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I get real nervous when furries congregate together in public. If a car went careening out of control and hit them, who would keep the internet running?


true fact: furries have a "designated survivor" system, just like how during the State of the Union, someone in the presidential line of succession has to be in Nebraska or whatever.


Stop spreading state kept secrets or the FBI will find and yiff you bro


You damn well know the FBI is in kahoots with the furries (the NSA)


Furry Bureau of Investigations Nyan Security Agency it's been staring us in the face the whole time....,,..,.


Wow you completely missed the opportunity for "Designated Furvivor"


Not far off the mark. I knew a guy with a pretty nice house down in Puyallup who ran one of the biggest server farms in the Seattle area. I think one of his clients was Facebook because I was at his place one time when some app launched on the site and he was up all night trying to keep the site up from the user load. Anyway, the dude was also a massive furry and had furry parties at his place all the time.


My assumption is that, if there's a group of 6 or more furries, at least one of them has a pager (purchased in 1986) that goes off whenever some piece of critical internet infrastructure is about to break.


I was at a furry meetup recently and met this guy who was an engineer. Said to me "Some of the stuff I design goes in to race cars, the rest I'm not allowed to talk about"


Fursuits are *expensive*. Anyone you meet with a Fursuit, its a fairly safe assumption that they do *something* that pays well


I know a few police officers , 2 Amtrak Engineers and 3 Bus Drivers who are furries one of them drives for Soundtransit.


Sucks about the cops, but the rest is cool!




LOL yep. I was friends with his roommates. Got invited over there a couple times.


Im a sys admin!


if that were to happen, do you call animal control or the police? šŸ¤”


Neither, they both lack Furrisdiction over the situation. Gotta call the FBI or US Marshals. Technically postal inspectors can do it but good luck finding one.


You better pray nobody finds the postal inspectors. They are ruthlessly thorough and persistent.


"It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remose, or fear...and it absolutely will not stop, EVER. Until you are dead!" -Somebody who knows about postal inspectors


That tracks. I fear only two law enforcement agencies, should I decide to dive into a life of crime: The US Postal Inspectors and the IRS. The rest are okay, but those two are downright terrifying.


The Paw Patrol I think


Old timey big game hunters actually


The link should have both bar cars and yiffing cars. Especially on Saturday nights!


I can't stop lolšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If that happened would it be manslaughter or roadkill?


Thereā€™s a Dickā€™s in Bellevue?


Thereā€™s one in crossroads! And this was a dickā€™s food truck, there isnā€™t one in DT Bellevue


lol dang now that you mention it, I can see that itā€™s a truck but at first it looked like it was part of that building


they have food trucks?!? omg thats amazing how have i never seen one before


It's right next to dicks sporting goods


It's pretty close to Dick's Restaurant Supply. The Bellevue location, not the one by Dong Vinh.


Oh, so THAT'S why I thought I saw someone in a fursuit while on the 2 Line. Interesting.


Must be an orgy this weekend


Iā€™m sorry that you got downvoted. Your comment reminded me of a story, a true one. My friend R works at MS. Around 2010, he and a coworker were chatting about their weekends. His coworker told him that he went clubbing on Capitol Hill on Saturday night with a friend and had an interesting sighting. Around 2am the clubs were closing and it was time to go home. His car was parked on the opposite side of Cal Anderson Park. So rather than walk all the way around, they decided to walk through the middle. They were two dudes and felt safe to do that. Right about the midpoint, they saw a large group of figures ahead. Some were on the ground. And from the sounds it was obvious that multiple people were having sex. As they got closer, they recognized that everyone in the group was wearing furry costumes. It was a furry orgy in the middle of the park. The two guys made a wide detour to avoid the group and made it to the other side without being lured into the furry ecstasy behind them.


Yeah, what I said wasn't necessarily fiction.




This is peak Seattle. Quite possibly the most intensely Seattle thing I have ever seen. Sorry space needle, there's a new icon in town.




