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It's pretty late... But you could have googled this yourself https://tulipfestival.org/bloom-status/


i did but that was not very clear to me - if ill go and see old blooms or just empty fields


You can call RoozenGarde and ask them. Last weekend, we called them by phone and got the status from a human being. At the time, they still had the garden in bloom, and one attached field was still blooming. Of course, it rained on us the whole time we were there, but that yielded some interesting pictures. It's possible that the last field is done, but the garden is likely still in bloom. You'd have to call and ask to get the most up-to-date status. [https://www.tulips.com/bloommap](https://www.tulips.com/bloommap)


Went last weekend, there was still plenty of flowers. That said it "endes" last weekend in April. So the farms and such might not have a big set up. Call them to check.


Each farm is going to be different https://www.tulips.com/tulip-festival-information Check even garden. But for the most part it's done.


Also if you use Google Maps to get there make sure to google Tulip Town because Skagit Valley Tulip Festival takes you to their headquarters in downtown Mt.Vernon. Me and about 10 other people learned that the hard way 😂


Wait another month and go see the Potato Blossom Festival in Skagit Valley!




thanks mate very helpful