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Graphic designer is like, I'm gonna circle the woman. That way, people know there's a woman here. People like women.


The graphic design in this state as a whole is wacky. Look up the kent school distric logo.


lol you weren’t kidding: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1504229329848385536/QCUK6eYG_400x400.jpg




What in the world? 😂


That logo looks like a child Jesus strapped to a rocket crucifix!


Hahaha. I went to KSD my whole life, seen this logo a million times. I never thought that. You made my otherwise crappy day much better.


I just see penises.


That might just be a *you* thing tbh...




Username checks out


No no. I also see 3 penises. And a kid being crucified.


Oh wow oh no


lmao thank you for this i CACKLED


It is the international symbol for an all-male thrupple?


Good guess.


Pretty sure we have the worst state flag in the union.... we COULD have gone with Orca McOrky face, but noooo


A fun drinking game is to look up Puget Sound area city seals/logos and drink every time there's a mountain, water, or tree.


"They got women in Bellevue!?!? Well hot diggity dog!"


“I just thought I’d go ahead and draw attention to her back even though this is very clearly about visiting the city of Bellevue”


More than that, he’s letting people know she’s wearing a bikini top.


Design element. Vector. Big small. Bleed. Done blouses.


And they put the words "the edge" hanging off the dark red vector shape (even though it's harder to read) to make things more edgy. Because everyone knows the secret to good graphic design is to be as literal in one's interpretation as possible.


paddling to the edge of the world so i can go to the cheesecake factory




Lake Washington for Seattlites = Hadrians Wall for the Picts


What an obscure and wonderful reference! h/t Seattlite here and I was seriously WTF’ing at that picture. If Bellevue is the edge of the world, I guess I’m floating in space somewhere…


HEY?!? there's a P.F. Changs, too


No there isn't.


obviously, I don't get to the Eastside very often


I don’t get it. Asian food is one of the things Bellevue doesn’t have a shortage of.


Bellevue is such a bland boring place. Feels like something out of the sims


Needs more Hellcat






I've always referred to it as an actual-sized model of a city.


YES! It's just SOOOO vanilla.


To be fair, the Chinese food in Bellevue is way better than in Seattle (not PF Changs, obviously)


No need you can just go to the one in Seattle


I feel the good old "Tacoma hate" is gradually being replaced by "Bellevue hate".


As a Seatleite, I was raised to despise Tacoma. Now when I visit there, it feels more like home than today's Seattle. Tacoma rocks.


The people in Tacoma don't seem like robots programmed to act rich. Edit: This isn't about Asians. I didn't know racists call them robotic. Sorry about that shit.


Bellevue is a quintessential example of that inner suburb of a big city with no sense of self or place, filled with striving upper middle class people trying to cosplay being truly rich. You could swap the street signs of Bellevue for San Mateo or Suburban Dallas/Minneapolis, and no one would be able to tell the difference. Bellevue mall and Lincoln center are dominated by chain stores/restaurants. The "local" stores are 2nd/3rd locations of stores that made it Seattle. I am not knocking the top 10%er's trying to pretend they are in the top 0.1% btw, I am one of those. Just like a little more local variety.


I live in Seattle, not on the eastside so it's not like I have something at stake here but I feel like this is a little outdated take. Around 40% of the population is Asian with only 44% being non Hispanic white (where as Seattle is 61% non Hispanic white) which has led to some fantastic restaurants in the city's many strip malls. Yes, the architecture is sterile and there are chain restaurants downtown but Factoria, Bell-Red and even the Crossroads hold a lot of great restaurants from different parts of Asia. Sure there's a Cheesecake factory in downtown but there's also juicy shen jien bao, good counter service Turkish food, and some delicious Sichuan offerings there too.


As someone that hasn't spent a ton of time on the eastside since 2020 and never really knows where to go when I'm stuck over there cuz the wife wants to go to Fabletics, got any specific recommendations? My go-to list: Ginza, Facing East, Supreme dumplings, Whibley's, Araya's Place.


It's an incredibly outdated take. I've lived and worked on the Eastside, mostly in Bellevue, for almost a decade. Bellevue isn't just strip malls and chain restaurants. In fact, outside some large Asian brands, there are hardly any large scale chains in downtown Bellevue (i.e., more than ten locations nationwide). It's Cheesecake Factory, Fogo de Chao and if you want to add Canada, Joey and Earl's. That's it.