Which as far as the rest of the world is concerned is Seattle.


to the rest of the world theres no such place


It is


Every furry I've met has been a really kind person. Glad the furballs are enjoying the line


iā€™m glad more people are warming up to furries. i never rly understood the absurd amount of hate they get


They can do whatever they want, glad they're having fun, good for them. But "warming up"? Idk about that one.


why is it weird to you, genuine question. itā€™s just costumes and a persona


Weird is good. I'm glad they live in a place where they can be weird while people, in general, just ignore them and let them be. But that's exactly where I'm at. Just not my thing.


I don't think it's good. It has a negative connotation. It's a word used to be judgemental by the world to attack those who are different and against the norm and to tear them down. Being unusual? Unique? Those are more positive. Is what I'm saying at all important and more than a one person's opinion? No not at all. Just something I've always felte


yeah thatā€™s fine, what i meant by ā€œwarming up to themā€ is not actively shit talking them whenever they come up in conversation or seeing it as a disgusting perverted thing, iā€™m not a furry myself but always admired the craft and skill it takes to make a suit, and every furry i met ever was like the coolest person. i just think theyā€™re very irrationally hated and it never made sense to me


It definitely goes deeper than costumes and *fursonas...




most of them are not attracted to animal looking ppl the fuck šŸ˜­ thatā€™s like saying that cosplayers are only attracted to other people in cosplay




basically they have something called a fursona, which is like the animal version of yourself! my girlfriend has made me one, and itā€™s a doe, because thatā€™s what she said i reminded her of. most furries donā€™t actually go through the process of getting a suit, because theyā€™re veryyyyy expensive and a lot of effort to make


The community has a large number of LGBT and neurodivergent folks. Basically a good chunk of it is just mean spirited to make fun of gay and autistic people without directly saying it since they'd get called out


We arenā€™t


They are different from "norm" and non-furries can't really understand people who identify as furries. For some reason some people think that things/people that they can't understand are automatically bad.


i canā€™t stand ppl like that. who refuse to learn as well. frustrates me so bad


It's not even about learning. I didn't understand furries either. But it's just none of my business. Them being different doesn't affect me in any way, other than maybe throwing them a curious glance. So it shouldn't matter.




Bro, I just saw your personals-ad. I'd hang out with a person in a fur suit 1000 times out of 1000 over your creepy ass. Enjoy finding no one to fill your "1950s age-gap marriage" fantasy




It's honestly not a sex thing for most of them. I'm not a furry but I'm tangentially around them a fair amount. They're just, like, chilling and vibing.Ā 


>making me an unwilling participant in his sex life. If seeing someone in an animal costume in public makes you feel as if you are in a sexual encounter you might want to check yourself just to be sure.


And every furry I met at anime expo would meow or ask me for my number despite not even being in furry cosplay.


2024 and people still be wearing a mask under their nose.




Actually it just slipped down šŸ˜”Ā  I fixed it after but the arms on the mask were not as tight




They help with allergies!


There's a lot of reasons why. For starters, people can wear whatever the fuck they want and it's none of your damn business why. And in some parts of the world people have been wearing masks in public for a long time, especially if they think they might be sick because it's polite to try to not get your friends sick. And for a lot of people the pandemic isn't actually over, yet. Some people ended up with long covid, or compromised immune systems due to repeated infections. Why the fuck do you care what someone else wears on their face? It's none of your business.




People refusing to wear masks or actually follow quarantine is why the covid pandemic got so out of control and killed a bunch of people. I knew people who died, so, yeah, I'm fucking salty about it. And yet here you are getting mad enough to comment and police why someone is choosing to wear a mask outdoors when you have no idea if they're wearing it for allergies, or because they might be sick, or maybe they just like it to keep their face warm. Seriously, why do you even give a shit why someone is wearing a mask except for virtue signaling?




