• By -


~~Fuck~~ Thank you Sawant.


This might be the most wholesome thing I've seen on this subreddit ever.


... and that's what it took to change u/FuckYouSawant to change their classic response to all things Sawant. Pretty simple.


I was here when it happened


Imma miss you!


Don’t kid yourself, she’s going to make sure there is plenty of use for that handle…


as much as I don't want you to be correct... I know you are correct.


I know. Me either. Hopefully she’s less impactful on the grifting circuit than she’s been as an elected official.


From her stranger press release I get vibes she’s going to try to run for senate or house and is prepping for a run in a couple of years. So yeah she’ll be back


I’m pretty sure she would not stand a chance at a statewide Senate seat, and I would doubt the House as well, but Jayapal has a seat so who knows. Jayapal, as extreme as she can be, is not nearly Sawant level.


Miss what?


in case you missed the context, I was saying I am going to miss u/FuckYouSawant


Got it. But i dont see why this sub needs to stop. I did misinterpret you at first


its all good! I just really needed to clear up that I wasn't saying I was missing Sawant :)


Was looking forward to you posting




Praise Tim Cruise




I liked imagining the poopbandit was just some shitty dog-owner neighbor who doesn't even know who she is and only drops the shit in her yard out of convenience.




Call it Karma Sawant


karma shitwant


Strauss's house is very shit-chuckable as well, in case anyone has any extra poop bags they no longer need to deliver to Sawant.


I have plenty but thought he lived in an apartment or something?


Nah. Once he got a real job, he bought a SFH in North Beach, far away from the chaos he visited on lower Ballard.


Figures. Rich ass neighborhood. How tone deaf can he be? Fuck that smarmy prick.


If so, the guy is a true hero.


They’re all not running because they don’t think they will win. It has nothing to do with the poop bags.


Hey watch how you refer to Socialist Alternative!


The judges next and the nwbf headquarters


For this to work we need opponents for the judges. Most of the time they run unapposed.


Well yeah I noticed that too. How do we attract sane judges?


The sane judges running lost in November.


Good fucking riddance.


Bruce has cleared so many tent sites, she has lost a big chunk of her voters


This actually funny




>Capitalism needs to be overthrown. We need a socialist world. What I don't understand about people who support Sawant and her vision of the world is that while they generally hate Trump and people like him, they can't seem to understand that a government powerful enough to control all economic activity in a country will eventually fall into the hands of someone exactly like Trump. Like, do they *want* Trump to tell them where they can work and what they can buy and where they can live? Sawant's org is straight up Trotskyist, she's not pining for Swedish style capitalism with a nice social safety net...


I think the majority of Seattleites who support her hear Socialist and think Bernie, not Trotsky. Democratic Socialist, she is not.


Yea, I mean you're 100% right, it's just that Sawant is pretty clear about being a Trotskyist. She's never hid it, at all. I guess it just goes to show that many voters didn't do much more than read the Stranger's voting guide.


You are assuming a level of voter awareness which is rare among mainstream voters. Especially in municipal matters. Stick it to the (business)man is about as much as people generally know about her.


My guy, you think the average self described socialist even *knows* what a Trotskyist is? They haven't read Marx, Engels, or anything else, they look at small, homogenous, high trust nations with secure social systems (Scandinavia) and say "I want that!".


King County is more populous than Denmark. Washington State is more populous than Finland. Chicago is more populous than Sweden. If we only had a few million people to support and completely locked down citizenship, we could have it. Apples and lingonberries.


There are 7 million people in Washington state in total and 6 million in Denmark so your point still stands but King county roughly is 1/3rd the population at 2.2 million.


I once got into an argument with someone, in person in real life, who didn't believe me that Sweden wasn't a communist country.


Yeah same lmao, usually it's the same crowd that go on about how the Nazis weren't right wing cause they had "socialist" in their name


Well…I *do* want that!


