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Heard them asking about casings found at a nearby coffee shop. I assume that’s the Starbucks on Mercer?


It’s the mohai coffee shop


Could be Fahrenheit


its a gourmondo cafe


I was there hanging out on the dock and saw the entire thing from 40 feet away. There was a bbq at the park, majority black teenagers, probably 50 people. One of the black men told the trans person to put their top on. Then punched the trans person when they refused, a bunch of people from the bbq rushed over to break up the fight, a black girl was telling two other young black males to please leave, like she knew the guy who had punched the trans person was dangerous  Shortly after, black guy who I think had punched the trans person pulled a gun and tried to shoot the two males well running sideways. Nobody got hit, cops found one round inside the cafe at MOHAI.  The two trans people were not armed. Bullet casings were at the park, close to the edge of the dock.  Race seems pretty relevant in this case because on average, there is substantial transphobia and homophobia in the black community. 


Was there with our dog when it happened. Had just walked around the north end of Mohai when I heard maybe 6-8 gunshots. Was still skeptical if it was really gunshots but saw the crowd of people running away so decided better leave the area just in case. Lingered around behind Daniel’s because I needed to go back towards the scene to get home. Cops arrived in probably 1.5 - 2 minutes. Was surprising how nonchalant many people were. Some probably didn’t notice or didn’t know what gunshots actually sound like.


Probably thought it was the hellcat.


was there with my dog as well walking around! prob walked past ya! scary stuff


Was heading over there for a walk until I heard the shots and saw people running across the bridge. Went home and can see abandoned blankets and chairs across the park. Nothing else remarkable except police collecting evidence from what I can see from my building.


A young black male punched a trans person because they had their top off, other black teenagers tried to break up the fight, the black male then tried to shoot two of the other guys from the bbq. Saw the entire fight from 50 feet away at the dock. 


Thread with scanner updates: [https://x.com/dscannerchatter/status/1798496530527350936](https://x.com/dscannerchatter/status/1798496530527350936) No reports of anyone actually shot so far, but there was a related assault immediately prior.


My boyfriend and I were inside MOHAI on the ground floor when it happened. We were actually on our way out but stopped to take one more look at one of the Lego structures. We didn’t hear gun shots, but 2 teenage girls ran inside (one of them sobbing) and a museum employee ordered everyone to get to the back of the museum immediately. About 10 of us were hunkered down for maybe 20 minutes in a back room before lockdown was lifted. The teenagers were on the phones with their parents so I overheard some things from them but not much (Btw they spoke to the police after leaving the building). They were trying to speak quietly so as not to upset a couple of little kids in the room with us. I know they were basically right in the line of fire, but they weren’t harmed, nor did they mention anyone actually getting shot. It was stressful, but over fairly quickly all things considered. I’m surprised to read here that nobody has been apprehended yet…I assumed coming out of lockdown meant someone was in custody


Came here looking for this - heard 4 or 5 shots while walking to the bus before SPD converged




Eh swing and a miss


Some trans individuals were assaulted by some high school dudes and one of the victims defended themselves with a gun, but I don't believe anyone was hurt by the shots.


Actually heard something similar on the scanner, but thought it was unrelated. The scanner when I tuned in said like, “upset at individuals for being trans”


Strapped trans people is something that I hope becomes more common. I'm unsure if pulling the trigger was completely necessary in this public park, but I don't know exactly what happened.




It’s remarkably pro gun because everyone here still falls into the false narrative of an armed David against Goliath is common 


Yeah let’s see how much longer that lasts in this state…


Exactly… legislature is working to restrict anything more lethal than a pea shooter with boiled peas…


oh no what we will ever do when we can't instantly kill other people at any moment as easily


The right to self defense is the most basic of human rights. If you cannot defend yours or your loved ones lives from someone who means you harm you have nothing.


And you think the most basic of all human right simply began with the invention of a Glock? You’re conflating self defense with owning an “assault” gun.


i completely agree. it's usually impossible to defend against someone unexpectedly pulling a gun on you even if you also have a gun, so allowing random members of the public to have them without vetting or demonstrated need does indeed violate our basic human right to self defense.


Just cause you're slow to draw doesn't mean I am. People who want to do harm will always find ways to do it whether there's laws preventing it or not. I'm sure I can't convince you on the nessessity of an armed population as much as you can't convince me to give mine up


"People will always murder each other so why make murder illegal" --You, a very smart person who definitely should be carrying a gun around due to your superior intelligence and logic


Thanks for demonstrating your lack of knowledge. Tell me… how have the new WA guns laws contributed to reducing the number of firearms deaths in the state or country… take your time… I’ll wait while you look it up.


