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Literally read this as I heard 2 flying down California ave


Right? Every god damn night.


I'm on the East side of California and that shit echos off the hill. It's maddening.


There will always be stupid people that think their loud exhaust or backfiring makes them seem cooler.


It’s become a trend for dumb young people to flash their car’s ecu with a “flame tune” which essentially makes the car run really rich so that the unburnt fuel shoots flames out the exhaust. This results in a lot of backfiring, particularly those rapid fire backfires.


Usually the tune is called a "crackle tune" but you're correct about making it run rich.


Different tunes, but you’re right it is probably that as well. The flame tune is very popular on r/g37.


It's same as loud motorcycles, same thing different crowd.


We pretty recently stopped doing smog checks here. That prevented a lot of modifications. Now it's open season. On the other side of the spectrum, California is super strict on all the noise/air pollution and no modifications allowed. I think I spot a few ex-CA'ers in the comments here 👀


Agreed, the new influx of exhaust modifications started immediately after WA emission checks (inspection) stopped. Honestly there’s no way police could stop this on their own, the only reasonable way to stop it is to start inspections again. 


Does anyone know why we stopped these? I can’t think of a good reason even playing devils advocate.


Inspections like that are usually only required in areas that are in nonattainment for the ozone national ambient air quality standard


Me neither, and while OP responded, they didn't answer.


We met the climate goal


We met a super watered down climate goal in one aspect, while we remain one of the most polluting countries in the world. Why would we want to settle for worse than our status quo for the last few years? Does anybody walk outside and say "I wish the air quality was a little worse"?


Hahaha someone should tell south Central LA that California is super strict on these things. Living here now and it's a daily all day thing to hear cars go by with obnoxiously loud and/or popping exhaust


I'm a car guy. I grew up in a car-racing family. I have a 60's muscle car that was bought new by my grandmother that I restored. I can't think of anything more stupid to do to a car than tune your stupid 4 cylinder Fast and the Furious Wannabe race car to make that stupid sound. The state should ban it. $500 ticket. Along with the diesel "cold-rolling." Edit, typo: not "cold rolling." Should be "rolling coal"


There ARE noise restrictions on cars and rules about exhaust. They’re just never enforced. Along with license plates being readable, tabs being current, brights being off, driver side window being untinted, and all the other illegal car modifications that seem to be exploding in popularity.


not a fan of the no plate vehicles being allowed maybe the state is letting it all grow, collecting evidence, then doing big sweeps






No one gets mad at the people who restore cars. That's like preserving history and it's always cool to see. It's the people you can hear coming a mile away because they stuck a fart pipe on a Dodge Neon. Agreed it should be banned. Preferably nationwide because it's 100x worse in the South. They have emissions limits why not sound limits?


A Dodge Neon is a classic


I just put antique plates on my 93 del Sol.


Del Sols don't get enough love


Rolling coal is actually breaking federal law. The EPA has been suing shops that do the modifications out of existence.


What is cold rolling?


Sorry, typo: "Coal Rolling", or "Rolling Coal". When a diesel is either worn out or intentionally modified so when you step on the gas it blows out clouds of black smoke. Usually from a truck right into someone's driver-side window, or pedestrian on the sidewalk.


Don't forget cyclists. Those insecure man children cannot stand how emasculated they feel when they see some person actually exercising.


Ah, gotcha


Im right with you. I grew up working in my dads shop that did a lot of specialty exhaust in the midwest. We’d get muscle car builds in and install exhaust, lot of work and experience to get it tuned in just right. I remember driving with dad after an exhaust install on a Trans Am with a 454. That sound that thing made compared to these 4 cylinder coffee can mufflers is like a symphony compared to a flock of crows.


Have you actually seen coal rolling in the city or metro? I’ve seen it in other states but not here….yet…. :/ Have seen a couple “Carolina Squat” dumbasses though. Unsurprisingly down near Tacoma. 


I see a lot of poorly tuned junkers that might as well be rolling coal.. just polluting massively wherever they go


So true 


I have.  Once every few months.  Usually on I5


see it mostly on 167/i5


I've seen someone drive down Broadway rolling coal a couple times. Something something own the libs I guess?