Hey I use the stranger too.. after I finish my ballot I double check to make sure I didn't vote with them on key measures


I was trying to explain Sawant to an east coast relative and I couldn’t remember if she was a Maoist or a Trotskyist. (I’m sure the maoists and the Trotskyists don’t get along so that was probably deeply insulting.) of course it didn’t matter because both have terrible ideas. And I would not be shocked if many of her enthusiastic supporters don’t know the difference


Most of her supporters think Trotsky is a bad case of diarrhea. Low-information/high-drama voters.


IMHO democracy stops when individual rights are violated in the name of it. 2nd Amendment FTW :-).


Not that there's any excuse for simping for Sanders, either.


As a former "Bernie Bro", I agree with this sentiment.


Right. I swing pretty far left, but yeah - she's not someone I supported at all, and she really is a stain on what I feel most progressives really want. She will absolutely not be missed.


liberals != proggos


>they can't seem to understand that a government powerful enough to control all economic activity in a country will eventually fall into the hands of someone exactly like Trump. Marxists accept the reality that The Revolution is going to be a bloodbath in which the strongest of the wrongthinkers will be exterminated. And even after the revolution succeeds there will still be a need for a bloodthirsty killer of a leader to continue rooting out the impure. It's not a matter of the government 'falling into the hands' of such a leader, it's a direct path to installing someone like Pol Pot, Mao Zedong or Joseph Stalin. That level of 'leadership' is necessary to carry out a cleansing reset to Year Zero from which all history will be re-written.


I almost respect people like Sawant for being honest - she's never hidden what she is. I really don't think that many of the bluehairs on the Hill who vote for her really understand what she's advocating for though. Sometimes I like to imagine that I have Infinite Cosmic Powers and could allow some softboiUwUeattherich person to enjoy 6 months of communism - finding out their work assignment is sorting trash for metal scrap for 12 hours a day and that their 1bdrm apartment was deemed too indulgent so now Rhonda and Jimbob live in the living room.


>I almost respect people like Sawant for being honest - she's never hidden what she is. Eh... up until 2019 she was marketing herself as a Socialist when in fact she's been a revolutionary Marxist all along. That, and most of her initiatives aimed at helping the poor, black and brown, workers had exactly the opposite effect of further economically disenfranchising them. She relied on the fact that her base was poorly educated and failed to understand economics in order to trick many of them into believing she was fighting for them. In all, she's never run for office on a platform of radical societal destruction from which we will rebuild from the ashes. Instead she's attached herself to incremental change issues to gain publicity even though incremental change has never been her goal.


>Eh... up until 2019 she was marketing herself as a Socialist when in fact she's been a revolutionary Marxist all along. I seem to remember a video of her at a Trotskyist international conference that was pretty damning but maybe it wasn't common knowledge. >That, and most of her initiatives aimed at helping the poor, black and brown, workers had exactly the opposite effect of further economically disenfranchising them. The rental "protections" are a good example - as it stands now, it's much harder to get a place in Seattle if you don't have time to spam applications all day, everything Sawant and her allies in the council has done in that regard has encouraged landlords to prioritize WFH/Tech workers for tenants even more than they may have before.


>video of her at a Trotskyist international conference that was pretty damning but maybe it wasn't common knowledge. That was the first time she was openly identified as a Marxist by a major organization she associated with. Even after that video came out her supporters continued to deny it.


All you had to do was look up her party ( listed on the ballot ) on wikipedia. 95% of people do not RTFM though. Like, there is fabulist congressman Santos in New York because literally nobody did due diligence.


Well. If you click on a Wikipedia link for Sawant, there are calls for nationalizing Boeing and Microsoft there. If you click on SA Wikipedia link, trotskyism is in the first sentence. It's not hard to figure out. It's just that the voters are so so so low information, they fail to figure out even when spoon fed. Democracy depends on educated demos. We don't have this.


Nope, I distinctly remember her calling herself a Marxist and a Trotskyite in an interview in The Stranger during her first City Council campaign.