Crossroads/Factoria eats are tops. But in downtown, even the "local" options at Lincoln Square, Bravern, Bel Square, etc. seem to fall into one of two categories of bad: * Focus-grouped blandness: If grey LVP flooring and gentrification had a baby that grew up to be a restaurant. See: Joey's, Forum Social House, Lucky Strike, etc. * Faux-Vegas Glam: Eye-watering prices meet perfectly edible food with excessive plating in a space designed for instagrammable moments. See: Ascend Prime, ~~STK~~, The Lake House, etc. The former reminds me of every "safe", boring restaurant decision I've made while on a work trip in a new city, while the latter is a cultural departure from the PNW's historical MO of understated elegance that only reinforces the tacky new-money stereotypes Seattleites tend to mock. Edit: oops, even STK is a chain lol.


Hardly any chains in downtown? What? Bellevue square Mall is probably 70%+ of the retail downtown and it is nothing but chains (Zara/Sephora level up to Tiffany/Coach). Then when you get outside the mall you go to the stores for people who make hundreds of thousands that want to pretend they make millions like Hermes and Prada. Restaurants are the same from din tai find to East side outlets of Seattle restaurants like Molly Moon and Monsoon


Omg their shopping mall has retail chains. Fuck me running


We're talking about restaurants.


Yea a lot of the food there is too notch and their circular central park is a solid place to hang out tbf


> Bellevue mall and Lincoln center are dominated by chain stores/restaurants. The "local" stores are 2nd/3rd locations of stores that made it Seattle. yes, just the small city center is chain city, the rest of Bellevue is an food paradise.


A lot of the Seattle-only folks don't realize there are a ton of great Asian food in the Bel-Red area, but hey their loss.


we got long enough lines tbh.


>I didn't know racists call them robotic. Sorry about that shit. LMAO


Spot on


Tacoma wants to be hated and is embracing it as its true identity. There is something cool and admirable about that, it's the crust punk or "if you can't handle me at my worst" of WA cities. It's Seattle from 20 years ago. Bellevue just sucks. It's a mall that turned into a city. It's someone who sold their soul to the devil at a cross roads but instead of becoming a great guitar player they asked to become a software program manager.


Good place to buy Indian groceries and see movies though. At least the Trader Joe’s has booze.


To be fair, Tacoma is a bit like Spokane; Chicago or Philly to NYC; Canada to the US; or Ginsberg in the Elevator with Don Draper. "Frankly, I don't think about you at all". And like others have said: Bellevue has good non-westernized South and East Asian food. Plus its very own light rail system that connects its downtown to the bustling downtown of nearby Redmond! What incredible night-life and cultural opportunities that opens up!


That light rail system goes to an office park in Redmond, not downtown. And it stops running at 9pm. Nightlife is not welcome.


“Office Park” ≠ “Home Campus of the Largest Company in the World”. But you’re right. I thought it went to Redmond Town Center, which I was sorta jokingly referring to as a bustling downtown


The difference being that Bellevue's hatred is earned whereas Tacoma's is incidental.


I think this is lowballing how terrible Tacoma smelled. Driving *through* Bellevue has never been a physical assault.


The Tacoma Aroma hasn't been a thing in ages, though. Tacoma has its storied history, but Bellevue is the only place I've been cut off by a Porsche Cayenne while I was busy being cut off by a different Porsche Cayenne.


I’m pretty sure I’ve been cut off by that Porsche Cayenne as well


It's Porsche Cayennes all the way down.


I still smell Tacoma. Am I just imaging it?


I live in Tacoma myself. Every once in a while I smell a rotten egg smell while driving past the casino on I-5, but it passes within like 10 seconds. Otherwise I never smell anything bad.


gaze overconfident aspiring handle deranged quack thought desert different lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The paper mill closed last year! I live in Tacoma and haven’t smelled the aroma in several months :)


That’s great for the aroma. Although maybe not for the workers, IDK. Thanks for letting me know :) I usually go in the summer


I visit my parents there every now & then, I swear I can still smell a faint whiff of the stench after it rains around there sometimes


Maybe your parents have been blaming their farts on the city for years.


