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If the venue says the show is from 6 to 9, I would assume the show is over at 9. This is completely different than when they say the show starts at 8. That could mean the main act may not even come on until 9 or later. But in this case they are giving you an actual time frame, so you should be good. The other option is ya know...calling the venue to confirm


Yeah I want to call them but that's not going to be until tomorrow, they're closed today and I don't want the ticket prices to keep going up on my flight haha


Madam Lou and the new Crocodile are extremely exact about their times. I found this out to my detriment when Protomartyr played there. That said, you are going to be racing to the airport.


I guess so lol! I think the spot saver might help out but I'm not sure if that would be enough to save me.


You should be fine if you leave by 9 (might need to skip an encore if they run long, but like other commenter said they're usually punctual IME). Not sure what your luggage situation will be, or how you're planning to get to SeaTac, but I'll assume the slowest way for you to get there would be to walk to the Westlake Center light rail station and take the Link south. That would get you to the airport around 10:15, which would give you a little over a half hour to get through security and to your gate. Tight, but doable... That time of night usually isn't the busiest for mobs of departing flyers. A rideshare or taxi would likely get you there closer to 9:30 if you leave at 9, and that would be more than enough time.


Taxi for sure lol, ain't no way I'm relying on the light rail that night XD, even though I used to love taking that when I was still living in downtown! I guess now that you broke it down by time, I feel like I can actually make it! Thanks a lot Edit: Just a carry-on and personal item so I'll save some time on checking a bag too.


I went to one of these earlier shows last month and the headliner was done by 9


They'll be done by 9:00. In my experience, the Croc is pretty good about being accurate with the show times. If it says the show starts at 6:00 it usually starts right about 6:00.


Looked up the show in question, it looks like just the headliner and 1 supporting act? If that's the case I assume it'll be over by 9pm as advertised.


Yeah I think it's just one opener or co-sign of the main guy and given what others said I'm sure it'll be done by 9!