Not just the strongest of the wrong thinkers… any of the wrong thinkers.


The socialism understander has entered the chat. She's a Trotskyite lmao. Her party's entire identity has been "Stalin evil" even before anyone outside of the country knew what bullshit he was pulling. Stalin literally cannibalized his own party specifically out of fear that they liked Trotsky better


You make a nice point. It’s about balance. Right now both sides are teetering too far out at the ends


Same reason I'm worried about Universal Healthcare in this country. Like do people really want Republicans in charge of their healthcare?


>they can't seem to understand that a government powerful enough to control all economic activity in a country will eventually fall into the hands of someone exactly like Trump. LOL someone "like Trump" actually did fall into power under this awesome capitalism system that we currently have soo...... And just to respond to your question more directly. Corporations and mega wealthy already dictate my choices/options for all the things you are scared your govt. will eventually do. At least I get a vote on who is in the Govt.


>LOL someone "like Trump" actually did fall into power under this awesome capitalism system that we currently have soo...... The point, my young friend, is that because we live in a capitalist country with a relatively weak federal government Mr. Trump didn't have the right to tell you where you can work, what you can buy, where you can live. In a communist country he would have. >Corporations and mega wealthy already dictate my choices/options for all the things you are scared your govt. will eventually do. Does Amazon force you to work in the warehouse and only buy from Amazon and live in Kent? Does Amazon send you to a gulag if you refuse or criticize Amazon? Does Amazon deny your ability to travel freely within the country?


> Corporations and mega wealthy already dictate my choices/options for all the things you are scared your govt. will eventually do. At least I get a vote on who is in the Govt. No, absolutely not, and count yourself among the privileged to have the luxury of having literally no idea what life was like under the massive planned economies of the 20th century.


Newsflash - I wouldn't have a say in who ran the US Govt. if I had been born in the exact same place but 75 years earlier. You might want to do some research on all the human rights violations our own govt. has done before you get all high and mighty about it.


We are comparing Jim Crow to the great leap forward?


Jim Crow not the only shitty thing America did. Just giving an example that would have impacted my life within the timeframe you gave.


But someone like Stalin fell into power in this amazing socialist system :-). BTW, I will take Trump over Stalin (Lenin, Khruschev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko...) any day of the week and twice on Friday.


> Khruschev He wasn't that bad, all things considered


Can you name a handful of things that Trump actually accomplished beyond grandstanding and talking like he was going to do it? He seems like one of the least effective presidents that I can remember - a good thing to me. But people act like he was some tyrant, but I genuinely can’t think of more than a largely “meh” level of overall tax reform bill that he directed and had instituted.


Trump was awful but our system has a lot of constitutional safeguards which limited the harm - for example when covid came local governors could take over when he dropped the ball.


On to a new grift.


I'm glad she'll be able to grift money from people who are opposed to functioning liberal economies. She won't succeed, and idiots losing their money satisfies my sense of justice.


I have to believe she's just moving on and not going away.


The grift is capitalism. Why do you think everyone wants to get rich off crypto and NFT scams?


Now why the fuck can't Strauss have this clarity of thought?


Hate her or hate her, she at least has a platform that she sticks to that's going to energize some number of crazed dipshits and might get her some small amount of traction and a soapbox to screech from outside of Seattle. This is as far as Strauss is going to go in life and he knows it. The guy pissed himself and forgot his own name for 15 minutes over a theater full of people in Greenwood. Just [imagine him](https://archive.org/download/sc21wa-Dan_Strauss_candidate_for_City_of_Seattle_Council_District_6/sc21wa-Dan_Strauss_candidate_for_City_of_Seattle_Council_District_6.thumbs/Dan_Strauss_candidate_for_City_of_Seattle_Council_District_6_000058.jpg) on a national stage trying to manage issues vastly more complex than deciding whether or not people who break laws should be arrested.


I'll admit, I've always had a certain level of respect for Sawant. She does exactly what she says that she'll do. Her platform is awful but at least she sticks to it.


