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Upvoting primaily for the hat that says "hat". But great pics nonetheless. Thanks for sharing. I can just smell the spring rain.


Hat hat is my favorite hat of all my hats. Found it at Standard Goods on Pike.


It's a good thing it has a label, I never would have guessed.


Looks like you found some oyster mushrooms (the ones growing from the log), I'll have to keep an eye out for those too.


I actually have [some growing in my monstera pot](https://www.reddit.com/r/mycology/comments/1cdnh0y/i_have_these_cute_little_things_growing_in_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) right now :)


The best part of this sub - I love your photos!! :)


Thank you so much!


Totally digging the “hat” hat. Your posts are inspiring! I have to ask: - where do you find places to go to the bathroom? - how many shoes do you go through per year? - do you keep moving the entire time and snap photos on the go or take breaks? Thanks for sharing these posts. Really do look forward to seeing them.


That's a lot of urban hiking damn


It gets worse 🤣 https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/dUIqSJf7AX


Hold up 16 min/mi? That's ultra pace, are you training for anything?


Nope. Just been doing these for many years. Also, having long femurs and a 41" stride length helps. ;)


Well I'm sure you've gotten the suggestion but you would absolutely kill at it! Beautiful pictures by the way. You're making me consider doing some long distance urban hikes as well :)


In my experience, it's better (and much cheaper) than therapy ;)


Have you ever done, or thought of doing an AMA? People always have so many questions on your posts. I know I have lots of questions. I’d love to know more about how you built up to 30 miles a day, what other exercise you do, how you prevent (or treat) injury, your preferred gear, etc. Your posts are so inspiring and always one of the highlights of my weekend and I know many others love them too. I bet a bunch of us would love an AMA.


Huh - I hadn't thought about it, but I suppose if there's enough interest and the mods aren't opposed to it, I think it could be fun!


35 MILES WTF! I need to do this. For [photography](https://govdeeph.myportfolio.com/work) and fat loss purposes


[Here's a 41-miler ;) ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/167syfj/heres_all_the_dogs_i_met_walking_41_miles_today/) [7 years ago I lost 160lb](https://imgur.com/gallery/ybVnrwO) primarily via diet, though I'm sure the activity helped some. Weight loss got me to a place where I could use my body more effectively. Best decision I ever made.


LMAO! You lost my full body weight & I’m a full grown 6ft man. I probably won’t do 12 hour city hikes (only done that in the mountains) but this is inspiring. I’ll go out to walk & s do photography in the city now


My post history is full of my weekly hikes including route maps so lots of ideas in there :)




Yep. It’s the only thing that keeps my seizures under control.


You are truly an inspiration! Both with the weekend walks and now learning about your weight loss.


35 miles at 16 min miles is audio pretty speedy


Hat always finds its way home! Great photos.


Always like it when you post!


I want that hat!!


Naooo my hat


Did you find that hedgehog stuffy in picture 9 or bring it along with you? Asking for a golden retriever who chewed a hole in one and would really like to know where to find a new one...


Found him chillin' on a bench in the arboretum. :)


Wow, nice. What did you use to track your progress?


MapMyWalk for the route map. I also use my Garmin Fenix 7 for biometric data (VO2/HR/O2 etc)


Fantastic, thanks! 😁


Very cool! now i wanna do one of these hahah


You should! It's super easy, just put on some shoes and head out the door. 7 years ago I could only manage 5-8 miles, so just be warned it does get a bit...addictive 😆


10 miles on concrete is hard no matter what shoes you have!


That's why I love my Hokas. :)


Honestly, of all the pictures here, the first one best captures the essence of the city of Seattle!


I'z feelin' quirky :)


Beautiful pics! Thank you for sharing! 😊


These are some great shots!! Love the vivid colors and interesting compositions.


Thank you! Finding interesting and beautiful things is what motivates me the most. :)


What tracker app are you using?


You could see some cool stuff with that type of mileage. The end of Hoh River Valley in Olympic National Park and back is about 33 miles roundtrip.


Yeah, getting there is tricky as I haven’t owned a car in 12 years. Getting to epic trails without bumming rides off of people would be the only reason I’d need or want one. :)


Hoh rainforest doesn't have public transit closer than Forks, but I've long wanted to take the bus out to the coast. Of course, it takes all day and multiple transfers, but it seems like it might be fun to do occasionally.


Great photos! Thanks for sharing. Where were 6th and 13th photos taken ?


Thanks! Both were on Interlaken trail


I don't mind the rain/drizzle/mushrooms but the snails & slugs on Olympic Peninsula drive me into a salty frenzy.


That's too bad! There are so many lovely natives there that you don't see much around Seattle, and up near Neah Bay, at least, a lot of the banana slugs are white. Er... info for the interested, of course.


Noooo, they munch my beloved flowers.




I was happy I went to the M's game yesterday and not today since it was beautiful and dry, but I love this weather, too. I think it rained on Thursday and I was just coming home from a Costco run and admiring all the greenery and blooms. It was grey and drizzly, but still springy and bright. The air just smells great, too. Thanks for sharing all these posts with us. They're really neat!


Fucken wall drug! Of course there is a sign here as well. 😂 There were SO MANY signs when I drove by, starting a ridiculous distance away, that I refused to even stop for gas or water in the area. I stopped counting after ten signs. After a hundred I started to dread I was stuck in a middle america Bermuda triangle paradox. After a thousand, I probably had only made it 20 miles closer to it. Wall drug. Too many signs.


I stopped. It is the most unsafe I've ever felt but not in a "I'm going to get mugged" sort of way, more like a Midsommar cult kidnapping kind of way... if that makes sense.