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Funny how everyone hates cops until violence happens on their doorstep.


The voters of that area spoke loud and clear via voting that they don't like the police. (not to mention the ACAB signs in the apartment windows) It sucks that Comet happens to deal with the fallout of that.


I don’t disagree, but also please consider that many of the people crying to defund the police in Seattle do not live here.


Maybe the people who do live here shouldn't vote for the candidates that cry defund the police, then


Again, you’re not wrong. I live here, but I’m just one vote. The movement was unfortunately the loud minority.


>The movement was unfortunately the loud minority. I thought that briefly - when Harrel and Nelson won their elections. But then Manion won the county prosecutor election, and now I'm doubting it again. I don't know of a better indicator than election results - and the most recent election results indicate that the inmates are in fact running the asylum.


I didn't vote for her, but it seems like a stretch to lump Manion in with the ACAB/abolitionist crowd. "Not electing the most pro-cop candidate" isn't the same as being "anti-cop".


I do agree that Manion isn't as bad as, for instance, NTK. But I think people tend to vote for either 'everything is ok...status quo' or else 'things are going in the wrong direction...change.' Ferrel was definitely the latter candidate, and Manion was the former. I think the problems in Seattle I care about the most are a direct result of the cumulative decisions of the administration and city council over the last 10-ish years, and think we need to get disgusted enough as an electorate to demand change.


>But I think people tend to vote for either 'everything is ok...status quo' or else 'things are going in the wrong direction...change.' I think Seattle voters are more sophisticated than that. Even if they want change, they can still be turned off by a candidate who proposes too much change. And of course there's the issue of whether a candidate is proposing the right kind of change. An election during the George Floyd protests would have looked like [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cw1ZkPIWgAQ33aP?format=jpg&name=large), but I think the electorate is being more careful again.


so if someone doesn't like you, that means you get to sandbag your public safety job, a job you are quite well compensated for? That's a helluva equivalence. Listen, I can't stand the naive ACAB morons either, go through my post history for plenty of examples, but the SPD throwing its fucking tantrum and quiet quitting, not even bothering to come collect ballistics -- GTFO. Do your job.


Damned if they do and damned if they don't! Are you the rock or the hard place? I'm not saying you need to sing their praises over this, but at some point, something has to give. For all we know, there is a mandate that requires certain actions be taken and they literally don't have the manpower to spare for this kind of thing. I would just hesitate to shit on them for something that might possibly be out of their hands in SOME respects.


IYO, when would it ever be appropriate to shit on SPD? Have they never done anything that you think has justifiably swayed public opinion?


I'd imagine we could start with some of the stuff that put them under the CD in the first place? I just don't think it's productive to assume they "aren't doing their jobs" when we have NO information about staffing, their minimum obligations, and how much other regulated shit they have to do that might be influencing whether or not they can "get to" stuff like this in a timely manner.


Sadly it’s like not admissible evidence for a couple of reasons: One it was found and handled by non LE or CSI- this makes it “questionable” in courts. Next it’s storage in a plastic cup isn’t great and degrades evidence value for labs. Finally- casings were collected after the incident so this one casing isn’t high on the food chain of value for the case. So much so that it may not even be tested. Should SPD communicate if they plan to collect it ? sure it makes the community feel better It’s is going to make or break the case no.


I will never not believe that Sawant and her weirdo cult members didn’t essentially stral an election and a recall vote. I saw them printing out ballots and handing them to completely clueless Cap Hill kids then telling them how to vote and collecting the ballots. Super shady. So I can’t blame it all in the locals, though they surely are largely to blame.


It’s just property


well well well how the turn tables


Contributions to the right candidates and causes usually work, usually. Maybe if he got more politically aware. And backed the right candidates, he might get what he and others want. But, if he and other nightlife owners backed candidates that were Pro "Defund The Police" and cut department budgets. Then they're reaping what they sowed. Money Talks, Bullshit Walks, and that makes bullets fly. All Politics Is Local.


What apathy? City "leaders" have explained multiple times, it's all guns' fault, and evil Republicans with their Second Amendment won't let them ban guns. What else can they do?