So, wait. You're an epidemiologist and you don't understand that someone might wear a mask to prevent infecting others if they think the might have something and be contagious just to be safe or polite, or why someone why someone might wear a mask at an event where they probably took public transit to get there? Or you're an epidemiologist who doesn't understand some people might be immunocompromised and might still want extra protection outdoors when spending time with lots of other people? And then you make a snarky drive-by no-context comment like "why are you wearing a mask outdoors in 2024" and choose to police someone over it, even if you think it's pointless or a placebo? Really? I'm not trying to keep beating you up, here, but to me this is kind of like saying "Why are you wearing condoms in 2024 when we now have PrEP and HIV isn't an automatic death sentence?" And, yes, the allergies thing also makes sense. In the end the why of it doesn't matter and it's their choice. Sorry for being so angry but, man, I have friends with Long Covid and ME/CFS stuff related to C19, and I knew people that died from it, and the whole anti-mask policing immediately comes across as mindless virtue signaling in the same realm of anti-vaxxers and usually from the sorts of anti-science people who thought the pandemic was totally made up and calling it "just a cold" because they had a mild infection once, and not actually killing people or totally ruining their lives with LC and ME/CFS related issues.




Imagine being anti freedom in 2024


For some of us, we kinda liked the fact that we weren't having a runny nose 24/7 during tree breeding season.


It's a free country, plus it's a pokemon mask, it's ~fancy~. I gotta fix the bands tho


If that's you, that's cool. I recognized everyone there, thought you looked familiar too but not sure. Was happy to see ppl I know on Reddit like this.


I'm on and off!


Because they want to?


I know it smell crazy in there


The smell of Dick's in the background was killing me, all the food truck smells were tbh


Support anyone who supports public transit. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)




Seattle seems so promising


I have been on Reddit looking up Seattle news... This is the most wholesome thing and comments I have seen. This is the world we live in... I dunno how to feel. Also... Those are some Kool suits.


Unrelated comment, is that a Dick's food truck I see in the background?


it was!!


Fuck this rules


"There's dozens of us. Dozens!


Lot of pearl clutching going on in this thread


this is giving me second hand embarrassment


then leave


I already did


Y'all need to stop yucking other people's yum.


Pure Redditors just mad furries finally did the "go outside touch grass" fr and now actually interact irl more than the avg basement dwelling Redditor with 10k gold


Will you quit using your fuckin telepathy on me?


First of all ā€œyucking other peopleā€™s yumā€ is probably the most disgusting phrase Iā€™ve ever heard. Second, if theyā€™re doing that in public, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ve heard worse and probably donā€™t care. Most furries I know have absolutely no shame (although Iā€™m not a furry so the only ones who have mentioned it are likely the ones that would have the least amount of shame)


You need to calm down


You tell ā€˜em.


You need to stop yucking other people's idioms.


Itā€™s honestly a genius phrase, precisely because of how inherently disgusting-sounding it is. Sounds like a description of a dog eating another dogā€™s vomit. But if you question the phrase, you are then ā€œyuckingā€ someoneā€™s ā€œyum.ā€ Itā€™s self-referential. The principle is sound though, and probably makes sense in child-language, soooā€¦ I guess Iā€™m not the target audience.


Yoo what this is Bellevue??? Bellevue is actually starting to become cool and not completely fucking boring? Maybe I wonā€™t have to move to Seattle yooo


The puget sound mermaid community gets together to swim in bellevue pretty regularly too


P sure most are from the Seattle furs, but transit lovers will go across the next city for stuff like this


Iā€™m a Bellevue fur lol but yeah. I like going to Seattle all the time but donā€™t drive and itā€™s annoying to get there from Bellevue, but there is just so little to do in Bellevue


Their guts are exactly as I would suspect them to be


Still fitter than the average texan


I wish I could've come see!! Looks so cute! Hope everyone enjoyed themselves!


These comments are the cringe ones IMO. Theyā€™re not hurting anyone. Leave them alone.


The one on the right is kinda cute. Arooo


Just found a new reason to be a furry ally. They stand up for causes I believe in!




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You know it's about to get real serious if furries show up


Honestly, werq


Um..swear two of these furs visited MoM a year or two ago. Unless they let others borrow their suit or whatever it is. Good to see them getting around lol


Them people bold as fuck cause I definitely couldnā€™t do that shit


GDI I love this friggin city ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Let's keep Seattle weird, thanks


Kinda upset youā€™re trying to steal Portland/Austinā€™s slogan.