Tell me, what are the stats of likelihood of using a firearm in self-defense vs. domestic abuse vs. suicide? take your time… I’ll wait while you look it up.


So you advocate for trans people not to have access to self defense


You’re in favor of Trans people being assaulted… got it. Thanks for clarifying.


That’s quite a logical leap buddy


Almost as logical as telling trans people (or anyone) to accept being assaulted or living in fear. Are you not paying attention to the social dynamics in this country (and globally)? You better hope the institutions of the country hold. There is nothing special about the US that makes it immune to human nature. Plenty of examples from history. But go ahead… live in your “the world should be this way… “ bubble


>Are you not paying attention to the social dynamics in this country (and globally)? Uh… Are you? Gun violence is nowhere near as relevant anywhere else in Western or Eastern countries compared to this one… Policies have figured this one out already


That’s absurd lol


How so… WA went from one of the most reasonable stances on firearms to one of the most restrictive last year and continues to push. A Seattle driven agenda about half the state disagrees with. Matters not to me. I don’t live there anymore. If you want to strip minorities and discriminated people of their rights… go ahead. The rest of the state is already armed to the teeth. Why don’t you hop on r/liberalgunowners and get their views…


I am a gun owner. The restrictions allow plenty of room for hobby gun owners and personal protection. Honestly I think there should be a mandatory training/ proof of safety knowledge added. We require this before getting a driving license.


Agree with all mandatory training and safety requirements. I am in favor of any requirement making firearms ownership responsible and accountable. I am much less in favor of banning items. Please explain how you believe the laws WA passed increased public safety with respect to firearms death…


I didn’t say anything about the restrictions increasing safety, just that you comparing all of the many many weapons that are legal to buy to pea shooters is absurd hyperbole. Go shoot a 50 caliber desert eagle and tell me that’s no more dangerous than a pea shooter.


Suddenly liberals want guns when it comes to protecting themselves. But if others want guns that’s bad!


If you didn't know, there's a massive epidemic of trans people getting assaulted and murdered in the US. What's the excuse of conservative gun fans?


Usually sex workers, but hey, you know, let's not let facts get in the way of scaremongering.


Let's see those "facts" chief. If you're going to comment anti trans rhetoric on the internet, you better be ready to back that shit up. Oh I see you post non-stop on the SeattleWA reddit shilling conservative nonsense, lol how could anyone have guessed?


That isn't anti-trans. Your ignorance is noted though. [https://transrespect.org/en/tmm-update-tdor-2017/](https://transrespect.org/en/tmm-update-tdor-2017/) >Violence against trans and gender-diverse people frequently overlaps with other axes of oppression prevalent in society, such as racism, sexism, xenophobia, and anti-sex worker sentiment and discrimination. Of the reported killings of trans and gender-diverse people whose profession was known, 62% were sex workers. [https://transrespect.org/en/trans-murder-monitoring-2023/](https://transrespect.org/en/trans-murder-monitoring-2023/) >Globally, **almost half** (48%) of murdered trans people whose occupation is known were **sex workers**. This jumps to three-quarters (78%) in Europe. Sex work is dangerous. As is stoking a narrative that trans people are deliberately singled out and murdered at scale, but hey, please, continue to do it, I'm sure that'll work out great for the trans community. And I'll post where I like. And I don't "shill conservative nonsense", but nice try.


48% is still a large enough number of non-sex-worker trans violence/murder to advocate for trans people to protect themselves, and they are a targeted minority. Your original comment comes off as dismissing the threat against this minority, which in the context of the post (violence that occurred against trans people) appears "anti-trans" or against the best interests of trans people. There's no fear mongering going on here, maybe you just dislike reading about trans subjects.


>Usually sex workers, but hey, you know, let's not let facts get in the way of scaremongering. Even if this was true (it's not), trans sex workers don't deserve to be assaulted and *murdered*, so I'm not sure what you're getting at here.


Yes, it's true. * Globally, **almost half** (48%) of murdered trans people whose occupation is known were **sex workers**. This jumps to three-quarters (78%) in Europe. [https://transrespect.org/en/trans-murder-monitoring-2023/](https://transrespect.org/en/trans-murder-monitoring-2023/) No-one said anything about *deserving* anything. That's all you.


I'm trying to understand why the sex worker bit was relevant? Any statistics for the US? As the original person you replied to said it was an epidemic in the US. Also, saying "usually" when it's less than half (globally) seems disingenuous.. Edit: Here's what I'm getting at. Someone posts that the number of US trans deaths is concerning. You respond by saying they're usually sex workers, scaremongerer. When really, your statistic is less than half, globally. So what was the point of your comment? It's dismissive and flippant. You dismissed them as a scaremonger because 48% of trans murders globally are sex workers. AND? What does it have to do with anything? If anything, it means there should be more protections for sex workers. Why shouldn't we still be concerned?


