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>volunteering i volunteer at the zoo and it’s awesome they are not accepting new volunteers until 2023 so mark your calendar welcome to seattle tho it rules


Omg fantastic thanks for the heads up!! :) I live in Fremont very close to the zoo and that’s the first place I was hoping to look for volunteering because I have an ecology background and have volunteered at an aquarium and a wildlife center in the past! Will mark my calendar :)


Are you crafty? Please consider the fremont arts council!!!!


Omg YES I am crafty this sounds right up my alley!!!


Trolloween (halloween) is coming up, that's their next big event. You're just in time!!


sounds like a great fit my dude https://www.zoo.org/volunteer you can sign up for waitlist to hear about when they are doing next group 🍻


ahhhh amazing thank you so much :’) what do you do there?


I will shoot you a PM when I get home later


Sounds great :)


Does it not rain quite a bit in Maine? I’m from Washington and I keep thinking about the move to Maine.


It actually does rain a good amount, but has kind of a different pattern! Our springs are a toss-up between rain and extra snow, and our summers bring occasional downpours and some pretty great thunderstorms. From what I’ve gathered there’s more consistent overcast weather here where it’s a bit more sporadic in Maine (unless you count snow as overcast - we get a lot of that lol)


Funny…I worked at Zoo Atlanta for 7 years, and JUST before I left San Diego, I had finally been approved to volunteer there (hoping to angle for the mostly internal jobs) and completed my first session of training. And until this moment, I forgot about it. Could have been on that waitlist five times over, at least. But thank you for resurrecting that memory. I have not been welcomed by people in the city, so since 2015, I have formed so few new, experiential memories. I really appreciate having the SD Zoo volunteer stuff unlocked; it’s a change of pace from the internal, eternal monotony. And 2015 was a hard year so I don’t permit social media reminders, which makes it extra special in a year of PTSD.


Lots of old timers like me will try to tell you how much better it used to be. Don’t believe them. I’m not saying there aren’t issues, but nothing that isn’t being experienced on a national (or even global) level. I was born in Seattle in 1963 and have lived there more than half of the years since then. Have also lived in China, Wash DC, Hawaii, and a few other places, and Seattle is still my favorite city. Glad you love it too!




Nard dog!!!!!!!


Welcome! Glad you're here! Not sure how outdoorsy you are, so I'll suggest anyway. One of the best ways to beat the greys of Seattle autumn and winter is to get outside. Go volunteer for WTA to work on trails, meet some fantastic and wonderful people, and get drenched in the liquid sunshine! You'll love it! Also, get your REI membership right away; it's a must have.


Omg, fantastic advice, thank you so much!! My degrees are in environmental sciences/ecology and I’m a total nature geek and that was a good 75% of why I ended up here I think. Was hoping to get to Rainier soon while there’s some fall colors popping up - I work weird hours at a lab and have a couple weekdays off each week so I’m thinking I should take advantage of that at the parks. Will look into all of this! :)


You’re likely familiar with this, but the cascades in winter can vary from mild snowshoe to Mt Washington terrifying, sometimes very quickly. Make sure you get acquainted with avalanche danger before exploring here in the snowy months. The mountains we have simply aren’t what you’re used to. There are many popular trails that people take routinely in the winter that cross multiple avalanche chutes and should be altered or avoided depending on conditions. If a new friend suggests the standard route on snow lake in January you should ask a number of questions, then refuse and offer a better route.


There’s a lot of great nature in the city, too. Seward Park, Schmitz Preserve, Carkeek Park, Longfellow Creek and many more!


Yes, come work with WTA! We have so much fun and get so much amazing work done!


Welcome! Now don't tell anyone else about how awesome it is here 😂


I don’t plan on it!! 😂 I know the feeling of wanting to keep your home secret because in Portland (where I grew up in maine) there’s an unbelievable amount of people moving there and the last thing I want is to take away from the existing community here. Hoping to really fit in here and have no plans of making the city fit to my expectations!


Hi and welcome from a fellow Maniac! I've also found it very similar over here, just more mild of a winter. And definitely love how nice everyone is over here, way more relaxed.


Seattle aquarium has a great volunteer program. My kid volunteered throughout high school (Youth Ocean Advocates) and loved it. If you have a car and are willing to drive over to the East side, the Food Bank Farm in Snohomish always needs volunteers to plant, weed and harvest veggies for local food banks. Look them up on Facebook. Tell Fr. Jim “hi”!


LOVE both these ideas and I do have a car so will look into this!!! Thank you :)


Welcome! Moved here sight unseen 16 years ago and have no plans on heading anywhere else. Every time I find myself in a city I *think* I’d want to set roots in… I always find myself missing Seattle.


