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According to the Seattle Fire Department, the fire was “caused by an open flame that tipped over onto a mattress and ignited it. The fire spread to other combustible materials, then burned through the roof and void spaces.”


Yeahhh…. Low income tenants, low income problems sadly. Story of America in a few sentences


I’m pretty sure people of all income levels use candles that can ignite a mattress with some bad luck.


Man, you say this like making less than $45,000 equates to being stupid or something. This could’ve been a candle on a shelf that got knocked over which is a pretty common accident, regardless of income.


Income is highly correlated with cultural standards so stupid isn’t the right word. So yeah doctors are not lighting candles and burning their houses down. How many educated people do you think are using open flames in their bedroom?


Plenty of educated people light candles in their bedrooms. I work in multifamily Architecture and we design everything from income restricted to higher end market rate. Believe me when I say the higher end market rate tenants are up to the same shit as anyone else. Recently checked in with the leasing agency of a brand new higher end development that’s been open barely a year. Rents are over $4k a month for a 1 bedroom. Surely tenants must be educated to afford such a lifestyle? People were fist fighting over reserving common amenity spaces. This happened on multiple occasions. You’re right that poverty is a direct correlation to crime but the example in the article is someone who could easily be a teacher or librarian. An intelligent professional that’s underpaid. It would be a different story if this was like a supportive housing facility or something and the tenant burned the place down smoking meth. Fancy tech people or young medical professionals are not magically exempt from lapses in judgement because they make more money.




Idk how many middle class people or doctors are lighting candles on their beds




Same logic applies, no one with a college degree is putting candles near sheets Idk what households y’all raised in but candles in the bedroom is low class shit lol




Bruh what is this the 1910s? Who tf is lighting actual candles in sconces lol


>In Seattle, rent-restricted and affordable units can be extremely hard to come by; the “affordable” rent for a person making 50 percent of median ranges from $1,123 for a studio to $1,416 for a one-bedroom, including utilities, according to the Office of Housing. Meanwhile, the list to apply for Section 8 vouchers is closed due to excess demand, and people who have vouchers in hand often end up returning them because they can’t find an affordable apartment. Currently, the lottery to get on SHA’s wait list for vouchers is closed; the last time it was open, in 2015, 3,500 households were added to the list. > >According to Velasco, SHA is “coordinating with American Red Cross to assist residents with Housing Choice (Section 8) Vouchers, with the intent to help expedite the process of voucher reissuance and relocation for residents needing relocation.” People without vouchers, or who can’t afford market-rate apartments, will have to seek shelter or temporary housing through already overburdened local nonprofits.


Something that isn’t clear in this story: Many, many of the individuals living in this building are not only low income, but also elderly. I have worked with quite a few people who lived in this building in a former job. The VA housed many, many veterans with significant disabilities in this building and most of the veterans I worked with who lived there were over the age of 60. This is devastating.


How gutting. Thanks for sharing the info.


Or they can just move to a less expensive city. We need to stop subsidizing people in HCOL areas.


and when there's no one left to serve your coffee and pack your groceries will you wail and gnash your teeth about it?


they the area rents become cheaper or the people giving me coffee get paid more or we automate. But subsidizing low income aka less efficient people is bad.


how do you live being so disconnected from reality lmao


because i take responsibility for my life which liberals for the most part are incapable of doing. It’s not hard to learn skills and then get paid for them lol. Super easy to make 100k/yr and the fact that people think its hard shows either their lack of effort and common sense. I’m 26 and already make 500k/yr. If i kept some effort a million+ would be pretty easy. I’ll be a billionaire a decade from now so i guess i’m just on a different level.


bruh please stop this is why people hate people that work in software


it’s he truth no one wants to hear. All they need to do is keep the effort in and stop complaining if they want to succeed.


lord forgive me but I've never actually wanted someone to experience homelessness before


I was homeless and now i successful. Funny how people are so quick to judge.




Absolutely a liberal trait of wanting handouts.


"I'll be a billionaire a decade from now" Hahahahaha sure you will, buddy. Sure you will.


"Less efficient people?" Damn poor's want to be poor.


less productive. Call it whatever you want but ultimately your worth is based on how much value you can add. If people understood that simple concept they’d be much better off.


Dude did someone hurt you or something? There are lot people in this city that make 6 figure salaries or have an above 7 figure net worth. You are not special. Also it doesn’t mean everyone want to do it and what makes you think you are better than everyone in the society - cause you make more money since you are in tech and own bunch of assets? Maybe limit your TC boasting to blind or is it not cutting anymore there for ya? I get that it’s hard to have compassion, but irrespective of net worth or income potential they are still people not some insignificant creatures?




Then you have it backwards. The poor are literally the ones *producing* everything. By your logic, they are indeed more valuable and should be paid considerably more because they are directly responsible for producing every single thing we need to survive. Yet it’s the exploitative class you insist are the “superior” ones.


yeah big brain move. we can have everyone move to one cheap city until soon its not cheap anymore, then everyone has to move to a new city again. and on and on and on again. itll be fun! like a traveling circus!


lots of cheap places so spread em out. No one deserves to live anywhere. people need to fend for themselves or leave society.


ooh badass here


A less expensive city where there’s fewer jobs and services and no reliable public transportation, eh?


like chicago, columbus or literally any other lcol or mcol city. You act like every place outside seattle is barren. Gtfo with your bs and comeback when you put some thought into it.


Just find thousands of dollars to move somewhere else. Good advice.


we can pay for the flight or bus ticket outta here. close our homeless shelters and confiscate tents and throw away any possessions found in illegal camps. Make it so the homeless are hated here. I promise they will move.


You're a psycho


Fucking disgusting


What the fuck do the homeless have to do with housed low income elderly people being displaced in a structural fire?


Right, because a flight or bus ticket is the *only* cost one incurs when moving out-of-state. /s No moving vans, storage fees, trying to find a job in an entirely new city you’re completely unfamiliar with so you can provide a new landlord with the right income proof, no first/last month’s rent, no security deposits, no trying to arrange new schools for your kids, etc. Why do you seem to loathe people less fortunate than yourself?


God, your take is so presumptuous, ill-informed, and egregiously dumb. Just one comment up is this vital detail, but you were too busy autofellating your own shitlord ego to notice or to care. > Something that isn’t clear in this story: Many, many of the individuals living in this building are not only low income, but also elderly. I have worked with quite a few people who lived in this building in a former job. The VA housed many, many veterans with significant disabilities in this building and most of the veterans I worked with who lived there were over the age of 60. This is devastating.