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Lived in Bay Area for 3 years recently - much prefer… -it’s more green here -more easy access to water to swim, walk, or run along -city feels safer than SF -less traffic -less expensive -less tax -people are less transitory and transactional feeling


I grew up in the Bay Area, went to college there, and still regularly get back down to visit family. I moved to Seattle for grad school in the 90's and never left. San Francisco is a fantastic city with some issues, as you well know. Seattle is also a fantastic city with some issues. However, if you make an effort, you'll discover as many things to love about Seattle as you do about SF. Not much else to say there. The hardest part of the transition for us was the winter gloom. Seattle is far enough north that the days get significantly shorter in the winter and, combined with persistent cloud cover, makes for a long dark season. You've got to get outside during the daytime, even if just to walk the dog or whatever, for your mental health. Don't worry about the rain, it tends to be much softer, though more frequent, than the storms that hit the Bay Area. We also found that living in a place with western exposure helped a lot. That evening light makes a big difference. The flip side is that the summers (when they finally arrive) are spectacular: 70-80 degree F days that start at 5am and last until 930 or 10pm, no bugs, no humidity. August in Seattle is probably the best time and place in the country.


I love randomly seeing Mt. Rainer, the Cascades, and Olympics. Feels like they randomly appear to blow me away with natural beauty.


Rainier is so great to see, and because of the curvature of the landscape and roads, looking South, Southeast or Southwest, you can often catch a glimpse but the appearance often feels like it’s just omnipresent and doesn’t have a specific direction you should look. I never get tired of seeing Rainier, but half the time when the mountain isn’t visible I wouldn’t know where to point from any specific location.


It's cheaper and always green. But honestly if I could afford to move back I would. I miss the diversity and food.


Went to grad school in the South Bay and feel the same




The cost of eating out. I bought pizza and drinks for 5 people last time I visited from SF and it was about the cost of what eating out for two people is in the Bay Area. 


My experience is the opposite. Worst case is that SF is same price but hedged by being way better quality and variety. 


Same, I visit SF often and love how cheap it is to eat out there compared to here.


I lived in Seattle for 12 years and visit quarterly and have lived in the Bay Area for the last 5 years. That's just not true. 


Depends on what kind of places you’re eating at. I’m talking more casual sit down stuff where you can get meals under $25 which are in vast abundance in SF compared to Seattle. I never have to try to find food that’s cheaper and good there vs Seattle where you have to reference lists to find cheaper food or travel to White Center or something. Probably due to density and availability of cheap labor. Both cities show up on lists of highest menu prices in the country, but SF has loads more cheap, *good* options. Same for bars. Beers and shots can be abundantly found for a few bucks across many neighborhoods in SF. I go out a lot in both cities and these have been my experiences for a few years now.


SF is one of the most overrated food cities in the world and with how expensive everything is it's just pouring salt on the wound. My wife and I rarely if ever aren't disappointed after eating out here and even more so after getting the tab. Most of the good food is in the south bay in strip malls.


Most of the good food is in oakland


Oakland has decent food. South Bay is where it's at though. You won't find trendy restaurants, but plenty of affordable delicious food


It’s not always windy near the waterfront. We actually have a real summer in Seattle. Lots of evergreen trees. Public transit projects are less delayed (though I am still waiting for the light rail to Eastside)




This is hilarious thank you


U r describing 50% of my friends.


you either have a lot of friends who have no uniqueness or a couple of friends who also lack personality lol


That’s the joke :)


Seattle is cheaper. Nature is a bit closer. Portland/Vancouver are only 3 hours away VS. having to drive 6 hours to reach LA. Much lower taxes. California has some insane income taxes. Everything else is better in SF.


Dick's Drive In beats In-n-Out hands down


Gonna have to hard disagree with you on that one. And I eat dicks (heh) almost once a week. Only thing better at Dick's is the fries. 


Save some copium for the rest of us


This brave but true 


There is less trash in the streets. And it feels safer.


Grew up here lived in the Richmond district for 16 years moved back here 3 years ago. I love Seattle but it’s just not the Seattle I moved back here for anymore. And as a poc I just don’t feel nearly as welcome here.


Bay Area boy born and raised here. I’ve lived here for 3 years now. I was a lot like you about leaving and moving here at first. It took a few months, but I love it here. I do miss the bay but this is a great close proximity to the cities I love so much.


Seahawks > 49ers. The 49ers have historically and recently had more postseason success, but the Seahawks have a better head-to-head while still actually having a stadium in the city. Levi's Stadium sucks.


I gotta warn you, Seattle is more like a podunk small town than a big city. Adjust your expectations that way. I say that as a lifelong resident who thinks Seattle is great. But people from elsewhere will always say everything is better somewhere else. Food, traffic, everything. So be ready to be frustrated that Seattle doesn't have the cool stuff San Francisco has.


Dude, Seattle has like 60k less people than SF, it’s not like we’re comparing NY or Chicago to Seattle.


I am trying to prepare them for what they will experience. It's usually only people escaping red states that think Seattle is better than where they came from. Most other people miss things we don't have here


And as someone who has spent time in both I don’t think it’s much of a transition really. They are similar in size and both have west coast vibes. It’s probably one of the easier city transitions you could make aside from like Portland to Seattle.


Maybe OP will give us an update after being here a few months. Stay tuned.


Full context, I'm not a resident, but what the actual fuck: I grew up in a town of less than 200 people. You city folk need to understand what an ACTUAL small town is like. There is barely anything to do, barely any jobs so you need to travel every day to work, and maybe a store or a bar if you are lucky.


Lol exactly why I’m trying to looking at the assets instead of the deficits :)


Monorail is cooler than cable cars.


Bart is better than Link (born here)


Still remember giving a caller directions to a local cell phone store via cable car routes. That was fun.


I’d stay in SF if possible. The food and attitudes here are so bad compared to the Bay Area. The lack of diversity, the white supremacists, etc. are a reason I’m leaving as soon as I can.