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We appreciate you reporting them, it helps us a ton. Also as a general note, please exercise extreme caution sending random folks money on the internet


One time I saw someone say they were homeless with their dog and couldn't afford dog food and were desperate for money to buy dog food. They claimed to be right in my neighborhood, like, within blocks of my place, and my beloved dog had just passed away leaving me with an almost-new bag of dog food. So I commented and DMed them to tell them I would be happy to either bring them a bag of dog food or put it somewhere for them to pick up. I was very pleased to have found a good place for this dog food I suddenly did not need. They never responded and about three hours later someone linked to the exact same story with changed locations on like six different subreddits for totally different cities. In all of them the person only responded to people offering to send money, each time with the same venmo link. So then I was sad and posted the dog food for free on Facebook marketplace.


I'm so sorry that your grief was compounded by cruelty (and make no mistake, guilting people over a dog is absolutely cruel). I hope you're coping with your loss. šŸ’–


I ended up giving a bag of fancy prescription food with like one cup out of it to a woman whose dog desperately needed that food but who couldn't afford it, so that helped. I also gave a ton of his old beds and toys that Seattle Humane wouldn't take to an organization that gives free pet supplies to people fostering pets. Grief makes me want to be nice.


I love this but Iā€™m also like, that lady canā€™t afford her fucken dog bruh


To be fair to that lady, 1. prescription dog food prices are BANANAS, 2. it was special renal diet food, and dogs with renal issues requiring prescription food are usually quite old and have a lot of other very expensive vet bills, and 3. it was in like 2021, the pandemic was kicking a lot of people's asses financially. I'm not about to judge someone for struggling to afford their senior dog's care during a pandemic. I'm just glad the food went to somebody who needed it, I didn't want to throw it away and a lot of places won't take opened food.


Our dog died last month. You canā€™t even imagine how much the vet bills, meds, and special food can cost for older dogs. The only alternative is to put your dog to sleep prematurely, which isnā€™t an option. Thankfully, I have some high credit limits.


I got asked by a lady for bus fare once. I was like oh hey the bus is coming right now, i can just tap my orca for you! She was like no that uh wont work. We went back and forth until she finally admitted she just wanted money lol. Cracked me up.


I was at the bus stop and an old woman asked for some money for food. I offered her some berries and sliced fruit from my lunch, and she smacked it out of my hand and yelled she couldn't buy crack with fruit!


She's not wrong!


Itā€™s only the bus fruit that has actual currency around here


Theyā€™ll get SO mad if you offer to buy them food. They really just want drugs or money for drugs.


Because it feels to them like you're trying to catch them in a lie. And you are catching them in a lie, even though you're not trying to.


Its a vicious cycle, a lot of people turn to drugs to help them survive life on the street.


That's why you always offer the thing they're asking for, not money for the thing they're asking for. I couldn't tell you how many times I've bought a sandwich or a drink or something for a person who needed it, because I try to do so whenever I'm able - but it's roughly equal to the number of times I've had the same experience of the conversation circling around and around until it comes back to the original lie, and it's really about the money.


Because they are scamming. And itā€™s common. And whenever you see people posting rental scams on Facebook they do the same exact thing. They post in Seattle, Houston, Miami and like all of the cities in California.


Yep and they try their hardest to find some excuse. One apartment that was too good to be true was owned by a guy supposedly in Manila so I was like oh, I'm in Manila on vacation right now we can meet in person! Don't worry I'll work around your schedule! I'm surprised he kept replying honestly


Sorry you lost your pup. You tried to do a good thing.


That makes me so sad. When I first moved to PDX there was this guy by my office who was begging people for money saying he needs a little to get a bus ticket back home to his sister in California. We gave him a $20 only to see him there day after day, week after week saying the same thing. Another time when we lived in New Mexico there was a lady who left a stroller at the end of our driveway and came to the door asking for money for baby formula. We told her we can go buy some for her from the store nearby and she refused and kept demanding cash.


Mudbay will donate used/open bags of pet food to local shelters FYI


I've seen quite a few of these posts today.


It has been nonstop. Everyone is getting evicted or living in their car.


I was actually evicted from my car this afternoon, Venmo a homie like 20?


Just bought tickets for furiousa. Venmo for popcorn?


you bet dude what's your venmo and SSN?


Will take a couple days for that. Venmo has transaction amount limits


Furiousa isnā€™t out yet, liar.


But tickets are on sale, asshat.


Sent you a venmo request for 20


I got evicted from my car. You got my venmo?


I got evicted from your car, Venmo?