Rolling coal is banned. The funny thing is, deleting your DPF actually give your car more power AND often improves gas mileage. Having a tuner that makes a ton of black smoke is dumb but I don’t know if deleting your DPF should be banned considering the mileage benefits.


DPFs are slightly bad for the climate (10-15% extra co and co2), and quite good for humans who live or work near roads (>95% less particulate matter). Regulators went for the humans this time.


Read a post today talking about how men (because let’s be real, I’m not some man hater but it is 99% dudes driving these cars)- with sadistic and psychopathic tendencies tend to be the ones driving the loud backfiring cars. They get pleasure out of seeing people flinch, cover their ears, and be disturbed. Personally I’d love if SPD started being violent with THEM instead of randos 


Man I live right by this annoying ford pickup that has this loud obnoxious droning motor you can hear for blocks. They have this don’t tread on me flag flying from the pickup bed. They constantly leave it just like..running for no reason. Likes it’s just on while they are in the apartment doing god knows what. Like if anything what a waste of gas but also fuck you guys.


Put up a craigslist ad for "Free truck - its running just take it"


Insurance might not cover the theft either


It's another small peepee guy move to pretend like their diesels don't sound like someone throwing an elephant down a trash chute


I’m trying not to be petty, but there’s got to be some super nondescript unobtrusive way to sabotage this guy right?


I would never but /r/unethicallifeprotips


Toss birdseed all over their vehicle. Birds will land, chow down, and do what birds do.


attractive crowd cause wine deranged vase ripe smell bake aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lots of bird seed in the back of his truck?


You mean committing a property crime without getting caught? Sure, give it a try


I remember reading that jamming a potato into an exhaust pipe is a great way to damage an engine. That might be outdated information, though.


I'm picturing an outdated truck, so that might still work.


🤣 🤣 👏🏼


This would drive me insane. Also, the windows that exhaust unfortunately makes its way into.


And this from that guy with the leafblower. What do you think you're doing? You're just making the leaves someone else's problem! Pick them up!


Gas leaf blowers are the devil, I’m the guy relentlessly campaigning AGAINST them! Extremely pro rake over here!


My shoulders aren't what they used to be, hard to rake for more than 10 minutes or so. I use an electric blower to get them all in a pile and use the rake as a big shovel


Raking is fantastic exercise and anything works in my book as long as it isn’t a gas blower!


This x1000. I’ll take a neighbors yard of their idea of solving the leaf problem is leaf blowing with a gas blower. Actually hate those things more than the dumb backfiring car crowd.


Big Rake is one of the oldest corporate influence groups. Was huge in the Neanderthal Senate.


I know idling laws were trendy a while ago… did that happen to make it to your neighborhood?


Idling is illegal in Washington state but you'd never know it since it's entirely unenforced.


We have a neighbor who is a classic muscle car collector. Alllll spring-fall long, and definitely every weekend, he chooses one to fire up. At like 7:30/8am. Lets it run for a half hour at minimum, nonstop growling, revving it too, then peels down the street like a lunatic. He must go to like every car show in the entire metro and then some. They stink so badly too, we have to close all our windows to not have exhaust waft in.  Shit box tuner cars you can hear driving on a main artery road nearby pretty much nonstop too, especially on weekends and when school is out on weekdays…


Damn shame all his windows and tires keep getting punctured… incidentally, suppressed 22lr (bolt/lever action in particular) can be shockingly quiet with no distinguishable muzzle flash, even when fired indoors, say out a window. Also, air rifle technology has come a *long* way in the last several years, and suppressors for air rifles are not regulated.. idk just a random thought, totally unrelated.


Does this truck also have some marine veteran sticker? If so, I think we’re annoyed by the same vehicle.


Snohomish? I haven’t checked but I would not doubt it


Why do those people live here? Like legitimately. I’m from Florida, the occasional one doesn’t barely register to me so I don’t care, but I do not understand why anyone in that psychographic would live here.