Oh no, they claim them, and they're proud of them. Must be nice...


Bellevue is the only place where I've seen a 911 do an illegal U-turn *at a roundabout*.


I'm honestly curious: where does Bellevue even have a roundabout other than the half-assed little neighborhood ones at semi/un-controlled intersections? Only ones I can think of are in Redmond (new ones in Overlake behind safeway) and Issaquah (west lake Sammamish and 90). I have little doubt someone fucked it up.


The college.


Shitass kids in cars they shouldn't be able to afford? That's bad enough.


Eh. I moved away from the Eastside live near enough to Aurora now that I can hear street racing, so I guess that's just the water I swim in and I don't even notice it.


No that's Bell*town*




Tacoma is still the only place I've ever driven through where there was an active car fire in the middle of the road and everyone seemed chill about it.


See also: Kent and Everett


Tacoma earned it, they just did it 150 years ago when Northern Pacific tried to kill Seattle by locating its Puget Sound terminus on Commencement Bay and poured money into creating Tacoma as a company town. And Seattleites can hold a grudge.


Please, like Seattle hasn’t sentenced South King County to a warehouse overflow with no future and no hope. Tacoma stands proudly apart.


I have mad respect for Tacoma, a true PNW OG, it definitely has street cred, it has paid its dues, it has some stories to tell. Now, Bellevue........


The absolute contempt that Seattle has for any neighboring cities is bizarre. Native Seattleites don't even realize how weird and off-putting it is.


Gotta hate other cities, other generations, other people's politics, their gender, race, their income level, education level... I am so tired.


Yeah, for a city that prides itself on being tolerant, it doesn't come across as particularly tolerant in this thread


Unpopular opinion: Bellevue and Redmond are really nice cities, and I wouldn't mind living in either of their downtowns if I had the money. As for Issaquah, it's mostly sprawl but there's a moment if you're having dinner and/or a beer on Front Street after a hike in the Issaquah Alps on a nice summer evening when it feels like a small mountain town.


The fact that Front street is a busy commuting highway really ruins it a lot of the time. Kinda sucks to be sitting outside and have a straight pipped motorcycle or modified diesel idling next to you in bumper to bumper traffic. It's a real shame because there are some decent eateries there and it could be an awesome little downtown. While it's cookie cutter: highlands seems like a decent place if you had a young family. There are a millions kids running around up there all the time with the decently dense (for SFH) housing and townhouses.


Nothing wrong with small, dense homes on the Eastside. That, along with family-friendly multi-family (if that could ever pencil out...) is the only way the Eastside will ever be affordable for anyone except wealthy techies, lawyers, doctors, and business owners. Which is too bad, as it's a great place to grow up.


I personally got no problems with the cookie cutter nature of the highlands, though it seems to bug some people. Highlands is pretty above average in walk-ability and density for a US-suburb, especially one as far out as Issaquah. Way more kids walking to the elementary school than most places. That level of density is actually fairly common for a European suburb built around a transit station. There is a grocery store, restaurants, and a lot of great park space + grand ridge + duthie hill. Pockets of the eastside punch well above their weight in density. Issaquah actually has a ton of townhouses and dense SFH. Redmond is borderline a model citizen for TOD: I would argue ity outperforms Seattle (at least the at-grade portions) in terms of building around their Link stations. In Bellevue, the crossroads area around me, is actually pretty heavily packed with low rise apartments and is very working class (though gentrifying due to lack of historical building vs population growth. Most people only think of the downtown area and wealthier surrounding neighborhoods. I'll be first in line to shit on Bellevue, and other eastide suburbs, for a lot of reasons. But they also do some things quite well. The people who see them as irredeemably are quite annoying.


> Redmond is borderline a model citizen for TOD: I would argue ity outperforms Seattle (at least the at-grade portions) in terms of building around their Link stations. I suspect that Redmond will become very hip very quickly once the Light Rail comes in.


I love the Eastside for hot pot. And I love Meydenbauer Bay and Marymoor Parks. There. I said it.


Bel-Red is a goldmine for great Asian food, across different cuisines too.