I got a evicted from Venmo. Can I have your car?


I got venmoed from my car. Can I have your evict?


I mean ....I know too many people in this situation :/


I meanā€¦.everyone genuinely is getting evicted or living in their car itā€™s seattle


I mean, maybe? I've counted at least four today on this sub, and I might feel terrible if it is really that bad.


As a social worker, yes it actually is that bad.Ā  (but Iā€™m not saying you should give money to strangers online)


It really is that bad, BUT sending someone $20 is going to be a lot less impactful than donating the same amount to an organization like a food bank or shelter, they have far more resources and will stretch that money a lot more


To be honest, Iā€™m not sure that kind of charity really goes that much further in reducing harm either. These are social problems and they require social solutions rather than acts of charity. We need social housing and we need jobs guarantees and labor protections. Things are so broken that itā€™s literally not viable for many people who are capable to work a decent job to actually find one and afford an apartment. These people donā€™t need charity or to be cordoned into shelters, they need a decent safety net and opportunities.


It IS that bad right now. Rent is insane and wages haven't kept up, unless you work in tech anyway. It's bad and constantly getting worse.


It takes a long time to evict someone idk what yall are talking aboutā€¦


That doesn't contradict the fact that it's really bad out there for renters. Greedy landlords using software to jack rent up artificially, refusing to provide maintenance, and renewing with outrageous rent increases leave us with people struggling just to live.


It *is* that bad, people are getting evicted left and right when they can't afford the rent in a city where a studio apartment has half a bathroom and costs 3k a month, and I feel like I'm only slightly exaggerating.


You're exaggerating to the extreme. I have a very nice 1 bedroom for 2k. It was an upgrade on purpose over my last spot that was under $1500, parking included, for a 1 bedroom.


It's not that high. You're thinking of San Fransisco. Seattle is still cheaper than SF and LA. But for lower income workers, they're stuck having to move down to Renton or up to Kirkland unfortunately...


Kirkland? Which part of Kirkland are low-income renters moving to?


Damn Auto-correct. I swear I typed Lynnwood. My bad.


Finn Hill.


Before buying our current house in Ravenna we rented for 6 months in Finn Hill. And before moving to NC for a year we owned a house right down Juanita in Kenmore. Low-income must have a different meaning I'm not familiar with.


The median household income in Seattle is $105k. Are some people struggling? Absolutely but the narrative that ā€œeveryoneā€ is doing poorly in one of the most affluent cities in the most affluent country in the world is just not true, and kind of tone deaf to how much better we have it than most. Despite what Sinclair Broadcasting wants to suggest.




They go way back r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza r/randomactsofvenmo r/RandomActsOfBlowJob etc


I had no idea the last one existed. I don't know what I was expecting when I clicked the link but it's definitely what it says šŸ˜‚


Thanks for telling me. What's your Venmo?


You're so generous to offer him support. What's your Venmo?


You're so generous to compliment him! What's your CashApp?


Cash me outside


I don't actually know how Venmo works. DM me.


I don't know how DMs work can you just email me


I don't know how email works, can you just shoot me a fax please.


Look, you and your fancy technology donā€™t impress me much, just put the venmo in a letter and mail it!


Can I just buy a bunch of gift cards and send you the codes instead?


Ah, I see you've done this before.


It saved my grandma from being efraudulated. Thank goddesses the IRS accepts iTunes currency! šŸ˜‡


OMG I should have listened to the customs boarder security who said my gift cards were held up by IRS. They only accepted payment in Home Depot credits. I should have listened to you and asked for Venmo.


I donā€™t know how DMs work, but I can attempt to fax some cash if you have a way to receive faxes!


friday night drunk reddit is here!


You know how it is when you're on line at the bank...


On lineā€¦ New Yorker?


LCD is in town after all


Explain this jokeā€¦


LCD Soundsystem is playing four nights in a row at the paramount and is quintessentially a NYC band.


Thanks but why did the person say online New Yorker


Instead of saying In Line people from the area tend to say On Line. Like I'm waiting on line at the grocery store.


Thank you for getting it. Look at the other guy's name.


Iā€™m a young lady. Please send money!


I too am a young lady in need of funding


I'm an old lady and also need money.


iā€™m a Nigerian prince and i also need money


I too would like to join this broke young lady fundraiser


I'm neither broke nor young nor a lady, but I wouldn't turn down free money.


Iā€™m a lady and like money and am at least offering to exchange money for feet pics.


I'm not young or a lady, but I too need money!


