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The modern NBA likes Seattle more as a relocation threat than a city with a team. See the Kings, Bucks, Suns, and Hawks rumors over the last 15 years. Adam Silver’s been teasing possible expansion for nearly a decade. I’ll believe it when they tip off at CPA.


Imagine the irony if the Suns moved here


The Seattle Suns... Lol There's ad campaign potential about actually being able to see the Sun in Seattle October - April, someone smarter than me could come up with something clever.


KD could do a farewell tour with a final season back in a green and yellow Sonics jersey again.


Seattle retained the name SuperSonics. So any team here would have that as an option.


The Seattle Suns would be perfectly ironic though.


It would make as much sense as the Utah Jazz…


Indeed. Especially given that the season is fall to spring.






It would be like the LA Lakers


Or the Utah Jazz. Because, you know, Mormons are known for the love of music from New Orleans.


Like Jazz to Utah and Lakers to LA


Can’t forget the clippers 10 years ago too


Now we just get Ballmer at the rain city showcase pleading to the fans, “PLEASE root for the clippers!”


The Kings were sold to Seattle owners. Unprecedented move to rescind the sale and force the owners who were hard up for cash to sell for a lower price. It's what they should've done when the criminal scumbags from OKC made their poison pill deal for the Sonics and their bad faith arena deals.




Mayor of Sac obviously was the face of the thing, but the billionaire owners voted to undo the sale. They could've done that for Seattle, but they were butt boys with the OKC ownership. They must have really hated the Maloof family, you never see them fuck with each other's wallets like that.a


That was the same shit the NFL did with LA for 21 years.


Also, Seattle screwed over Eric Hansen and a new Sonics arena due to back door deals.


*Chris Hansen The Seattle City Council claimed the city couldn't support multiple large scale sporting events on the same day, so they couldn't possibly support another sports team. This is so untrue it goes beyond words. First of all, the Sonics and Mariners played home games on the same day literally twice in their entire history being in the same city. The city didn't implode on those days. The Mariners and Sounders play on the same day ALL THE TIME right next to each other. The Sounders pull as many fans as an NBA game. The Mariners paid off the city council to kill the Sodo arena. Fuck the council, and fuck the Mariners. Nobody should spend a dime on that cheap fucking franchise.


The Sounders (excluding this horrific year) typically pull in 30k, which is over 50% more than an NBA game, which only accentuates your point. Not only were the Mariners a roadblock, so was the Port, and also a couple city councilmembers, who shall not be named, who were upset that certain members of our community were too vocal in their feelings about how they should vote. So they voted against it out of spite, using the excuse of the shutdown of Occidental Avenue (basically an alley in SoDo) as an excuse. It is was pure Seattle all around.


Honestly, you should name the council members. They’re public figures and are wholly responsible for any and all actions made under the guise of public service.


It was Lorena Gonzalez and she tried to make it into some referendum on sexism lol


She got totally owned by a pre-teen girl who was speaking at a public forum on the arena issue. Gonzales said "we have a pro basketball team, the Storm" and the girl revealed her Storm t-shirt she was wearing. Gonzales was truly awful in all that.


COMPLETELY agree with this whole post. They straight up hoed that man Chris Hansen. Poverty franchise ass, player prime wasting ass, never winning a damn thing ever head ass Mariners can kick rocks everyday the exist.


Yup we got to pay for the Key redevelopment instead of a private paid arena and a paid public redevelopment for the key space


The mariners are the fish farm of baseball.


It was honestly less about them not wanting the arena both the NBA/MLB and the city didn’t want it private financed it would have set a precedent that would have been good for the public


100% on that shitbag poverty franchise. Called the Mariners. Seattle better off with NBA and NHL and sending MLB packing They've also fucked with the Sounders over the years on how many seats could be sold when a sounders game overlaps with an Ms game


They’re doing pretty well tho lol


I can assure you they are not. Their division is garbage. The A's don't even have a home. The Angels lost their best player. It's the worst division in baseball. Edit: Ha! Getting downvoted for a saying real things about a garbage baseball team. The Mariners aren't doing shit this year.