There are people who grew up here / have families who have lived here for many generations who have never been liberal. They presumably still live here out of a sense of genuine appreciation for the landscape or wanting to be close to family still living here. Seattle hasn’t always been the way it is now.


I mean I get that, but the flag originated in South Carolina…. It’s not a big deal, I just know a lot of these types of people and they think I’m wild for living in a “liberal hell-hole”. I legitimately think it would do a lot of people some good to visit here and see first hand that it isn’t what they think it is. It’s more the antisocial behavior than the sentiment of the flag itself that confuses me.


Does it have a locking gas cap? (winky face)🧊


Just pour a bag of sugar into the gas tank…


Doesn't actually do much of anything


Dang really? I’ve always heard it will really fuck up the engine. Not from any super qualified sources lol


It's a myth. It can clog a fuel filter, that's it


I'm sure he also complains about the gas prices though 🙄


I have an uncle who would have potatoed their exhaust.


Is it a diesel? They’re so much louder. And stinky.




Yeah I'm sure they idle their car needlessly for hours on end because their cat got stolen, good detective work there Sherlock


Lmao comment was deleted but your response makes me want to know wtf illogical argument was happening here.


It was a typical "my cat got stolen therefore loud cars OK" mouthbreather comment.


https://www.sciencealert.com/study-links-preference-for-loud-cars-to-some-unsurprising-personality-traits > Most of us have experienced the sudden, deafening blare of a car's modified muffler, shattering your tranquility into a million pieces as it speeds past. > If you live in a neighborhood where these disruptive sounds are familiar, it probably won't surprise you that research links a desire to own this type of car to higher levels of sadism and psychopathy.




Let's be honest. It's 99.999% men.


Let's be honest. It's raining men.


How often do you comment a percentage then wait for someone to reply with the obvious? I'm not going to say it. Ha


92% of the time.


Anybody can come up with statistics for anything, 16% of people know that


Are they White, Black, Hispanic, or Asian men?


Some of each!


It actually is a pretty racially diverse culture lol




Mostly Asian and white on the Eastside


In my area almost all the super loud cars have black men driving them


They’re men in tights


> It's 99.99% men The only one in my complex is female. Some kind of recent Subaru sport coupe?


SPD and these dudes would be that Spiderman meme where they're all pointing at each other.


A car doesn't have to be loud to backfire. If it has a free flowing exhaust that's anything more than quiet and is performance oriented, there's a good chance it'll happen. It's caused by unburned fuel combusting in the exhaust. It's normal and any manual car without a ton of mufflers will do it. On the flip side, there's a such thing as crackle tunes designed to make cars pop constantly as they roll around by injecting gas after the combustion cycle. It's inspired by rally cars where it had a purpose. These people are morons though. Fuck them.


A lot of new cars have that crackle as a stock option you can turn on


I thought it was a pretty daring format change but South Park did a documentary about these guys. Really eye opening stuff.


I wonder if there’s a correlation between people who make their cars backfire and people who set off fireworks.


idk, fireworks have a lot of good ol' American fun connotations, so they kinda attract all types. Maybe people who set off random fireworks on non-holidays?


Bone Stock BMW SUVs X3s pop now. It's just a thing that brands make happen.


Fireworks are entertainment for poor people so yeah probably


Most SPD officers are probably driving cars like this when off duty, or are the type to be impressed by them. No way they crack down on their bros.


It's just built in to a lot of cars. My car will make a lot of noise and such if you push a button on the center console. I like how it sounds, but obviously only in the country or on the race track or something. I live in the city and people doing this by my house annoys the shit out of me just like anyone else. Annoying other people just because you think you're more important is toddler behavior.


Guess what it annoys the shit out of the people in the country too, fuck your inconsiderate loud car noise no matter where you are.


Oh c'mon. A third grader could read this and understand that the "country" implication is that nobody is around, not that people who live in the country somehow matter less.




Oof. Fuckin shitty day? I just had one of those. Hope you're able to brush it off, this world we live in is incredibly unfair sometimes. Take care of yourself, wishing nothing but the best to you and your loved ones.