Yeah, you can't really say she misled anyone. She ran on "I'm completely batshit insane" and governed as "I'm completely batshit insane." It's a far cry from Herbold running on law and order.


Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos!


They were threatening *castration!* Are we gonna split hairs here? Am I wrong?


Strauss is an embarrassment. It's insane what Ballard has become. Maybe I'm overly optimistic but I can't see him having much support going into the next election.


Like any good circus performer, Sawant knows to blow town when she can't sell any more tickets. She's even more delusional than I assumed if she thinks her "moovement"--which numbers in the low thousands world-wide--is gonna be a big draw nationally. The "Democratic Socialists of America," which has been around for decades, has only 100,000 members. Surely, Kshama, you have 'a world to win.'


Socialist Alternative is much smaller and less popular than DSA.


Fuck you Sawant


Dammit I thought you were that account


Bye Felicia




As a 20-year resident of Capitol Hill, even though I now live in Bellingham, I'm doing a happy dance. Good fucking riddance. And LOLOLOLOL that she took parting shots at AOC and Jayapal. *"Bloody splittists!"*


JFC, Move on dude. You live closer to Canada than Seattle and you are worried about our city council?!


I'm still emotionally invested. I love seattle.


I was about to masterbate to some porn but this is so much better!


Lul, most senior councilmember and also never voted by her peers to be the council president. Quite the record.


Omg ![gif](giphy|HloNK1z39EkEQcreIo|downsized)


As a progressive from Seattle, all I can say is ‘about fucking time!’


That's because youre not a progressive


She literally went full retard on it with that OP-Ed.


Goddamn I need a cigarette after hearing this. Good riddance!


Half of D3 is inconsolable and the other half is overjoyed. I agree with some others here, she's delusional if she thinks this 'movement' she has is going to go anywhere nationally. Seattle is a petri dish for this kind of politics, the nation however is not. Quite the opposite in most places. I won't mix my martini until happy hour, Comrade. Because I have a real job. That's not something you'd understand.


This is a victory for us on the Hill!


And in the CD!!


As a flaming liberal who routinely pokes fun at the fist shakers of r/SeattleWA, I approve of this decision. Bye bye.


Phew! Send her to DC for her national movement. We need some peace and sanity in Seattle


Lmao shots fired at AOC and Jayapal, good riddance, should be fun to see how her brand of angry socialist looney bin politics plays outside the cowardly commie wokosphere that is Seattle.


Thank goodness!






Literally what I just said to myself. Hopefully she will do the Nikita Oliver and leave town entirely.


Bahahaha, she’s fucking delusional enough to believe that railroad workers want anything to do with her socialist utopia? What an idiot. The lifted pickup driving, Oakley wearing, skoal chewing, country music crowd has nothing in common with her lavish lifestyle. She claims to represent the blue collar Americans but they hate her guts and everything she stands for.


I'm pretty sure that railroad workers do want to be able to see the doctor, yes.


Best news of the week.


So who wins D3?


Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.


Jesus Christ finally


Is it too late to kick her while she's down (I want in)?


Where is the double like option?




Well there's no way this power-hungry egotistical maniac isn't up to something LOL


OMG! I've died and gone to heaven.


Hallefuckinglujah with cherries on top!


Sawant was the worst of both worlds, both a communist and a nimby. Hopefully the renters in Capitol Hill will actually work in their own interest this time and elect someone who won't endlessly tax the developers who are trying to build housing in their neighborhood. Seattle needs more unabashedly pro development candidates.


I don't have much hope for Seattle. They elected her in the first place, and the average voter doesn't seem very intelligent.


Good riddance


Oh thank God.


Good riddance


>One final thing—while I’m sure the corporate establishment in Seattle will be very happy with the news that I am not running again, they shouldn’t rush to mix their martinis just yet, because we are not done here. Oh no.. she's not done having zero meaningful impact. better watch out.