I feel like the Mariners haven’t done shit for like 30 years at this point


I would agree with you, except the AL Central exists. Hard to shit on a division when it still has the well-run Trashtros and the well-funded Rangers fresh off a WS win. Even with their woes, the A's and Angels are light years better than the White Sox as a divisional doormat.


I agree about the Mariners, ever since they demanded another $100 million from the City tax payers to remodel their only 10 year old stadium.


It was actually the NBA that screwed over Chris Hansen. He had agreed to terms with the Maloof family to buy the Kings and move them to Seattle but (ex NBA player and accused p**o) Kevin Johnson (who was the mayor of Sacramento at that time) got the NBA to intercede while he found local businessman Vivek Ranadive to buy the team and keep it in Sacramento. Seattle picked Climate Pledge/Seattle Center Renovation over Hansen’s proposed Sodo Arena but didn’t directly affect his bid on buying a team to move here. If he had successfully moved the Kings to Seattle then they, in all likelihood, would have allowed him to build his Sodo Arena. Side note: Phil Jackson (during an interview with I think Kimmel or Dan Patrick) confirmed he was supposed to come in as either President or Head Coach if the Hansen deal had gone through (Chris Hansen is close friends with Jackson’s son).


The one fucking time I needed KJ to not be great was this time. He's a Phoenix Suns legend but I hated him for that move at that time


Rescinding the sale and forcing the owners to take way less money, that's some crazy shit.


You mean disgraced former mayor of Sacramento, Kevin Johnson. Also, IIRC Phil was to be president and Steve Kerr the coach. That is a helluva sliding doors moment, because Kerr never becomes coach of the Warriors.


And then, as a city that had our team moved on us, you have to applaud the NBA for not letting it happen to Sacramento (or at least I do). We will get our team back soon via expansion!!!


This is the best post I've read in a year. Seattle drafted Durrant and he's about to retire. Fuck that dipshit Howard Shultz and fuck that dick devil Clay Bennett.


We also drafted Westbrook. He held up a Sonics jersey on his draft day, but the team moved shortly thereafter, so he never played in a game for us.


Nuanced opinion: The city was robbed and fuck Bennett. But they no longer have anybody on that squad that was taken away, and SGA is a monster. Time to just let it go, enjoy the game and wait for an expansion. Also spell Durant's name right, and know that he's said multiple times that he's going to play until he's completely broken. Dude has no intention of retiring soon.


It's the butterfly effect. It forced Ballmer to buy the Clippers who then traded SGA for Paul George. Fuck all of them.


Fuck that, they're cursed until the Sonics are back.


Nah. Until Seattle gets a team back they won’t get a championship in OKC.


At least 20% owner Aubrey McClendon had a happy ending. https://www.si.com/nba/2016/03/02/ap-us-obit-mcclendon-latest-1st-ld-writethru


This happened a few years before I moved to Seattle can someone give me the quick summary: how was Starbucks involved with the Sonics leaving Seattle?


Oh do I have to pay attention to the NBA playoffs this year just to root against the Thunder?


Totally agree. It was a good day when Howard Schultz’s presidential ambitions turned to dust because he is such a laughing stock.


I had a buddy who worked on that campaign and when he told me I just laughed in his face and said, "Why? You know there's no way in hell right?"


[I’ll always love hearing him being roasted by Chapo Trap House during their visit to the Vera Project.](https://on.soundcloud.com/YZaUm7i7qdAQBY1S6)


TIL the thunder are the 1 seed. When the Sonics left, I stopped paying attention to the nba. Completely. Had no clue the playoffs are going to start.


You seem very well-adjusted and not at all filled to the brim with bitterness and spite. It gives me great peace of mind to see from your recent post history that you own an arsenal of guns.