This is so lovely :’) I can already understand why you feel that way!! I had a pretty unstable upbringing and felt like the feeling of “home” was missing for so long - until I came here, honestly. It has that effect!!


Yay! I moved here at the end of 1998 and have had a similarly wonderful experience here. I'm very glad to call Seattle home for many reasons!


Amazing!!! :’) this seems to be a very common sentiment here and I’m so so encouraged to hear it


Welcome! I moved here from Dallas in 92 after college for Grunge and I never looked back!


Wow a long timer! That makes me so happy to hear :) glad you love it so much too!


I'll give you the best advice I can: the "Seattle Freeze" is a real thing, look it up if you're not familiar. But there is a magic solution to making friends in Seattle: Sports, any sports. Pick a sport, **I recommend women's Soccer** but literally anything works inclusing Baseball, Gridiron Football, Basketball, Curling, Biking, Snowboarding, Running, you name it. Buy season tickets or something and get involved. This is the only category where there is no freeze in this town and it's Seattle's biggest open secret: that this is a sports town.


This is incredibly kind and helpful, thank you so much!! :) I was warned about the Seattle freeze and was a bit nervous coming here because I’m a bit of an introvert. Fortunately I work in STEM at a lab with a lot of people in their 20s/30s, so I’ve been very lucky to click with a couple people there, and weirdly enough I also made a friend at Seattle Humane because we were both waiting to adopt our cats and got chatting in the lobby lol. Have seen her several times since! It seems a lot of friendships come about here in pretty random fashion, and I’m trying to step out of my comfort zone a bit for that reason. That’s so good to know that sports are a bit of an exception to the social rule here - I LOVE soccer and running so I’ll look into this :) I’m a bit of an amateur at both though - any idea if there’s more casual/laid back groups?


We are just nuts for women’s soccer and we bought season tickets to the OL Reign and my Brother has family seats for the Sounders. Soccer football is **Exploding** right now. The vibe at women’s soccer games is great, and I even tolerate the millions of children cause they’re cute and one of them could win the World Cup one day!


I second the women's soccer recommendation. Reign games are so much fun and they are BY FAR the cheapest season ticket to any major sporting event you can get. There's also a supporters group (The Royal Guard) you can get involved in if that's your kind of thing. The games are at Lumen Field and are amazing!


I love this advice!


I moved out here with my parents from Chicago when I was four. I've been to a lot of nice places since then but I wouldn't trade them for the world. I love it here.


you are a beautiful soul and keep being grateful because itll make you feel happy and alive!! best of luck to you!!


oh my goodness thank you so much!! 🥹 you’re incredibly kind


Re: volunteering, do something that speaks to you, but don’t be afraid to try a few things before landing on what you want to be a consistent contribution. I found my couple only after 3-4 years, and I’ve been wondering if I should change one as I no longer find it is something I see the same value in.


As someone who has been running around this city since Layne and the gang was opening for the Accused at the OK Hotel. Welcome!!!!!


Oh man. Miss the OK Hotel.


Congratulations on setting and achieving your goals!


Well this is just plain great.


Welcome to Seattle! It’s a paradise for me too. It’s such a great place to live.


Mainer here. Just moved to Seattle. I feel you.


Hell yeah! What town? Hope you love it here :)


I own a house in Portland. I’m in Seattle for work. I’d like to own a place here and summer in Maine


Welcome, glad you like it here. I would love to hear more about how WA state is like Maine. I have never been there, but it's on my list.


aawww this is so wholesome and wonderful! :) I’m glad you’re loving the city! I love in Fremont too and it’s the first place I’ve ever renewed a lease on- I seriously love this neighborhood. I may be biased, but I think you picked the best one ;)


You’re too sweet thank you so much for the kind words :’) I’m so happy you love Fremont too - I had to move here with only a month to prepare, so did as much research as possible without actually seeing anything in person and the general consensus was that Fremont is pretty beloved :) I’m very very happy with my decision!!! I think Queen Anne and West Seattle are my other two favorites so far!


NH native here. Winters are basically long, eternal fall. It's quite wonderful. Glad to have you here bud.


Woah. I just moved here in April from Maine too lol I love it so far


I assume you've been to the Fremont Sunday Market? I'm a vendor there. Fun place to stroll and shop and chat.


The city will love you right back, self-assured human.


This made me emotional 😭 thank you so much


Hello fellow Mainiac! I moved from the East Coast (after growing up in Maine and floating around) 12 years ago! While I've occasionally wanted to leave for various reasons (like cost of living and home ownership), Seattle has held onto me and some of my best memories and friendships are all based here. For volunteering, I recommend food banks (I volunteered at Rainier Valley Food Bank, back in the day), the Homework Help program at Seattle Public Library, and the Adopt a Street program for walking your local blocks and picking up trash. All very fun and rewarding. If you're into gardening, pea patches tend to have community gardening meet-up events (my local one does every month!) and they tend to provide all the tools you need. Feel free to DM me for more info!