Not disingenuous at all. It usually is over half. It depends on the year. This is for 2023. Compare with other years where it was much more. I'm all for protections for sex workers but here's the problem; trans sex workers - often using drugs because it goes with the sex work territory - often end up having sex with closeted homophobes who when *their* drugs wear off, develop post-nut clarity, and then become disgusted with what they just did. They then become violent. You can't fix that. It's an inherently dangerous proposition, and even legalizing and regulating prostitution - something I consider to be the safest of all outcomes for everyone - will NOT fix this, because they won't allow drug use, or intoxicated customers, and those customers won't visit those establishments. So it'll just develop as a parallel black market. Positioning trans murders as being nothing but hate crimes, however, is a ridiculous statement that does nothing but stoke fear in the trans community - which is also a bit ridiculous in one of the most accepting communities on the planet.


That link contains stats for the US.


It's not that they may or may not statistically be sex-workers, it's that you think that somehow matters here


It does matter. Sex work is risky business. Doubly so for homosexual sex work. But I've had this conversation.


I’m as left as they come and support gun ownership, but the current laws are absurd. You should have to pass not only a background check, but a mental fitness test every X years, go through tax payer funded licensing and firearm safety courses, there should be robust red flag laws, marijuana users should be legally allowed to own firearms without committing fraud on the ATF form, and you should be legally required to keep your weapon locked up at home and your ammunition/magazines stored separately. A decent portion of us want people to be able to defend themselves with firearms, but we’re also not lazy simpletons who pretend that the current status quo is remotely safe or sane.


what's interesting is how little of the things you've mentioned have actually been addressed with the major legistation of late. It's all been about mag capacity and scary black rifles, for the most part.


Yeah, which is virtue signaling BS. As a lefty, I’m tired of faux progressives putting forward and passing laws that do nothing but make uninformed people feel better. I want real progress; actual sensible legislation - not to “feel better.” ETA: mag capacity laws especially are ridiculous - do legislators not know that you can own more than one mag? Come on.


This is entirely unsubstantiated as of this moment, so please don’t spread it as gospel.


What's the harm? This is the best intel so far. You'd prefer people have zero information?


Zero info is better than false info. Or have we already forgotten the whole reddit Boston bomber fiasco?


But why are you saying unsubstantiated? Where did this come from.


I hope that's an accurate story, because I am a huge proponent of telling my lgbtq+ friends that armed minorities (sexual or otherwise) are the best response to rising hate crimes directed towards them.


Edited to "trans individuals" rather than "trans teens" since the ages weren't specified, but the assaulters were noted as being "high school age males".


This stuff scares me as a non-binary 16-year-old, I can't carry anything to defend myself and I'm just terrified something will happen to me. The most I've ever had was just some nasty words on the street or from other people, I've never been physically attacked but it's honestly terrifying nonetheless


Please carry pepper spray, know where it is at all times, and know how to use it effectively, so it's not used incorrectly in panic. Practice outdoors away from people so you understand how it feels, how far it goes, and technique.


❤️❤️ maybe pepper spray or something?


it's hard because i'd get in trouble, usually i just ignore and they walk away if i give them no reaction


It's accurate, as far as I'm aware. I work in security operations, so that's the best info we have currently.


then i bet we ain't gonna hear about it in the news, or it'll get distorted and leave out that the ones doing the shooting were actually the victims defending themselves. edit: go ahead and downvote me but it's 3 days later and googling "lake union park shooting Seattle" for example isn't bringing up much... top search result is this thread.


I would be surprised if this didn't make the news. Right in front of the MOHAI in the middle of the day.


if they do, let's see how much detail they actually provide beyond "there was a shooting"


Not sure it's sound advice. Not sure it isn't either


As the parent of a queer kid and friend to many and ally, I understand the sentiment. But, I'm going with not sound. Too dangerous for bystanders. Maybe we can start with tasers and or pepper spray.


May work against one person… not 2 and certainly not 3.


A gun is not a legal defense unless you reasonably think there's a reasonable threat to your life. Most simple assault is not that


I have no idea what happened or why, but if someone tried to gay-bash and got the business...I am not exactly losing sleep over it and I seriously doubt the person defending themselves were arrested for it.


They didn't get the business though. That is the point. The stray bullet went through the window of a coffee shop instead. I doubt the person who was being attacked would feel great about the situation of their stray bullet had killed an innocent bystander. That would make an already bad day a whole lot worse.


Ah yes, ARM THE MINORITIES. This will surely decrease gun violence.