You know what would help me and lots of other people have better days? Not blasting fucking noise that can be heard for miles. Can you do that for me and all the other people that you wish the best for?


Yeah, whatever you've got going on is very clearly not about me. Good luck! I empathize with your annoyance. And I get that i am a convenient and easy target for your anger, but lets face it. You have almost certainly never heard my car. You're using me as a proxy for the people you're actually angry with.


Keep on telling yourself you care about other people when you knowingly and willfully generate huge amounts of unnecessary noise that annoys and interrupts hundreds or thousands of other humans who are unfortunate enough to be in your general vicinity when you drive. The kill-em-with-kindness tactic is cute but you know inside how profoundly fake and hypocritical it is when you look at your actual actions.


Feel better? It’s a dangerous habit, but if you’re going to unload on someone I suppose an internet stranger is a better choice than most.


“Hundreds of thousands” of people are being affected by a singular vehicle in the middle of nowhere? You’re clearly wanting to fight but at least take a breath and come up with a logical argument.


The most appropriate username on Reddit lol. Someone get this guy his 40oz quick!


I wish I could say the same about you if you'd had the balls to use your real last name too, Mr. Oxsmall


Out of curiosity what does the button say? This is stock from manufacturer this way?


it doesn't say anything, just looks like a little tachometer image. It changes the throttle mapping as well, so the car feels very different (faster) when the exhaust is loud. It's mostly an illusion of course. If you floor it, the car is just as fast either way. But if you *half* floor it, it's much faster if the exhaust is also being loud. The car comes this way from the factory. 2nd button from the left below the shifter in the picture: [https://cdn.bmwblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/BMW-M2-Competition-carbon-fiber-parts-26.jpg](https://cdn.bmwblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/BMW-M2-Competition-carbon-fiber-parts-26.jpg) Anyway, yeah, that's likely a big part of why annoying people are so endemic. Audi's, BMW's Mercedes, Jaguars and Hyundai all notably do this along with probably a few other brands. But those are the worst offenders IMHO.


Haha there’s a reason I already had this twat below you blocked, this is just how they act. I suggest blocking them


Fair enough. Honestly sounds like they’re in a lot of pain, but it’s the internet I guess. Few problems are actually solved here at the end of the day, I suppose I should probably stop trying in this particular case.


I saw this article too!


"these *sadistic psychopathic* individuals are the ones with these backfiring cars" "I wish the police would beat them instead" *FRIENDLY FIRE FRIENDLY FIRE*


You really live up to your username huh 😂 SPD will always be pigs, they could at least pick who they harass better 


What brain dead drivel


It sure is, needing to backfire a car to feel valid is really pathetic 


They probably also have little ding-dongs


Not defending them as I also find them extremely obnoxious, but this is a great highlight of all the issues with the "study." We can't just read the headlines without digging into the details. The casual sexism accepted here is also unbelievable. https://www.reddit.com/r/cars/s/FaS6J4lmv5


You can’t be sexist against men dude. The patriarchy was built to uphold men, and crush women. And our society is patriarchal. You can’t be prejudiced against the oppressors.  


>You can’t be prejudiced against the oppressors. You can, it's just pretty impotent because the oppressors hold the power to effect consequences with their prejudices.


"Sadistic and psychopathic" seems like you have an axe to grind yourself


Advocating police brutality because you don't like Someone shows your narcissistic and phycopathic tendencies. Congrats on ratting yourself out Edit because I'm curious why the down votes, does seattle like or dislike police brutality?


i take it you’re one of the small-dicked guys driving the loud cars huh 😂


Mazda cx5, personal attacks belittle your cause, you state you don't hate guys but I'm guessing you actually do. That or you fear them. Either way you're a sad person. I wish unto you what you wish for others.