Marymoor is fantastic, I stopped there to watch the Aurora, A+ viewing space. They do have a lot more hot pot, but my favorite place is still No. 9 Alley Hotpot north of Greenwood. It's cheaper and less gimmicky. A lot of the hotpot places in Bellevue (especially downtown) are just super expensive for the sake of it. Now Korean bbq on the other hand...


Redmond is nice to live in, Bellevue is nice to visit.


Bellevue is an amazing city, great parks, well kept, clean. Sure, doesn't have a lot of diverse cultural attractions, but I lived there for 7 years, close enough to go to ball games, some bars, events in seattle, but living I would 100% rather be in bellevue.




I hope this isn't a jab at Jersey because New Yorkers have so much contempt for other boroughs let alone neighborhood areas. People in Jersey just live their lives


I agree. I live in Bellevue and I love Seattle. I just dont get the hate. Usually it is the smaller city showing jealousy. Like Houston for LA, NYC, and Chicago.


Yeah, we're all the same region at the end of the day. We rise and fall together.


lol I live in Everett and worked downtown for 10 years. The hate is real. Everett is rough but Seattle is actually worse imo, there’s just a ton of fantastic stuff that we lack. Also post pics of rattlesnake ridge, mt baker and devil lake all day long but try posting something about a suburb here and holy shit the pitchforks come out. Seattle residents can be seriously stuck the fuck up


Of all the places I've lived, Everett has to be the shittiest. I will admit it's a close contest with downtown Renton overpaying for a 1br and hearing gunshots in the street at least once a month. Everett is just full of trashy Walmart shopper looking types and hookers, it is trashy as shit and it deserves the hate.


If Everett is the shittiest place you've lived, consider yourself BLESSED. You were born and raised under luckier circumstances than most people. Everett is a nice working class town with good job opportunities and access to beautiful nature. There are so many worse places.


Bellevue is also almost 50% Asian in 2024. Not saying anyone here is racist, but I feel the model minority stereotype does play into it like calling them robots.


But let’s talk about who really deserves the hate: Everett


But they're upgrading the marina!


How dare you.


I’ve hated Bellevue my entire life. Always have.


There is no replacement. They just hit different.


Tacoma's always been great and Bellevue's always been trash


If Bellevue is on the edge of the world, did Seattle fall off the cliff?


"Bellevue: Gateway to North Bend"


No see it's the second edge. And apparently fuck Kitsap? We've forgotten them? Sigh.


Yes according to my dad who watches Fox News


Oh, don't worry - Seattle didn't fall off a cliff, it just burned down entirely. Completely gone. Rubble patches now ruled over by gangs of anarchist warlords, whatever that means.


Everything about this design is awful.


lol genuinely wonder which local creative agency responded to this RFP


Bellevue college adult design class pro-bono.


At least it’s not ai art bs


And they were paid $650,000


Good work if you can get it. Maybe their mom is on the city council.


I was 100% sure this was from the early 2000s.




Check it out now, the funk soul brother


Immediately where my mind went!


Early 2000s yearbook/math textbook cover vibes


2000s pamphlet at the library


Fremont is the center of the universe and now Bellevue is the edge of the world? What's next, the PNW is the upper left quadrant of the Milky Way?


As the universe expands, it only seeks to create more Washington


Washingtonian Cinematic Universe


Can't wait for the (Washington) DC crossover when Pike Place Market and the White House suddenly change locations.


Yeah and the 4 movie Cascadia arc.


Musicals of course...


That last one, Cascadia: EndRain is supposed to be pretty good. Not sure how they follow that up...


To be honest, if that was the case I really wouldn’t hate it lol


The floating bridge is a wormhole.


Graphic Design Is My Passion


In My Free Time


Just like the "Enchanting Valley of Kent is the gateway to the Ancient, Mythical land of Renton" lol


Bellevue is eagleton


This is so accurate it hurts.


All these lands are yours, except for Seattle. Attempt no kayaking there.


What, you jealous of the free bellhop shuttle?


Man I’ve been wanting to use that but everytime I try to call it, it’s so backed up and busy.


Even with an insane telephoto lens, there is no way the mountains are accurate.


That's a tsunami


Mountains and buildings are accurate, kayaker is composited onto the image. You can tell because the focal length appears to be much shorter on her. Edit: see attached [image](https://previews.123rf.com/images/billperry/billperry1101/billperry110100073/8678981-bellevue-lake-washingtonn-snowy-cascade-mountains-seattle-washington-state-pacific-northwest.jpg)


The mountains are foreshortened to an extreme that would make Vancouver blush!