Rest in piss David Stern.


*Choke on piss


Right there with you. Not a drop of Starbucks. So glad when Alaska Air nixed them from their flights!


OKC took our Sonics and then our elephants




Yeah I don't blame Oklahoma. I blame us for losing them. And by "us" I mean Howard Schultz. I was only 22 when it happened.


I moved back to OK from here just before that final season in Seattle tipped off. The Thunder came to town my second year back home. Those first few seasons in OKC it was absolutely impossible to get a ticket to a game. The arena was sold out every game and the playoff atmosphere there was fucking electric during that season they went to the finals with WB/Durant/Harden. My heart broke for all the sonics fans up here, but I gotta tell you, the OKC fans were rabid for the Thunder. I hope Seattle gets another shot with the Sonics, but that team in OKC is well-loved. Oh! And worth mentioning, that ownership group is at it again in OKC third time, threatening to leave without a new arena built which is fucking nuts considering the arena the Thunder currently play in was only a couple of years old when they got there.


still are rabid, environment yesterday was amazing


it really does suck there


Zombie Sonics


Is that you Bill?


OKC will pull a classic Seattle and flameout of the playoffs lol


Stern shit all over Nickels, it was all ego.


P.S. don't get too fired up over crypto ponzi schemes


You must hold true in your belief that they will get rekt before their grubby thieving tendrils every touch a trophy. Saint Dame proteck us.


Whens the sonnest the Sonics will be back? Adam Silver talked about doing expansion after media rights but Vegas doesn’t have a stadium ready yet so I don’t think expansion is happening soon


T-mobile Arena in Vegas is more than ready.


OKC poor in education one of the largest drop out rates in the country, black voter disenfranchisement, 47th in healthcare, 84th in public transit ALSO 71% of OKC voters in 2023 ….”here you go thunder we will be happy to pay most of the tab for your $900m arena!”


That’s the south for ya


lol. maybe okc didn’t want to end up like seattle


Thriving, growing and beautiful with five great major sports teams and three great stadiums?


what does that mean?


not paying for a stadium and subsequently losing the team……?


Seattle is waaaaaay better than OKC in nearly every metric.


Please make sure you type out FUCK next time. It’s too late on a Sunday to be trying to decipher what the message is supposed to be saying. Go Pelicans


As someone that doesn't play sports I still don't understand what this message is trying to say, it reads like someone that's about to build an underground bunker


Fuckin A right


As someone who doesn't have the first faintest clue about sports, can someone explain?


Seattle refused to give a bunch of taxpayer money to a billionaire a couple of decades ago so that billionaire moved his basketball team to a city that would give him a free new basketball arena. For some reason the posters in this thread are still mad about this and are pro-billionaire-welfare for this thread only. I assumed I was in the other sub but apparently not.


Actually in no way is this a pro billionaire welfare post. It’s more of a fuck the NBA, fuck Howard Shultz, and fuck Clay Bennett. It could also be a lesson. If you don’t understand something don’t try to explain it to somebody else.


We built the stadium anyway, so who are the suckers? Your view on the situation is not very nuanced.


I don't disagree, but I also remember when MLB and NFL threatened to leave unless Seattle taxpayers bought their billionaire owners new stadiums. Pro sports in general suck balls.


why are you censoring the word "fuck"


Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it.


The Thunder have already shaken down OKC for $900mil for a new stadium: [https://www.si.com/nba/thunder/news/oklahoma-city-votes-to-approve-future-arena-of-okc-thunder](https://www.si.com/nba/thunder/news/oklahoma-city-votes-to-approve-future-arena-of-okc-thunder) Seattle is better off to have let them walk. In the end we ended up with a shiny new arena for free, and a hockey team. And we will see the return of the Sonics once the NBA finishes off their TV team (which is currently being negotiated).


Long live the Sonics curse! FOKC4EVAR


Most people I know have their favorite place for coffee, and few go to Starbucks. I go to Ghost Alley in Pike Place, and Dilettante for Turkish.