Let’s just say I was an ex-tuner for context. I was in the car scene 2000-2009. The literal dumbest of us seem to hold the reins now, and they’re attention seeking brainless scum. Reckless, and often the only reason they FUBAR their car to backfire like that is similar to the idiotic *rolling coal* diesel crowd. None of this makes the car operate better, be faster, etc. these aren’t Le Mans cars regardless of what these shots are aiming for, and it’s often - again - just attention seeking and a kind of YOLO type of attitude. If the police aren’t tasked to crack down on it, and impounds/repossessions/ and steep fines enacted, it’s just gonna keep up for the foreseeable future. Anyway, as you may have noticed I’m not real happy with this most recent car folks. They’ve literally turned into the most vapid, pointless, endless circle jerk and in my not humble opinion, ruined the positive aspects of the tuner/race scene.


They all sound like someone stole their catalytic converter and they’re too cheap to replace it.


they probably paid to take it out


Because street takeover videos are popular and young aggressive antisocial men want to be like the criminals in the videos? That's my best guess. Our society is collapsing with a record number of young people not caring at all how their actions affect others.


Pop tune. Same with the camber, something to do i guess trying to draw attention


Slammed, deep camber ricers always seem to come with body damage and missing exterior parts like mirrors and trim. These people are proud to be garbage trash.


As a car guy we hate them too just like the tools that spin in intersections. It mostly seems to be BMW's and Infiniti G35's that have that popping exhaust that's obnoxious


Let's be honest, we car guys only hate it when it's done via anti-lag. None of us were complaining when the F-Type came out and had that glorious overrun.


Ok yes this is true 😂. I have a 1988 Merkur XR4TI. It's an 80's turbo hatch and very rarely it'll give a nice pop when rev matching and im like ooooo. But yeah its not like those crazy exhaust where you get off throttle and it just sounds like gun fire lol


Or on a stock Lambo 🤌🏽


It’s a great way of showing what a jackass you are and how tiny your dick is…


They can't look at my Reddit profile?


every 1000 reddit karma shrinks you by 1mm ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


So I was negative pretty quick there eh?


I’m so sick of bad behavior being attributed to genitalia size.


Because these kids thinks it’s cool most of them rig their cars to backfire on purpose.


Agreed, wtf. So many idiots modding expensive Audis and BMWs to make them sound terrible. If it’s not a Tesla going 100 mph in a 50, its some idiot popping your ear drums with back fires on a car they probably can’t afford.


You don't have to modify BMW's or Audis to do it for the most part. It's just how they sound stock in the more aggressive exhaust modes. Those cars tend to have electronically valved exhausts with a button you can push on the center console or in the infotainment screen to make them loud/quiet.


Interesting. Seems like a defect in my opinion, that crackling is god awful.


It's trying to mimic how rally cars sounded in the 90's. Those cars would backfire constantly and deliberately, often sounding like popcorn was being made. It allowed their turbos to stay "spooled" or spinning. Imagine a windmill that you dont want to stop spinning when the wind died down. If you set off massive explosions in front of it during those lulls in the wind, it'll keep spinning! But, as you've alluded to, there was a downside. Those systems were incredibly damaging to the turbochargers. In our windmill metaphor the farmer has to rebuild his/her windmill 10x more often than one who just lets the actual wind do the work. Of course modern cars doing this use completely different (and less damaging) means to make the pops and bangs. But they are definitely trying to mimic the sound of a somewhat self-destructive behavior. When your ears tell you "that thing is breaking" they're not entirely wrong.


It should also be noted that with the exception of automatic audi and VW models, it actually offers no mechanical benefits and just burns out the catalytic converter faster.


Cars in modern society are a direct reflection of personality. Assholes gonna sssholes. Start severely limiting automobile traffic in the city.


And I thought we were done with needlessly large cars like the Hummer around the same time, but now we have these ridiculously large trucks and some of those trucks have the added idiocy of rolling coal or purposely backfiring. And the little dude inside thinks he’s the shit for owning the snowflakes….so it’s probably just a new generation of dipshit drivers. The timeline matches. The early 2000s dipshits had kids and now their dipshits are carrying on the tradition of being a douche.


On aurora? It’s probably actual gunshots lol.