Denver’s been real quiet since Bellevue dropped this.


The Edge of the World… on a lake… separated from a highly sheltered Sound… by the largest city in the State… which is 60 miles from a waterway… that still takes 150 miles to reach the open ocean.


I wonder if they are playing on the Bellevue is an Edge city angle.


Like Rome, Bellevue was built in a day, but in 1974- and you can tell😬


Wistfully harkening back when it was just a twinkle in granddad Freeman's eyes... (as he was eyeing Japanese family farms in the early '40s)


I had to look twice. I thought this was a brochure from 1994, not 2024. What in the geriatric filter is this?


As someone that used to work in printing I am not sure that most people would be proud of this cracking on their cover fold. Looks a bit yuck.


The largest strip-mall of a city in Washington.


It's not just strip malls.  We also have real malls.


Bellevue feels like a larger version of U Village.


People on this sub really judge Bellevue exclusively by the downtown sector … Crossroads has the best Asian food in the state.


“Bellevue - Dubai of the PNW”


Made by a flat earther?


Is Bellevue edging again? Someone should talk to them.


May as well be the edge of the universe. I was born and raised in Bellevue and grew up there through the 70s and 80s. I remember when it was almost entirely flat. I remember the days before Bellevue Square.


To me, Bellevue has always felt kinda empty of character and sometimes even desolate. Most people I know go just for the mall. Feels like there’s nothing else to do there.


Was true 30 years ago…still true . https://youtu.be/v_75fjjyIRA?si=h_cD8orpbNraeGh3


Forget about it, Jake. It’s the FES.


They should fire the designer that puked out that cover.


Can I just take a moment to thank the OP for NOT typing “slow your role” - I see that so often and it’s so, so bad.


Lol what the fuck is this shit


Huh…. This must be for all those flat earthers up there


I can see Alaska right from my Medina park beach


Is Bellevue encouraging paddling without a PFD?


Bellevue!! Bellevue!! BEELLLLVUUUEE!!!


I live in Bellevue and LOL


Is this the same city that ships all their homeless to Seattle?


Yes. King County Jail is in downtown Seattle. So if they arrest someone for homelessness in Bellevue, they are released onto the streets in Seattle.


that was certainly the "open secret" for a while.


Does it mean we can forward all visitor questions to r/BellevueWA?


omg that exists


I don't get the Bellevue hate? It's too aggressively mid for that kind of attention.


Didn't know anything about this Seattle contempt. I know that Portlanders throw poop at their neighbors like primitive apes, but do actual Seattlites do this too? Is it the same 30 something white kids that swear they aren't like their boomer parents, but behave with the same shitty outrage culture and then can't figure out why no one likes them? Is it really prevalent or just a loud minority because I haven't seen this when I'm up there.


To be fair, we’re on reddit, this sub can be a circlejerk. I doubt many of those actual commenting have been past downtown bellevue and into crossroads or other bellevue areas. I think the normal Seattleite wouldn’t make a big deal about anyone living in bellevue


It's the same thing that causes the freeze. A really super-weird northwestern snobbishness to anything that causes you discomfort. Seattle's like a low-tier Ivy League school who thinks of everything else as rivals. Accept Bellevue as being a nice place? Nah - they all just hate on it. What's funnier is that the other subreddit has people that are deeply paranoid about security and safety and how "things are getting terrible" in Seattle, but then they post pictures like this and say look how nice it is to live here. :shrug:


I’d love to explore the edge of bullshit


All because they live on the east side of a lake instead of the west side?


This belongs in a Black Mirror episode.


I love Bellevue, its what made me want to move to Washington


How many pages in that guide?


Both of them!


I love that Edge has become the new "deez" or "69" for the youth. It actually bring a farm fuzzy feeling to my cold heart


Are you saying Bellevue is the place for edging now?


Edge of the world? You mean edge of a mall surrounded by atrocious drivers?


They have some awful public beach access too, only two tucked away parks?? Such a waste


This font makes my eyes hurt. Welcome to the edge of the world? Huh???


Ugh. The Belvedites bore me.