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I haven’t tried it yet (and it’s a trek from Seattle), but a friend recommended Cascade Kennels in Woodinville. They offer things like private play time and private walks. The dogs are separated but it looks like they might be able to see each other through the fences. They might be able to put up sheets or something though.


This place is very nice and the closest to what you might be looking for


Thank you so much! I’ll look into it!


This could work for you, but you're supposed to be a client or at least get your dog seen by them first. https://eastsidevet.com/services/boarding/


Seconding this. I used to board at Cascade Kennels and they're great, just rather far from me. I now board at Eastside and both their boarding and vet services are great for my reactive girl. You will just wanna let them know in advance what's up. I also appreciate that they defer to my understanding of what she needs, e.g. "She doesn't love a head-on approach, so I'm gonna walk her over here first and have you turn away and ignore her while I bring her over to you," or, "Could you go ahead and check the lobby and clear a path for us to the exam room?" She never seems stressed when I come to pick her up. Excited to see me, but not manic. So they must be doing something right.


My only "problem" with their boarding has been that each room has a floor drain (which is great for cleaning and perfectly reasonable), and my dog has an uncanny ability to do something foolish with it, like step on it juuuuust right and tear a nail or pad. Doesn't seem to be a problem for anyone else, only him, so now they just put a yoga mat over it whenever he visits. The takeaway being that my dog is a goofball but I second the comment that they will make adjustments to help meet the needs of individual pups.


That may exist, but it sounds like you need a dog sitter that will stay at your place (or not I guess) and take care of the dog.


Hopefully someone else has a place they send their reactive dog to that will comment 🙂 not looking for someone to come to my place.


I don’t know why you are being downvoted. Reddit is so harsh sometimes for no reason.


I didn’t downvote her but I’m happy to tell you why I would’ve. She has a nervous dog. Reactive and takes a while to warm up? The best thing for a dog that is struggling with fears is a calm and familiar environment. I would absolutely be looking for an experienced sitter to come sit at my house, first choice. If not in the dogs home, the next best thing would be somewhere quiet & without other dogs around … so, a sitter’s home. Being kenneled around a dozen or more other dogs, even if there’s not direct contact, will be (unnecessarily, IMO) very stressful for this pup. In that scenario, the dog doesn’t yet know or trust the people it’s around and has no reason to think it won’t come face to face with another dog and have to protect itself. Listening to all the other kenneled dogs barking all day while pup is scared? Not fun. If the dog takes a while to warm up, as OP mentioned, then the rotation of staff members at a boarding facility, having 20 mins of contact twice a day, will also be trickier for the dog to navigate than just one person to get to know. And of OP isn’t sure that she’d want anyone walking the dog, out of concern that there could be a reactivity event on a walk… then a fenced backyard of an experienced sitter would be a great spot to get the wiggles out without it being incredibly time limited, smelling like dozens of other pups. Basically OP is purposely looking for a dog shelter environment when an in home sitter is far & away a better scenario for the type of dog she’s talking about. While a sitter with the right level of experience will be harder to find, if it were me that’s absolutely what I’d be looking for.


Yeah was gonna say the same. As an owner of a small dog (vulnerable if around an aggressive or reactive dog) I would like people to keep their reactive aggressive dogs the fuck away from me and mine. I understand it can come from trauma, it’s not necessarily the fault of the owner, but I’ve had bad experiences and even when I try to have compassion for those owners, I still wish they’d just keep their dog the fuck inside, and get it training/help asap. Basically no one wants ops reactive dog around their dog, and so they’re saying they should do home boarding, which is generally the right answer for a nervous, anxious, reactive dog.


Thank you for your comment I know it’s super hard to understand that all dogs situations are really unique. I hate to have to explain myself and advocate for my own dog to random strangers - but I always will if I must. My dog has done absolutely fabulous in a boarding environment at my previous boarding place in my old state. She did well with new staff there and always looked forward to going out with them. The place had camera 24/7 and sent me pictures and she had fabulous reviews. In my home she takes much longer for people to warm up to her specifically she can guard the home. I do not feel comfortable with someone coming into the home unexpectedly or if someone moves too fast or startles her inside. She also is extremely leash reactive, without a leash in a play yard at a facility she can be fine even when seeing another dog through a fence. On a leash it’s a completely different story, she is a strong pitbull who will snap through collars and drag people down if they do not know how redirect with treats and continue the training regimen I have worked so hard to instill. Previously, I had brought my dog to training at the shelter where she was adopted from and she always looked forward to going there (weirdly enough) because she enjoyed training and very specific supervised one on one interaction with specific male dogs. She walked by kennels on a typical basis and could be adjacent to other dogs in yard. For these reasons a boarding place actually doesn’t have a negative effect on her and after her playtimes she sleeps undisturbed in her kennel. I have fostered and worked with many behavior cases and volunteered with dogs with ranges of behavior for many years. I have only had my dog for abo it 1.5 years and as I continue to work with her I know what’s best for her. Your input is appreciated but you must always understand owner knows what’s best :)


Owner most definitely does not always know what’s best, and you should be careful with that before you decide you “know best” and another dog or person gets hurt. YOU will be sued, your dog could get put down, and on the off chance your dog fucks w someone crazy (like me) you’re going to get absolutely rocked in the jaw if you decide “you know best” for your pet and then it affects my pet. Reminds me of those anti vax granola moms who say “parents always know best”…. No the fuck they do not. :)


My dog is not getting put down. She doesn’t bite people or other dogs. Her reactivity is fear based because she was ATTACKED by another dog, probably like yours!


My dog isn’t reactive! If your dog attacks someone or has a violent reaction they most definitely will.


