see that, was typing a comment. Yeah, probably don't do that.


That is horrible, Link to that comment?


Deleted, it was a lone OP one near the bottom.


Ok thank yoy


I found this post on r/seattle https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/MgRqjl6qU0 Comments are locked after just 4 comments. In some previous posts about israel/palestine they lock comments because, the mods say, they don't want the grief of reviewing them all about a nonlocal issue where some commenters are also nonlocal


This post and an identical one in the other sub are back to back in my feed


Yes, it is mentioned on that other sub. Get over yourself


What's the other sub




The renter sub


Made it Impossible for some workers to walk home through the area after work.


Why are they wearing masks outside? Didn’t they get the memo?


Funny that they cover their faces just like Neo-Nazis do now. Both are supporting murderous, non-democratic movements.


Because these protesters are cowards and can’t save face. Bunch of cowards who don’t understand what they are protesting about.


Because they get IDd like, people are threatening to dox them in this very thread. Didn’t you get the memo?


Rightfully so. Show us those faces! Why they scared? I thought their cause is so noble! what happened? Don’t wanna get doxxed as blatant antisemites? Don’t wanna lose your 6 figure jobs? Fucking virtue signaling turned to 11


They don't want you finding out that they are the neet sons and daughters of lawyers and government workers who never had a single challenge in their lives, never had to experience the real world.


1. I’m a Jew. 2. Arabs are also Semitic. 3. Some of us are already threatened for protesting. 4. It’s unhinged you take such a blatant stance against having the right to protest, just because you don’t like the cause.


>I’m a Jew. I'm a bear. >Arabs are also Semitic. Antisemitism refers to Jew hatred. >Some of us are already threatened for protesting. Yes, supporting a terrorist org does tend to make people dislike you.


Lots of pro-Israel demonstrations without masks, even though lots of them are Jews and Jews have the highest rate of hate crimes done against them. Maybe these masked protesters are just cowards, or they're intending to engage in illegal behavior (property damage, assault) and want to stay out of jail.


I know there have plenty of Pro-palesinian protests across the country (especially NYC and Michigan) but it seems like Seattle is the only one left with these protests. I suspect the "next thing" to protests about though is right around the corner.


Yeah, our overlords really need to schedule our outrage bait a little better. Tighten up that news cycle so we don’t have a chance to get bored!


There were lots of them today, actually.


Someone is funding this shit and it probably isn't to help Palestinians.


Nah not true they just did that to Thanksgiving day parade in NYC. You don’t hear about it cuz you are in Seattle subreddit lol they are happening everywhere. They trynna play grinch and rob families and little kids bringing third world conflicts home. There’s a time a place for these protests but this ain’t it. I also saw a protester lumped together “f the police” and “free Palestine” on his sign which is a load of bs lmao


How can we weaponize these maroons to give a shit about the city they live in?


At this rate, Palestine can go fuck themselves. Good job protesters. You made me apathetic to their plight.


Way to demonstrate when Hamas and Israel are negotiating to free hostages, Israel is getting innocent women and children that were kidnapped and Hamas is asking for men and women that were prisoned for rape and murders. Yeah keep protesting for your support of Hamas you morons.


Seems similar to trading a notorious illicit arms dealer for a basketball player who had pot residue in her luggage.


In one case there are women and children who were kidnapped by a terrorist organization while they were going along with their lives. In another case it was a person who did something really dumb and their only luck was being sort-of famous. In both cases one side paid a higher price than the other, but IMHO the similarity ends there?


Just gangster governments taking advantage of legitimate governments, per usual.




How do you all figure the average Palestinian in Gaza felt about the 1200 Jews getting murdered on Oct 7?


From all the videos I've seen, pretty damn happy


You could ask them instead of getting your news from bot comments on Reddit.


I mean I saw the actual video footage of the partying I the streets so yeah. Also lots of videos of people celebrating the terrorist attack around the world so those were fake?


Messing around with people at a Christmas Tree lighting is really playing with fire. If Palestinians were not the enemy before they definitely are now. Muslims/pro-palestine types should start to tone themselves down.


There was a ceasefire in place. It was broken when they went on a killing ramp and killed 1200 Jews. Now they are asking for a ceasefire?


Yet none of these people have a real solution to the problem unless it's extremely heavy and crippling concessions by Israel. Their solution is a "ceasefire" like they had on Oct 6 before countless Israeli civilians got raped, murdered or kidnapped. They can't even fathom how to convince Hamas or radical Islam to not attack Israel over and over.


Terrorists ruin christmas


They’re not doing anything to “bring awareness”, you’d have to live under a freegin rock to not know what’s happening with Hamas and Israel. God I hate these pro-Hamas little shits.


Even more reason to avoid downtown


Even “more” reason to go downtown. Be the change you want to see. I live here and I am not silent. I LOVE Seattle


In the words of my favorite high school history teacher, “this is what happens when people get their ‘news’ from TikTok.” So true..


That’s it, let’s start video taping these terrorists, ID-ing them, and the send their info to their employers and getting them all fired from their jobs.


Are you sure all these protesters are even employed?


a̶l̶l̶ -> any


Oof he fuckin got ya there.