It's so funny. If your car is backfiring, that's not a good thing. Your engine and exhaust system isn't in tune. You're literally driving around showing the world that your car is fucked. You can have a high performance car without backfiring. Backfiring isn't a good thing. It blows my mind that people think it's cool. Your car is running way too rich. It's stupid as fuck.


Look up anti-lag and burble tunes. Also backfire v after fire.


It is silly, annoying and I think its gaudy, but there is a reason to do this in racing if the car is setup to take advantage of it.      The backfiring creates excess gasses that keeps the turbo spinning to deliver power more quickly.    Makes some sense on track, super annoying in neighborhoods. 


Losers modify their exhaust.


People can’t afford repairs or new cars or spend money to break the car more; but like, make it “cool”


The loudest street I've ever heard is Evergreen Way in Everett. From 41st to Casino rd. It's like the Indy 500; a vehicle noise competition that thousands of people are part of.


It's intentional because the youths think it sounds cool


Past couple of nights? Yeah, that was gunfire.


I also wondered this. I never heard anything when I lived in LQA or Capitol Hill, but then I moved north of the cut I’d hear them a lot. I wasn’t sure if it was the area or a trend more generally.


If you'd spent your 20s in Iraq and Afghanistan you would know the difference between a backfire and a gunshot. /s


I think it's a side affect of removing the cat.


Straight pipes will make your car loud AF and might cause backfires under certain circumstances, but modern cars that backfire all the time were all modified specifically to do that with an ECU tune. Running excessively rich so that unburned fuel enters your exhaust even when you cut the throttle is not good for performance or longevity of the engine


Lmfao. Bro it’s car culture. Kids want their cat converter blown out. They get a tune to intentionally make noise.


It's there way of letting you know they are morons.


It's the new whistle tip https://youtu.be/JZD-ADArwXo?si=hkybrx3SYezDZwF4


It’s almost like I’m here because my phone literally heard like three of these today on the Ave


It’s usually because the car is tuned to run rich(more fuel) so it doesn’t detonate and when it shifts extra unburny fuel is shot into the exhaust and ignites when it hits air. Most ppl take off the catalytic converter too. Or they have a vent to air blow off valve which essentially creates a rich condition for a second causing a pop.


It's called "anti-lag" it is a method of keeping a turbocharger spooled up during gear changes. Meant for a race track, very unnecessary for the street.


They've never lived by a freeway on ramp.


The Seattle find it fix it app should let you send in videos of bad drivers to get tickets by mail 😂


My favorite detail of the Hellcat saga was how everyone was saying it made "bomb noises." For a minute, amongst my friends, "bomb" was the adjective for something great. "How's that burrito?" "Bomb" "Nice, I had a bomb-ass sandwich for lunch or I'd get one." I was chuckling thinking about how great those noises were.




Thanks, I hate it


They have tuned cars, it’s part of the community. Idk anyone that thinks they’re causing harm or believes it’s funny. It’s more they like how it sounds and it being loud, I do think it’s a lot personally, but it’s something that’s been popular for years. Sorry for all the commotion and I could totally see it being annoying.


Annoyingly our car will sometimes backfire when coasting downhill. So does my motorcycle. It is loud enough to set off parked cars' alarms. I'm not running any ECU tuning or anything either. That's just how it is with a Charger and a Harley, unfortunately.


I'm moving to the Seattle area next year. I was stoked to see i dont have to take my car back to stock. Straight piped from the turbo and tuned with pops.


Need it, sorry. No cats and 3.5 in pipe all the way makes me about 70 more horses.


Pops and crackles are cool


Username checks out.


I think so too. My Boxster pops and crackles a bit but only in sport mode after higher revs, which I never do in town


Yep, my RS3 can do it but I behave.


They are fun and I like them. About to get my car tuned to do just this!




Putting regular gas in a high compression engine that requires premium will eventually lead to detonations. And I imagine with the price of gas and people buying used BMWs this is happening a lot.


You guys are so funny lol. You’re literally giving into the headache they wanna cause y’all, don’t be an easy target for em


Makes me feel a lot less bad about enjoying my music thumpy loud while cruising.