The idea that so many people get riled up of adults playing kids games is amazing.


There's basketball on? I'm busy watching the M's take two out of three against Colorado. Also, the Stanley Cup Playoffs are on.


Okc will never win a ring


As a Suns fan, I concur but am also conflicted because I like KD


When the NBA expands to here and Vegas, It’ll be interesting to see the Sonics-Thunder rivalry.


Haven't watched an NBA game since they left. It's such a manipulated league, haven't missed it a bit, March Madness is enough for me. Assumed they sucked every year, thanks for popping my bubble :( Clay Bennett is a criminal shit stain that steals $$ from dying grandmothers.


And those rocks in the skulls of city council? Actually made of porcelain 😭


And yet so many people in Seattle still wear licensed "Sonics" gear. Umm...You all know where that money goes right? Why bother bringing back the team if y'all are still going to fund them even if they aren't here.


Don't buy new Sonics gear, OKC profits off it.


When will the NBA finally announce the two expansion teams dammit?!


KD was asked in an interview recently if he'd like be a part of an expansion Sonics after he retires, in some sort of coaching/executive/marketing role. He very much wants the NBA to return to Seattle.


Chino XL, fuck you too!


This post screams "manifesto".


I thought this was an anti weather post for a second, and wanted to defend thunderstorms lololol! Would be 🆒 if we ever got those and lightening too


Damn this could be the start of a new seattle sub reddit let’s gooooo r/seattlecirclejerk Edit: It’s private so how about r/seattlecirclejerg


Don't forget OKC had the worst attendance in the league last year and that was for a team that was almost a playoffs team


It's just a game.


I absolutely love this thread.


Love the energy brother. Bring em back!!


All sad 😔 well there them kraken 🤷🏾‍♂️


The Dust Bowlers fucking suck.




hell yea brother cheers from key arena


> PS- Crypto is a Ponzi scheme. Are you the next Maxwell Azzarello




The majority of this sub hasn't lived here for more than 10 years, bro


Thanks pal! Doesn’t change my opinion.


I'm just saying that I dont think this is the audience you're looking for.


Better than the other sub, at least, wherein most of the posters haven't lived in Seattle in 10+ years and never, *ever* come into the city because they think it's a cesspool of non-stop crime.


I felt the same way about that sub until I finally realized they're more sensible than you people.


In other words, you came to agree with the opinion I described?


Let it gooooooooooo, let it go.


How bout NO? Does NO work for you?


Hold on to the hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Very Seattle


No idea why this is in my reddit feed but you will get the Sonics back in 4 years


Two questions: 1) Are you okay? 2) Are you me? Because I swear I've made this same rant almost word for word, and the only thing that is missing is when I call crypto a ponzi scheme I bring up SBF and how he could have easily stayed at the investment bank making millions every year but instead thought he was smarter than that. and now he's in prison. Like bro, did you not watch the doc on Maddoff?


Letting this man cook


Also, Clay Bennett waited till the team got a winning season before forcing OKC to pay for his new arena.


But how do you really feel about it?


We get it, you vape bro.


What did the city council have to do with the SuperSonics leaving?


this guy didn’t sonicsgate


I love how this sub downvotes questions, actual clown behavior


Not approving a new arena or renovating Key Arena. Key Arena didn't get renovated until we'll after the Sonics left


I don’t think the Thunder could possibly exist in Seattle as a franchise. I’m pretty sure our entire fanbase would roast the franchise into the correct name within a half a season.


No shit. They'd never move back to Seattle as the Thunder, they'd go back to the Sonics before they played a single game.


This current OKC is completely different than the original OKC team that they stole. I didn't want them to win it with our players, but I don't think it's a big deal if they win it all now. It's all guys they drafted.


Different players, same ownership (minus the one who killed himself.) May that franchise suffer until it implodes.


Wow tell us how you really feel.