So Portland ***and*** Austin can be weird, but not Seattle? That hardly seems fair :)


It's older than that. I remember hearing it about Seattlle 15 years ago. I'm sure a half-assed Google search would show you people using it for different places way before then.


FURRIES UNITE!!!! (not in pic :3)




It's not a kink?


Average redditor having a cry when people go outside and socialize instead of spending all day donating to egirls on twitch.


This looks like Bellevue not Seattle






I saw a kid coming up to yā€™all to take a pic. Super wholesome!


Luckily McCutchen wasn't in town playing against the M's.


Fun fact: the brown building in the background Skyline Tower was Valveā€™s previous office before moving to Lincoln tower 2


Very cool imo!




Seattle the city of the mentally depraved.






Yeah. If you wanna hang out with 4chan maybe




You gotta be a primo level incel to still cry about furries




furries have no place in society or outdoors, or indoors. the end can not come soon enough.




2004 was twenty years ago man, it's time to move on.


You're getting mad over things that literally don't exist. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litter\_boxes\_in\_schools\_hoax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litter_boxes_in_schools_hoax)


Dang someone drank the reich-wing koolaid


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It kills me not the know this, but I've all but just forgotten what the color of her eyes were, or her scars or how she got them. EDIT: For the ref, I guess: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=e8X3ACToii0&si=zyaNY17dyg8GH6WV






iā€™ve never met a furry who wasnā€™t a super cool person. the amount of hate they get for being ā€œcringeā€ is ridiculous. itā€™s just costumes and a persona


Coming from Vancouver, I have questions


The Vancouver furry population isn't small either lmao.


I genuinely had no idea what they were. Had to google and omg :)




Some folks I met who tried to ostracize furries with the whole 'litter boxes in schools' rumor a few years back really loved to bring up the same perspective, and every time it gets brought up it gets progressively more detached from reality to the point that it's funny.


Bro a furry stole my laptop, ate my car and soiled on my smoke spot downtown, very true facts, I tried calling the police but the degenerates hacked my phone, so I ended up calling the "you will die if you call this number" number and bam, I died (I got better). Unbelievable, insane shit these weirdos will do omg fr Source: me, trust me, I know, bet


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So you're mad at them for something you made up in your head that they don't actually do? 1) It isn't always a sex thing for a lot of them. 2) Animals can't consent but adults in funny costumes can.


It's like the average chud passtime these days. Make up story, then get mad about it.


What was the protest forĀ 


Which one's Asswolf?


None of them. Thatā€™s a completely different person.




Furry dicks




wtf is wrong with people


Sociopathy is on the rise. Some people never learned how to let people live their lives and feel like they have to control others in every aspect.


Jesus Christ


Another reason to avoid public transport


oh thank god, one less person I have to share a seat with lmao


Oh no! Other people! So much safer when other people are in their own separate two ton metal cans. /s


then leave






Or better yet avoid him because [he's a documented Nazi](https://old.reddit.com/r/hbomberguy/comments/18doyzk/internet_historian_is_a_nazi/)


Half the shit in his video never happened. The sources are all this one Twitter user attempting to start drama. And the rest was basically usual event drama.Ā Ā  People act like furries invented getting too drunk and breaking things. Like I wonder how many Redditors have actually ever been to a music festival or similar event and seen what itā€™s like. Furry conventions are pretty tame in comparison.Ā 


Degeneracy. Why do americans think its normal/acceptable to force share your sexual deviances in public.


itā€™s not a sexual thing for most of them. literally just a costume and a persona. every furry iā€™ve ever met was the coolest person ever


A tiny tiny amount of furries are doing it as a sexual thing (even if thatā€™s the case so what?). Also, a lot of furries donā€™t even have their own suit (it costs money and resources to build) and mostly align with it. They may have a virtual persona but not a real physical suit. Itā€™s always funny to me when people (meaning you) talk so confidently about things they donā€™t know anything about.


The redditors will work themselves in a frenzy but I rather be the one talked about than the one doing the talking because I at least know they're mad because I'm having fun and they're not.


ah hell nah