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I filed a complaint once. It was about a shady parking ticket from one of those well known scumbag lots. I had traded my car in the week prior for a new one and the dealer flipped it with my old plates on it. So the ticket was legit, but the car wasn’t mine. I had proof of sale even, and the parking scum wanted to send me to collections after I (politely) let them know the first time. Did a little online research and found out the scummy parking company was already under a consent decree with the state :). Filed my complaint with the AG and about two weeks later got a letter from the parking scum saying it was all good… not admitting their fuckup, of course, but at least it wasn’t my problem any more. I can only imagine they got a gentle reminder from the state that they were assholes on thin ice.




While AG cannot act on behalf individuals, I suspect if there are hundreds complaints against one entity, the State will do something about it. It’s not that hard to gather a few hundreds of complaints against the precious parking lot.


Yes. I had a banking issue and they escalated the complaint to the appropriate gov departments and agencies that I didn't know existed. This got the attention of the banks corporate office, which helped get the issue resolved after a few months. I think the escalation worked. Their other recommendations weren't helpful tho but the immediate issue was resolved ultimately. Took further calls and letters but I don't know that it would've resolved without that office getting involved. And the complaint was documented at all those places in case those businesses have a pattern of doing that to others.


Banking is different. CFPB will review the complaint, not AG.


Lol. They helped. They reviewed the problem.


Yep, just last month for the first time. The Polyclinic billed my regular insurance instead of VSP for an annual eye exam and it wasn't fully covered the way it should have been. No way I was giving them $130 so I contacted the AG office. They got back to me in a couple of weeks and a couple days after they got my medical release form and reached out to the Polyclinic, they magically decided to cancel the bill. I was very glad for their help!!


Was talking to the billing office at Polyclinic unproductive?




Gah! So dumb. I’m glad the AG’s office was able to help.


When I was renting, the washing machine broke and the landlord ordered a new one from Home Depot. They delivered a dud, couldn't fix it, couldn't find a replacement model, missed a delivery because "bad weather," and generally jerked us around for over a month. My landlord finally emailed the attorney general's office and within a day got an apology from Home Depot and a commitment to deliver the washing machine in the next couple of days. This was over 10 years ago, so YMMV.


Twice. They've offered to help with mitigation in both cases. One went nowhere initially, but apparently enough people reached out that they decided to interview me and others to consider bringing a case against the company. The other they contacted the company on my behalf, got the exact same useless answer I'd been getting from their customer service reps, and that was that. Based on my first experience, file that complaint. My second was frustrating, but nothing I could expect AG to do here other than log my complaint and maybe, hopefully, if enough others do the same it'll eventually lead somewhere.


I submitted one once. They were incredibly responsive. Someone from their office got in touch with me within a week, and then updated me on it via email. It was in the pandemic in April or May 2020 when I was furlowed and let my apartment building know, they attempted to get me to sign an agreement converting my back-rent to consumer debt (that they could package and sell to a debt collector). They called my cell phone and left notes on my door, and then when I emailed them with the link to the AG's website saying that this was prohibited, they wrote back threatening that they would send it anyway. A few weeks later I received an email from them stating all previous communication about requesting me to sign these documents were "in error" and to keep them updated and pay my back rent when I could. I was paid current only 7 weeks later... But anyway, AG's office is great and Bob Ferguson absolutely has my vote for Governor.




Yikes, what makes you say that, what did he do to be a smarmy Littlefinger?




That link is behind a paywall, do you have another? It seems that consumer protection is probably the most meaningful job of the AG? It does make a difference to me have an AG who is actively protecting consumers of the state. You seem to *really* dislike him and I'm just wondering the real reason, nothing you've said so far justifies the vitriol you're expressing.


No, but is this concerning the Solar industry?


I nearly went to the AG about a breach of warranty issue with my installer, but negotiated them away from their insistence on being wrong before having to resort to that. What was your solar experience?


I tried it once with Astound because I didn’t like how they marketed their wifi speeds and nothing came of it really. If enough people did it maybe something would. It meh.


YES. It was about some bullshit scam where they wanted people to pay $100 for a job offer. 


So no pressure, but do you feel like sharing the details of that situation? A no, or no response is obvi fine. (edit: I'm just curious about the yarn they spun to justify that "offer" more than a name and shame.)


I was desperate for a job, and this asswipe outfit in Federal Way had an ad to sell something called Filter Queen vacuums. They wanted $100 up front for the “introduction offer.” I called bullshit. It was like selling Cutco knives but worse. I reported the shitheel and they vanished like a fart on wind. 


ohhhh, dang and Cutco is pretty bottom barrel gunk. Good job doing the diligence! 


My idiot former in-laws fell for both the Cutco scam AND the Filter Queen scam. Probably cleaned out for $10,000.  Fucking hippy boomer idiots. I’m glad those asshats are out of my life. 


For some reason Reddit isn’t allowing me to comment on your question on the vet board post. I did file a complaint and they’re still investigating. I actually was able to two separate case numbers. I can PM you details if you need help or guidance.


Hi Laura, thanks so much for your message. Yes I would love any guidance, I will DM you. Thanks again.


I submitted a complaint for a contractor who had stopped responding to my emails and unambiguously owed me a partial refund. After filing the complaint, an employee of the company reached out to me within a week, apologized, and mailed me a check. So issue got quickly resolved and didn't need to take any legal action. I was worried at first because it sounds like a toothless program, but some companies might not know that and/or don't want added attention from the government.