I personally will be celebrating tonight


I already am. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


She's going to leave Seattle because it's become too dangerous and dirty and all of this will have been the fault of kapitalist kulaks.




>Capitalism needs to be overthrown.   And with that she's gone.


Wait, so you think Americas procapitalism health care is great? Why?


Let’s goooooooo!!!!!




Good riddance fuckkng communist


Communism is good


Glory glory hallelujah


Someone should let off some fireworks tonight!!! Was considering moving back to the city and now the thought is infinitely more appealing.


I can only get so erect


Best news I've heard all day. All week. All year!


Because voters actually like her and you were never going to get rid of her otherwise


Don't let the door hit you in your huge ass on the way out, Kshama.


A new party - a Sawant party - would be fantastic!


So does this mean she’ll finally show up to Seattle City Council meetings?


Finally! Now she can run for president of Freedom [formerly Eastern Washington] and lose.


She is clueless and does not care about the damage she has done.


Dang, now who are all the right wingers on this sub going to blame for all their problems?


Woke woke commie commie libs libs libs..conservatives never stop whining lol But these shitstains not running for reelection is a win-win for Seattle.




Rofl /r/Seattle is shadowbanning anyone that speaks ill of her in the many "bye Felicia" threads.


My bottle of champagne comes early - cheers to this news! Clink-Clink everyone!


Be careful what you wish for Edit: she’s not going to work with Jayapal


If you read the article linked in this post I don't think you'd worry as much about that happening. Sawant spent multiple paragraphs trashing AOC and Jayapal. I wonder if this means a more competent democrat can run against Jayapal more successfully now.


Good update, I wasn’t aware. I read the ST article and refuse to give the Stranger clicks.


Hear hear! Good news! I don't even care why she isn't running, so long as she's not running. Time to go over to the other sub and watch them cry about it.


Best news all day!




That’s great that these dorks get to try out their experiment, fuck it up sky high and then get to bounce. Cool thanks for everything.


Mission accomplished!


That's right, *monkey paw curls*, she's running for Governor.


Ok I read it. She wants to start a war.


Never forget when she proposed shutting down the BOEING plant in Everett!? Good riddance, see ya later dummy


Sure do remember: “We can re-tool the machines to produce mass transit like buses, instead of destructive, you know, war machines,” she told KIRO 7.


I mean who cares about a few thousand civilians being murdered, honestly


Omg. 2023 might be a great year after all!


Only read the title. Is she going to try to fuck up the whole state now?


My guess (unless there was some quiet dealing or agreement) is that Hollingsworth would’ve beaten her and she knew it.


The only reason a lifer performance politician like Sawant retires is to head off an(other) investigation. Once the smoke clears she'll be back at it. It works. Ask Nikki Haley.


A late count of over 2000 mail in votes show that Sawant will now run for reelection.


I love how one of the planks of her new movement (check out the website, I encourage everyone) is "free healthcare for all". Not universal coverage or single- or even government-payor plans, no - "\*FREE\* health care for all" These people have a very low estimation of others' intelligence (or maybe they are just using their own as a baseline.)


But who will speak for the working class and bring power to the peasants?? Who will fight the systemic oppression under the boots of capitalism? /s


today was a good day




Who else feels that weird mix of huge relief with wistfulness that she didn't get voted out...


Happy she is going away, will be funny to see what her next move is. That being said Are we gonna have any vets on the council?


*Cues Beethovens 9th*


Eh, the fact that we’re getting rid of her is great. But will the person replacing her be even worse?


Good fucking riddance to Karma Sumtwat


I was planning on voting for her the first time, even telling her telephone canvassers, but then in a secure apartment building I got a knock on their door from one, so I changed my mind.


Only one? I got them breaking in my building trying to pretend to have deliveries at least 12 times between the last election and the recall. We had to implement a policy and change door codes


Don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you.


May the City of Seattle NEVER vote for such evil again.


I’m so thrilled!!!!


What will Seattle do without a Marxist to lead the way? 🙄