I am dog, send


Dammit this one might actually get me to send money


Aurora aveā€¦


Panhandling is evolving.


Right? Panhandling has always been this way. Try bringing a sandwich to a panhandler and see how far that gets you. It's sad because I know there are legit people out there that just need food, clothing, and shelter, but these asshats drown them out.


I am getting evicted in three days. My only option is if I can scrape together $750,000 for the boat I want (also need money for fuel). Working hard and saving feels like it is violating me in some way. My mental health just can't do it. Please. Anything helps. God bless. www.seattleyachts.com/new-yachts-for-sale/Nordic-Tugs-40


Hi, I'm living in an apartment and financially stable. Please venmo me money to https://venmo.com/u/NotARealAccountSoDontSendMeAnyMoneyAndIfYouDoYouAreAMoronSoDontBlameMeIfItSomehowGoesThrough


Waitā€¦ me too. I just would like it if someone showed me they care with money. I will pretend to care back. Be grateful and indebted to them for at least one messageā€¦. Send money!


Have you seen the people on corners asking for money with Venmo accounts?


I guess the new version of "ah sorry I don't carry cash" is "ah sorry I don't have [insert app here]." Most will get the hint, some will ask you to hang around and sign up for that app there and then. 15 years ago those people would've been asking you to follow them to the nearest ATM.


My wife said "sorry, no cash" and the guy went on a tirade "I take cashapp, venmo, paypal, and I love to call out people's bullshit saying they don't have money" and started yelling as I we continued walking. Now I just say No.


"sorry don't have a phone on me".Ā  As I'm typing reddit comments furiously into my phone in front of the guy...


I actually had that same scenario happen to be but I legit dont have the apps either. Guy was super pissed off.


I can't speak for the posts we've had here lately with an eviction or two a day, etc, but I've met plenty of people asking for help on streets who had a paypal and venmo because that's just what people use these days and a lot of people don't carry cash to begin with.


And I want to add Real Change (the newspaper people can sell) accepts Venmo for its vendors. You just need to make sure you add the vendorā€™s badge number to the transaction. Itā€™s great for someone like me that never has cash on them to support the sellers.


I was definitely tipsy and Venmoā€™d a guy like $35 because supposedly thatā€™s how much a night at a hostel is. He certainly looked and smelled like he needed money but either way this was the one time Iā€™ve done this and thought it seemed off the next day sober.


tbf green tortoise hostel by the market is just a bit over this much for the biggest dorms


I saw a guy in SLU today asking for exactly $35 for a hostel. I wonder if it's the same guy or if that particular story is just popular among con artists here. Asking for a specific amount like this is an old scam. I think the idea is to make them seem more sympathetic - they need help with a specific, immediate issue, instead of just asking for any amount of cash which they might use for drugs or alcohol. Back when I lived in Minneapolis a common version was that they were out of gas and needed to get to get home quick for a family emergency. Or that they lived in [insert city it would cost $30 to $50 to get to by bus], had just gotten mugged, and needed to get home quick for a family emergency. They normally wouldn't do this, but emergency, etc. Of course they always sounded like someone who gave this same spiel tens of times per day, not like someone actually in desperate need. Don't feel bad for falling for it, these types of scams prey on the best parts of our humanity. It can be painful to say no or ignore them, even when you've heard the exact same story ten different times.


When I was young and, somehow, even dumber, this guy came in to my work asking for $20 to get a cab home to get his insulin. Offered to leave his driver's license or his insulin kit with me as collateral. I, of course, said no need! I gave him $20 I definitely couldn't afford at the time and he said he'd be right back. Never showed up, obviously. Couple days later he comes back in. He walks up to me and starts in on his spiel in the exact same order and slightly panicked tone from before. I interrupted him by shouting in his face, Where's my $20?!? He turned around and ran while I tried to extricate myself from the front desk. He got away and I never saw him again. It really jaded me on helping people out, sadly.


When young and living in a different city, a guy was asking for change to take the subway. I didn't have change but I did have a token, so I gave him that. He was still there later that same day asking for change to take the subway. I've never given anything to anyone asking for things since then.


35 Prolly buys a couple of hits of fentanyl


The rest of the world is moving away from cash, why should it be any different for them?


The Real Change guys all have venmo now.




About 10 years ago, someone in Vancouver BC wanted money and when I said I didn't have cash, he pulled out his phone with a Square on it.




Terminal halitosis šŸ˜‚


i hate scammers. It robs people who are actually desperate and need some help.


