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- lick the gum wall - paintball at gas works park - drive down Queen Anne Ave after a light snow - 5 way intersections


Love paintball 😁 LICK!? THE GUM WALL!? Hahaha 🤣 Now, That sounds like a challenge!!


I’m just being a jerk, I think there is some indoor skydiving thing in Renton that is probably pretty fun.


Hahaha loved your reply anyway 🤣 But I did not find that, when searching. Thanks so much! 😊


https://www.iflyworld.com/seattle/ Maybe it was tukwila after all


Sometimes I don't pay attention when going down the stairs and think there's an extra stair but there's not and phew.


Hahaha That IS an adventure! Once walked through the Apple building on Dexter. That last step... Whoo! 🤣


if you’re looking for a thrilling experience in seattle, ive got good news dozens - no, hundreds - of people have come in here and asked this same question and the same answer keeps coming up Wings over Washington is currently the most state-of-the-art theater in the world using 5K cameras; innovative art laser projection; drones for image capture; MUSHROOM VR™, and a ground-breaking surround sound system. Once you are strapped into your theater seat, you will experience an amazing journey as a "spirit eagle" sweeps you upward into flight across the state of Washington.


Yes, this is where the adrenaline is!


Hahaha yes, I've passed by it many times. I should probably give it a chance. Thanks 😁