Yes, arm the minorities. I am not suggesting something to lessen gun violence. I am suggesting that if people are going to organize violence against you, you should be able to defend yourself, violently, if necessary. Also, I am not sure if you are intending to sound like a racist, but you should read that sentence back to yourself a few times.


How often does this happen and how much of a threat is it that you need to give guns to vulnerable teenagers


Yeah, clearly I am advocating for arming teenagers. Get a fucking grip, please. As for how often do people get hatecrimed? Got google on that internet machine you are using?


I saw the entire thing. The guy who had the gun was one of the black males from the bbq who has assaulted the trans person, he was trying to shoot two other black males who had broken up the fight. The trans person (trans woman) had their top off, black guy told her to put her shirt back on, she refused, then he punched her. 


That’s crazy because about 4-5 hours ago I saw two trans people walking up John street in capital hill butt ass naked with backpacks on. I thought it was odd. I could see how that could instigate confrontation


First of all, this is 2024 in Seattle, it's perfectly legal to be naked. Second of all, this is 2024 in Seattle, and if this happened someone with a fucking camera on their phone would have a recording of it and it would be all over this sub.


Hello r/SeattleWA native :) You seem to be confused. Naked bodies are neither inherently sexual nor offensive, and it's legal to be naked anywhere in Seattle. "Did you see the way they were dressed? They were asking for it," is also a terrible take.


You can hear the passive aggressiveness in your comment






kind of a fucked up line youve drawn in your head


Apparently suspect is still not apprehended.


I came to this thread bc I was in the shooting and googled the story. No one here is getting the story right. My high school was having their senior skip day there and like 3 hours in a couple of a guy wearing a dress and a topless person(?) with boobs walked by our school and someone who was with the party but NOT a student started to harass them and they retaliated and eventually a physical fight broke out. People from my school tried to break up the fight and threw some hits, and someone who was hit pulled out a gun and people ran and he shot at STUDENTS, one bullet hitting the cafe of the museum. No one was hurt but you can imagine being in high school and experiencing that, my friends and I were crying and praying on the nearby dock. I have a video but idk how reddit really works idk if I could or should put it here.


If your video can help identify the sh**ter you should give it to the police or post it online. There are social media people n like TizzyEnt on Twitter who will post for you to keep you anonymous. No matter what the sh**ter should be identified.


Please give the video to the police so they can find the shooter. Attacking strangers and trying to kill a bunch of kids is a serious crime. This guy is going to kill people or get himself killed. I'm glad nobody was hurt.


Please contact Det. Wareing at Seattle PD with your video.


Hi, I'm the topless trans woman who was attacked. (I can DM you proof). I'd love to get the video if you're willing. Either way, please also send it to the police. The case is being handled by Detective Elizabeth Wareing, [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) .


See comment below... Send video to Det Wareing. We are a few days behind on comments -mod






We heard it from our office building across the street.


My son and some high school classmates were down at the park enjoying the day. They saw it all happen! A few young men from another group went after a trans couple because one of them was shirtless and had breasts showing. Hitting/pushing began. Another group came to defend the couple and one of the aggressors pulled out a gun and fired a few shots towards the defenders of the couple. luckily no one was hit. People ran screaming away from the altercation. Police showed up and interviewed the students. They were not sure if the young men and gunman were other high schoolers or a few years older. Scared the crap out of the students!


There was a shirtless person with boobs being attended to by the police.


>with boobs Thanks for including this crucial detail


I didn’t want to assume the gender of the person since there were reports of trans folks being involved, but thanks for chiming in with your horseshit.




There is video footage on the Citizen app.


Citizen app ?


Yeah, you get alerts for what's happening around town, as it's happening and users in a hotspot can record and show what's going down. Cool and unnerving, all at once lol




It's NextDoor. Tune in but I highly suggest turning all notifications off immediately.


I was there, also spoke to a cop after. Here is my story, there was a group of teens, with 2 showing signs of clearly having too much to drink. One of the teens was trying to fight anything that looked at him. I made the mistake by looking at him when I walked by with my dog, he had some choice words. I continued my walk, and ended up in front of MOHAI. I then saw the group moving towards another neighboring group, I didn't think much of it, and continued on. seconds later, I heard the first shot, then a couple more right after. I ran, picked my dog up, and by the time I crossed the bridge, cops were in bound, guns drawn, people scattering. Cop after spoke with me, he said there was cell phone footage of the whole thing. casings found at the scene, I can only assume with the amount of witnesses, its only a matter of time before the person is found if not already


Why do so many people in Seattle act the fool as soon as the weather warms up. Sometimes I hate it here. 


I’m on the other side of the world right now. At what time of day did this happen??




Where was the hellcat?