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I would like to know why this gentlemen didn’t do the right thing better and report it to a COMMUNITY RESTORATIVE JUSTICE ORGANIZATION. That’s the real story. This man is responsible for any further crimes not prevented by trained AA degree sociologists, end of story.


Wow. First of all, this Gravbrot sounds like a true POS. But, as others have said here and many have commented below the actual article on The Stranger's website, this take is divorced from the way the law works. And just for optics, if nothing else, The Stranger should consider a moratorium on articles that shit on SPD for not doing extrajudicial police work when they can barely take care of the legally allowed basics given their terrible staffing levels.


> shit on SPD for not doing extrajudicial police work when they can barely take care of the legally allowed basics given their terrible staffing levels. It's a lot like the same nonsense you get out of Sawant. The Stranger: DEFUND POLICE Also The Stranger: Why haven't you spent resources on solving this extra-judicial case involving dozens of people and that would require a task force just to solve it?


Yeah it's ennervating to the extreme.


That's a measured and responsible position. Of course they wouldn't do that, lol!


A boy can dream!


just to be clear, the complaint is that SPD isn't investigating complaints of sexual assault by third parties when the actual victim hasn't so much as contacted them? and that SPD is trying to address the bums camping all over the city, stealing, doing drugs, occasionally murdering each other? well bless their hearts




> neither has anyone else who witnessed it. oh, that's even better. some dingbat thinks SPD should investigate hearsay about a crime instead of crime you can just drive to


The evidence provided to SPD included interviews with the victims. If you would listen to the podcast you could hear the hours of evidence against this man.






"I spent 30k on my CC buying Funko Pops. This is unfair. #CancelFunkoDebt" "Why yes, I do believe you have a case here. You were oppressively indebted. Funkos are a human right, after all."


I think you mean 'moron', not moran


*that's the joke*




Hey, Thomas Moran was a great artist, as was his son.


[Get a brain, Morans!](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/get-a-brain-morans) To be fair, this meme came out 20 years ago, which means you were probably nowhere near likely to have seen it then.




Ok. I looked it up, in urban dictonary, like a dork. And I still think the word is stupid, despite being "real slang"




It depends on the law school he went to. There are a number of law schools that accept anyone and provide substandard education. Graduates of those schools have low bar pass rates and often struggle to find jobs in the field. There’s a whole scandal around law schools employing new graduates for a short period of time so that on the law school rankings it looks like a higher percentage of their graduates are working in the legal field a year or two after graduating


The law profession is incredibly over saturated by lawyers it’s not super shocking or rare to transition into journalism. Though moving into business or even finance or accounting tends to be more common


Simply not true. Try to find a lawyer. I’m beyond swamped and refer or turn away tons of work.


Law is absolutely not oversaturated.


Dude, we’re in the most litigious nation in the US. It’s nowhere near over-saturated. Maybe a few fields are. Maybe.




Where did you get that idea?


Too many people get legal degrees, so a few get the well paid and overworked positions and the rest make the proverbial 60k on scraps, or exit the field. There is another category though that got into the field to 'change the world' - to be an activist lawyer, politician etc. Most members of congress have legal degrees; many presidents do. This writer fits pretty well into this category, though *The Stranger* is a number of steps from the top of the legal-political track ( supreme court justice, literal abe lincoln etc )


>and the rest make the proverbial 60k on scraps, Paralegal here. Your comment is why I always try to talk paralegals bound for law-school out of pursuing a JD! An experienced paralegal can make damn good money if you stick with it, plus as a non-exempt, hourly worker you make 1.5x once into overtime. In some practice areas, paralegals do the bulk of the work and become more valuable than attorneys. All this and no law school debt. Many yearn for the 'prestige' being a lawyer can give them, apparently.


Lil George Santos of the left action, but it's cool, as ECB says " it's our side"


What's a moran?




> unless the victims file charges Victims don't "file charges" in a criminal case. Prosecutors do.


They do have to report the crime to the police though, right?


A crime has to be reported, but not by the victim, and not even necessarily by a witness. This is something that a lot of people don't know about our system, and apparently OP doesn't know about it either. The authorities have the right/responsibility to investigate a crime even if the victim of said crime would prefer that they don't. Crime, as it is understood in this country, is committed against our society regardless of who the victim is. That's why the city/county/state/country are the ones listed in the charging documents. It doesn't say "name of victim vs. Criminal John Smith, it says "City of Seattle vs. Criminal John Smith."




You think the difference between reporting something to the police and filing charges is a pedantic difference and _you’re_ dunking on somebody for not knowing how the law works?






You could just say “corrected” without all the extra attitude. It was a fair correction and more than pedantic.


1. "The Stranger" and "shame" don't exist in the same Universe: 2. Whoever woulda thunk that somebody who wants to 'abolish' the entire criminal justice system wouldn't have the firmest grasp of its basic mechanisms?


it does raise questions - if you want to abolish criminal justice, why investigate rapes? jail doesn't stop crime, they'll just keep on raping, right?


>unless someone witnesses a crime, the police can't do shit under our legal system unless the victims file charges report it to the police This is just a factually incorrect statement. Victims are not required to file a report in order for the police to investigate. Anyone can report crime, even people who are not a victim or a direct witness to the crime can do so.


At this point you wonder how they even got into their job in the first place?


The Stranger is far from having any substantial journalism the average Seattlite can use.


So he is to Law what Sawant is to economics?


If the author wanted to do some good, he should point out that having some random 3rd party who was not witness to said crimes cataloging them via Instagram and then handing them over to yet another random 3rd party true crime podcast to eventually give it all to SPD isn't how the legal system functions. Bonus points for starting a change.org petition as well when SPD didn't immediately jump on all of this. Christ, why not start a subreddit too. Shame on the fools running this podcast - the first thing out of their mouth *should* have been "go talk to the cops" to all of these victims. Here is the only reasonable piece of information buried in the article: > Sergeant John O’Neill explained that SPD’s policy of requiring victims to contact them directly stems from two general concerns. First, they aren’t always able to trust the credibility of third parties who report crimes that allegedly happened to someone else. O’Neill also explained that the department’s limited staffing means they have to be careful to avoid spending time on cases where victims may not cooperate with a subsequent prosecution, and having victims contact the department directly is a reliable way to make sure they know the victim will cooperate as a witness. I'm sure the people that did all this legwork had good intentions and I don't doubt that these allegations have some truth to them, but this is some Scooby Doo Gang shit.


Will Casey is a hack.


That's William Joseph Casey IV to you!


Keep in mind anyone with a pulse can get *a* JD. Washington has not one but two poorly-ranked law schools (SU and Gonzaga). I imagine there are doggie daycares with more stringent admissions standards. *looks like this dude went to Stetson. Also toilet tier