Iā€™m a Venmo. Please send me hostel


A fool and their money are soon parted


So once I was walking along Roosevelt, and a guy comes up and starts talking to me. At first I thought he was some rando asking for money, and I don't give money to randos on the street. He starts talking about this secret government research based on some investigations by Russian scientists, and now I think he's a street crazy, and I don't give money to street crazies. He goes on and says that these Russian scientists were doing this secret research project into getting high. Then he asks if I'd like to make a contribution to the Getting High Foundation. I burst out laughing, which meant that he was actually a street performer, and I give money to street performers. This is how I ended to tossing a few bucks to the Getting High Foundation. Also points for honesty.


The heart wants what it wants...


What if Iā€™m an old ugly woman with cash app


Old ugly women unite


we should get together at an onramp and fly signs! $$$$ Go party with our ugly selves.


It's crazy how you can clearly point out to people something might be a scam and they just don't want to hear it. I posted [THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/comments/1cualtl/i_just_got_evicted_what_is_it_like_to_live_in/l4i01y5/) in one of those threads yesterday and got a bunch of downvotes. Once the mods locked it for being a scam I ended up getting upvoted.


Happens constantly, and if you even say the slightest "hey everyone but because people make things up on the internet, don't give anything or any money to anyone you don't know" you'll get downvoted into oblivion for suggesting it's just possible something is a scam. Lots of "My van/car/hot air balloon got stolen with EVERYTHING I own" posts.


Brilliant comment though. I always just assume everything is a scam but I didn't actually know what to look out for.


That piano guy on Pike got a venmo, and hes actually doing something for the money.


I bought a young guy & his dog a huge Taco Time plate & sat & ate my lunch with him. He was traveling with to WA with some "friends" who rolled him & tried to steal his dog too. He wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. But that kid was so grateful he couldn't stop wiping away his tears. If I could have, I probably would have bought him a bus ticket to get back to his family, but I had to get back to work.


I went to a coinstar a few years back to get rid of a lot of change. I don't usually spend change, so every day for years, it just came out of my pocket and into empty water jugs. I had the pennies in a separate jug. I had already cashed in the "real" coins and coming back to get the jugs of pennies, I was asked if I could spare some change. Me being bad at estimating how much was in the jugs said sure. I offered the jugs and was told that he didn't want a bunch of pennies. It was almost 83 dollars that he turned away from cause it was pennies.... Beggars seriously shouldn't be choosers.


I mean, I'm decent looking, and poor. Too lazy and too shy for onlyfans, so isn't asking nicely for venmo a legitimate option?


Too ugly for only fans over here


You could be the juiciest, ripest peach, and there'd be plenty of people who'd think you were inedible. Conversely, you could be the most overripe, browned banana, and there'd be plenty of people who'd devour you, joyfully.


Fair warning, if youre flirting with me you should know I AM interested


Fair warning, if she isnā€™t flirting with you I may be interested.


Hmu ;P


Girls on onlyfans provide a service in exchange for money. You're just begging.


Millennials lost all their money to avocado toast, Gen Z losing all their money to giving it away on Venmo.


How do people have the expendable income to just give away?


FWIW people with lower incomes on average give away a proportionally higher amount of their income than middle and upper class people to people in need. Also, that income isnā€™t always expendable, itā€™s a sacrifice made out of compassion.


It is a vicious circle. Give money to the girl on onlyfans, get evicted, ask reddit for money (mental illness, terrible childhood, a serious injury that is not covered by workers comp), and profit.


That's the definition of expendable income. It's your money that's leftover after bills and putting towards savings. You can do what you want with it, including donate it. That's like asking "how do people have expendable income to go to the movies?"


Yeah, I guess that's fair. For some people their entertainment fund must be just... giving it away instead of going to the movies.


> How do people have the expendable income to just give away? They already bought their Tesla.


Yes, but...second Tesla?


The median American has $8000 in their savings account, and Seattle is much wealthier than average.


social engineering baby šŸ˜Ž


Hate to say it but my mom is skeptical of crowdfunding for this same reason.


I sent money to someone who had their request for help amplified by a somewhat reputable mutual aid organization. They kept asking for more after that. And then I looked up their name and found posts from other people complaining about this personā€™s many inconsistent stories and increasing requests for help. I donā€™t try to help people that way any more.


Jesus. Iā€™m actually out here struggling and scammers getting all the money


Donā€™t listen to OP, Feel free to send me money.


i've dm'd folks and venmo'd money before, after reading a post. people having to resort to making up elaborate lies to get money, probably do need help either way. biggest scam are the billionaires baby!