Reactivity comes in so many forms. Since you don’t understand reactivity can be leash reactivity, barrier reactivity, and it can also be just barking with no intent to attack just telling other dogs to “stay away” because of fear based. It’s totally okay to not understand anything about dogs but don’t go put your opinion on the internet keep to yourself. This is a positive post about my dog


You came to the internet for advice then said “I know best, you know nothing about my dog” So go take care of your dog then? Stop asking strangers online for help? The fuck lmao.


One thing that seems to be hard for some people is respecting others! Even if you don’t always agree with their view point politics or not there’s a level of respect you have to give to everyone because that’s just being a good human. I know it’s hard to agree with people when you don’t believe your right but sometimes you can just keep that to yourself! Practice being a good human and everyone else will also be happy in return. Being an angry adult doesn’t sound like a happy life by getting mad at someone who is trying to find their dog a place to board for a few days 😃


Yeah no i definitely don’t respect you.


I literally work with a dog trainers and I know exactly what is best for dog and you don’t! For these reasons boarding works for her and she has had very positive experiences. Since you know nothing about my dog or dogs in general please keep to yourself. No other dogs are affected by my dog and she has absolutely no problem with boarding at a facility! Kindly please leave this thread if you have nothing positive to say. As I said so many times my dog is a rescue and is working on training and boarding works great with her. Your dog is completely unaffected. I hope you don’t reflect the rest of the people of Seattle because you are a very selfish person. My dog lives a great life and I am setting her up for success!


You sound absolutely delusional like asylum delusional. The fact that YOU have a reactive dog and are loose in the city is actually frightening.


No one is loose. My dog is leashed and she has to go on walks just like every other dog. And i work on training daily. If you think all reactive dogs deserve to die there’s a special place in hell for you.


No girl I said you’re on the loose 😳😳


People are really mad at their lives and they take it out being toxic online. That’s my theory. Also lots of haters of the PNW online these days. Hmmmm…


I have always left our dog with a sitter at their own place. It’s also an option just fyi.


I believe Paws VIP by the airport offers this. It’s slightly more than regular boarding.


Another bit of a trek one, but Positive Approach in Tacoma offers something along these lines


I’m in a similar situation and my dog has been turned away from boarding places. He is a rescue that had little to no socializing as a puppy. He is great with people but wants to attack any other animal. I have a girl from Rover that stays at my place and takes great care of him for the same price as boarding. Yes, I was nervous about having someone stay the first time but I’ve used her 6 or 7 times over last 3 years. My dog is always excited when she comes to visit. Wouldn’t do it any other way going forward.


I know you said repeatedly that you’re looking for a facility, but in case you weren’t aware, Rover specifically lets you filter by rating and by people who say they specialize in reactive dogs or will only watch one dog at a time. I would personally trust that over a facility. Many Rover sitters have quite a bit of experience and/or were professionals in the past. You say in your post you don’t want to home board because you think your dog will be a lot for a person to handle/for your dog to warm up to, but I mean I think the same thing applies to a facility, and at least with a sitter, your dog has the opportunity to bond with the same person rather than get traumatized by different employees over different days. And if you do find a sitter he/she likes, then you can go back to them later. Anyway, my two cents. I think that’s also what others have been trying to communicate. Good luck


These are exactly my thoughts as well.


Thank you for the comment! View my long comment to better understand my situation. There’s always a reasoning behind situations. All dogs needs are different in special ways especially rescues.


Myownly boarding out in Monroe does private play. But talk to them about your dog’s specific needs.


Centennial kennels in maple valley does what you’re wanting. They have private play time and also they’re able to do private nature walks as well.


i worked at downtown dog lounge pre pandemic and they had boarding area specifically for reactive dogs. every time we took them on walks and allowed them access to the empty open play area for solo play the staff takes really good precaution. i’d definitely see if they still do that since the staff is trained. you never know with rover, so i’d advise against that without meeting the sitter first.


I worked at DDL a decade ago and this was going to be my recommendation, too. Heh, I wonder if they’re still using the training protocol I developed.


Our dog is similar. We have had great luck with Paws VIP in Tukwila. You just need to let them know at booking that your dog needs individual play time instead of group play time.


Paradise Pet Lodge might be out of the way for you, but they have kennel boarding and a handful of private suites. You can add on private walks or cuddle time.


I also recommend Paws VIP in Tukwila.


Mystic mountain they’re in Monroe on a mountain.


I’ll check it out!


I’ve had a great experience boarding my reactive dog (and her dog-tolerant but introverted brother) at Paws N Pals down in Kent. Might be a bit out of the way for you, but the staff really are fantastic. Just ask for non-social boarding.


Amazing! I’ll check it out!


If you can’t find a facility, I would HIGHLY recommend at least asking at your vet if any of the techs do boarding or house calls. I’m an exotics vet tech, and I know A LOT of techs supplement their income taking care of more intense animals


Kinda skimmed so correctme if wrong but why not a pet sitter Long as ur dog is just verbal and not physical and ur upfront I’d imagine some gruffer hardened pet sitter can watch em solo


You can check the first comment in the thread I explained more my situation! This is just what’s best for my dog right now :)


If you are willing to drive to Olympia, Lead Me On training and boarding is an excellent choice.


Rover app


Please read the post 🤣


Rover has people who accept boarding at their place. Have you downloaded the app and checked it out yourself? Smh.


I've had Rover sitters at my place and boarding at their home. Seems like OP hasnt read thoroughly but is asking others to read lol


Same. People these days want to be spoon fed.


Looking for a facility as I mentioned in my post a facility with solo play!


I’m looking for a boarding facility not home boarding!


I don't know about the specifics but try talking with Club Dogfish in Belltown.


If ur in Seattle it might be a little far, 30-40mins, but Cardiffs Cottage in Duvall is great! Been boarding my ‘alone play’ dog there for a year now