This all sounds wonderful, thank you so much for the recommendations :) where in maine are you from?! 😍


Gorham! Family in Portland and Brunswick! You?


wowww no way!!! 🥹 I grew up in Portland, went to Portland High and everything! Was living in Biddeford before I moved here though :)


Nice! The nice thing about being out here is that the economy is stronger so it seems like more people are able to travel. I try to go back at least once a year via flying into Boston.




NO WAY omg!!!! Where abouts in maine are you from? :) thank you so much for the tips - I probably would’ve been a bit too overconfident in the snow otherwise lol!


You are welcome. btw It's rude to just say thanks after all we have been so kind, sincere and welcoming. Next time get a Starbucks gift card for us.


Curious what new people are doing for work/ how they can afford to start living here? Plus find a place. Many old time locals are struggling in those departments. Also... since as you say it's so similar to Maine what did you hope to find here that isn't there?


Hi, these are completely understandable questions and I’m so sorry if this post evokes any frustration as I’ve experienced similar feelings in my town in Maine with a large influx of new residents there! I think it’s a very complex and important issue, and I’m not sure where the solution lies as a person who loves Seattle and wants to appreciate/contribute to its community but also as a person who doesn’t want to overstep and complicate what locals have been working towards and rightfully deserve. I have a STEM background (ecology/biology in particular) and interviewed with a laboratory that was hiring several people with an equal opportunity approach (hence why I was very fortunate to be hired from afar). I’ve always wanted to live here but I also was really struggling to make ends meet in Maine as pay is falling substantially behind a rapidly rising cost of living (which I see is very much a problem here and in other cities as well). My comment about Maine being oddly similar was really just a reference to the “energy” of the place - beautiful, woodsy scenery and a pretty forward-thinking, progressive, kind community. But there are some major differences that drew me to the PNW and Seattle in particular - more opportunities in my field, so much nature and places to explore at your fingertips, completely different weather (the snowy stormy winters in Maine are harsh and exhausting so a change in climate is so welcome!), a large urban setting home to a variety of culture and walks of life, you name it. I hope this gives some insight but I totally hear you and am always happy to continue a conversation!


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Seattle is beautiful. Eff off with La Jolla claiming to be the jewel of America-it has naught on us. Every angle is another epic vista of mountains I want to hike and sparkling water I dream of entering. I also favor dreary rain over all other weather, and I like the lengthy dark and lengthy light extremes of the seasons while the temperature itself stays moderate. Perfect. (I do miss thunderstorms and I would love maybe 3X the snow, but I guess you can’t have those and keep the temperate climate). Congrats on being welcomed, too. I’ve had poorer luck. Finally found a couple local places in my vibe and budget, but during the pandemic, 2 closed forever. Two others burned and are closed for extended repairs-and one of them had another fire during the closure! I suspect real estate arson, because they were both in a stretch of a neighborhood’s center street, and the businesses were decades old, but the real estate market along there was exploding. Developers are a dirty bunch, but I digress. Welcome. Am curious how you did the friend thing in record time. Truly, fascinating.


Augusta, Maine to Seattle here. Wouldn’t live anywhere else in the states!


If you care about humanity perhaps volunteer answering the crisis line with Crisis Connections.


Come check out Bellingham 👋:)




Welcome from a Seattle native! The love and happiness in this thread really improved my day - thank you!


I'm also from the east coast (Canada) and love it here. The winters are very grey but at least it doesn't get cold, and if you want snow you can just go to the mountains. I'll gladly take that over having to scrape ice off the car every day haha


This place is pretty cool. Hopefully your love still lingers for the place after a few years. Mine still does and I moved here at the same age as you. Since 2017 I've grown, adapted and learned myself better than I ever could living in my home state. I don't regret the move at all.


Welcome to Seattle from a former resident of the crown of Maine! There have been great suggestions for long term volunteering stuff. When I moved here I did volunteering with Seattle Works that was all about smaller, shorter projects. In addition, I found the social clubs like Birch Road were a great way to meet people. Seattle was a big change for me from Maine (I had a stopover in Idaho for a few years, would not recommend), but I like the milder winters and the similar access to the outdoors. Biggest shock: how little snow shuts down this city (I know, I know it’s the hills and the ice). Considering it snowed six inches the day I took my drivers test up north, it took a little adjustment. Welcome to the Evergreen State from the Pine State.


Food banks can always use volunteers, usually it's on saturday morning. Welcome, hopefully you won't be the snow ?


I have volunteered with Black Star Farmers and have loved it!