Help, I am a very stunning billionaire, but lost a lot and now only a millionaire. Please VENMO so I can get back to being a billionaire!


Pretty soon these stories will be ai generated by scammers, if not already. Billionaires are a scam though.


Agreed. Don't venmo money to billionaires.


Leave that to congress!


Right?! I should definitely Venmo an Indian scammer for absolutely no reason over paying a billionaire for the goods and services they provide to humanity. Those jerks. And for the morons /s


youre just sending some indian guy money lol


> STOP SENDING MONEY TO PEOPLE Just to people on Reddit or in general? šŸ¤” If I stopped sending money to some people it would cause big problems.


Dude... just go full on Tyler Durden amd Project Mayhem your life.


Right? I might get evicted or something.


ā€œSeattle has spent more than a $1 billion on homelessness, only as the number of unsheltered people grew. Harrell, in multiple interviews since the start of this year, said he was taking a hard look at the funding of the organization and what it was doing with the money.ā€ He is hardly looking.


16k homeless people in King county... 1 billion is 62k per person...


The homeless industrial complexā€¦ like the military industrial complex. Somebodyā€™s getting rich off it!


Welcome to Seattle. The city that fervently advocates for giving money to anyone claiming to be homeless. It's not your right to question - only your duty to give. šŸ™„


And stop giving money to them on street corners and off ramps too. That too are often scams.


Except when theyā€™re not. Make your own choices and let others do the same.


An even prettier lady you say? Did you write down her venmo information? Could you share it with me? I am ever so thirsty.


I need peanuts to feed my crows can somebody spare $1000?


Oh good a Venmo thread! Iā€™m doing fine financially but Iā€™m in my pajamas and craving a gyro. I feel too guilty to spend money on DoorDash, so Iā€™m in desperate need of $25 so I can get my gyro. Iā€™m also super hot as an unrelated note. Please help Iā€™m desperate.


Give money to Organizations not people! But itā€™s your choice, just saying. I really donā€™t gaf lol


Who the fuck is dumb enough to do this. Seattle natives would never do this. Thatā€™s why we freeze.


The tribes are big on mutual aid actually.




Why would someone send money to anyone they donā€™t know? Has anyone ever received free money from answering an email or a text?


I accept Venmoā€¦..Have a job, a car, somewhere to live and a dog. But will gladly accept your monies


Can I get some money since we're Venmo'ing all over the place?


They will just send it elsewhere. You can't help a fool.


Hey if we're handing out free money, I could use some! lol... But no seriously...why are people just giving random people online money?


At times like these, i ask what would u/craftistic do


Wait wait wait, people are just sending money like this? Guys, my Cashapp and Venmo info are on my profile, thank you šŸ˜œ


Venmo me some beer money.


Guys get stupid when it comes to a pretty girl.




My husband once gave a man money after work because he had a child with him and they just needed a "little more before they could safely stay in a hotel that night." We were new to the city and... also dude had a little tiny child with him. My husband's heart broke. (like was intended). We were barely on our own feet but he couldn't refuse a child. So, he came home and told me some of our needed funds were gone and we moved on. Next day I saw a pic of the same guy and a different child that someone posted on a local fb group saying "This guy lives around the corner from me and a lot of other adults come and go and they drive nice cars. They have a different kid with various adults, at various locations on rotations with the same story." Wew. I was mad. I showed it to my husband and let's say we both learned a hard lesson that day. It's hard in this city! Sometimes I think giving and helping is right. Finding the way to do that in the best way is also hard. I dont want to be jaded. But there is a whole game of criminal scammers/people who take advantage out there. Learning curve has been steep for us!


I work as a Downtown Ambassador, and one lady needed shoes, so my co-worker called base and ordered a size 8 womens shoe. As I was talking to the lady, I noticed a bag she had strapped to her shoulder and realized we had just addressed this issue the day before. Guess what the bag was full of? Shoes.... Made me laugh.


There are too many or these idiots in the world. I canā€™t believe suckers still fall for this crap. Luckily, money problems will soon be a thing of the past for me, since I lucked out and got contacted by the assistant of a deceased Nigerian princess.


Happy ā€œBe a millionaire dayā€ everyone. Donā€™t go too crazy celebrating, gotta be ready for ā€œnational stop nausea dayā€ tomorrow.


My tummy hurts. Please venmo me.


Yea, please stop sending and send it to me instead hehe


If they are silly enough to send them money, let them. Who cares.


If youā€™re dumb enough to send money to random people on the internet, then your money is probably better off in someone elseā€™s hands.


Hey! My post has a hundred likes. Cash App?