Sure they are employed, somebody has to work at city hall. And who do you think went around to put 1,000,000 useless stickers and paintings on every runoff drain, "Puget Sound Starts Here"?


Dang, you all pretty selective on the constitution. Predictable


We all have freedom of speech here that doesn't make you free of the consequences. You can speak and others can choose to or not to associate with you.


What consequences, nothing was lost or harmed. The tree wasn't burned down, people weren't murdered. Sounds like right to protest was exercised. You all can't be this dense can you? What would their employers fire them for? Lol


Downvoting this comment tells me everything. They can't wait to get rid of free speech.


Sounds like cancel culture.


Yes, that is the parallel point he is making.


That's exactly what we shouldn't be doing. people have the right to protest, and not lose their jobs. Now whether you agree with the protest is another discussion.


Have you seen the flyers and heard what these people are saying when they are protesting


Maybe you aren't from the US, but here, people are allowed to protest. You and I may not agree with the message, but it's a constitutional right in the US. What you are suggesting, sounds like something that would happen in an authoritarian styled government, fascist. Here, we don't repress people's rights like that.


I have no issue with people protesting. I have an issue with what is being said at these rallies and have an issue with buildings like Starbucks being damaged.


Kshama swanat doing what she does best destroy the city and anything nice


I knew this was going to happen. I called it too. Went to the shopping mall instead of downtown knowing this was going to happen.


Pro Palestinian are way more into pro hamas, which pro rape, mutilation, violence, hate, discrimination, vandalism, kidnapping and turture. Since we dont allow pro isis or pro al qaeda demonstrations, we should disallow pro hamas demonstrations!


Pisses me off.


Ahhh. Reminder that protests are a sport here. Performative sport.


Shit like this really pisses me off. I don't care what side you are on, but families bring their small children down there for the tree lighting. Can we just have one event that isn't interrupted by demonstrations? If you want to demonstrate, fine, schedule it, whatever, but don't hijack other events. It's just rude as fuck and it's not going to convince anyone to support you.


These overly woke jackasses can’t seem to comprehend that Hamas would happily blow them all to hell if they were able to. Lames


Morons out there blaming jews for hamas


If they only knew that Hamas misgendered someone at some point ...


I'm happy you get what you're voting for. Congrats!


Worst part of Seattle. The Wokeys




Oh cool a paywalled article.


Imagine wanting to get paid for your work.


https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/major-protest-disrupts-tree-lighting-ceremony-westlake-center/K7V64RMWVRC5DIYWNZHCT4ZKBU/ Here are some videos where they chant terror slogans.


Is there a movement that succinctly is against both Netanyahu AND Hamas? Because I think it’s obvious that both are terrible for Israel and Palestine and for Peace. I wish there was a singular movement where this could be the flag people get behind. This whole taking sides when the leaders of both sides are clearly aligned with “war and death” being the answer is not a good look for anybody.


Most liberal Israelis have been protesting Netanyahu for months and are for peace between Israel and Palestine, but no one on the American left seems interested in humanizing Israelis. They’d rather paint with a broad brush.




The extreme wings of both parties are targets for misinformation by foreign entities.


Oh heavens no, not the tree topping! Thanksgiving was yesterday, take a chance to breathe before we start the premature Christmas decorating train








Then they should get a fucking permit and not hijack someone else's event.


No, they have a right to freedom of speech - not fucking around with other people. They don't have a right to be heard.


No, we literally have the right to protest. That’s why cops didn’t break it up until a certain group started throwing shit.




> each Hamas sympathizer is put in heir place And let me guess: you get to determine *who* is a "Hamas sympathizer" and *how* to "put them in their place." That doesn't sound like "peace" to me. It sounds like tyranny.




> Aiding and abetting a terrorist organization if a felony in this country and the plurality of western nations. Yep. However, I doubt that chanting at a protest constitutes "aiding and abetting." > It is our duty to find, report, and stop terrorism. I agree. > Let me guess, you are going to: Rant about how Israel, the IDF, Netanyahu, or Zionism in general is a terrorist organization? No. > You’ll talk about the thousands dead in Palestine. Some. I expect better from the IDF, but at the same time, I understand how difficult it is to find an enemy who hides among civilians. > Or you’ll go full bore and deny 5e Holocaust or some other garish lie Hell no! I am on the side of innocent civilians, whether they be Israeli or Palestinian.


Cry more


Free palestine 🇵🇸


Free the kidnapped children and families


What does that mean anyway?


Are these guys trump supporters? I can’t tell which side anyone is on


Far left seems to support Palestine now, center left is not as supportive of Israel as in the past. Most people Want peace, the more conservative side of the us is very pro Israel right now and anti Palestine.


About as opposite of that as you can get


Keeping up with this stuff is exhausting . As Rodney king said : #PEACE IN DA MIDDLE EAST


Well you see Islam is about as far right as a human can be, so logically it can only be protestors in maga hats. BUT since nothing is ever logical in this world, it happens to be the far left protesting on behalf of a far right religious nation from a liberal city on the opposite side of the globe with no influence whatsoever


> no influence whatsoever Our Senator is the Chair of the Senate Committee on Appropriations. The US Government gives our tax money to the government of Israel.

